Birth Secret (2013) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 7.3/10 par 621 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 2,183
Critiques: 5 utilisateurs
Classé #7645
Popularité #5733
Téléspectateurs 621

Jung Yi-hyun est une génie mais elle souffre d'amnésie dissociative et elle ne se souvient plus ni de son mari ni de sa jeune fille. Hong Gyung-doo est pauvre et n'a pas fait d'études mais il est un père aimant pour la jeune Hae-deum, qui a hérité du génie de sa mère. Yi-hyun et Gyung-doo se sont rencontrés alors qu'ils étaient tous les deux au bord du suicide. Leur rencontre leur a fait changer d'avis et ils ont, ensemble, choisi de vivre. Le drama suit Yi-hyun dans sa quête de recoller les morceaux de sa mémoire grâce à l'aide de son mari qui, pourtant, semble être un homme qui ne lui correspond absolument pas. Modifier la traduction

  • Français
  • Italiano
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • Pays: South Korea
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 18
  • Diffusé: avril 27, 2013 - juin 23, 2013
  • Diffusé Sur: Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: SBS
  • Durée: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 621 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #7645
  • Popularité: #5733
  • Classification du contenu: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 28, 2013
18 épisodes vus sur 18
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Although I wanted to slap the lead female throughout the drama, I was also totally shipping for her to recover her memories and family,so by the end of the drama I was fairly satisfied hence the 9/10 instead of 10.

If not going to waste my saliva or fatigued my fingers on the issue , but if you feel that you must overlooked this drama because someone may had badmouth it or a reviewer did not give it a high enough grade, then you should not blame anyone else but yourself for missing out on a true uniquely almost gem drama.

I have my "gringe" with this drama hence I did not give it a higher note, but if you really want to see great acting it's a must see, especially from the older cast, they had me totally hooked, same with the younger version is seems as the western standard for acting his going down the toilet, great germ are emanating from the east.

Acting aside the reason this drama should not be pass over is probably because of the message that is conveyed a simply touching and adorable story. With a powerful message of forgiveness.

So if you want to watch a drama that is fairly well acted and fairly wonderfully written then this must be your pick.

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Jay noona
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 12, 2021
18 épisodes vus sur 18
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
i really liked this drama it was amazing
and i decided to keep it till ....
i completed it

the story took the wrong turn towards the end
there were no character development at all for both main leads

the story was about a genius woman who decided to change her life after getting through a trauma
then she lost her memory
all that was good and the events were great
but it has a huge flaws
they showed us at the beginning the FL was a genius
her memory was like a laptop or more
she studied business abroad

SOOOO ... for a genius woman like that i saw her sooooooo stupid and stubborn like a mule
has no sense, and so selfish
i want to slap her from the beginning till the end

because ..for a genius woman she should make a small business with her husband instead of a stupid bakery
or at least gaining money from stock market with this brain
but she did nothing she never used her bran in any thing
and above all that ...... zero romance in her character

the ML wasn't from her level neither the educational nor the social one
he never decided to develop himself
he was totally agree with th FL's humiliations towards him an continuing loving her unconditionally

inspite of that they showed us she loved him after living with him
and when her memory comes back she remembered she loved him
but she treated him in a very mean way with no reason
always try to show him she is much better than him
till the end she gave me the feeling she wasn't convinced with him

i thought after getting back her memory i thought there will be a huge character development for both leads
she is going to be nice and help him to change his character from a stupid guy to a real self-confident man

but that doesn't happen

and the second leads their story were very odd too with an open stupid ending
after all what Fl's uncle did and his wife i couldn't accept that end

totally it was nice drama with a vey annoying FL character
and u can just watch it once
at least for me

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  • Drama: Birth Secret
  • Pays: Corée du Sud
  • Épisodes: 18
  • Diffusé: avril 27, 2013 - juin 23, 2013
  • Diffusé On: Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: SBS
  • Durée: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Classification du contenu: 15+ - Adolescents de 15 ans ou plus


  • Score: 7.3 (marqué par 621 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #7645
  • Popularité: #5733
  • Téléspectateurs: 2,183

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