Go Ahead (2020) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.9/10 par 27,185 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 61,177
Critiques: 322 utilisateurs
Classé #95
Popularité #181
Téléspectateurs 27,185

En raison de circonstances familiales inattendues, trois enfants sans lien de parenté sont devenus une nouvelle famille. Ils ont grandi ensemble depuis leur plus jeune âge, vivant des expériences ensemble, se soutenant mutuellement sur le chemin de la croissance. Cependant leurs douleurs émotionnelles les accompagnent, ils ont soif d'amour et pourtant peur de la perte. Et maintenant, les personnes qui leur ont fait du mal tentent de les séparer sous prétexte qu'elles sont "leur famille". Ils feront face à ces défis et apprendront à marcher sur ce chemin avec courage pour devenir de meilleurs individus. Modifier la traduction

  • Français
  • 中文(简体)
  • 中文(台灣)
  • ภาษาไทย
  • Pays: China
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 46
  • Diffusé: août 10, 2020 - sept. 6, 2020
  • Diffusé Sur: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Hunan TV iQiyi Mango TV
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 8.9 (scored by 27,185 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #95
  • Popularité: #181
  • Classification du contenu: G - All Ages

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 1, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
"Go ahead " est un drama qui me faisait de l'oeil dès sa sortie. Il combine le genre "amis d'enfance qui deviennent amants" (syndrome de "Touch") et les relations familiales. Un genre que j'affectionne particulièrement.
"Go Ahead" a été touchant grâce à la relation fraternelle des 3 enfants mais surtout, surtout des deux papas. Un grand bravo à Tu Song Yan et Zhang Xi Lin qui ont magnifiquement interprété les deux pères de familles : des pères incroyables de tolérance, drôle, débordant d'amour, compréhensible...Bref, des papas comme on aimerait souvent en voir! La relation entre Li Pa et Ling Pa est une des meilleurs "dad's bromance" que j'ai vu. L'alchimie entre ces deux là est incroyable. Leur dialogue savoureux. Leur amitié magnifique. Sans détour, la relation des deux papas, leur relation avec leurs enfants est ce qui m'a fait regarder ce drama jusqu'au bout avec le sourire et parfois, voire souvent des larmes aux yeux.
Je suis par contre plus mitigée en ce qui concerne notre trio d'ami d'enfance. La première partie est drôle et on apprécie la relation qu'ils ont, leur complicité. On comprend très vite qui finit avec qui, pas beaucoup de suspense à ce niveau, mais cela n'est dérangeant. Je n'ai pas eu le syndrome du second lead. Ni du premier lead d'ailleurs. J'ai aimé autant Ling Xiao et Zi Qiu. Je déplore par contre que la relation soit essentiellement basée sur Jian Jian. Si elle n'était plus là (ce qui se confirme avec le départ des deux frères), la relation n'aurait pas lieu d'être. Tout tourne autour d'elle et les liens entre Ling Xiao et Zi Qiu ne sont pas aussi fort que l'on pense; j'ai d'ailleurs été déçue de leur retrouvaille que je n'ai pas trouvé exceptionnelle.
J'ai eu du mal à comprendre comment des liens aussi forts, aussi ténus ont pu se rompre aussi facilement (bien que l'on comprendre plus tard ce qu'ils ont traversé et la raison de leur silence), mais cette relation mise en avant dans la première partie est tellement forte et sans équivoque lorsque tout bascule avec le retour des parents biologiques, on a du mal à comprendre. Cela prend peu de temps avant que tout ne change. Et c'est ce qui me donne ce sentiment un peu étrange de flou. On passe très (peut-être trop) rapidement sur ce passage à vide, où ils s'éloignent les uns des autres. Et ensuite nous arrivons rapidement au présent. Ils reviennent tous en même temps. Tous deux en secret. Tous deux traumatisés par ces 10 ans d'épreuves. Je trouve que tout cela a été fait trop vite, je n'ai pas eu le temps d'avoir de la peine pour eux. Je n'ai pas eu le temps d'être heureuse qu'ils se retrouvent. Je n'ai pas eu le temps d'apprécier l'amitié des 3 filles. La relation amoureuse entre Li JianJian et Ling Xiao est fulgurante. Je n'ai pas compris à quel moment Li Jianjian tombe amoureuse de son Gege. Elle le repousse, semble être perdue et paf, elle accepte de se mettre avec lui. Une relation qui a été mise en pause pendant 10 ans et qui devient rapidement, après une période de malaise dû à cet éloignement, une relation amoureuse; je n'ai pas totalement adhéré. Ils sont adorable bien sur. Ils vont bien ensemble. Mais je n'ai pas vibré à leur histoire.
J'ai par contre adoré la relation de chaque enfant avec son père/sa mère. Ling Xiao avec son père, Ling Pa maladroit envers son fils était adorable. J'ai été touché par son envie de se rapprocher de son fils, tout en se sachant comment faire. Pas une seule fois, il n'en veut à son ami Li Pa d'être proche a avec Ling Xiao bien au contraire. J'ai aussi adoré la relation entre Li Pa et Zi Qiu, la façon qu'ils se sont connus et aimés. Ce destin qui les font devenir père et fils du début à la fin. Je le redis, je ne le redirai jamais assez, les deux papas sont extraordinaire, le lien qui les unit, qui les unit à leurs enfants est ce qui a porté ce drama du début à la toute fin. Une magnifique photo de famille vient clôturer en beauté ce drama.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
305 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 4, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 25
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Most Endearing Drama of All Time

This is one of the very few dramas that explores our human nature, our interpersonal relationship and its intricacies, in great depth. It is happy and enjoyable, and yet every episode makes me cry. I cry not because of any tragic events but because of the moments, the actions, the relationships and dialogues of the characters that are so moving, and they touch every chord in my heart. Right after I cry, I’m given a candy that makes me laugh out loud. The brilliant story telling has made this one of the best dramas I’ve ever watched.

This is a story about family and what it takes to be a family – not wealth, not blood, not even just love alone. It takes, including love, patience, sharing, compassion, understanding, empathy, courage, among others, to build a truly tightly knitted family and home, going through life and living together. It is beautifully written and acted. The characters are realistic, relatable and inspiring. In the journey, the story explores compassion and indifference, self-esteem and fear, abandonment and adoption, cheerfulness and depression. It shows us the things we may have neglected in our own lives ourselves and things that we have taken for granted. It helps us see deeper into ourselves and reflect. It captures almost all human elements that we may have encountered, one way or another, in our own lives. We can definitely identify ourselves with at least one of the characters here.

Go Ahead is a story about a widower who single-handedly raises his own daughter and two other boys who are entrusted to him. All of them have one thing in common: they do not have mothers. The children grow up together; the boys become the big brothers for his daughter, pampering and protecting her. She is their sun and the center of their universe. Everything they do, they do it together, and they do it for her (with a lesser extent, for their adoptive father). Their relationship is heartwarming and enviable. Their love for each other is pure and not tainted by anything.

Li Haichao (Tu Song Yan), an owner of a small noodle shop, has a very different view in parenting. He is very open minded and compassionate. He teaches the children to critical think for themselves, and how to stand up when fallen. His love is unconditional and his favorite thing to do is to cook meals for his 3 children. Tu Song Yan’s acting is one of the best – natural, believable and lovable. He has a calm and compassionate demeanor that would attract anyone, never assuming nor judgmental. He’s one of the most loved characters in the story.

Li Jianjian (Tan Song Yun aka Seven Tan) is a tomboy who enjoys the love and pampering from her 2 adopted brothers, growing up and doing everything together with them including sleeping on the same bed. Li Jianjian, like her father Li Haichao, is kind, tactful and compassionate with a sharp wit and mouth. The period of them living together as teenagers attending high school is perhaps my fondest moments watching this drama. Tan Song Yun’s acting renders me speechless. She is so versatile that she can take on any roles and ace them. At her actual age of 30, she is so convincing, transforming into an innocent 15 year-old teenager and then growing up into a 25 year-old sculptor. Tan Song Yun’s acting simply awes the viewers.

Ling Xiao (Song Weilong) is a deeply broken and tormented boy who goes through unthinkable tragedies and sadness. The only times he beams up and smiles are when he sees Li Jianjian, that's when the sun comes out, everything seems to become normal again. Ling Xiao is a neighbor living with a divorced father above Li Jianjian’s apartment. Song Weilong always has that look of sadness with a heavy burden locked between his brows. With few words, he gives the feeling that he has thousands words that are hidden and cannot be spoken. Song Weilong fits the Ling Xiao character to perfection. Every sad gaze from him conveys those unspoken words and sadness, and digs deep into the viewers’ hearts.

He Ziqiu (Zhang Xincheng aka Steven Zhang) starts calling Li Haichao “father” when he first meets him because he (He Ziqiu) thinks his single mother is going to marry him (Li Haichao). The marriage falls through and He Ziqiu is left in the rural area with no proper education and no prospect of a better life. He’s unofficially adopted by Li Haichao with the consent of Ziqiu’s relatives. Being abandoned, He Ziqiu always has a hole in his heart, and he has always wanted a complete family. At the same time, he’s been taught by his adoptive father to maintain a positive view as everything is a blessing in disguise. This attitude has made him resilient and optimistic. Zhang Xincheng has the look of a person who would take anything that’s thrown to him and he’s the person who gets ignored all the time. Zhang Xincheng has given one of his most impressive performance in this drama, making his character well-loved and jerk tears from all viewers.

Chen Ting (Ling Xiao’s mother) is perhaps the most abhorred mother. As much as I’m tormented by her, I sympathize with her because I have seen many such characters like her in my life, carrying a dark disease that is too stigmatized for anyone to talk about. Mingyue’s mother is a typical Asian Tiger mother and many viewers may carry some or all of her traits; she can be us without us even realizing it ourselves. I see myself in many of the characters at different stages of my life; all my flaws are portrayed vividly in them. It’s disheartening to see that many parents are abusive in certain ways, physically or mentally, just like how the drama is depicting. Such abuses are unfortunately widespread, in particular, in the developed world.

Most parents love their children. But love can be enlightening (as in Li Haichao with his children) or suffocating (as in Ling Xiao with his mother, Qi Mingyue with her mother, Tan Can with her mother) or even painful (as in He Ziqiu with his mother). This is a very precious human drama and the writers have not dragged on any misunderstanding for long; everything is resolved rather quickly without giving viewers the frustration. Funny moments are injected brilliantly throughout the story to subdue the pains that some of the characters are suffering from.

All the other cast members are equally fabulous in their respective performances, especially the child actors who play the juveniles Li Jianjian, Ling Xiao and He Ziqiu. Their acting is so natural, lovable and believable. The children capture the viewers’ hearts from the start of the first episode. All the main characters are well developed and three dimensional, including some of the supporting characters who seem to be just a part of our own lives.

Many viewers begin to dislike the drama when the platonic relationship turns romantic. For me, I love the romance and have been waiting for it because the writers have hinted this (the romance) right from the beginning, expressed in many subtle actions, dialogues and moments. Some viewers even totally drop the drama when they perceive a love triangle. And for me, I was pretty clear that there's none because, again through various hints dropped by the writers that the other relationship is plain platonic. I hope new viewers are more prepared and not being influenced by some negative remarks.

The official sound tracks are some of the best, with touching lyrics speaking out the words of our hearts - for parent and for child alike. The voice which sings the sound track “Fearless” sounds like the voice of Ling Xiao, singing his despairs and agony, and the soundtrack “I Will Be Here” expresses the hidden voice of a parent. All the songs make me cry.

Time passes us quickly. We grow up, become parents, and grow old, and the circle of life continues. This drama touches our soul, for all cultures and walks of life.

This is one of my all-time favorites and is a must-watch. Two thumbs up!

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  • Drama: Go Ahead
  • Pays: Chine
  • Épisodes: 46
  • Diffusé: août 10, 2020 - sept. 6, 2020
  • Diffusé On: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Hunan TV, iQiyi, Mango TV
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Tous publics


  • Score: 8.9 (marqué par 27,185 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #95
  • Popularité: #181
  • Téléspectateurs: 61,177

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