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Une saison un peu décevante mais qui se regarde bien.
Nous sommes des fans de la saison 1. Nous avons laissé le temps passer avant de visualiser la saison 2, la raison est bien sur Arthur Cheng! Nous l'avons adoré dans la saison 1 et sa relation avec ses frères, Fu Zi, l'empereur et surtout SangSang étaient extraordinaire. Je ne vais pas refaire le topo pour la saison 1, j'ai déjà écris un avis dessus. C'est donc avec pas mal de recul que nous avons entamé la saison 2. Dylan Wang s'en sort plutôt bien. Il est évident pour nous qu'il n'a pas interprété Ning Qe aussi superbement qu'Arthur Cheng. Mais j'avoue que je ne vois personne d'autre qu'Arthur pour être Ning Qe. Dylan s'en sort comme il peut, il ne joue pas mal, il joue bien mais il n'a pas l'essence du premier, et je dois avouer que l'alchimie entre Ning Qe et SangSang est moins forte et moins palpable que dans le 1. Alors oui, la relation est devenue plus adulte et la saison 2 veut nous montrer que Ning Qe est vraiment amoureux de SangSang. J'aurais tellement aimé voir Arthur transi d'amour pour SangSang...car j'avoue que non, Dylan/Ning Qe ne semble pas aussi amoureux que Ning Qe/Arthur et c'est bien dommage. le changement de personnage n'est pas perturbant seulement pour Ning Qe. La maniaque du taoisme, nous l'avons préféré dans la S1. Idem pour la Princesse Tang. L'empereur Tang aussi a changé et au départ, nous étions déçu mais pour lui, l'acteur a magistralement pris le relais de Leon Lai. L'empereur a été un coup de coeur dans cette saison, il nous aura bien fait rire....L'histoire semble moins intense que dans la S1 ainsi que les combats et les effets spéciaux. C'est dommage, car nous étions impressionnés dans la S1 des combats et effets spéciaux qui sortaient de l'ordinaire.
Un des défauts majeurs de ce drama c'est qu'il tourne en rond parfois et souvent, il saute des étapes et on se retrouve d'un épisode à un autre, avec des explications qui n'ont pas été données et c'est l'incompréhension. Il est donc arrivé souvent qu'on soit " What the heck???"
Sans parler de la non-consistance de certains personnages comme Long Qin...Il avait une telle prestance dans la 1 et ici, dans S2, il est presque inutile.
Heureusement que certains personnages restent géniaux comme Fu Zi, l'empereur Tang, second frère, premier frère et 3ème soeur....
Je suis aussi très déçue de la fin...je ne veux pas spoiler, mais bref, comme dirait mon mari "tout cela pour ça??" . Les derniers épisodes trainent en longueur, tournent en rond pour au final une fin incompréhensible....pourquoi? comment? quoi????
Bref, une saison décevante. Il y a des points positifs mais pas assez pour que je le note plus haut que 7 :(
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Absolute Light is also Absolute Darkness
Ever Night 2 has ended and I already want to know the continuing story. That’s how good this production is, despite two major set backs. One, they’ve changed the original cast, second the story becomes much darker.Story
In Ever Night Season 2, Ning Que and Sang Sang’s story continues in a world that becomes more hostile every day. Sang Sang gets exposed as the person who will bring eternal night, everyone is out to get her, except for Ning Que and his Academy friends. The whole nation is about to collapse under power struggles, treason and war, and it is up to Ning Que to keep focused on his love, and the world he cares for. It turns out he and Sang Sang are the center of the ultimate power struggle between the goddess of light and the sage master. Will they succeed in saving themselves, and the human world as they know it?
Kudos to Dylan Wang. Such a pity he has to cope with an audience that’s expecting the return of Arthur Chen who was teenage boy Ning Que in the flesh in Ever Night Season 1. However, anybody who reads the book will discover Dylan plays the character of Ning Que to a T as well. In the novel, Ning Que changes from a disrespectful teenager with swag to a caring anti-hero who sticks to his one and only purpose in life, Sang Sang. Yes, it’s hard to see him mortified many times, but that’s how it is written in the book, it’s not about him being out of character like some people think.
Ireine Song has to play the biggest character development here, and she delivers. Finally she’s allowed to play her real age, and it shows, she really shines at her wedding scene at the lake.
This series has a beautiful OST. The opening theme of Ever Night is simply epic, perhaps the best Ever Heard.
Rewatch Value
There are parts in this series that I never want to rewatch again. See for yourself and you'll know what I mean. It’s terrible to see the main characters in dire straits. Sang Sang is dying from the cold disease. Ning Que is constantly on the run, more vulnerable than ever, now that he’s afraid of losing Sang Sang. His Devil-May-Care attitude seems gone forever.
Still, this is a hell of a story, full of life lessons, such as Darkness and Light are intertwined, and Love can make you weak, but it makes you strong as well.
The biggest problem is the script, it handles all story lines without making choices. This throws necessary time for character development out of the window.
How to explain in a few episodes that Sang Sang has become a goddess of light, and darkness incarnate, all in one? She has the spirit of Yong Ye and Hao Tian within her, she’s cruel, detached from the world. Still she can’t let go of her human side that is Sang Sang who shared her bed with human Ning Que during their wedding night.
In this drama they let two different characters play Sang Sang’s human and goddess side, which is too confusing imo.
The same goes for Ning Que. How to depict a character development in just a few episodes that goes from a boyish dare devil attitude to an adult personality who’s able to love and care deeply? So the makers should have invested way more time in both characters, now it has been wasted on too many side characters and side stories.
If I see Ever Night Season 2 as the Story of NingSang, this series means a lot to me. Dylan Wang plays a great Ning Que, he really becomes the character. I love the chemistry between the adult Ning Que and Sang Sang, they finally look like a pair. And in spite of all the messy Wuxia stories I also liked the master genius Fu Zi, second brother Jun Mo, the quiet strength of Chao and the girl power coming from the Addict Sisters. Go watch it!
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I am surprised at how many downgraded this great drama because there were changes to the cast. Dylan Wang was great, and frankly, I don't think Arthur Chen would have done as good a job portraying the changed, more adult Ning Que. Viewers who enjoyed the first season of Ever Night should be able to understand that the braggart Ning Que has been changed due to what he's experienced. He's no longer consumed with revenge, but somewhat at a loss now that his goal has been achieved. His cultivation has been weakened following his battle in season 1. He's also not quite sure what to do with the changed reality of Sang Sang. He's realized she means so much more to him than being his natal object- he truly loves her as herself. It was hard to watch both NQ and SS struggle with what was happening to Sang Sang. This was a great telling of the battle between good and evil, of how dangerous fanaticism is, and how we all carry both "light" and "darkness" within us. The question this drama leaves us with is, will we allow the goodness of Sang Sang to prevail, or give in to our baser natures? I certainly hope there is a season 3 to tell us how the battle against the Temple Master goes. The ending of season 2 was definitely NOT "the end." Cet avis était-il utile?
Perfect Story line on Epic, Adventure and Fantasy!
Hello. I am giving 10 Star for this Season 2, with respect to the Main Casts and other Supporting Characters, who acted well and fine on their roles.The storyline is for the battle between good and evil which I equate with the realities of our lives.
I like to credit Dylan Wang and Ireine Song for their good chemistry as Ning Que and Sang Sang.
The cinematography of this show was an excellent one for me.
The ending of this Season 2 leave tears in us, we really looked forward for Season 3; for there are still many remaining questions that need to be answered by another episode in Season, especially with the story of the invalid father of Chen Pipi and the changed character of Long Qing.
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Love is the key
Ever Night 2 is a fantasy gem about two people who could be the keys to stopping a catastrophic everlasting night from befalling their world. The cinematography and soundtrack are awesome. Roc Chen's background music is sublime. And underneath its beautiful facade and riveting action sequences, the story runs deeper, spanning mortal, spiritual and supernatural realms, with the survival of the world at stake.The love story between the main leads is scintillating, shining brightly amidst their harrowing circumstances. Despite the attention of the world's most beautiful women, Ning Que would stick by Sangsang's side, loving, protecting and taking care of her even when the whole world has made it almost impossible to do so. Dylan Wang successfully brought the lead role of Ning Que to life with his boundless energy, swagger, passion and charismatic good looks. Ireine Song is perfect as Ning Que's cute Sangsang who can also be feisty, tough and passionate when needed.
The main defect I saw in the drama was that it did not depict the deepening romantic relationship between Ning Que and Sangsang adequately. Instead, it enhanced the role of the other woman, with Ning Que acting like a goo-goo-eyed love-sick puppy whenever he was with her. Ning Que and Sangsang's tender moments, like their first kiss, were actually romantic, yet the drama always showed them being awkward with each other when it came to romance. I think if the drama had gotten the romance right, viewers might have been more receptive to Dylan Wang as the new Ning Que in season 2.
Nevertheless, the love story was so extra-ordinary and intense that even though the drama missed several opportunities to titillate viewers, it still charmed. It was interesting to find out whether the shameless Ning Que who did not have the best moral compass would understand the distinction between love and like and act accordingly.
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Actually waiting for season 3 now,while i know how the story originally ends i want to see how this show will get there.
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Loved it!
First, I want to say that Evernight 2 sound is powerful! I wished they would've started where Evernight 1 ended. I liked the first main lead actor, Arthur Chen. I must say that in Evernight 2 the main lead, Dylan Wang, is doing a fantastic job. I won't compare the two actors because both did an amazing job in portraying Ning Que! Dylan Wang is a little more energetic, the romance and the affection he had with Ireine Son's character Sang Sang. I was wowed! I still can't get over how old Ireine is. Of course, she did amazing in the first season as well as the second season. I fell in love with her acting ability. She is 5ft 2 inches tall (I'm only 5ft 1in) and Arthur Chen and Dylan Wang just towers over her at 6 ft. I love it because that was my life! Not the story life. lolThe costume designs were beautiful especially Emperor Tang's Gold Warrior Armour Costume! Episode 17 and 18 is the best! I feel that fantasy visuals are a lot better than the first season. I mean the visuals were incredibly done. The storyline was very good, I did get taken away with a couple of episodes at the end but kept my focus but anxious to get to the end. Again, I love a drama that brings my emotions to the front, the crying, wanting to put my hand through the screen, I wanted to hug Dylan Wang so many times to comfort him! I won't comment on any other actor because they all did a fantastic job of getting the screenwriter's story. Again, I do have to say you can see the acting abilities and experience of the older generation, I applaud them. Well maybe I will talk about one more actor and that is... Liu Ruo Gu, this kid was so good just in a guest role. I did see a couple of mistakes that the producers may not have caught but I will let that go because the storyline made up for it. Great job everyone and thank you to the whole team of Ever Night 2.
I feel that if you haven't seen the first season, then you must see it before you see season 2 to know the beginning of the two main characters' story and how it began.
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Death is a reunion after a long separation! Daughter of the Lord of the Deceased
This series deserves the Third Season. The story makes you linger for it. The sleepless nights are so worth it. I can help but imagine myself experiencing it first hand. The screenwriter, Xu Run, did a great job! From the first season till the second season, she never fails to give justice to each and every character. They even made an effort to introduce again the characters who are going to be portrayed by new actors and actresses. Dylan Wang justified the character of Ning Xue equally as impressive as what Arthur Chen did.I hope they can make a prequel or side story of how all the students on the second floor of the academy . There were lots a revelation regarding how extensive their cultivation expanded and their identity especially with the Third Sister, Yu Lian.
Musical Scoring was indeed an important factor that brought the story come to reality. Job well done!
Kris Sun portraying Long Qing even an antagonist makes you hold on to his story. Job well done too.
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Cast changes
If you like the Season 1 you will like season 2, despite the fact that main male actor is not back as well as few supporting actresses/actors.At least Sang Sang remained and strangely, they begin to build up their power and required often saving.
One of the main annoyances, for me anyway, is voice overs - I'm sucker for detail and if I see lips out of sink I loose interest but it's not something many people will care or notice
Just like in season 1, all aspects of the drama were done quote well, including some epic battles.
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The entire productions of this C-Drama TV series were phenomenal! The chroma key composition, VFX, SFX, ost, cinematography, editing, cast, and the crew are all exceptional! Very smooth and clean production output compared to other C-Drama series.
However, the drawback of this C-Drama TV series (Ever Night) was the transition stage from S1 to S2, and there was an abrupt transition of characters in which everybody shook up a bit. Even myself, having a difficulty to bear the new changes in SEASON 2 because still, the back of my mind was the picture of original "Arthur Chen/Ning Que" and Meng Ziyi/Ye Hong Yu, "The Dao Addict" which my favorite lady swordmaster and cultivator in SEASON 1. Thus, the fighting scenes are epic in SEASON 2, which carried back the emotional setback of the drama.
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New characters did better jobs
First I wanted to commend the new characters. I really thought they all very fitting in their roles. I liked them better than the characters in Season 1. This includes Dylan Wang. I thought Dylan was a better Ning Que than Arthur Chen was. He had better chemistry with Ireine Song. Whereas Arthur Chen had better chemistry with Crystal Yuan.The music was superb. Most of the time I was here for the music. The beginning soundtrack was excellent. It really shows that the composer is classically trained. The chants and choruses are great too. There are some contemporary vocals as well to satisfy people of different musical taste. But the classical style is different, not found in most Chinese dramas which tells me that much thought was placed in the music.
The most unfortunate part about this drama is that it's looks low budget. It could be very beautifully done with proper budget, the story line is great, but much of the episodes are a drag.
Acting is excellent. Every single character filled their roles to the T. As someone mentioned, there are some characters played by the same person from season 1, but felt like the personality has changed. The Emperor, the Sage and Mr. 2 showed the most change in my opinion.
Overall I enjoyed it, but I wanted it to end. I was a bit disappointed that it did not and I have to watch season 3.
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Crazy about Asian dramas
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Disappointed Ending
Story began with the introduction of main characters of season 1 for instance who was Ning Que and what relationship of him with Sang Sang and what was the story of their masters and how their masters connected to each other ,who was pi pi and other important charcters , after that story was started where the first season was end . Starting 15 -20 episodes they both wanders to find the medicine for her . In this duration this time he taking care of her the way she did in the first season . then she came to know there were two souls in her body ,one soul was powerful and respectful soul another was week and everybody thought this soul brings bad omen and consider this soul as evil ,this soul was Sang Sang and she was the reasons of Ning Que's parents death but still he believed her and never leave her (he didn't know about the powerful soul). The powerful soul ultimately took her to heaven from there both the soul saw the hardship faced by Ning Que .,Ning Que at one side always thought about her and believed one day he would meet her and other side fulfil the responsibility of soldier . At the end he destroyed completely in order to meet her and brings her back into her life ,now this point disappointed because no clear end ,confusing end . Writer let us to think that they met and live a happy life.I like first season Ning Que and deeply connected to this character and not want to see any other character in second season when I came to know that he was not there in second season that's disappointed me and not ready to see the new one but from 1st episode only Dylan Wang's acting not made me missing the first season Ning Que . He did amazing acting ,too good .
I like their chemistry but not seen in last few episodes which was sad part .
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