0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 24, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Drama à ne pas louper !

Sans blagues, ce drama est juste une pépite !

On y suit l'histoire d'un ancien procureur devenu professeur de droit et de sa classe liés à une enquête policière. En effet, un meurtre a eu lieu à la préstigieuse école et le professeur ainsi que ses élèves sont les principaux suspects de cette affaire.

Ce drama est vraiment palpitant et prenant. Pour s'innocenter, tous les personnages vont devoir s'entraider. Ce qui est d'ailleurs très intéressant c'est que chaque personnage a une pièce du puzzle qu'est ce meurtre. Le suspense nous tient en haleine jusqu'au bout sans pour autant nous étouffer. Parce que certes oui, il y a de nombreux rebondissements, mais il y a aussi des moments posés où l'ont est témoin des relations plus que compliquées entre les personnages.

Tous les personnages ont ici un rôle bien spécifique. Ils ne sont pas là juste pour le décor mais apporte un vrai truc à l'histoire.
On suit l'histoire de chacun des personnages qui d'une façon ou d'une autre sont liés à l'enquête principale.
La relation entre les personnages, nottament entre professeurs et élèves, est des plus touchantes. On y voit des professeur impliqués dans l'apprentissage et le bien-être de leurs élèves, et ça fait du bien !

Le drama est très bien ficelé. Chaques affaires "secondaires" sont en fait liées au meurtre et permettent de rendre justice aux personnages. Tout est lié pour une raison, chaque élément a son importance.

Parlons maintenant de l'ost qui est incroyable ! J'ai adoré ces musiques, nottament "We are" et "It's driving me crazy" qui reviennent à plusieurs reprises. Chaque musique est utilisée au moment parfait et permet d'être entièrement immergé dans le drama. Cet ost apporte une vrai profondeur au drama.

Entre meurtres, secrets, corruption, devoir et justice, les élèves de Law School et leur professeur devront affronter de nombreux obstacles pour prouver leur innocence et démasquer le véritable meurtrier.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 28 jours
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Deux jours intensément bons

C'est le temps que j'ai mis à finir le drama.

En lançant le premier épisode, je ne m'attendais pas à recevoir une telle gifle. Le plus surprenant, c'est que j'ai été frappé(e) encore et encore jusqu'à l'épisode 16.

Au-delà d'être un simple drama sur le droit, la loi, la justice et tout ce qui va avec, *Law School* est une aventure humaine. J'ai tellement apprécié l'atmosphère générale qui s'en dégageait. J'ai réellement été touchée par celle-ci. Lorsque le bonheur frappait le groupe, un sourire naïf s'affichait sur mes lèvres. Quelque part, j'avais l'impression de faire partie de leur groupe moi aussi.

Mais par-dessus tout, j'ai trouvé que la dimension policière était amenée à la perfection et heureusement qu'elle était là, car incroyablement passionnante.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 16, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Où le professeur enseigne le droit à travers son propre procès...

J’ai beaucoup aimé ce drama, qui mêle habilement l’enquête policière (pratiquement sans policiers !) et le déroulement juridique parallèle, deux domaines dont je raffole dans les dramas.
Car toute l’enquête va être conduite en donnant aux étudiants qui veulent innocenter leur professeur un cours de droit magistral et in situ ! J’avoue qu’au début le langage technique juridique m’a un peu freinée, (je ne suis pas allée à Hankook, malheureusement !) Mais de la même façon dont je me suis adaptée au domaine inconnu du Base Ball dans Hot stove league, je me suis vite accoutumée aux arcanes du droit coréen. Car contrairement à « la vraie vie des dramas » j’ai bien l’impression que toutes les références sont authentiques ! D’ailleurs on a gardé le vrai nom de l’université, ce qui prouve qu’ils n’ont pas écrit n’importe quoi et qu’il y a dû y avoir des conseillers techniques !
A travers ce point de vue très original, on a les secrets, les magouilles, les amitiés ou inimitiés habituelles, mais grâce à cette optique tout semble renouvelé.
Il y a aussi un beau tableau de l’amour de l’enseignement chez les professeurs(pas tous, hélas, mais chez les héros de l’histoire !)qui ne perdent jamais de vue l’intérêt de leurs élèves, et ont avec eux des rapports d’humanité. Je ne sais pas si c’est vraiment comme ça dans les universités coréennes, mais si oui, bravo ! En tous cas ici, cela crée un climat chaleureux et cela permet d’avoir des personnages réalistes, et non les caricatures habituelles , malgré le politicien véreux qui doit faire partie du cahier des charges ! …
Donc, histoire, scénario : tout bon. La réalisation est très bonne aussi, soignée avec des plans originaux et un montage narratif intrigant par retours en arrière évitant la monotonie du récit linéaire !
Alors la distribution : excellente en tous points, dominée largement par Kim Myung Min qui a l’air de se spécialiser dans les personnages qui n’en font qu’à leur tête, les empêcheurs de danser en rond, les détestables dont on ne peut se passer vu leur intelligence et leur capacités supérieures. Ici c’est pareil, et il est parfait ! L’autre professeur, Mme Kim, Lee Jeune Eun, lui donne parfaitement la réplique, et dirai-je à quel point voir une femme « normale » (je veux dire pas une bimbo refaite au look de mannequin), comme tout le monde, avoir un rôle important et sérieux me fait plaisir ? Il en est de même pour les étudiants, avec une mention spéciale pour Kim Beom, qui semble un peu plus vieux que les autres (il porte superbement ses 32 ans sans chirurgie, j’espère !) et à qui cela permet une vue plus extérieure et plus mature dans l’aide qu’il apporte. Ryoo Hye Young(Kang So-A) est aussi tout à fait crédible, pleine de fraîcheur et de spontanéité…
L’OST est bien adaptée mais je ne saurais en dire plus, au moins ça ne m’a pas gênée !
En conclusion, ce drama est hautement recommandable, même si vous n’avez pas l’intention d’ouvrir un cabinet juridique à Séoul !

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Cet avis était-il utile?
74 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

!!!!! Wow

Story: AMAZING. There were so many twists and turns in the storyline that just came out of nowhere (in a good way) I was constantly on my toes and never knew who was good or bad and who was in the right or wrong. Are they on the good team? Have they now switched to the bad team or were they there all along? Who knows. (Well me, because I’ve seen it ;) )
It made me feel ALL the emotions, even the ones I didn’t want to feel, I was on edge one minute, then swooning at Joon Hwi the next and then crying about something afterwards.

Acting/Cast: For me, the acting never felt stiff or forced, obviously I can’t speak for others. Everyone played their role well and I think the perfect people were cast for each role. I loved that we got backstories and plots for a lot of the characters as well, it helped immerse me in the story because I felt like I knew everyone I was seeing on screen, I could understand their actions and motives better.

Music: Gosh that one song was catchy “it’s pulling me undeeeerrrrr, it’s driving me CRAAAAZYYYY”. The music was dark and sinister when it needed to be which made me feel in danger at the right moments and help keep the pacing of the show.

I would definitely watch again, if not for Ye Seul’s storyline and Joon Hwi’s heart eyes then for the rush I felt during the high intensity scenes.

If you like investigation/law (kind of detectivy I guess) dramas, then this is a good watch for you. Enjoy!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
50 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 10, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Are you a fan of the American legal thriller TV series HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER? Then, LAW SCHOOL is definitely for you. Not a remake, but the premise of the drama and the primary set-up is inspired by the said English series.

Law School had been one of the most anticipated drama of the year 2021, that too a rare legal courtroom thriller drama. And everyone can see how it has paid off to everyone's expectations. Kim Myung Min, Kim Bum and Ryu Hye Young are indeed the reason all of us were damn sure about the quality drama it'll be. What a powerful cast to begin with!

The very first scene of the very first episode of this drama; that one single scene where the writer and the director decided to show the faces of the cast for every major character and proved what the class and standard of their drama will be. That was so lovely of a scene to witness and made me feel woah. The production actually succeeded in dragging us into the drama.

Law School has a straicase plot development which means, it's neither steady storyline or a combination of connecting plots; rather a series of related events where everything is revealed in a step by step manner leading to the main climax in the end. I loved the way every character in it catched up to a new event that they were completely unaware of, resonated it on the individual level utilizing law that they study, gave it a trail for good and finally let it go.

Law School has the typical urban thriller editing but they keep the intense mood up all the time by running the screenplay at the apt speed, hence making it interesting and not boring.

To be honest, the first 2 episodes felt a bit dull and confusing. They keep going forward and backward in time, multiple times which didn't allow me to catch up to what exactly was happening. But it caught momentum from the 3rd episode and got better since then. And from the 6th episode, it actually became very interesting and I enjoyed watching.

Character development is a thing that's been shown for only limited characters among a huge number of cast but that's fruitful given how they changed from facile and one dimensional beings to stronger individuals with the drama's progression. Notably, the screentime distribution is even for all the characters, the lead trio being the ones to get slightly more duration; one of the handful dramas where both male and female characters are equally emphasised and well balanced. A major credit to the writer for that.

Kim Myung Min being the arrogant and most lawful man (in the entire world), might make your blood boil to the point that you might wanna smash him down but before you realize, he shall capture your heart with his badguy charisma (I've actually fallen for him :P). DO NOT expect to see much romance between Kim Bum and Hye Young because the drama ain't about that though Kim Bum sometimes love to flirt with Hye Young as he kind of admires her a lot. On the other side, Hye Young who is unaware of her fluttering heart for Kim Bum, is always annoyed by Kim Bum and herself is so annoying, haha. Her character development is notable for she grows to being a righteous law person from a girl, not good at studies.

Let's talk about the legal aspects. I have always felt that not many people watch pure legal dramas unless it has a major part of romance and melodrama but if we are talking about a courtroom drama or movie, it has to be like Law School. Some people might wanna give up because they keep blabbering about the criminal codes, constitutional laws, articles and sections at a rate that you have to pause many times to understand and channelise the things but trust me, that's what happenes in a real courtroom. They have included and discussed a lot of clauses but they also made sure to make us understand them with examples and elaborations even during the trials. They've also wisely introduced the shortcomings in the existing law & order, thus implying a need of change in them. This work is hence highly commendable.

It's done pretty well even if you judge it as a thriller. They kept increasing our urge & curiosity to know who the actual culprit is. Unlike many thrillers, you might hesitate to predict and make theories about this drama because everything is simultaneous and transparent and which is why I thought the revelation of the culprit will come as a huge shock, but not gonna lie, it was disappointing. It turned out to be an already very bad guy so I wasn't like woah. But I doesn't matter because it's primarily a courtroom drama and evem after the revelation, it didn't become boring or anything rather more cases were added on the same episide as compensation which never felt like getting dragged at all.

The background sound editing and screenplay is nice. The direction is amazing as well that kept people going, especially for viewers like me who are into binging. But I think this drama is a huge disadvantage for those who watch ongoing. It's not frustrating as there's nothing to predict or think about and honestly you won't have to wait for a week eagerly to watch the next episode.

Law School is indeed one of the best thrillers of 2021 and overally among all the thrillers too and let me call it the BEST LEGAL COURTROOM KDRAMA EVER PRODUCED.

P. S. I sometimes got the DEAD POETS SOCIETY vibes because of the way Prof. Yang gathered his students and they even had a hideout in the copy room. HAHAHA

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Cet avis était-il utile?
40 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 5
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Sometimes average is just perfect

The first episodes were dull, show gained momentum in the second half and the episodes kept getting better.

A great plus is the stars-packed cast and the relationship between the characters. Even though the characters seem one-dimensional first, comparing their actions and overall appearance in the beginning to the end of the series clearly show character development.

Also, I just realised, I like how the depiction of character was evenly balanced out between male and female characters, if that makes any sense. Normally with K-dramas (not always of course), especially thrillers, I feel like male protagonists end up with more screen time, more depth in character and therefore are more likeable, while the female ones at some point are just annoying and dull, whereas here, for once, each character (except for the obvious villains) was likeable and the female characters were as top-notch and well-written as the male ones.

That hot shot of a professor, who seemed to be a knock-off of Annelise from HTGAWM was hard to bear in the earlier episodes but, I don't know how and when this happened, you end up liking him, even looking forward to his badass scenes.

The story itself wasn't that intriguing, but somehow still managed to pique your interest and make you look forward to the next episodes. The background score - actually just one song - was fitting and had a catchy tune like "We All Lie " from SKY Castle.

Even though romance is not part of this drama the scenes between Kim Bum and Ryu Hye Young were too cute - more chemistry than in some dramas tagged as romance. However, this was more high-key low-key in earlier episodes.

Also, I like how the show elaborates on shortcomings in the law. Especially a case in the beginning of the second half accentuated this. The 'law school' itself was not the main focus of the show, but the little insight into the lectures, study groups, mock trials and the overall struggle of (law) students with exam preparations, pressure to do well at school and fear of failing was captured well.

The show is not perfect and not even close to an outstanding thriller, it's pretty average, and that somehow works in favour of this show. It was something I would look forward to each week, but not like "dying" to watch, nothing too captivating, stressing and frustrating (like Mouse), but at the same time nothing where after a while you just can't be bothered with the revealing of the truth (like Beyond Evil, sorry) - just a decent thriller with a solid pace and surprising revealings which are not mind-blowing and yet, satisfying.

Also, this drama has definitely potential for a second season!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


I just finished law school a moment ago and dont know where to start. Everything is really really good OMG. The satisfaying feelings when you watch a perfect drama, thats exactly what i feel now.

Law School is a fast paced drama. The early episodes are quite dull and serious, but the pace is getting better, its funnier and intriguing at the same time. Its not heavy eventhough its a legal drama. Its not draggy even we got to know the real killer on 13th episode.

What i like the most is every character shine and well played in this drama. There's no unimportant character and put aside. The plot twist are very VERY unexpected. Its thrilling i feel like screaming watching Law School.

There's no love line but chemistry and cute scenes between Joon Hwi and Sol A is enough to bring spark. I love how i cant guess what will come next and happen in the next episodes.


ITS ALL PERFECT. I find no flaws in this drama.

Hear me out, i am very selective and rarely love a drama but Law School bring exception to me. This drama holds a special place in my heart. Would definitely rewatch and recommend others to watch.


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Cet avis était-il utile?
29 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 10, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 3
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

One word: disappointing

The text below might contain orthographical mistakes since I'm not a native english speaker.

I was anticipating for this drama even before it was released: a friend sent me the teasers and I got super excited since I was looking for a mystery drama to watch. The beginning was pretty confusing (I had to rewatch the first four episodes to fully understand), I thought the random informations we got were going to be addressed while the episodes were passing, but it never happened. The writers were just opening new problems in every episode and never clarifying the ones created previously, taking the focus away from the main subject and creating a whole mess. It's hard to connect every piece of information we got about the murder itself when the drama focused more on exploring the life of secondary characters, and there comes another problem: how come we know more about the supporting roles than about the main characters, Kang Sol A and Han Joonhwi? They never clarified what happened with Sol A's family or what Joonhwi's uncle said to Jiho when he was on drugs. It was just a mess from start to end. But what made me watch it until the end? 1. The OST; 2. The charismatic characters: Even if I see the deepening of the student's life as something unnecessary for the plot, it made it easier to like them. I loved how the study group's character's personalities were contrasting, but they still had interesting interactions, looks like something I would see on a 2010s Nickelodeon TV Show. The subtle hints of a possible romance between some of them were amazing too (Bokgi crushing on Yeseul was so cute!). I knew there wouldn't have space for romance, but at the start I waited for something like Suho/Jukyung/Soojin from Joonhwi and both Kang Sols, instead, they worked very well as a trio; 3. Yeseul: If it wasn't for her, I think I'd have dropped the show. Different from the others, her arc added something to the plot and I LOVE how the scriptwriters portrayed her feelings: The blind love she felt for her boyfriend, the fear she had of him, The Moment Of Realization, the confusion someone feels when dealing with an abusive partner. Overall, I don't think it is a good drama and would not recommend it. I'd never watch it completely if I wasn't keeping up with the weekly updates. Anyways, it's a pity that it doesn't give what it promises, but I don't fully regret watching it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 9, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5

Only good for it's cast?

When starting a new drama I usually go in expecting nothing because the drama ends up being more impressive without expectations and gives me a lot to drool over. But this drama gave me nothing. The twists were expected, the storyline was boring and the characters were less than likable, a big problem because there are so many. It tries to do way more than what it has time for. Just barely exploring the plot points it brings up. Details are just flat out told to viewers via character dialogue/flashbacks (there are so many flashbacks). I wanna see some action not storylines handfed to me. I don't know who the director is but I would avoid future dramas shot by this person seeing how bad and bland the shots were. At times the camera cuts to this first person shaky frame which is so unflattering.

As for acting, I think everybody did their best with what was given to them. Though, I did find Kang Sol A's acting way over the top. No show stealers here though. There's a lot of screaming (thank you old office man who has zero significance to the plot), this show seems to think loud equals funny or emotional. You're not delivering anything, just hurting my ears. I can't handle the morally righteousness of the main characters. The one character that strays from that; Sungjae is given the bare minimum. There being so many characters is the downfall of this show. You can't establish an emotional connection with them because of the lack of deep diving characters are supposed to be given. So at the end I don't care about who gets to be happy, I just want the show to be over.

As for music, there are only 3 songs here. It gets really old really fast. It's annoying that the songs come on and basically tell you hey this scene is supposed to be emotional, hey this scene is supposed to be suspenseful, and oh hey look the characters are studying. It's annoying when the emotional music comes on and you're not even moved by the scene. You're stuck there cringing because what the characters said wasn't deep at all and here plays th-We are We are Where are we? We are We are.

With all that said, I don't like this drama, I feel like I wasted my time and was blinded by an all star cast. I would still recommend you watch it, it might be your cup of lukewarm tea. But there are way better dramas out there, enjoy watching.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5


Law school is captivating in almost every way. the plot takes place around a group of students who solve a murder with the help and lead of their daring and shockingly charismatic professor.

To start with the plot, it was adequate being set in the premise of murder is almost the story for most legal-based dramas. the pull from this one was the amazing way the cast brought their personal perspectives and connections to the main story making everything flow in perfection. I did not plan on loving this piece when I stumbled upon it with no expectation at all but it leaves you wanting more every episode. The performances were amazing especially Rye Hye Young and Kim Myung Min who displayed such lovely balance in a teacher and student relationship but her ability to really allow her audience to empathize with everything she went through as a student. I feel like a lot of students can relate to feeling inadequate especially in a hyper-pressurized environment in the academic world, surrounded by people who make your hard work look light with a talent for that same craft. This drama definitely represents most of what university or college might look like and it comes with so much more in terms of dating and even feeling pressured to evade moral law in exams and tests.

I loved the soundtrack even if there were like 2 songs, they did more than enough. for anyone who still doesn't know the amazing opening, it's called X by SafiraK and it is a blessing to the OST world. the editing was something I didn't like. the way some scenes were slowed down for dramatic effect proved unnecessary and mediocre.

Overall it was really pleasant, I am petitioning for a season 2 and I will continue to do so. If you love the legal world of dramas or even school life with a bit of murder, this watch will drive you crazy (;)) in a good way. WATCH IT!!!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

The characterisation alone makes this drama worth watching

This drama is not a light watch and requires great concentration especially in the first few episodes, otherwise you will get confused. Choosing to present the main plot in such a scattered fashion was something of a gamble on the part of the directing team as it inevitably cost them casual viewers. However, if you carry on watching this drama, you will come to realise that everything falls into place fairly quickly as the story progresses. (Worry not, the feeling of confusion shall pass rapidly. You might not even feel it at all!) Having such an intricate plot allowed each character to have their own subplot which made them all relevant to the story. Some subplots were more thought-out than others but, overall, they were all significant and added depth to each character.

What makes this drama stand out in the crime genre is the fact that it wasn’t so much about finding who the real killer was — at first —, but more about proving that those wrongfully accused were innocent. Therefore the emphasis was put on the trial process which I found really informative for someone who doesn’t know much about law. (The drama title takes on its full meaning, doesn’ it?).

I won’t dwell on the plot as I want this review to be spoiler-free.

Now let’s get onto the characters which are, by far, my favourite part of this drama. It’s been so long since I’ve watched a drama with such a brilliant and accurate characterisation. Every character in “Law School” is fleshed-out, humanely flawed, and relatable. The fulfilling friendship between the Law School gang enables them to feel confident in what they’re doing and also acts as a constant reminder of their own flaws (and qualities). Indeed they won’t hesitate to call people out if need be — including themselves — and they will always find a way to talk (and think) things through.
They have a true spirit of friendship and so instead of bearing everything on their own, they all come together so as to help each other and whoever is in need. It doesn’t come easily nor naturally to all of them — seeking and offering help I mean — but it comes nonetheless.
Their warm and close friendship is definitely one of the reasons as to why I’d recommend this drama.
Special mention to Yang Jong Yoon who didn’t fall into the trap of being yet another archetype of the cold-hearted and stone-faced male lead. His relationship with his students was very wholesome and I loved the dynamic he had with Kim Eun Sook — you could see a whole other side of him when he was with her.

I can’t write a review about “Law School” without mentioning the relationship Kang Sol A and Han Joon Hwi have. I was thankful for this drama for not being romance-centric, however, I still think there were some romantic elements, but those were subtly incorporated to the story which I greatly appreciated. It followed, in a way, the “show, don’t tell” maxim in literature.
Kang Sol A and Han Joon Hwi are undeniably close, but they don’t seem to realise that they know each other on a much deeper level than the others. They never once questioned their feelings and so they’re not fully aware of what they mean. Joon Hwi’s love for Kang Sol A is genuine and selfless: he is always there for her and, when he can, he tries to cut short her self-doubt which helps her build self-assurance (Don’t worry, she does so on her own as well but Joon Hwi is of great help). Out of the two, Kang Sol A is the most oblivious of their feelings. Her trust in him is complete and she is most vulnerable when she is with him — he is the only one she confides in. Kang Sol B seems to have understood that — the innermost feelings they have for each other — since the way she sometimes looks at them is quite telling.
If you’re not convinced of the implied feelings these two harbour, then just pay attention to the way Joon Hwi looks at Kang Sol A and the way he looks at other people: his gaze never fails to soften when he speaks to her (so does his voice).

As for the OST, I believe it successfully captured the overall mood of the drama and was very fitting. I liked how the lyrics were in keeping with the whole story.

Now on to my closing statement (see what I did there ?). The first episodes aren’t the best ones as I felt the drama was trying too hard to enthral and impress the viewers. The timeline was overly confusing and some comparisons initially felt forced or were clumsily introduced — i.e Yang Jong Yoon’s obsession with puzzles. The whole puzzle metaphor left me a bit skeptical at first because of how emphasised it was, but Yoon Hoon himself convinced me. (You’ll see what I mean once you’ve watched the drama). However the characters make up for that given how engaging they were. The plot is pretty well-crafted and strengthens as the story progresses. Each character was able to play a part, which some people might have thought was too much of a coincidence — every character was somehow connected to the events which were unfolding — , but I, for one, appreciated the fact that the side characters weren’t just there to help the main ones: they were equally as important.
The beautiful friendship the Law School gang develops throughout the drama makes it even more enjoyable, and I can safely say that they will definitely grow on you. I also loved how professors and students helped one another in their own specific ways. It was refreshing to see! This drama’s characters are truly gems!

On that note, I rest my case.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 25, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Murder, Frenemies, Real-World Cases in Law School

➥ Lesson: Law may seem imperfect, but the truth always surfaces. Law destroys those who don't fear it.
➥ Nutshell Review: Centered around a law school with students and professors, this drama begins with a campus murder. The plot intertwines various cases, showcasing students learning, overcoming faults, and understanding the importance of integrity and law.

Best Parts:
➥ Intriguing Plot:
✦ Fast-paced courtroom drama with crisp storylines, thought-provoking cases, and mysterious twists
✦ Law jargon explained well, feels like a classroom
✦ Good wins over evil, feel-good factor
✦ Great cinematography with brilliant close-up shots and transitions
✦ Good Character Development: Redemption for characters who own up to mistakes
✦ Justified cliffhangers urging binge-watching

➥ Brilliant Cast and Acting:
✦ Kim Myung Min: Dominates the screen with presence and finesse
✦ Kim Bum: Brilliant portrayal of a law student
✦ Lee Jun Eun: Versatile and impactful
✦ Notable mentions: Ahn Nae Sang, Woo Hyun, Park Hyuk Kwon, Lee Chun Hee, Jo Jae Ryong

➥ Why Watch:
✦ Unique angle on courtroom dramas from a classroom perspective
✦ Keeps you guessing till the end with a satisfying conclusion
✦ Comparable to western movies like A Few Good Men, The Lincoln Lawyer, Primal Fear
✦ Enjoyable storytelling and narration
✦ Highly recommended for those who love courtroom dramas and intricate plots!

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Law School (2021) poster



  • Score: 8.6 (marqué par 25,638 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #418
  • Popularité: #221
  • Téléspectateurs: 55,196

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