0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 27, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Excellent !

Ce drama n'est pas une rom-com ! Il retrace les malheurs, les conflits, les dégâts entrainés par les non-dits d'une famille riche vus au travers de la romance entre une FL (doubleuse connue) et l'héritier d'une grande famille .

Comme les aiment beaucoup les scénaristes chinois, l'histoire d'amour est liée à une lovestory précédente et à la réincarnation d'un général traitre et d'une princesse (CL).

L'ensemble est très bien joué, prenant, plein de mystères et de suspens et tout est cohérent jusqu'à la fin (Dieu merci, il y a une happy end).

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Cet avis était-il utile?
159 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 7, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 22
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Zhousheng Chen, You Have Come Afterall

"If there was someone in today’s society who carried with her the memories of two lifetimes and she loved you, what a blessing that would be."

The long await sequel to One and Only (周生如故), Forever and Ever (一生一世) is finally here.

Forever and Ever is a really beautiful and heart-rending drama. The love story between Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi is just ethereal. Shi Yi is an unwavering woman, “my heart has already belonged to someone, it will not change”. She kept her words; she did not fall for anyone else except Zhousheng Chen. Upon hearing Zhousheng Chen’s name, she approached him and gets her way into his heart. Meanwhile, Zhousheng Chen is not a proactive person, he never has to speak out loud about his feelings towards Shi Yi but everyone knows his love towards her. His love towards Shi Yi is evident through his small gestures, and most importantly eyes.

Forever and Ever did a commendable job in delivering Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi’s love story. The relationship between Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi developed at a quick yet mellow pace. For those who didn’t watch One and Only, you might’ve felt a bit rushed and confused with the pacing of the relationship. However, they have waited for centuries to finally be together, they are given a second chance, and are finally together.

At the beginning of their relationship, there are awkwardness and courtesy between them. Though they are still polite to each other, their gaze and small actions just simply show how much they adore and love each other. Forever and Ever is the type of romance drama where gaze and action speak louder than skinship. The drama also has some comedy elements to it. If you have watched One and Only before, you might laugh and smile after seeing how Zhousheng Chen went from a cold and ice-y general went to a cute and chubby chemistry professor. Zhousheng Chen’s actions towards Shi Yi are actually just like any other romcom drama, but it’s not entirely like any other romcom drama. Forever and Ever manages to make all those cliché actions into something new and fluffy. For instance, when Zhousheng Chen carries Shi Yi’s bag while watching it, I am sure that you will let out a smile. Moreover, there are also some characters in this drama that will make you laugh, a big shoutout to uncle Lin!!

The second half of this drama is filled with sweetness and sugar! The romantic scenes in this drama will touch your heart, you can definitely feel every action and word that's spoken by Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi, it is genuine and full of love. And there is no misunderstanding, breakup in here. Their relationship is just the cutest and the sweetest!!

The acting and chemistry of both Bai Lu and Ren Jialun definitely did not disappoint. The way Bai Lu and Ren Jialun convey their emotions through nuanced micro-expressions, and how they articulate every scene is just impeccable. Both of them managed to act so differently between One and Only and Forever and Ever, but still evoking the same affable charm and cute chemistry! Both Bai Lu and Ren Jialun need to get an award for their acting in One and Only and Forever and Ever. Both of their acting is infectious!! Especially Ren Jialun's acting in forever and ever - his portrayal is more three-dimensioned, ZSC in the drama is more lively, grounded, and vulnerable than in the novel. In addition, I also love how both Bai Lu and Ren Jialun uses their own voice in the drama!!

The entire drama production team has also successfully captured the essence and magic of the novel through the cinematography and script. The cinematography is dreamlike and majestic, with its warm color palette and color grading. Almost every shot in the drama can be beautifully framed. In addition, the drama also has a gorgeous wardrobe. I love how Shi Yi and Zhousheng Chen wear a subtle couple outfit, they have the same color scheme.

Forever and Ever also has an enchanting music score, filled with love and a hint of angst. Forever and Ever also incorporates One and Only background music in it, the combination of that two music makes the drama more beautiful. The music is effectively run in each scene, making each scene more beautiful and touching. The lyrics of the OSTs are really beautiful and meaningful. Reading the song lyrics while watching the drama will either make you smile or cry..

Due to censorship in China, the reincarnation storyline is censored, therefore, the production team alters the storyline. In the drama, Shi Yi doesn’t remember her past, but only fragments of it, and small impressions of it. For instance, during her visit to the city wall, she remembers a woman jumping down, but with different outfits and details from One and Only. In addition, I also love some alterations from the novel to the drama, instead of using a gun, Zhou Wenchuan uses a knife and... which led to the tragedy.

The strong forte of Forever and Ever is definitely its details and conversation. Every conversation in Forever and Ever is magical. The scriptwriter just manages to make every conversation meaningful. The correlation conversation to their past lifetime is done so beautifully. In addition, the parallels between One and Only and Forever and Ever is impeccably done, it is done is a subtle yet clear manner.

Here are some interesting details:
1. During Zhousheng Chen's past lifetime, he was only covered with the dusty white cloth when he died. This lifetime, he is allergic to dust”
2. Shiyi’s crocs: zsc 520 - Zhousheng Chen I love you
Zhousheng Chen’s crocs: 忙着赚钱。sy 520 - busy earning money. Shi yi I love you
3. In Shi yi's past lifetime, she jumped down in sequin shoes to marry Zhousheng Chen. And this lifetime, Shi Yi wore a sequin dress to marry Zhousheng Chen

The only drawback of this drama is it might be confusing for those who didn't watch One and Only or read the novel beforehand. For those who didn’t watch One and Only beforehand, watching Forever and Ever might be a little bit confusing, but not too confusing too. The drama provides few clips and hints of what happened in Shi Yi and Zhousheng Chen’s past life in Forever and Ever. But the drama didn't thoroughly explain Zhousheng Chen's family tree and hierarchy, so you might have a hard time understanding who's who and what's their relation with each other.

Overall, Forever and Ever is a very beautiful romance drama, even though the drama doesn’t stay 100% true to the novel, the drama still captures the very essence of the relationship and plot beautifully.

“I think, I must have used my beautiful bones as an exchange for you to have unrivaled beauty, as an exchange for you to remember me, as an exchange for you to be able to utter my name when your lips moved.”

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Cet avis était-il utile?
86 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 12, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Amazing True Love from HlSTORICAL Time until MODERN Time (MUST WATCH ONE & ONLY FOR THE 1ST)

why I wrote you have to watch "ONE AND ONLY" first, because your feelings when watching will be very much different if you start this without watching the first season...maybe you think you will still understand the story line but emotions, feelings and moods when you watch it will be much different ... well ... so you are strongly advised to keep watching the first season first, although you may read that the first season ended sadly but I guarantee you will be satisfied with the story and after that you would give 10/10 point for this drama with 2 season...

actually this is my first time to write a review before finishing a drama as a whole....but my love for this drama has pushed me to write it....

In short, this drama begins with their very deep encounter and love story between a warlord and king of Nancheng who is very loyal to the kingdom, Zhou ShengCheng which has a called "BEAUTIFUL BONES " by all the people (because of his loyalty to the kingdom who always struggles to overcome the people, not interested in power, wealth or beautiful women only CSY who has melted his hearts) with his very beautiful and intelligent student, CuiShiYi. in historical times they both could not be united by fate where ZSC was accused by a cursed prince who was jealous and wanted to marry CSY had rebelled so that he had to end tragically and because of her love and deep loyalty CSY followed her teacher by ending her life too...but before she dies, she makes a wish if they meet in another life...she hopes ZSC can marry her first...and...


Their suffering in historical drama finally brought them to modern life.

I've never read a novel from this drama before, so I feel I don't need to nor will I compare the story or characters of the cast to the novel....

I really like the story line which is unique and has different characteristics from modern dramas in general, even though it tells the story about now but every time I see an ancient building or residence in this drama can indirectly bring me back to feeling warm when I watch OAO (this is also one reason why you should watch OAO first ) I also like writers to write about the differences in their characters from historical dramas to modern times, so I feel there is an interest for me to watch those differences.....

ZhouShengChen who is an innocent chemistry professor but super genius, responsible, mature sometimes a little shy feels sweet and makes me feel excited to see him especially when sees him in a relationship with ShiYi...he is full of warmth and concern for him, as if made me feel how comfortable it was to be his girlfriend...hahaha...he was reunited with the girl he loved so much in the past but couldn't be with him (because of the oath he made before he met CSY that he would never marry for the rest of his life made him felt guilty towards CSY at the end of his past life for not being able to return his love)

ShiYi as a voice actress who is graceful, beautiful and sometimes a shadow of the past can be seen in her mind makes her have a deep feeling for ZSC from the very beginning of their meeting. some things in the past that hurt her deeply are still a bad feeling in her and I'm sure all of that will be cured after she entered into a romantic relationship and married the person she loved very much from historical times to the present, ZhouShengChen.

and...i really like watching their developmental approach when dating...hahaha...their relationship is very sweet, adorable and mature as well as caring and warm...i really love it....

ALLEN REN and BAILU really are actors and actresses who are very potential and professional...two different characters in two periods of time have been presented by them very perfectly. the characters zhoushengchen and shiyi feel very alive in this drama...their acting is very good, beautiful and I said in the comments page, so natural that sometimes I forget I'm watching and this is just a drama...

I'm really hope that both of them and this drama both One and Only (season 1) and Forever and Ever (season 2) can get a lot of AWARDS for their really very good performance because they really deserve it...

I'm also very happy that they didn't omit all the soundtrack from historical dramas in this modern drama, and made us still can feel the environment that was brought to modern times...they were good at doing that...some songs added for modern times this also feels okay to me and is suitable for modern-day stories.

I can be sure I will repeat this drama because even before this drama ends I have used my free time waiting for the continuation of the new episode by re-watching this drama ... so for rewatch value, no need to ask again, I will definitely give full marks for it.

overall : 10/10 for this season 2

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Cet avis était-il utile?
97 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 24, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 39
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Remember us and all we used to be.

After One and Only stabbed me in the heart, I needed justice, I needed closure and most of all I needed to hear Shi Yi say  "Zhousheng Chen, remember us and all we used to be." Theirs was such a splendid, intense love with so much passion and yearning that could not run its natural course. Sadly, after being restrained for ~5000 years, all that is unleashed are faint echoes of the past. Thus, my final impression is that what was, is never again.

What this is, is a very sweet, very ordinary, reasonably touching but hardly memorable love story that is markedly lacking in intensity. It falls down hard in its failure to connect the characters of the past with the present. Aside from appearance, both Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi could be entirely different people and this an entirely different drama. Of course in the present, they will be different but there must be that je ne sais quoi, that certain aura that lingers. Even the essence of their relationship changes, in fact it regresses. Shiyi and Zhousheng Chen of the past were of one heart and mind - she gifts part of her dowry to pacify Nanxiao and accepts her marriage hoping to reassure Zixing of her Prince Nanchen's loyalty. Shi Yi of the present asks no questions, she just trusts Zhousheng Chen absolutely without understanding his family's background or his plans. And he tries to protect her without telling her anything - it is the one thing about him that bugged me in the novel and it is the one thing they should have but did not change! As such, the sense of them being soulmates that are connected on a level beyond words is not there.

Ren Jialun and Bai Lu are both very solid actors with good enough chemistry that I genuinely enjoyed the good (pink moped), bad (lame kiss) and ugly (I am ready) of their moments together. Overall I enjoyed Ren Jialun's endearing portrayal of the shy, awkward and introverted professor whose world goes from revolving around uninhabitable planets to revolving around Shi Yi. That said, there were some truly cringe moments and he often came across as having no fire in his belly, likely due to his heavy sighing and lethargic, monotonous line delivery. I must praise how even though it took awhile, they fell into a much more natural rhythm as a couple in the last quarter of the drama and I was moved by how they grieved together and consoled one another. So despite some initial hiccups, there is genuine relationship development and that aspect finishes strongly.

The main issue with this drama that it lacks both plot and engaging and complex supporting characters. Everything really revolves around the two main leads and their romance, which moves too slowly and uneventfully to really anchor the drama. Besides Uncle Lin and possibly Mei Xing, none of the supporting characters are that likeable or empathetic. Zhousheng Chen's stepmother is the only truly complex and interesting secondary character, everybody else including the villains are rather two dimensional and the two cloddish servants are downright annoying. The plot is for the most part suspended in favour of the romance before it rushes through to the end. It is also rife with somewhat melodramatic rich family tropes from greed and envy to infidelity.

If One and Only is slow burn, Forever and Ever is like watching paint dry by comparison because there is no burn. I had to entertain myself by speculating on who got reincarnated into who and looking for hidden clues and traces of the past while mourning the fact that I was not going to see Zhousheng Chen reborn as a present day sexy beast. Which begs the question: considering how tortuous One and Only was, should Forever and Ever be watched as a standalone romance? Well, without the backstory, this is just about how an absolutely gorgeous but likely slightly delusional voice dubber falls head over heels in love with a fictional ancient drama character Prince Nanchen. She throws herself at a complete stranger; a nutty, loner of a professor with the same name who is a bit slow on the uptake but eventually realises he just got very, very lucky and thus the story unfolds. If that works for you, then by all means, skip the heartache that is One and Only.

I only watched this because I was looking for Prince Nanchen and Eleven. Sadly the future is but a mere shadow of the past. But still this is a sweet, well acted love story so I am not throwing rocks at it or at the actors. Nonetheless, this sequel did not live up to its potential so I can only rate it a 7.5. I would give both dramas together a 8.0-8.5.

For those of you who still need closure, there is a very well fan made alternate ending ending for One and Only produced by industry professionals. I have fan subbed it and hidden it as a spoiler in the comment section of my One and Only review.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
29 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 15, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 8
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

"Most people are shallow for they only see beautiful facial features but not good bone structure."

If you're still hesitating whether to watch One and Only first, I would highly recommend it as the prequel would give you a deeper understanding into the characters of Forever and Ever. Not only that, you'll be able to appreciate the historical references and beautiful antique aesthetics much more given how they're also interwoven with One and Only. Technically, Forever and Ever is a continuation of One and Only so it would only be logical to watch the first half before the second half. Plus, it's a shame to miss out on a masterpiece like One and Only!


Beware of One and Only spoilers (skip to next section if needed)...

Even if I have yet to read the novel, I'm still very much engrossed by the poetic soul of this series. I guess it's an advantage of having the novel's author as the screenwriter. I'm captivated by how Shi Yi is able to recognise Zhou Sheng Chen's "beautiful bones" (inner beauty) and falls in love with him all over again after having "reincarnated" from One and Only. While the reincarnations are not explicitly stated in this sequel due to censorship, the reason why the series is split into 2 parts with almost different sets of actors to begin with, they're hinted throughout the show in a subtle and intricate way yet prominent enough for viewers to make the connections. This can be seen where Shi Yi becomes the dubbing actress for the drama One and Only. It is cleverly inferred that Shi Yi can recall the "memories" of their past lives and romantic attachments where she would cry while dubbing Zhou Sheng Chen's demise or look longingly at the city wall where the past Shi Yi has presumably fallen to her death to follow her love so that he can "come to marry" her. Similarly, Shi Yi is also shown to prefer the turquoise dress because it reminds her of the dress she wore when she first met Zhou Sheng Chen in their past lives but dislike red dresses and has a fear of height as they evoke memories of her own death from One and Only.

Furthermore, the modern Shi Yi's family name is "Shi" instead of "Cui" to reflect how she has asked to be taken out of the family tree towards the end of One and Only in order to just be Zhou Sheng Chen's beloved "Eleven [Shi Yi]" as well as to save her clan from the repercussions of her actions. The modern Zhou's family house is also designed to follow the traditional Chinese style with a similar layout to the Zhou Manor in One and Only, from its iconic gate to the lotus pond and library where the past Shi Yi shared memorable moments with her Master. So in this case, the censorship may actually be a blessing in disguise as it encourages viewers to actively engage with the plot and draw comparisons between the 2 parallel narratives.


Personally, I love how the modern Zhou Sheng Chen is portrayed as intelligent and caring (at least towards those he's close to) but also rather aloof and not very well versed in human relationships due to his lonely and harsh upbringing. This then gives the audience an opportunity to witness how he is able to endure the pain of hardships and grow as a character, where he would gradually learn how to stand up to the opposing forces in his family and protect Shi Yi from their schemes despite all of his shortcomings. I find that raw and imperfect side of Zhou Sheng Chen very touching and humane as it shows that his heart is indeed made of gold, or should I say his "beautiful bones" are made of gold.

While Forever and Ever tends to focus a bit more on Zhou Sheng Chen's struggles, like how One and Only did with Shi Yi's, our female lead is still very much in the limelight. I think there's really no singular way of creating a strong female lead. And in this sequel, it's Shi Yi who is able to draw Zhou Sheng Chen out of his shell, give him the strength and courage to deal with the power conflict that is rotting through the core of his own family. Given her memories of their star-crossed past lives, she took the initiative to approach him and patiently get to know him. In spite of Zhou Sheng Chen's inexperience and insecurities, Shi Yi gives him her unconditional trust and love to make their relationship works. From the perspectives of those around her, their progress might appear to be too rushed and almost reckless. But I guess for those of us who have suffered the waterworks from One and Only, their second chance love could not have been fast enough.

I must admit I enjoy Zhou Sheng Chen's awkwardness when he's around Shi Yi way too much. Like a true science man, he is very methodical in his romantic "research" and prefers to do things by the book. He doesn't have a single romantic bone in him but willingly let himself be led by Shi Yi's spontaneity and free spirit. Whatever he lacks in romance, Zhou Sheng Chen makes up for it with his own sincerity and loyalty. Together, they're such an adorkable and charming couple that would make you giggle in one minute and swoon in the next. While their relationship doesn't exactly restart from zero, they're still taking the time to get to know each other little by little until they form a strong enough bond that can withstand any adversity.

Aside from the main couple, my favourite character got to be Uncle Lin who is Zhou Sheng Chen's driver but also his father figure and love counsellor. Growing up in such an austere family after having lost his birth parents, Zhou Sheng Chen only has Uncle Lin and his "grandmother" who know him best and actually care for him. I love how Uncle Lin is there to witness the couple right from the beginning, whether it be accompanying Zhou Sheng Chen on his ridiculous 8-hour night trips just to meet Shi Yi or being the unfortunate "third wheel" that interrupt their romantic moments.


I absolutely love love love Bai Lu and Allen Ren together! Did I forget to mention how much I love them? It's hard to find 2 actors who not only have that much chemistry with each other but also excel in both the modern and historical genres. I've only seen Allen Ren in historical dramas and I know that he can play a dashing general very well from Under the Power. But this is my first for a modern drama and Allen surely doesn't disappoint. Suddenly, the serious and restrained face from One and Only is replaced with those shy smiles and cute baffled expressions that totally fit the socially awkward personality of the modern Zhou Sheng Chen. On the other hand, we all know from Love is Sweet that Bai Lu is classy and elegant enough to pull off any modern looks. She looks extremely beautiful those trench coats and tailored dresses, especially the traditional qipao.

I thought Bai Lu and Allen Ren couldn't fit any better than they did in One and Only but Forever and Ever just hit us with a totally different kind of charm. Even though they're supposed to play the awkward couple at first, their chemistry is already off the roof. It's kind of hard to believe that they've this much chemistry in Forever and Ever despite it being filmed before One and Only. Plus, their behind-the-scenes never fail to make me laugh. Who knows that the awkward couple is such a hilarious comedy duo in real life!


I thought that the production team tried very hard to not get flagged by censorship for "reincarnation", but I guess they couldn't be more blatant with the soundtracks, not that I'm complaining. Forever and Ever literally uses the same opening No Worries (无虞) by Mimi Lee and Jing Long from One and Only, showing that they're both the same show. Not only that, the theme song Continued Writing (续写) by Shang Yichun also poignantly expresses how long Shi Yi has waited to be together with Zhou Sheng Chen and the beauty of their transcendent love...

"In the memory, the snow-covered city tower... When your name rings out, finally blooming again like a flower of the soul, the dreams that have accompanied me through the light years."

"The poem I'll continue to write, with your name in each line. If started all over again, I'd still remember our love. It took hundreds of centuries for our love to begin, there's no way it'd end."

"Those familiar eyes, lost the past when we shed tears. It won't change, our fate of encounter."

"When our story became history, in another world, there is another pair of longing eyes [that] have been waiting for that everlasting romance."

I personally love Time Froze (定格) by Yan Ren Zhong as it really highlights the sweetness of those shy and awkward moments between Shi Yi and Zhou Sheng Chen. And like Zhou Sheng Chen in One and Only, Bai Lu also blesses us with her own OST, Heartbeat (心动), that's just pure candy for the ear.


I think you really need to have watched One and Only to really empathise and fall in love with Forever Ever. Even with the censorship, this is not supposed to be an ordinary modern romance where it ends as soon as the couple gets together. It's about two people who have withstood the test of time just to be together and would do anything to protect their newfound happiness. I love how, despite the drama and conflict surrounding Zhou Sheng Chen and Shi Yi, their love for each other is pure and uncomplicated. I don't care how many tears I have to shed because I wouldn't miss this series for the world!


“Even the most beautiful face will have to age. You are the best in my mind. I can see the bones of beauty inside you… People’s faces are shaped by their hearts. If they’re kind at heart, they look kind in their face. One has to have dignity before having the bones of beauty.” Shi Yi

"Things in this world are no more than dramas. People on this earth don't have to be serious. You bear too much [in the heart]. I only ask for a small part. But it has to be all of your romantic love." Shi Yi

"Since there's nothing sure in our life, then don't hesitate. All you need to do from now on is to study the Venus you like. Leave the rest to me." Shi Yi

“Within the limited amount of time I have left to spend with him, I don’t have any time to think about using such tricks or applying pressure. I need to size every single minute to be with him.” Shi Yi

"The research area itself can't be right or wrong. Only the method of experimentation can be wrong. If the experimental method is wrong, we can change the method. But the research area itself will not change. For example, the fact that we're together is not going to change. If something goes wrong, we can change the way we get along." Zhou Sheng Chen

"Maybe I'm not very sensitive about [romantic] things. Nevertheless, I like that our love for each other is growing over time. In other words, it makes a relationship stronger." Zhou Sheng Chen

"From the moment we decided to be together, we would not leave each other forever. I don't want her to be treated unfairly. I can't live without her." Zhou Sheng Chen

"I had thought that I could handle the human relationship separately, rightly... But I find that I can’t easily handle things related to Shi Yi." Zhou Sheng Chen

“I am only an ordinary guy, that happens to meet a woman exceeding my expectation at the right age. If I didn’t marry her, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.” Zhou Sheng Chen

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Cet avis était-il utile?
anjali patel
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 25, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

what a beautiful show!!! kudos to everyone involved

I made a profile on MDL just to rate and comment about this drama! despite watching a lot of c dramas earlier, only OnO and FaE made me join this platform!!
pretty much said and written about how good it is. but seeing ALLEN REN being criticized for no kissing scenes, i had to write that even without it, the chemistry between leads is phenomenal.

Ren Jialun(ALLEN) does his job perfectly! his eyes, you can see pain, romance, anxiety, shyness in them. towards the end his eyes were quirky while having conversation with Shiyi, indicating that he has become more and more comfortable with her presence.
The last three episodes, Allen Ren stole the show for me! He is too good.. <3

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Cet avis était-il utile?
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 29, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 2
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Short life is like a dream. Only my love, Shi Yi deserves my lifelong pursuit

First of all, this drama spoils up major things for One and Only in the beginning only. So, BEWARE OF WATCHING THIS DRAMA IF YOU PLAN TO WATCH {ONE AND ONLY} LATER…

Me personally, needed this drama so much after One and Only. The experience was simply healing but could have been better maybe…

Should I talk about Acting? No, it was up to the mark. Of course I will mention my favorite BAI LU. She's so phenomenal and her outfits here. Oh! I want them all. And Ren Jialun is fine Af. Together these two are not less than any eye candy.

Beginning got me like "ok, ok this is another Sweetness loaded C-drama that I watch every year." But slowly this made me realize No, there's more things in this drama. Tbh, most of the supporting characters felt numb to me in beginning and I was bored too at some points as I was comparing Both the 2 dramas. But later on every character got it's own track. If you have completed One and Only, don't jump into this directly. Wait for some days or maybe a week before you start this one as this Drama will feel bland to you after that emotional rollercoaster.

My only complain here is that they didn't show how their relationship developed in beginning via Emails…

Shiyi and Chen's journey after meeting each other officially was so precious that how they used to be awkward but slowly became each other's soulmates. I like how Shiyi was always the one to take the initiative. Chen was not good with words but when he finally said something romantic. It was so much more special. There were moments when it just came out of my mouth like "Aww so Cute". The ending episodes almost gave me diabetes.

[24/25 eps] mid-ending thoughts (spoiler free) —
The writer(Mo Bao Fei Bao) did it again! She knows how to create a complicated story and make us cry…
Once again it feels like I am watching O & O. Even though the dramas are different, setting is different, yet I got the same emotional rollercoaster from here. As I wrote previously in a post. I will be running out of tissues if this continues… And then that kick and back to back punches by Chen. Woah loved that scene. I was just thinking, it would be perfect to have a scene like that here… I kinda like Allen doing action scenes. Tbh, He nails the action parts!

[ OST time ]
♪Continued♪ — Shan Yichun
♪Heart Beats♪ — Bai Lu {her voice is so sweet. It felt like any little girl is singing it. Aww}
♪Time Froze♪ — Yan Ren Zhong {heard this singer for the first time and Wow this was so good}
♪Give you, Give me♪ — Mao Bu Yi
♪Where to go♪ — Lu Hu

♪Time Froze♪ is my favorite OST from the drama.

Conclusion – A healing drama for those who watched One and Only or it's yet another regular C-Drama including Awkward Professor Chen, Step-taker Shi Yi, few happy/sad supporting characters, a lot of family drama and nothing else.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
32 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 23, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 14
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

Contemporary Love Poetry

More than a thousand years and two lifetimes later, our star crossed lovers finally reunite, this time under happier circumstances in modern day China. Or is it really? Without spoiling the fun and suspense, here’s a spoiler-free look at what all the hype is about and whether it’s worth your time to check out…

The Narrative

Forever and Ever is the official sequel to One and Only, having premiered two weeks after the latter had ended its airing in late August. The lead actors and characters remain the same, namely Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu reprising their roles of Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi respectively. Since their epic love story concluded during the Northern and Southern Dynasty era, their second incarnation sees them assuming completely different personas. Zhousheng Chen has become a renowned chemistry professor and scion of a prominent industrialist family while Shi Yi (minus the surname) is now a celebrated voice actress.

This drama primarily features their love story, in a contemporary setting, as well as the trials and tribulations that they both have to overcome before finally achieving their happily ever after ending. The challenges that they face come in the form of Zhousheng Chen’s own family.

The Production Details

Although it is the sequel, Forever and Ever actually completed filming before One and Only. Based on the second (and main) part of the novel, One Life, One Incarnation – Beautiful Bones" (一生一世美人骨) by novelist and screenwriter Mo Bao Fei Bao (墨宝非宝), who additionally served as the screenwriter. The young director Shen Yang, who was not involved in the prequel, helmed the production. Tan Xuan remains as the music director for both dramas.

Principal photography this time took place in Shanghai, Zhenjiang, the county of Wuzhen and the historic city of Xi’an. This drama is notable for being the 7th and final entry to iQiyi’s Sweet On theatre for 2021 that focuses on premium short format series and romance-centric content. Unlike One and Only, Forever and Ever’s main characters are dubbed by the actors themselves.

What I Loved

This drama shares the same excellent production quality and technical execution as O&O. Aside from the slightly warmer colour palette and softer filters applied, all other aspects remain top-tier. The editing is one of the best you’ll ever see in a C-drama production. Likewise the original score composed by Tan Xuan that complements the various atmospherics of the scenes as well as the exquisite cinematography. Needless to say, the production designs appear as immaculate as the classical structures of the filming locales selected. This is very much apparent at the Zhou family estate in Zhenjiang, the couple’s traditional mansion and the surroundings of the Wuzhen canals.

The performance of the cast is compelling. I’ve already waxed lyrical about Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu in my review of O&O so without replicating similar superlatives, I’m pleased that their delivery meets my expectations. There are a number of new characters in the story that caught the eye. Ci Sha as the charismatic Mei Xing in his first ever production. Similar to the monk in O&O, he represents the swoon-worthy wingman in the modern setting with his suave and charming characterization. My personal favourite supporting character this time around is Zhou Wen Xing, played by Wang Rui Xin who is another relative newcomer to the industry. She has one of the more significant and emotional character arcs in the story which she portrays with absolute purity and believability.

I love the music for the production, perhaps even more so than O&O due to the outstanding accompaniment of the BGM score in scene transitions as well as the poignant ending and couple theme, Continue Writing by Shan Yichun. Bai Lu provides a rendition of Heartbeat, her character theme while the same opening theme of O&O is used for the title sequence, the hauntingly enthralling instrumental version of Unworried (Wuyu).

Continue Writing 续写 by Shan Yichun 单依纯
Give to You 给你给我 by Buyi Mao 毛不易
Heartbeat 心动 by Bai Lu 白鹿
Freeze Frame 定格 by Yan Renzhong 颜人中
Unworried 无虞 by Mimi Lee 李紫婷, Jing Long 井胧

What I Thought Was Lacking

First, a disclaimer - I haven’t read the literary source so this is purely my thoughts on the drama production and not on the novel itself.

The plot lacked depth or perhaps its essence was not fleshed out by the adaptation. At around the halfway point of the drama, I began to accept that although supposedly based on the main portion of the source content, this sequel actually plays out like a tribute to O&O by virtue of the extended storyline of the main couple. In other words, F&E feels more like a combination of overlong MV scenes, aesthetic travelogue and live-action vignettes that are interwoven into a cinematic and surreal tapestry of vivid dreamy moments. Each frame is gorgeous to look at but you don’t really comprehend the significance of what is happening.

The storytelling leaves much to be desired. Just as it was in O&O, F&E is character driven by the powerful performances of Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu. However, the premise and plot of O&O were clearly defined to tell viewers what are at stake and for whom. In F&E, aside from a few major characters, there seem to be many other characters just passing through without adding any seemingly tangible value to the plot. The Zhousheng family tree itself is confusing enough with its cousins and second cousins, marriage and remarriage, half-siblings, servants who share the same surname, the so-called elders who appear intermittently to discuss “family affairs” (I’m still not exactly sure what they’re manufacturing or trading, to be perfectly honest). The rather underdeveloped and, at times, perplexing toxic sibling-rivalry that culminates in a bitter contest for control over the family’s business. All these events transpire amidst Peking opera performances in the background and the daily family breakfast at the Zhenjiang family estate that resembles a tour group buffet meal for tourists at a zen retreat.

Controversy in the Adaptation

Debates were raging in the drama page revolving around criticisms of the adaptation and also Ren Jia Lun’s “no-kiss/ intimacy” policy that purportedly resulted in the screenplay being changed to accommodate this policy thus adversely altering the core characterization of the ML, Zhousheng Chen.

Personally I’m perfectly fine with the leads not having enough or any explicit intimate scenes. The romance has to feel right and realistically sync with the conviction of the chemistry, regardless of how often they share deep kisses between them in bed and in public, or not at all. Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu are adept at selling their romance at an emotional and spiritual level that transcends physical boundaries, which they both did so well in O&O.

Regarding the novel’s iteration of Zhousheng Chen, who is supposedly different in terms of personality and his interactions with Shi Yi, I can’t comment on which one is better since I’m only aware of the drama version. But, I have enjoyed Ren Jia Lun’s interpretation of the role. It’s eccentric and a little quirky, for sure. But I thought it fits his persona of an inexperienced and erudite researcher who eventually undergoes a tremendous growth in his evolution as a man and his affectionate love and respect for Shi Yi.

Final Thoughts

Should one watch O&O before watching this? Not necessarily and even the references from the prequel are extremely vague. However, you would most definitely appreciate F&E much more if you start the journey from O&O, which I did. Forever and Ever is a kind of homage and fan service to One and Only that alleviates the tragic suffering and fulfills its promise of giving viewers the happily-ever-after closure that Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi truly deserves. Enjoying the sweet romantic moments and not losing brain cells over the overarching plot that develops in the background would be my advice going into this one.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 26, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A slow-paced romance that gives us the happy ending we needed


Just like many, I have been waiting for the happy ending after watching "One and Only". O&O is a beautiful, tragic romance where no one got a happy ending. I am eagerly waiting for Zhou Sheng Chen and Shi Yi's happily every after. This drama is not a romantic comedy and one should not expect cute and fluffy romance and lots of kisses. Instead, I feel that it has a very similar vibe to O&O. It's mellow and romantic in its own way. The romance is developed very slowly, even though they are engaged early on in the drama. Some might find the pace too slow because of ZZC's character and his awkward dorkiness. One need to be patient for the romance to develop and it's the central part of this whole drama. I do think that the drama could have been a little shorter.

What I like:

1. Zhou Sheng Chen/Allen Ren - One of the main reasons I enjoy this drama is because I enjoy a male lead like ZSC. I have a soft spot for a ML who is a little reserved, loyal, a little dorky, and shows his affections through quiet actions and not cheesy lines. I like how ZSC could only manage to utter a few words in the beginning of the romance. Then you slowly see that he speaks in phrases, then in complete sentences and then able to joke and tease. The way he talks shows the progression of their relationship. I am a fan of Allen Ren, but I never find him super attractive unless he's in uniform. But I find him VERY attractive in this drama. He looks good in a sweatshirt, in PJs and in suits, well, and topless. He looks especially good with his wet hair :)

2. *Spoiler* Ep 23 Bathtub scene - This is the most intimate, heartbreaking and romantic scene. It breaks my heart that ZSC was devastated from his grief. I felt Shu Yi's helplessness in not knowing how to comfort him. The washing of his hair feels so intimate and comforting. I love that ZSC asks Shu Yi to hug him and she immediately climbs inside the tub and give him a big, tender, loving hug. We don't need a passionate kiss here. All we need is that quietness and understanding of each other. This scene gives me the same vibe as my favorite nose-touching scene in One and Only.

3. Main Romance - I love how Shu Yi complements ZSC so well. They are both quiet people but Shu Yi is honest and straightforward, very similar to Shu Yi in One and Only. She's the one that always initiates and shows affection first, and that's what ZSC needs. I like how inexperienced our male lead is and the way he's always trying to ask Shu Yi to teach him. I agree with Shu Yi, he is absolutely adorable in his dorky self. The romance is mature and healthy. They trust each other and there isn't any silly misunderstanding between them. I also like their subtle color-matching outfits, esp. the yellow/tan sweater that Shu Yi wears and the yellow/tan jacket that ZSC wears (he looks so good in that outfit!).

4. Acting - Of course Bai Lu and Allen Ren are amazing and have great chemistry. I enjoy the supporting cast as well, e.g. Grandma, Uncle Lin, FL's parents and Little Ren.

4. Costumes - Everyone in this drama dresses very well. Our leads have a wonderful wardrobe of casual wear, formal wear and evening wear. It's hard to find a C-drama that I agree with the costume choices, as I've seen too many oversized clothing. Bai Lu looks absolutely beautiful in everything she wears. And of course, Allen Ren, who I gushes so much about already.

5. The Sites/Cinematography - What a beautiful traditional-style big house we have in this drama. The shots of the view of the lotus pond is especially beautiful when the red lanterns were up. I love all the rooms, all the yards and especially the library. I am also glad that we get to see sights in Shanghai and Xi'An as well.

What I don't Like:

1. Reincarnation Ban - I read that China bans dramas of reincarnation and I think it affects the story-telling of this drama. For fans of One & Only, Forever and Ever lacks the connection between the two. As much as I like the dream sequences and the voice dubbing, they are not enough to provide viewers to feel the emotional connection and the leads past lives. That's why I find it hard to believe that Shu Yi would fall in love with Zhou Shen Chen at the airport because of a name.

2. Plot holes - Did ML tell FL the real reason for his proposal, that he needs to get married to inherit everything? Did I miss that part? How can a boatman not know how to swim? Didn't the crabs stay with FL's parents house and the cute dad was fanning the crabs? How come the little girl brought the crabs back to ML?

3. Lack of kisses - I did not feel that One & Only needs any kiss scene. But, I do feel that we need at least one or two more in Forever and Ever. We only get one in the car and it was going so well until it was interrupted. There were quite a few moments when I felt that a kiss will enhance the scene, e.g. when they were both soaked in the rain and got back to the hotel before their first night together. Or when they're in the snow on top of the tower before or after they whisper the "I love you"?

4. Family Drama at the end - I am not sure how I feel about the family drama in the last few episodes. It feels a little out of place.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 15, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A beautiful love story

Highly recommended.
This drama explore what " love, comfort and support" from a relationship we dream off should be.

Totally fall for Zhou Sheng Chen ❤️❤️❤️.
Allen Ren portray ZSC perfectly. You can feel his nervousness and excitement at the same time when facing his love one.
He is serious but never arrogance,
Innocent but smart, Straight forward but soft.
He is a gentle soul but fiercely face the tyranny of his clan.
Opposite characters but he balance them well.
Charming on his own way ❤️❤️❤️
And Shi Yi is Zhou Sheng Chen "catalyst". She is the back bone of his transformation.

Shi Yi readily agreeable attitude is easily questionable. BUT with Zhou Sheng Chen character, it is understandable. He is the epitome of security with the presence of all important elements required in relationship: Commitment, Love and Respect.

The story plot is fast paced. The scenes are melodramatic and slow mo in a beautiful and meaningful way with beautiful OST.
Love the scripts with plenty to quote from plus pretty cinematography.

Note: even without the first sequel, you still can appreciate this drama. Please do watch. Happy watching 🥰

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Cet avis était-il utile?
23 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 22, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
The idiom, 细水长流, literally meaning “thin streams of water will flow for a long time” is often used to describe this type of love.... well in simple language we call it a slow burn.

Having read the novel and seen the sequel before it was hard to not compare it with it, so I ended up writing this review in 3 parts... you may skip the novel and prequel parts.

Forever and Ever as stand-alone:

First I wanna say... you can watch 'Forever and Ever' as stand-alone. Apart from slight references and small clues, it's not fully related or continuation for One and Only. (But still, I would recommend One and Only for the best experience)

Being part of the 'Sweet-On' series it is not fully sweet, I would call it all flavor treat, sweet-spicy-tangy-salty sometimes even bitter. Many subplots are very unrealistic and unpredictable as you can't guess what's gonna happen next, where's the story leading you. In terms of story progression, it's quite fast-paced but it's the polar opposite when it comes to some romantic development between our leads... coz it's snail slow, that might lean it towards being a bit boring... they even can get the award for being a most awkward couple despite being married. As for the fact, few twists are quite surprising.. but not pleasant all the time.

Talking about characters, both leads are quite likable but not perfect or flawless, surreal... they have their shortcomings and weaknesses. Shi Yi is bright, gentle, caring, straightforward, energetic she has her charm. Where Zhousheng Chen is nerdy, taciturn, not very good at expressing himself well you can say both of their personalities don't match with each other that's why they complement each other very well.

To be honest, other than leads and a couple of supporting characters... Among them, Uncle Lin was the only person whom I enjoyed seeing on screen. Mei Xing has charisma with his aura.. and sometimes it even outshined more than Zhousheng Chen for me. I also liked Ren's character it added a bit of playfulness. But the thing is I wasn't invested in anyone's side stories or whatever they do. None of the support roles were appealing or even interesting... furthermost some very annoying and frustrating.

In terms of acting this sure has the upper hand, as both Bai Lu and Allen Ren did a splendid job as usual, and their chemistry rocks. For the first time, I've seen Allen as a flustered character, his expressions were spot on.

This is aesthetically beautiful and pleasing for the eyes, loved cinematography and color grading which wasn't too bright or too gloomy. And the wardrobe for Shi Yi was great, I'm very satisfied with the styling.

The music and soundtrack are amazing.

"Continued" 续写 - Shan Yichun
“Heart Beats” 心动 - Bai Lu
"Time Froze" 定格 - Yan Ren Zhong

~One and Only:

The most common thing between both dramas would be opening sequence music.. that kinda made me emotional bringing back all memories. But other than that there's nothing.

If I start to see this drama from point of One and Only then this is going to be my biased opinion as I loved One and Only very much. And it doesn't live up to the expectations of One and Only... which was memorable and painfully beautiful. This feeling and emotions or even the story feels superficial and not very special here.

Apart from having the same names and faces Shi Yi and Zhousheng Chen from past and present are different. That's why you can't relate to them. Zhousheng Chen with an intimidating persona... an upright, brave general you can't simply think a nerdy researcher with low self-esteem is the reincarnation of him if their face weren't the same. Though it's not this extreme with Shi Yi.. in some aspects we can relate her to Eleven, but at the same time, we can't really. I can understand the situation.. the time, the environment they grew up in is very different. Just the thing is the characters are changed drastically.

Another shortcoming of Forever and Ever is the supporting roles and their stories... having great support characters with strong and interesting stories, where I was invested and felt something for them. Support characters are weak with side stories. As I found myself skipping their parts most of the time.

Without One and Only, Forever and Ever is mediocre, but after suffering from OnO it can give you... ease for pain. As it's not as painful and OnO

~One Life, One Incarnation – Beautiful Bones:

First major change... Zhousheng Chen isn't tall like the novel (just kidding lol xD). If you are expecting some intimate scenes from the novel.. sorry to disappoint you, you get nothing more than just a kiss (which is almost a peck) and such choppy edited, and weirdly angled supposedly intimate scenes.

It's not exactly like the novel at the same time... it's not fully different. Maybe a little less exaggerated. As the novel was insane and illogical at some parts.. with some WHAT? HOW? moments. Though they decided to keep some almost makjang-feel parts but again not very exaggerated.

Again same happens as what happened with One and Only characters aren't what they are.. but different, sometimes very different. Shi Yi in the novel wasn't favorite as she felt last century girl always.. not modern girl living in 21st, though her character isn't 180- degree turned but she somewhat feels real and likable. Zhousheng Chen from the novel is quite unlike... his character was almost changed in the novel as they wanted for the flow of the story, he's nerdy, a very scientist like... then he is confident dominant CEO type.. well it's like he doesn't have specific personality in the novel it changes so drastically which isn't case with the drama. So drama is more appealing, realistic.. likable, and relatable in these things.

But then when it comes to the past story.. as they can't show reincarnation directly. But only with some small references... that includes Shi Yi's skills, her fear of height... a liking of pomegranates, they even mentioned her dreams and psychologist. Nothing really indicates or links to their past story now if you think again, from Zhousheng Chen there aren't any other references other than the name. So in that case, 'Love-at-first-thing' is quite illogical.. as they followed a novel where his appearance is average, not appealing or attractive. And you just don't ask any stranger his phone number just coz his name is familiar with your work lol... as for Shi Yi in the novel had a strong reason where she remembers everything.

Honestly even having some unique things 'Forever and Ever' isn't very extraordinary or gives you an outstanding experience.. but sure very enjoyable.

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Lady Ajumma
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 21, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

A classy romance drama in its own right.

I watched this drama because of Bai Lu and been a fan of hers since 'Jiu Liu Overlord'.

'Forever and Ever' is a good love story within the romance genre and it is able to stand independently without the need to watch ‘One and Only’.

And that is a big call. I have not watched ‘One and Only’ and I have no plans to. It will just break my heart. Alternatively, I read the previous reviews of 'Forever and Ever', reviews of the ‘One and Only’ show, wiki it, and so forth; to understand the totality of this couple’s journey. If you are in the same boat as me, read a few reviews to understand the nuances of Zhousheng Chen and Shi Yi’s behaviours.

The biggest reason that I completed this drama is Bai Lu and Allen Ren performances. I was incredibly impressed with Allen Ren’s portrayal of Zhousheng Chen. His little mannerisms of the socially awkward professor throughout the whole drama are gold. Bai Lu on the other hand, her Shi Yi is the embodiment of that ‘calm sophisticated lady’, and my womancrush on her is getting stronger. They were the glue of this drama.

Despite the acting prowess of Lu and Ren, there are issues I do not like such as:
- the last few episodes felt a bit rushed – from going ok to ‘huh?’,
- the loose story arc of police involvement where I even forget why he was in the show,
- the way the story glossed over Zhousheng’s work for the family,
- Shi Yi’s bloody amazing stomach for putting up with his family drama.

Highly recommended for romance drama lovers, Bai Lu and Allen Ren.

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Love Your Bones Forever (2021) poster



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