Sai Lub Lip Gloss (2022) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 7.5/10 par 178 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 815
Critiques: 2 utilisateurs
Classé #5939
Popularité #10158
Téléspectateurs 178

Baralee, qui est maladroite, commence à s'ennuyer d'être une experte en beauté et souhaite devenir une espionne. Son ami policier la soutient et l'aide à postuler pour devenir une espionne. Elle peut tout surmonter grâce à sa trousse de maquillage et rencontrer l'homme idéal, dans l'espoir de gagner son cœur. (La source : English = thaidramatic_update , edited by Soju at MyDramaList ; Traduction = ManUtiavN at MyDramaList) Modifier la traduction

  • Français
  • Türkçe
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • Pays: Thailand
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 15
  • Diffusé: oct. 28, 2022 - nov. 27, 2022
  • Diffusé Sur: Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Channel 3
  • Durée: 2 hr. 0 min.
  • Score: 7.5 (scored by 178 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #5939
  • Popularité: #10158
  • Classification du contenu: Not Yet Rated

Distribution et équipes


2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 1, 2022
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Not that satisfying but totally entertaining!

Confused with my headline above? Lol, but that's what i feel about this drama. With 15eps n 90mins each long, i didn't skip any scene. Everything's just interesting to watch. I can say it's a drama with:
-light romance
It's kinda cute&sweet romance & the romance isn't that intense through the drama, so if you love passionate, mature, n intense romance, then it's not for you.
-light comedy
The portion of the comedy is perfect, not too much nor too less, n very well executed. The "punchlines" are great!
-light action & investigation (but it's getting much more intense in last eps)
I thought this drama isn't for those action&investigation lovers bcoz the case seems simple, not that complicated. They also add some comedies in the middle of the battle, which made me think "oh, don't take it too seriously then, it's a comedy at all". I also thought Prakarn is already that evil. In fact, the problem is more than just that, much much more, which made me out of breath especially in last eps. So, for action&investigation lovers, you can try this.

The storyline is well carried, well developed. The last eps are indeed the climax of the drama. I want to give applause to them for making a realistic story. In fact, not every police officer has an integrity. What surprises me, one of those bad officers used to be a good one :(

The acting?
Punjan stands out among other ML. His acting as a gay & his whole expression, i like it.
While Namtarn, Prang, Mild, they did great job in almost every scene.

Things i'm not satisfied with:
-romance is my no. 1 fav genre, so yeah, it doesn't really fulfill my expectation. I don't really need a "mature&passionate" one, i need a deeper emotion involved in each character, but they don't give it. They even add comedy in the middle of scenes where it should've been romantic (i still laughed n enjoyed it tho). It's not about the actors (they did a good job already); it's about the team that doesn't give enough soul to the romance. Huftttt, even Tee still make jokes to Lee when other ML already talk seriously to FL :( *however, i did enjoy Tee&Lee's sweet moments in early eps :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 12, 2022
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
If you are into rom-com, this is for you. But if you are into serious action/investigative side, action scenes in this show will make you somewhat dissapointed/cringy.

First of all, I like the intro ost, suitable for action scenes. It made me anticipate the fighting scenes and investigating scenes of the main characters. But the tag in this drama is rom-com so expect that most of the fighting scenes would be funny. Almost all of the episodes made me laugh, esp bralee x thi and korn x fon loveteam, +phat. Their punchlines are on point, bralee x thi bickering, korn unintentionally attracting men when he pretended to be a gay, and thi x korn bickering.

This drama has 3 pairs as main leads, so if you are a fan of only 1 pair, their scenes per episode might not be enough for you. I really hated Pheung x Phop pair because Pheung, instead of using social media to educate people, she uses it to bully Bralee which results in Bralee getting fired and had a hard time finding job that will support her and her mom that has Alzheimer's. For Phop, although I know that he has good intentions for wanting to know the truth about Phadets death, I dont like how he acts in the beginning, he just looks like an nosy innocent reporter trying to investigate into something without thinking too much on his actions. But Pheung realized her mistakes and ask for forgiveness to Bralee, while Phop used his reporter work to gather evidence, and both using social media to fight injustices made me like them in the end.

The plot is okay, but I saw on the intro and some scenes of Bralees mother in a police uniform in a picture frame was emphasized (for me) so I thought that she knows or one of the keys to the crime of the antagonists. In the end, she was not that important until she was put in a hospital that do illegal things secretly.

As for the ending, I am not satisfied with Bralee x Thip ending, the two pairs have label Pheung and Phop are in a relationship, Korn proposed to Fon. Come on Thip, I expected more from you, you shouldve at least give Bralee a flowers and give some assurance or give her some necklace. Although he gave Bralee a ring (which was obviously made for their next mission), it is not enough for me. Bralee x Thip should have more serious scenes and romantic scenes HUHUHU. Hoping for another lakorn with Namtarn x Boy pairing PLLSSSS, but more on the romance and drama side instead of comedy HEHEH.

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Nak Soo Taywada


  • Drama: Sai Lub Lip Gloss
  • Pays: Thaïlande
  • Épisodes: 15
  • Diffusé: oct. 28, 2022 - nov. 27, 2022
  • Diffusé On: Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Channel 3
  • Durée: 2 hr. 0 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Pas encore classifié


  • Score: 7.5 (marqué par 178 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #5939
  • Popularité: #10158
  • Téléspectateurs: 815

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