The World Is Not Enough...Literally
Fans or even dabblers of OCN, you would know what to expect by now. For the uninitiated, just watch this drama and you'll get what we mean. Unlike regular terrestrial channels (SBS, KBS, MBC and the like), cable networks like OCN have more freedom to explore darker themes for more mature audiences (or basically anyone who's into this stuff).I finished Train in a matter of days, as soon as it was nearing the end so I could binge watch without interruptions. Reading the comments section gave me the impression that this is a not-to-be missed event and true enough, I wasn't disappointed.
Certain elements of this show reminded me of 24 (the US drama), Tunnel (2017, with Choi Jin Hyuk) and, of course TKEM (I didn't actually watch this after hearing how bad it was, but the storyline is based on parallel worlds as well. so that seems to be the trend in this year's recurring sci-fi theme). Every episode was intriguing and suspenseful, leaving you with a cliffhanger and craving for more. If I could break it down into comprehensible parts...
Story - Excellent plot and infused with twists (not all unexpected but fit into the grander scheme of things). Not sure if this came off a novel or short story somewhere but there can be no complaints in this area. Kudos to the screenwriters for bringing to life a fascinating and somewhat original concept.
Acting/ Casting - Yoon Shi Yoon was outstanding here. Admittedly I haven't seen his previous works but having debuted a decade ago and playing the lead in well-regarded dramas like The Nokdu Flower and Psychopath Diaries, surely he could be regarded as an experienced hand. Playing dual roles in any production cannot be easy so he showed his range here. The rest of the cast were generally decent, although I expected more from the usually exceptional Kyung Soo Jin (it's more personal expectation than her fault). I also think we need to give props to Lee Hang Na here - the role truly fits her like a glove.
What it is - Intriguing murder mystery, comprehensible parallel worlds concept (it wasn't confusing at least to me), suspense-filled thriller, great cinematography, compelling storytelling, acceptable ending (it brought the necessary closure, although could have been better).
What it isn't - Confusing sci-fi concepts, low budget production, romantic love story (it is not the key element of this production).
I really enjoyed this, Train is one of the better productions from OCN.
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Olha já faz algum tempo que terminei esse drama, mas até hoje não tinha conseguido expressar bem o que achei dele. Train pra mim foi um drama legal que me manteve interessada do inicio ao fim. Isso me fez acreditar que essa seria a primeira vez que eu entregaria o privilegiado lugar de favorito para algum drama da OCN, mas aos 45 min do segundo tempo, novamente algo impediu que isso acontecesse. Mas vamos por partes: primeiro contarei a minha história com a emissora e depois falarei sobre o drama propriamente dito.◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
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Não sou Stalker da emissora, não assisti todos os dramas dela e nem pretendo(devo dizer). Todas as vezes que fui assistir algum drama não só dessa emissora como de qualquer outra foram inconscientes. Como assim?
Gosto de me guiar pela sinopse e algumas outras coisas, mas nunca me importo com a emissora que faz o drama. Acho que depois de 2 anos assistindo doramas sem que isso tivesse mudado, já posso dizer que duvido que isso mudará algum dia. Já acho que levo muita coisa em consideração antes de começar algum drama, então que sou feliz não me importando com isso...
Mas no caso dessa emissora em particular, percebi que algo sempre se repete quando me aventuro a assistir alguns de seus dramas: o incomodo com a fotografia muito escura e cansativa, e a decepção com os ditos finais revolucionários. O que quero dizer com isso?
Tenho um sério problema com os finais dos dramas que essa emissora entrega. Até começo animada, as sinopses são chamativas, as histórias interessantes, o elenco é muito bem pensado. Sempre sinto que eles tem o dom de trazer uma cara de mega produção para qualquer drama que resolvam fazer.
No entanto, salvo raras exceções, o mesmo problema sempre se repete na reta final. E mais uma vez lá estou eu decepcionada ou revoltada com o desfecho da história.
As viradas mirabolantes no roteiro na reta final do drama me incomodam absurdamente. Sou do time que acredita que "menos é mais" e sempre sinto que erram feio na dose quando tentam entregar algo revolucionário demais. No final das contas mais parece que de tanto tentar se diferenciar das outras emissoras, acabaram criando um padrão de desfecho clichê que sempre sei que acontecerá na OCN.
Veja bem, não tenho problema nenhum com suspenses, ou com finais inesperados, ser surpreendida com algo é geralmente bom. A sensação de ter pensado que sabia de algo quando na verdade não era bem assim não me incomoda nenhum pouco.
O maior problema no caso dessa emissora é que sempre sinto que qualquer outro final seria melhor do que aquilo. É como se tivessem forçando a barra para fazer certas coisas acontecerem nos episódios finais para te pegar desprevenido, mas não conseguem me agradar. E com TRAIN não foi diferente.
Eu poderia continuar falando sobre o assunto por um bom tempo, mas acho que já conseguiram entender a ideia geral, então vamos falar do drama em si.
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O gênero que mais tenho fugido esse ano é fantasia, porque durante todos esses meses do ano não estive na vibe. No entanto, estava precisando de uma espécie de mudança de ares e decidi me aventurar com Train.
Apesar de termos um enredo que passeia entre uma realidade e outra, não fiquei confusa sobre a história. Fizeram um belo trabalho no desenvolvimento da trama para que isso não acontecesse.
Não temos aqui uma OST de peso, sequer tivemos algum destaque para a música, então não tenho nada a dizer sobre isso.
Eu já era fã do ator Yoon Shi Yoon e acompanhava os trabalhos dele há algum tempo, mas devo dizer que ele me surpreendeu positivamente aqui. Isso porque, diferente de seus dramas anteriores esse era um papel mais sério que exigiu algo a mais dele em termos de atuação. Coisa que ele fez tão bem que fiquei impressionada.
O ritmo desse drama foi muito bom e conseguiu me manter animada pelo que viria a seguir durante todos os episódios o que já é uma grande vantagem em relação a outros tantos dramas que começo e tenho que me arrastar pra conseguir terminar. Além disso, tenho que destacar que justamente por se tratar de um drama com uma quantidade reduzida de episódios, a todo momento temos a sensação de que as coisas acontecem muito rápido na história.
Nunca um guarda chuvas teve tanta importância em uma historia quanto aqui. Brincadeiras a parte, levantei o assunto porque foi justamente em um dia chuvoso em um ponto de ônibus que os destinos de ambos protagonistas se desviaram para rumos opostos criando duas linhas do tempo paralelas.
E a história toda gira em torno desse pormenores que fizeram com que o rumo de suas vidas fosse totalmente diferentes, além é claro de descobrirmos quem era o serial killer que matava em um universo e desovava os corpos em outro para que não fosse pego.
Mesmo que seja uma ficção, isso te faz pensar no poder que cada uma das decisões que tomamos diariamente. Já parou pra pensar o que teria acontecido com você se tivesse decidido virar sair uma hora depois daquele lugar?
Enfim, a história segue seu curso natural e quando finalmente pensei que no final minha novela com a OCN teria um final feliz. Mais uma vez me vi insatisfeita com os acontecimentos do último capítulo.
Além de sentir que o plot veio tarde demais. As revelações do final nos fazem crer que a troca de realidades nunca terá fim é como se um cachorro estivesse sempre correndo atrás de seu próprio rabo.
Todos nós sabemos que isso não dará em nada. E é justamente essa a sensação que fica a respeito do protagonista, não importa quanto ele tente mudar seu próprio destino, mais parece que pular naquele trem não fez nenhum sentido porque não lhe trouxe um resultado diferente.
Não foi um drama ruim, mas de dramas medianos minha lista já esta cheia. Para mim esse drama sempre representará uma viagem única. Aquela que você só faz uma vez na vida e nunca mais quer repetir.
Tinha muito potencial ali, mas é uma pena que tenha terminado assim, o plot em um momento errado só aumentou a sensação de algo terminado as pressas...
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Everything about this drama is top notch, from the tight plot, beautiful writing and great acting. I wish this is a 16 episodes drama, so we could get a deeper exploration of characters and plot.
Every episode left you biting your nail waiting for the next episodes to be available. The suspense was intense and intriguing. I love the concept of how the parallel world actually work. There are so many small things that seems insignificant the first time around but it’s actually a clue to the bigger picture. So beautifully written and executed.
I love how they show and explore both world, how one single action could lead to such a different outcome. The color palate they use in each world is different, and it really enhanced the viewing experience.
The difference in each world is subtle in some aspect but significant in other stuff. The difference also shows in our characters, because they experience a different life, they have different personalities, but fundamentally they are still the same person.
This is not the first time Yoon Shi Yoon play as two different characters in a drama, I first show him do it in ‘Your Honor’ where he play as twin brothers. I think his acting here is so much better then before, in ‘your honor’ he over act a lot when playing one of the brother, while here, he played Do Won characters with subtle differences that’s more enjoyable to see. I wish they could explore more of the background story of Do Won from the other world, he seems so broken and jaded, that I want to know more about him.
Two thumbs up for Kyung Soo Jin as Han Seo Kyung. Her portrayals of Seo Kyung characters in both worlds are really good. Really love her characters in both worlds. Just wish they have more episodes so that more of the characters from the alternate world could be explored more deeply. All the other actors also portrayed their characters so well. It’s a really good casts.
The musics are really good. Love ‘I will never’ by Joe Wonsun and also ‘with you’ by Oo. All the background music also build up the atmosphere really nicely.
I will rewatched this series, I will be looking at all the difference between each world and also looking for the similarities. I would also look at all the crumbs of clues splattered across the episodes.
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Great Suspense Thriller About Parallel Worlds!
I tried this a few weeks after it had aired because I saw how high the ratings were and here I am, finished watching this great mystery fantasy drama! I was hooked onto this drama since episode 1 and I was really intrigued by how this crime is taken place through parallel worlds. I stayed to see how this drama would and it sure did not disappoint! Another thing I loved is the moderate amount of romance that did not overshadow the suspense and crime-solving in the drama. Train shows how parallel world dramas should be done and I'm glad I stuck through until the end. Having 12 episodes was the perfect length for the plotline to develop at a moderate pace that was relatively easy to follow and did not drag. The only thing that made me drop a few points is that the story takes some thinking to keep track of each character's storyline in their original world because of Do won's world jumping. Despite this, it was a great watch and I would recommend it as a good suspense drama of 2020 to give it a try!Spoilers ahead!
Overall things I liked:
1. Very nicely written characters and storyline that was consistent and not boring (made it easy to get attached to the characters such as Kim Jin Woo's story, or the connectedness of the two worlds)
2. Love the acting! (Yoon Shi Yoon is amazing as the Do Wons!- really great as playing two roles which make up for his performance in Your Honor that I didn't really like; as well as the other characters)
3. The love line- was very balanced and did not get in the way of solving the mystery
4. How the motives behind people's actions were explained (such as why Min Joon killed or why the Chief protected him)
5. Filmography was great! (such as that scene in episode 11 when Do Won and Seo Kyung were both on the train tracks)
6. Loved how easy it was to tell when the world switched and which world each character was from without having an obvious personality or dress differences (I can tell based on behavior and can infer why that character turned out that way)
7. How handsome Yoon Shi Yoon was as Do Won!!- He got more built for the character and just wearing regular t-shirts look so good on him! >.<
Things that bothered me:
1. Some parts confused me at times because of all the thinking needed to keep track of the activity and background of each world's characters
2. How it didn't explain how Chief found out about the train or why Do won 1 had the power to move through the train at the end when the train was scraped
3. The ending!- I wish I could see more of what happened between that Do Won and that Seo Kyung in that new world shown at the end so it left me feeling unsatisfied
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Parallel Worlds Done Right
If you are a regular watcher of OCN thrillers, then the plot of Train is exactly what you would expect from them. A unique twist on murder mysteries, this time instead of time travel they explore the concept of parallel worlds. The story focuses on a serial killer who travels between worlds using a mysterious train which connects them together. Seo-Do Wan sees the love of his life murdered and as he is on the verge of taking his own life, a train appears as he latches on to it bringing him to another world, where everything is just a little bit different, but here his love is alive. The story unfolds as he tries to find the real killer, while trying to protect his loved ones as well. Despite it being a 12 episode show, the story does start off rather slow, building the foundation of the story and introducing the main characters, but after a certain death, it picks up in speed fast.As with most OCN dramas there are a few twists, and the first few can be expected, but the last episode.... the last episode was done so well, with a huge reveal, and an ending that left me not happy but content. (In a Good Way)
Yoon Shi Yoon and Kyung Soo Jin were the stars of the show, and they both showed their duality by portraying their characters in both worlds perfectly. As a huge YSY fan, he has never let me down in double roles, and he did a great job portraying Do-Won A and Do-Won B.
All in all it's just what I would expect from an OCN thriller, and they did not disappoint. If you're hesitant to watch, just do it, it's a well written mystery show that does a great job explaining and exploring parallel worlds.
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Worth it for Yoon Shi-yoon.
This show had me invested from the start. Maybe it was Yoon Shi-yoon crying. Maybe it was the endless potential this concept and story had. It was satisfying, but it could’ve actually been amazing if things happened a little differently.The Premise:
I wouldn’t describe Train as a parallel worlds show. If you’re looking for fantasy, I’d urge you to look elsewhere. Sure there are several worlds and they certainly are parallel, but for the most part, Train is a police/serial-killer show and the existence of a separate world just complicates things a heck ton.
The short 12 episode format does a lot to keep you invested. Of all the shows I was watching on air, this was always the one I wanted to watch first on Saturday. The pacing was really great. Reveals happen in quick succession, and you never feel like you’re waiting for something to happen. I think this would be a really good show to binge watch.
A note: If I could go back and watch this show for the first time, I never would have read any episode discussions, because I feel like a lot of the less obvious reveals would’ve hit wayy harder. Some fans are just so good at theorizing. There’s some conspiracy theory level stuff in here that I wish I could’ve just experienced while watching.
Train was Yoon Shi-yoon’s show. He carried the emotions, he instigated most of the events, he’s the reason to watch. I became a fast fan, and I want to watch him in comedy now, because I need to see the man smile. The side characters are all good, but it’s hard to fall in love with them in the 12 episodes we had. The villain was super great though; the story was way more thought out and interesting than I initially expected on that front (but I wanted moooore).
Yoon Shi-yoon as Do-won A had all the backstory, and he was the one person in both worlds that you get attached to. I think Train does the other members of the main cast dirty. Do-won B, Seo-kyung (Kyung Soo-jin), and Jung-min (Shin So-yool) all deserve better. Do-won B and Jung-min are characters that might have been so fun to explore, but ultimately the show falls flat on that front.
The female lead, Seo-kyung, is developed but she’s so boring. The character was fine, but Kyung Soo-jin and her one facial expression were kind of hard to watch. She’s probably a good actress, but I didn’t really like her here. I might just be biased, because as soon as Shin So-yool showed up, I wanted her to be the main lead; I was actually devastated when I looked at the cast list and found out she wasn’t.
Final Thoughts:
All in all, I wanted more from Train. It actually ended pretty well. I’m sure this show has plot holes, but I thought it did a good job answering some questions that I had given up on earlier (while also opening a new can of worms, but whatever). I appreciate that. It just could’ve been so much better, and I’ll always resent it for that.
Also I highkey want a spin-off following a certain very bad but important person that I won’t name here. Please @OCN, I’ll love you forever.
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Nice finale payoff but needs patience getting there
Train had a good payoff and finale but it was a bit of a slog getting there. For a suspense crime noir drama, the pacing was so off. It's only 12 episodes but the 'thrill' part is lacking, there were lots of fillers and rehash of past stuff. There's even not enough travelling between worlds to make the parallel worlds concept more exciting. The music is lacking as well.
I wanted to check this out for Yoon Shi Yoon. He played the dual roles well, but felt he can go a tad overboard at times. His trademark charisma is evident though even in such a serious role so I'm curious to see him in a comedic role next. The cast was more or less forgettable. The actor playing the villain was so bland. His background is interesting enough, but that actor lacks the villain gravitas. I liked that final twist though, and how it all comes together by the last 2 eps.
That romance is weird. Interesting concept but I wished the male lead did not like the girl instantly just because she looks the same as his first love. Hope the writer took time to develop the feelings first. In the end, this is a drama I can only strongly recommend to Yoon Shi Yoon fans.
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3 things in this drama are truly amazing. The story, acting & the ost.
A very simple idea but properly written and then properly executed. Recently I'm really hard on the stories I read/watch. Always looking for mistakes. But I could hardly find any plot-holes here. Which such a big thing when you are writing stories with slight time/parallel universe in them. So many places you can mess up. But I couldn't find any here. The story was written flawlessly!
The cast was amazing. I loved the main lead and for me he basically made this, this amazing character that he was given into life. Absolutely loved his acting. His expressions were so good! And the female lead too. The different between the two characters she played. Wow. And others too. Loved it.
The OST was sooooo good!! It was perfect with the theme of the drama and really made the scenes more alive. The vide it gave off , wow. Totally made the moods. Loved it.
This for me is one of the best OCN dramas I have seen so far. On top with Tunnel it stays.
Totally recommend others to try this if they haven't watched it.
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Adhithya Jayendrakumar
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show. Train , says about that , whatever we does to
get what we need , it would result as same as it is given by fate in the end . Train , the Korean drama which
Released by OCN aired it's first episode in 11 July
2020 and the last episode aired in 17 August 2020.
Train,is a fantasy / mystery / thriller Serie starring
Yoon Shi-yoon , Kyung Soo-jin and Shin So-yul. Train
Sets around a group of detectives who is trying to find
the culprit behind the dead bodies that have shown up
in an old railway station. Then , to find out the truth a
detective gets to know about mystery behind a train
that runs in that railway station. From there , the serie
takes us all to a rollercoaster ride where many lies ,
Covered truths are all hidden and found by the lead
actor Yoon Shi-yoon. Train , the serie can deliver us a
Satisfied end and also a much engaging experience too.
The serie have many good aspects such as it's
Cinematography , with stunning visuals and the music
and the background score which can keep up to the
Series mood. The writers of the serie have done a
good amount of work in the serie and the direction is
also pretty damn good too. Many of the visuals of the
night scenes were also perfect and action sequences
were also excellent. The writer of the serie Park
Ga-yeon had done a hell of a work in giving the viewers
exact satisfaction. The director Ryu Seung-jin had also
done pretty good job when looking upon the action
or the chasing scenes. The narration of the serie can
get confused but all of the each minor scenes are done
Very well . The serie may have got into a troublesome
with it's plot but the serie doesn't made mistake on its
plot . The narrating style is very brilliantly done in each
episodes.The acting by the lead actor Yoon Shi-yoon is
very magnificent in both his roles , the way he changes
to the same person as he is but in a different behaviour
and in different style made it more realistic .
Train , the Korean serie have a total of 12 episodes
and each of the episodes are of 60 minutes or less .
Although , the serie is a mystery it's plot and tension
building scenes makes it more better . This serie is a
Worth watchable one .
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The cast was amazing too especially the male lead, he was convincing in his dual role. Yet however good I thought this drama was it failed to entrap me. I don't know but for me it was missing something. Sometimes I zoned out in the middle of the episodes and felt like the sl each episode dragged too much. Maybe it was because I'm not into crime/mystery dramas so much, could be why this one sorta went over my head. I don't know. Overall I give this a 7.5.
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Predictable but super entertaining
The first 2 episodes didnt really get my attention but once I was finally hooked, I absolutely loved the ride.The plot is not very original, even with the other dimension concept, it's something that has already been done. But despite its lack of originality, I found the story very well paced and written. Even though I already knew what was coming, I still very much enjoyed watching each episode and the process of finding the criminal.
For the romance part, some said it was only subtle but I disagree. It's not a romcom and you dont get to see the whole "fall in love" process but instead you understand how much they belong to each other and are already each other's family mainly through the ML memories. I found it maybe a little exaggerated for drama purposes but very moving at the same time. And I love how respectful the ML was to seo kyung from the other world, how he loved her without forcing his memories on her.
It was a breather from all the romcoms in which the ML pretty much forces his feelings on the FL
The ML actor carried this whole drama because the writing totally emphasises his perspective and introspection, I would have maybe liked to explore a little more the other characters, they were too simply depicted in my opinion.
Overall, i found it very entertaining and the OST stays in your head as well; the whole concept of the butterfly effect and how every action has a huge impact on a possible future was well used too. So as a big mystery/crime drama fan, I recommend!
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