4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 3, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

a show done so right that you can ignore it’s flaws

One thing I can say for certain is that bad buddy is special. So special that it is kind of hard to put into words.

I wasn’t sure about bad buddy when the teaser first came out but the by the second episode I was hooked and there was no going back. The first 5 episodes were incredibly well done but story wise the show kind of lost me around episode 8 and 9. As much as I enjoyed the wholesome moments between pat and pran, the whole wai conflict and resolution didn’t make any sense to me and not nearly enough time was spent on it. The same goes with the main conflict of the story. The resolution was way too rushed and it felt like they made us watch pat and pran suffer only for it to just end like that.

That being said I think this show just had so much it wanted to do and it didn’t have enough episodes to do them so they just rushed through it.

NOW about the product placement. omg (I feel like I’m so alone on this) I couldn’t care less. Like it did get a excessive but you know what it was entertaining. Every now and then I’ll go and watch that clip of them dancing promoting that one drink. Did it kind of take away from the show? Yes, but it the best possible way. I really don’t care if anyone agrees with me :)

To be honest I could go on and on about pat and pran and how amazing they are but I’m going to keep it short and just say they’re prefect. They are what carried this entire show.

The supporting characters did not get the screen time they deserved but again I just think there needed to be more episodes. Especially for wai because like I said I was not satisfied with the way his conflict ended. Ink and pa also deserved way more. They were super cute and it would’ve been nice to see them build their relationship.

Everyone did very well but ESPECIALLY ohm and nanon. The fact they were already really great actors and that they had natural chemistry was a recipe for success. They deserve all the praise they’re getting.

our song and just friend have been on repeat for me since they came out. enough said.

Despite the criticisms I have of this show it’s definitely one of my favorite shows of all time. Is it flawed? Yes. Do I care? Not really. This show has a lot of heart and I connected a lot with the main characters. I think people get too caught up in trying to analyze and critique it (not that that’s a bad thing) that they forget that as long as you enjoyed watching it, then it did it’s job. So, yes. This show was a 10/10 because it was funny, intense, and heartfelt. It took me on an interesting ride that made me laugh, cry, and smile. I’m sad that it’s over but I will definitely be rewatching it soon.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 30, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

you grow into it

It's interesting that while it looks and feels like a very fast-paced serial drama, it really is a bit of slow-burn that brings the viewer gradually into whatever is happening on the screen. A little bit of online reading up on the state of LGBTQ affairs in Thailand, this is likely one of those where we can say that, yes, it's possible that this is really how things are evolving when it comes to same-sex relationships there.

And this is a good thing - a timely drama that entertains, and also informs. This series will have a very wide audience everywhere it's shown.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 22, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Do you want us to be friends?

It is actually really rare for me to give a drama, especially one that is solely romance with no other significant plot component, 10 stars. And that is simply because I feel like giving a 10-star rating means that it's so good that I can love it in its entirety despite its flaws and that doesn't happen to me very often but "Bad Buddy" was one such case.

Does this drama have flaws? Definitely. Were they enough to taint my memory of this drama? Definitely not.

What I love about this drama is that while the main enemies-to-lovers conflict still feels very over the top and exaggerated like in most romance dramas, it still manages to utilize this trope effectively to discuss very real problems. This drama did not feel like something that was made by straight women in an attempt to satisfy their fantasies about queer men; it felt like something that was made by people who really cared to create something that would resonate with queer people.

Pat and Pran's feelings didn't just come out of nowhere. They didn't simply hate each other one day and suddenly realized that they actually loved each other since long ago. Their romance felt like an organic by-product of them being forced to spend so much time together and always having to look out for each other specifically *because* they were enemies and eventually realizing that they had more in common than they thought they would and that their personalities actually meshed together pretty well. You can clearly see the natural progression of them developing these feelings but then being set back during high school because they were separated by Pran's parents and now that they are in their early adult years and can make their own choices, they just decided to not hold back anymore.

The build-up to their relationship was silent, which is another thing I really enjoyed watching because that's how it is for most queer people. There is an innate uncertainty that comes with dating as a queer person that goes beyond the usual "Will they like me or will they reject me?" that straight folks experience because you don't just feel scared that they will reject your feelings but your entire being, fundamentally destroying the potential for any kind of future relationship with them, may it be as friends or just acquaintances. The pining looks and tender smiles Pat and Pran gave each other resonated with me because I could relate them to my own experiences as a queer person.

Another aspect of the story that I really enjoyed was how they essentially gave the two main characters the same inner conflict of trying to align their desire to be accepted by their families with the wish to please them and fulfill their expectations but still created two unique approaches as to how these conflicts play out. While Pat is much more willing to give up his family for Pran and live a life where he constantly faces rejection by them, Pran ponders over this problem much more. Despite the fact that his parents have enforced unreasonable rules over his life and have most likely inflicted some sort of trauma on him just because of their own personal problems, he is struggling to withdraw from his family and really wants to forgive them and wants them to approve of his relationship with Pat, even if this approval might not come immediately. You can see how these two characters try to find a middle ground between their respective views and are willing to accommodate for each other even if it goes against the grain of their personalities because they are just so in love. While I can personally identify more with Pran, I also appreciated Pat's storyline and am sure many others could see themselves in him.

I also loved the introduction of Ink, a character that wasn't in the novel. Unlike a lot of characters that are just created for the screen adaptation of something, she organically fit into the context of the story to the point where I didn't even realize she wasn't in the novel until I read it. Although she and Pa are just a side couple, their relationship felt fleshed out and realistic and really made me want to root for them. I also liked how Ink wasn't just treated as a plot device to cause a rift between Pat and Pran and enforce some sense of heteronormativity over them but was a memorable character of her own and subverted the trope of girls in BL only being there to either cause drama and break the main couple apart or to be someone's sister or mother. Ink is a good friend to both Pat and Pran and while Pat did have a crush on her at some point, it isn't treated as something that "makes him straight" but is instead used to showcase his bisexuality. In a similar way, Ink also serves to show that Pran really has no romantic interest in women and the series doesn't shy away from actually calling him gay— he isn't just in love with Pat but otherwise straight like so many characters in BL but he actively denies ever having any interest in women beyond friendship and even though you can clearly see him appreciate Ink and enjoy her company, his relationship to her feels fundamentally different than his relationship to Pat. By extension, Pa fills a comparable role wherein she isn't just used to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings between Pat and Pran but actually diverges from the usually passive sister role in BL to indulge in her own love life and fulfill her role as a good and supportive sister to Pat.

The drama also strikes a good balance between depicting sexual acts but not sexualizing the characters. A lot of BL dramas that do include sex scenes make them feel very fetishistic and make the male leads fall into stereotypical top/bottom roles. Yet at the same time, dramas that completely shy away from even addressing sex while featuring allosexual adult characters have a tendency to feel very stripped-down and adapted to the general public's level of acceptance towards queer content and often don't even feature the characters kissing aside from the one big kiss at the grand finale. But "Bad Buddy" shines a light on all facets of their relationship in a respectable manner: between showing these soft scenes of them just holding hands or laughing and being dumb together to these small, soft pecks they share that feel like the characters really adore one another and sex scenes that intentionally feel vague enough so you cannot definitively say who was the top or bottom in this situation, if anyone even was, but also definitely cannot deny that it did happen.

So after raving about this drama for so long, was there anything I actually didn't like? Yes, and that "thing I didn't like" is called Wai. I hated Wai's character and I wanted to punch him in the face on more than one occasion. I hated how he treated Pran, acted unnecessarily aggressive, and even outed his supposed best friend in public just to frame himself as the victim afterward. However, I can understand why Pran forgave him in the end because it is in line with his character in the rest of the show: he is someone who desperately holds onto his friends and family, even if they hurt him. While I didn't agree with his choice to forgive Wai, I could sympathize with him and could not confidently say that I would have acted differently in his stead as we share a lot of common characteristics.

Overall, the drama has its flaws but the acting is just phenomenal and you really feel for the characters and their stories and I cannot deny that I probably cried like a baby multiple times while watching it. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is interested in BL and wants to see a healthy, cute depiction of a gay couple.

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I just love Pat and Pran so much!!

This is a long review so the TLDR;
1. Simple but fun plot without silly tropes or misunderstandings
2. Well thought out, complex and dynamic characters that are so in love it kills you
3. A healthy realistic relationship with amazing chemistry
4. Interesting side characters
5. Good pacing, screenplay, and directing
6. Amazing acting from the main leads
7. Great music that you will be humming for days
Overall, an incredibly entertaining watch that will leave you with a smile on your face and characters you can't forget about.

Spoilers Below
Where do I even begin, oh my god. Although the plot is not anything new or even special really, the way the story was told and everything was executed was so well done, I can't say enough good things about it. There were no toxic cliches and immature misunderstandings. No gay stereotypes like tops and bottoms, or trying to fit the characters into heteronormative ideals. It was just a beautiful love story between two individuals who learn how to love themselves and each other, and I am here for it!

I absolutely just ADORE Pat and Pran, like I can not get them out of my head. First let me talk about Pat, the boy is a walking green flag! He is adorable and sweet, and so so in love. You can see the adoration and love in his eyes when he just thinks about pran let alone looks at him. Every little thing he does for pran just warms my heart I can't even mention specific moments here because everything was endearing. From the guitar, to the kiss, to the confession, to just being there when Pran needs him, everything was great. Plus, he is the KING of communication, so there's that. One thing I just absolutely love is that he knows pran is more reserved and careful than him, so he does everything in his power to make sure Pran is always comfortable, and that none of his boundaries are crossed. Guys, I just wanna cry thinking about it. I just love this stupidly in love, pure, clingy, lovable puppy of a boy and nothing can change my mind. I have seen Ohm in almost all of his other works and I have always enjoyed his acting. He's only been getting better with time, and his talent definitely shines through here. I am so glad that he is finally getting the recognition he deserves.

Pran is also a wonderfully complex character, and I loved watching him throughout the series. His characterization is so complex and dynamic, I loved every moment he was on screen. I especially loved that even though he is reserved he was the king of flirting, and turned pat into an absolute puddle with a single glance. If pat is considered a character to act before he thinks, pran is definitely an over thinker and they compliment each other so well. And while he might be more quiet, he is not any less sure of himself or a pushover. Nanon did an absolutely incredible job portraying such a complex character, and his acting absolutely stole the show. This is the first drama of his I have ever seen, I am certain that I will follow his future projects as well. His acting was so subtle and real, I could feel the emotions through my screen, it was just pouring out of him. I think he is honestly, one of the best actors I have seen in any drama. The one scene that totally ruined me, was at the end of ep 4, when Pat says that he thinks he likes Ink, god! The emotions on his face and the subtle tears in his eyes. It broke my heart, but in a good way. I can't put into words how much that scene moved me. There are so many examples through out the series, where we see more of this amazing subtle acting, that can bring me to an emotional mess just by the change of an expression. I am a huge fan of Ohms, but Nanon just kept drawing my eyes to him.

As amazing as these characters are individually, together they are even better. They just compliment each other so well, and they actually communicate. This is honestly one of the healthiest on screen relationships I have ever seen in BL or straight dramas, and I love it. OhmNanon's chemistry is off the charts. Just single glances and touches has me squealing like a little girl, I can't even begin to describe what they do to me. I am so glad that we got to seem them as a couple, and that they actually behave like one. There are too many BLs where they say they are dating but act even more distant than friends, like just being in the same room is uncomfortable and I am so glad we are moving away from things like that. I also love that neither of them went that cliche 'I am not gay I just love you' route, although not explicitly said I think the show was hinting that Pran is gay, (I wished he did say it explicitly though), and Pat pretty much implied that he was Pan. So a step forward in terms of representation, but still a long way to go.

A major major part of this drama's high rating is honestly just the characters, but the plot itself is good as well. Its not the most amazing or unique plot, but it is an example of a common plot done entreatingly well. The production and story telling was really good, and the pacing was good as well. I never felt like things were dragging or too rushed. The side characters were also interesting and well developed, Ink and Pa were adorable, and I enjoyed every moment Korn was on my screen. I may be a little biased towards Drake though. Jimmy was a sight to look at and Wai had his moments both good and bad. I am a little upset that we didn't see a proper conversation between Wai and Pran though, especially where Wai apologized for outing him, because not cool Wai, not cool!

And finally the music. OMG the music. I did not know that Nanon sings so well, but he does and the first time I heard his song Just Friend? I fell in love. I never listened to Thai music before this, but I cant get this OST out of my head. Even our song is so good. I am not a big music person, so I rarely mention it, unless the music is really good or memorable, and in this case it was both.

I could honestly rewatch this drama over and over again just because I love the characters and actors so much. The plot is simple but fun, and just thinking about PatPran puts a smile on my face. I already miss them so much, and they literally nestled their way into my heart, and don't seem to be keen on coming out anytime soon.

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 8, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

My comfort show and highly recommended...!!!

I came across this series through a reel the tagline attracted me "From those who cannot be friends to from those who cannot be just friends" and "They are here to fool everyone" ..these made me give it a try and the next thing I did was to wait for every Friday.
Their acting and direction is top notch, their relationship looks real (there is no awkward in their acting, this explains how good their acting and I really became a huge fan after this series) and non-toxic, broke all stereotypes, they have insane chemistry.
I first thai song I loves is BBS OST. Even the music video is phenomenal. Product placement is sooo natural.

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 17, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I was really impressed with the performance of this drama. Yes even though the story was set in a university setting (which appears quite often in bl dramas) it was really well written focusing more on the character and their feelings. I'm glad it avoided most of the toxic tropes that are also quite often repeated in BL dramas and focused more on the characters their relationship and how that affected their friends and family and the development of those relationships. The cast was well chosen. I liked the chemistry between the main couple was well done and the relationships between the other characters (friends and family) was portrayed in a more healthy perspective (if I may say so). The music was carefully chosen and I really appreciate this. I feel like the OSTs were chosen to really match up well with the moods and emotions presented in the story so this really helped me to remain engaged with the storyline. I would definitely come back and rewatch this series and I would recommend it to other people because its not the typical story or plot that has been overused. This drama has really overcome all the negative tropes that have been used repeatedly in the BL film industry which I really appreciate.

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 22, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The best thing you will watch in your entire life!!!

Well, if you haven't watched this yet.. STOP READING FURTHER AND JUST GO FOR IT....

This is obviously not your typical BL.. but of course it has a very simple story line. What made the series beautiful was the execution, the excellent performance of the actors and the way how the whole series was directed. TBH, watching the series while it was airing was more fun , although we had to wait for a whole week the wait was fun itself cause we got the whole week to emphasize each episode. The genre is said to be a ROM-COM and of course it was proven throughout the series. More than any other drama I have watched, I felt a countless number of emotions. This show proved that love is very easy as long as your dedicated to it. Neither did I know much about the actors nor the plot before watching, youtube just recommended BBS and as I saw the thumbnail I just clicked and that's how I ended up watching. It was ohm and nannon who brought the plot to life and made it an amazing show

I loved how the music was loud when the scene was brought to its climax and suddenly it was all silent.. making the viewers drawn into the situation with no any other disturbance.. and of course the little details in each and every episode, the more you re watch, the more the small details you see.. The only disappointing thing about this show was that it was short :( other than that there was not a slightest thing I disliked :)

Loved how this show did not have any breakups , pat and pran fought for themselves , for them breaking up was never an option.. My all time favorite episode was ep 11 , It was drastically beautiful .. i was pretty sure that they were gonna breakup but we were fooled like I literally wanted my tears back!! that episode contained all the elements which an episode needed to have ..that whole episode could be made into a marvelous movie. kudos to ohm and nannon like they need not to speak , just looking at each other was enough to know what was going on AND obviously ohm and nannon will be my all time favorite actors , as a veteran kdrama fan I was very impressed by their performance and how they outdid many in the field. SO finally i want to thank the whole bad buddy crew for creating such a masterpiece and whether you are a BL fan or not YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!! Its finally the time to say goodbye to BBS "lets go home" , "good luck , buddy "

(this was my very first time writing a review HEHE)

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 22, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Absolutely Best Drama Out There!!

Everything about this show was just shining and wonderful the whole way through. If anyone needs a BL recommendation, or honestly a drama recommendation in general, this is the show I would shove in their face and make them watch. I want everyone in the world to watch this show and love Pran and Pat as much as I do.

The cast in this show was absolutely top-notch, and I genuinely have no complaints about anyone in this show. Nanon, who plays Pran, is one of GMMTV's best actors at the moment. He can convey so much emotion in a single glance, and he just brightens up the room every time he comes on screen. And Ohm, who plays Pat, is so great at the sweet-couple-romance stuff and the emotional stuff. Every show he's been in, he's made me cry. I can't think of better actors to play Pran and Pat.

The other actors were great, too! Love and Milk both now have a fan in me, and I'm really interested to see Jimmy's show that comes out this year. As far as supporting cast goes (and as much as Jimmy and Drake's characters pissed me off during the show), they were wonderful.

The overall plot was really well done, as well! I've said it once and I'll say it again— I'm such a sucker for pining! And this show had it in spades. As Pa says within the show, "if you want to know if they like you... look to the eyes. The eyes don't lie." And every time Pran looked at Pat, or Pat looked at Pran, I felt my heart about to burst with the pining going on. The actual bet that the show advertises doesn't come into play until well into the show, but even that part got me so good!

The plot is great, but really this show is about the characters, and never have I cared about characters in a drama as much as I care about everyone in this show. The romance was impeccable (Nanon and Ohm have chemistry for days, and god I want them to do another show together) and even the side romance stole my heart right away!

Watch this show. I beg of you— watch this show and then come rave to me about it, because you will love it!

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 1, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Everything just perfect.

I don't even know where to start: this drama is just perfect. Ohm and Nanon chemistry is hard to be found: they just express the feelings like their own. Nanon's acting is pure talent, same about his music skills - I'm in LOVE with the OSTs he sings.
Even though the plot might be very simple, it just doesn't get boring at all. Everything is natural, spontaneous: the two main characters grow up together, exploring their insecurities and getting more and more comfortable with each other, yet never losing the roots of their relationship.

The kiss scene is one of a kind. You can feel the contrast between Pat and Pran: Pat is just enjoying the moment he dreamt for, while Pran is suffering for the love he never got to confess. And you can see this all just looking at them kissing: it's both soft and intense, when Pat grins and Pran just bawls his eyes out.

The ending is bittersweet. But that's fine, it suits them.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 28, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

If you don't watch this, you are literally missing out one of the best things ever.

I respect the Bad Buddy Series Team for creating such a beautiful masterpiece. The most iconic BL drama in my opinion. I don't think any other series can ever surpass my standards after Bad Buddy. Everything was beautifully done. There were no stereotypes, no toxic relationships, no forcing others to accept; it was pretty realistic. The acting was superb. I felt connected to each and every character. Couldn't hate anyone, and even if I did for a short period of time, loved them anyway. Y'all know, how every series or movie advertise products in their dramas, I don't like that, but Bad Buddy changed my opinion. I loved the way how they portrayed the advertisement without me getting mad at it, rather I was happy. The actors gave their own touch to their on-screen character. I salute the whole team. I couldn't stop smiling whenever I saw the episodes, like it was so tough not to smile by seeing them. There were times when I cried a lot thinking about "What would happen next" , this is how powerful this series was. Chef's kiss, I would say.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 26, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

One of the best BL series ever PERIODT!

OMG I made an account just to rate this series! It's soooooooo good and wholesome! ❤️
The acting is so top notch! Especially Nanon's! OMG Nanon can step on me and crush me with his feet! His acting skills are oscar worthy! What an amazing cute actor! Ohm did sooooo good too! Both of them were treat together! What a healthy relationship! Absolutely amazing portrayal of a homosexual relationship! Loveeed! Can watch it again and again! ❤️ Must watch if you're a BL fan! They have honestly set bars! Now when we have something like this, we can't expect nothing but the best from GMMTV! Shoutout to the whole team of GMMTV to gift us with this amazing series! It's no wonder they've gathered fans all around the globe! I wish I could meet Nanon and Ohm! They're sooooo cute!

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tiger ears
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 22, 2022
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

A New Standard

Bad Buddy might have a rather cliche plot, but it was executed very well, from the acting to the aesthetic shots. I usually don't mind cliche plotlines, as long as it is done well, and this show is a good example of that. I like how they also diverted from usual plotlines and actually showcased a healthy relationship with good communication and understanding of their partners. I think that this is quite rare to see in any genre of drama, where there are forced kisses or pulling of their partners that is meant to be seen as a romantic gesture. So I'm glad that Bad Buddy really showed all signs of a healthy relationship.

First of all, the acting was really good, from the entire cast, not just the leads. Of course Nanon and Ohm delivered, they made me laugh and cry with their natural acting and great chemistry. But the rest of the cast delivered as well, most notably Jimmy. Though his character was kind of a douche, Jimmy's acting was great and I was genuinely pissed off at him for like a week until the next episode came out. But yes, the acting is great in this show, not just amongst BL dramas, but in general. The actors really immersed into their roles and delivered.

I really liked the music, especially Just Friend, but I'm really strict with music so I gave it an 8. But still really nice songs in general.

In conclusion, Bad Buddy has a plot that many of us have watched before, but it pushes the boundaries in terms of its portrayal of a healthy relationship and addressing issues with certain problematic cliches and storylines. If you are watching it, get ready to go on an emotional rollercoaster. The good thing is that with the entire series out now, you don't have to cry an entire week before the next episode makes you feel better.

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Bad Buddy (2021) poster



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