Well yes and no at the same time.
The plot and story is clichè. We have already seen rich man poor woman stories, ML having some dark and traumatic past, everyone falling for the female lead. STOP. It's only until here that it's clichè. The drama actually presents these typical plots in refreshing ways. There is so much more story than just the plot and layer by layer the story unfolds.
-The drama has nice comedy (believe me I don't laugh easily)
-A puppy romance (ML here is not your cold rich male lead giving our girl a hard time but a cute puppy like boy who is so happy that he found her from the very start and he cherishes her!) ML is like a kid and responsible at the same time.
-Female lead is independent. Even after she has people to depend on she never tries to burden them nor she is a saint. She is someone who follows her dream.
-Side characters are as interesting as the main characters and there are no real evil people. The drama has captured the highs and lows of people and shows mistakes, misunderstandings, misconceptions, remorse and reflection.
-The show revolves around the entertainment industry so it becomes more interesting how it portrays the lives of people in the entertainment business.
-As far as acting is concerned I think all of them did justice to their characters. It was nice to see them play it.
-The chemistry between the leads is so beautiful and cute. You will definitely enjoy it plus no unecessary drama before confession.
-Music is good and suits the moments.
The drama is definitely a good watch on a day you want to relax and take a break from everything.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the drama! Happy watching!
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There are a lot of new faces in this drama, and I liked the cast and all the characters (except for one). I especially liked An Ge, and was glad that they made him so reasonable and kind. The manager, Jiang Ye, was awesome and she really stole every scene she was in. Despite a case of "everyone falls in love with the female lead," it was pretty obvious from the beginning how the characters were going to end up being paired off, except for Xin Yuanling, who happens to be the only character I didn't care for. The drama just never made me care about his character, so I never felt torn or felt bad for him.
There were a number of moments in the drama that seemed illogical or unrealistic (for example, minor spoiler: when everyone goes off to eat in the middle of shooting and they leave her tied up?) but I could overlook it until around episode 19. The plot escalates quickly in a very messy, convoluted way, and the drama didn't adequately convey how certain events affected various characters. The rest of the drama was pretty underwhelming.
Overall, watching Sm:)e was very entertaining and enjoyable - just don't expect too much from it. And it's *only* 24 episodes!
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PapayaSammy on twitch
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This was a very memorable drama.We have a male lead that for once doesn't take advantage of the female lead but instead cherishes her and from the beginning tells her the truth.
We have a capable female lead that works hard to meet her goals despite the fact that even though she can't act in front of a camera she could've taken the easy route because of her father.
The side characters are also very cute I especially enjoyed the story of the director ye and du ruo Everytime something happened to him because of her luck it was hilarious.
One of the characters I actually disliked was du nian she did a lot of mean things and at the end I felt like she was forgiven way to easily.
Overall this drama was very good and the OST was memorable. If you're hesitant to give it a try I advice you to at least watch episode 1 and give it a chance.
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Good acting, unsatisfactory story
I watched this mainly because of Li Wenhan, who plays Shu Zhan in the drama. However, I found Sm:)e rather interesting after a few episodes, and Wenhan looked so cute when acting Shu Zhan! However, there were some parts in the plot that were a bit confusing to me, and the story goes by too quickly without explaining many details. Also, I cried at least ten or more times when watching the drama. It is a rather sad drama, but is overall intriguing and fun to watch. I wouldn't rewatch it more than two or three times, because it becomes a bit boring after a while.Even though the story isn't perfect, and the ending was not that satisfactory for me, the acting and cast were amazing and worked together very well!
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It will make you sm:)e
The cast was memorable. Short 24 ep didn't drag on but it could've used a few more. Ending could've been better. The development of the real 2nd lead could've used some more time to simmer the attraction. It felt rather sudden when he confessed & it was like "for real when that happened?".Memorable moments:
Shu Zhan's solo performance on stage showcased his potential. Although overall I felt he did a decent job but that scene was the best of his acting in the whole drama.
Bella Du: Her dance solo & and her screen solo audition was very moving. I love her acting through out the entire drama.
Live streaming of the 3 girls : 1st one was the best but the whole concept was fun and unique.
What makes the drama good:
1st ep will hook you with her playing dead. "professional no script" actor.
Twist of the true 2nd lead. 2nd lead who you thought was the 2nd lead really wasn't.
I also liked that no character was written one sided good or bad. This is very hard to do as typical drama has the one sided antagonist.
It was a good mix of fun but will touch you emotionally.
Could've been better:
Development of other characters.
Story could've used more development. It felt like it abruptly ended without a real ending.
Later ep got a bit more melodramatic than fun. They could've kept some more fun scenes going
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Cute story, great acting, ending needed a bit of work but still worth it
The story was actually pretty different and refreshing as it was set in the acting world. The start was a bit cringy but it gets better. Until the episodes near 20.The good:
I really liked most of the characters, especially the male lead Shu Zhan. He was the cutest lead I've ever seen. Their relationship was good too. The female lead had her ambitions which were also admirable. I liked her friends and enemies, including the director and the finance partner guy. Except for when the latter got involved with the female lead near the middle, which was unexpected and weird.
The bad:
I felt a bit icky about their secrets and lo and behold thats what messed up the story near the end. I hate the reason why they separated because it doesn't even make sense. I had to skip episodes around 19 and up, and just ended up watching the last one. I swear most chinese dramas have the same problem, the writers seperate the leads for a really dumb reason, only for them to end up back together in the last episode because its been "solved." At least have a good reason for it ya know!
Overall, I'd still recommend it so I gave it a 8 because the male lead's acting is so darn cute and there were a ton of REALLY funny scenes with the overall cast. But I'd still rec it. Go watch it now
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Something was missing
The story started out really great and i enjoyed how it was playing out, but the story dragged out and felt rushed at the same time during the end.The story itself was really good, but i dont think it was executed well. I have to say shu zhan and xiao xing had great chemistry and were quite cute together, but their relationship fell through before it began. This annoyed me because there was no communication at all xiaoxing just ghosted shu zhan.
I think they could have done a better job developing the characters. Especially shu zhan and du nian. Du nain was a brat from the beginning and the last episode she was suddenly a golden child, i think they should have worked on that better. And shu zhan wasnt mature at all, he was just childish.
I think the ending was rushed because the problems each character was going through was resolved within an episode. I felt that it should have been discussed and developed more. And the ending was rushed as well and we don't really see what happens to our characters, an ending is just show withour much explanation.
Although the show was really enjoyable in the first few episodes, i felt like the story dragged out and had holes in it. During about the last three episodes i found myself skipping scenes because they seemed like a waste of time. You guys may like it but this story was not for me. The actors preformed well, but the story itself was lacking.
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I saw clips of this drama on youtube and got curious. So i gave it a shot and watched it till the very end despite it not having that great of reviews. Mainly because i loved the chemistry between the two main leads in the story. I thought they looked good together.☺️It started off okay in the very beginning but then after the 3rd or 4th episode i was disappointed. Then only reason i continued to watch the drama was because of the main characters... they had great chemistry together making their romance adorable. The male lead was perfect! Funny and cute ...they were the perfect couple ....
Anyways, the problem with the show was that it threw out lots of plot lines to the audience ...i was confused as to what happening a lot of the time. However, towards the end of the middle of the story the story gets better and the characters' acting truly shines through...
In the end, if you have a bit of patience you will thoroughly enjoy this drama...
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Forhad Ahmed Niloy
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Not my idle type drama. But it's okay!!
প্রথমেই বলে রাখি, ড্রামাটা আহামরি টাইপের কিছু না। আর বাকি আট/দশটা রমকমের মতই সাধারণ। কাহিনীও ইউনিক কিছু না। সাত/আটটা ড্রামারে একসাথে একপাত্রে রেখে ঘুটা দিলে যেটা হয় সেইরকম একটা জগা-খিচুড়ি মার্কা প্লট। না দেখলেও কোনো ক্ষতি নেই। তবে দেখতে পারেন। দেখতে বসলে ভালো লাগবে। শুরু করার পর শেষ না করে উঠা কষ্ট হয়ে যাবে! 😉😉প্লট নিয়ে হালকা পাতলা একটু ধারণা দেয়া যাক! নায়ক একজন গায়ক, আইডল আরকি। তার অনেক ফ্যান-ফলোয়ার, মোটামুটি বেশ বিখ্যাতই বলা যায়। ক্যারিয়ারের এই পর্যায়ে এসে সে সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়, সে আর গায়ক থাকবে না। ক্যারিয়ার সুইচ করে এবার নায়ক হবে! মানে সঙ্গীতের পাশাপাশি অভিনয়ও করবে! আমাদের EXO/BTS-এর মেম্বারদের মত আরকি! 😬😬
আর নায়িকা একজন পাতি অভিনেতা। পাতি নেতাদের মত পাতি অভিনেতার কাজ হচ্ছে- একটা ড্রামা বা মুভিতে মেইন লীডরা ছাড়াও আরো ছোটখাটো অনেক রোল থাকে না? সেই রকম ডায়লগ বিহীন কিছু ক্যারেক্টারে অভিনয় করে আরকি! 🤐🤐
যেহেতু চাইনিজ ড্রামা, কিছু অদ্ভুত রোগের আনাগোনা না থাকলে কি হয়, বলুন? নায়ক 'নায়ক' হতে চায় কিন্তু তার সিম্পটম্প হচ্ছে কেউ তারে টাচ করতে পারে না। কারো টাচ লাগলেই তার নিশ্বাস-টিশ্বাস বন্ধ হয়ে মরে যাবার মতো অবস্থা হয়! এ কেমন নায়করে বাবা? 🙄🙄
নায়িকা আবার আরেক কাঠি সরেস! সে একজন অভিনেত্রী, কিন্তু তার সিম্পটম্প হচ্ছে সে ক্যামেরার দিকে তাকাইলে কথা বলতে পারেনা। মাথা-টাথা ঘোরায়, বেহুঁশ হয়ে যায়! এজন্য সে সবসময় ছোটখাটো ডায়লগ বিহীন ক্যারেক্টারে অভিনয় করে। কথা হচ্ছে, ক্যামেরার দিকে তাকাইতে পারেনা, কিন্তু হতে চায় নায়িকা, এ কেমন নায়িকারে বাবা? 🙄🙄
আচ্ছা যাই হোক, কথা হচ্ছে- জবা কি পারবে নায়ক/নায়িকাকে কাছাকাছি আনতে, দুজনকে দুজনের প্রেমে ফেলতে, তাদের অদ্ভুত রোগগুলো ভালো করতে? ওহ, থুক্কো, জবা তো মারা গেছে! প্রশ্ন রেখে গেলাম তিতলীর কাছে, মাননীয় স্পিকার!!! 🥶🥶🥶
ছোট-বেলায় নায়ক-নায়িকার মাঝে একটা ইন্টারেকশান না দেখালে এখনকার ড্রামা জমে না! এখানেও সেরকম কিছু দেখতে পাবেন যেটা নায়ক-নায়িকা ড্রামার শেষে এসে জানতে পারবে। মেইন লিডরা ছাড়াও আরো কিছু সাইড কাপল আছে। তারাও যথেষ্ট কিউট। সবচেয়ে বড় কথা এই ড্রামায় আসলে কোনো ভিলেন নেই। যারে পুরো ড্রামা জুড়ে ভিলেন মনে হবে, শেষে গিয়ে তার জন্যেও খারাপ লাগবে। কিস-টিসও খুব বেশি নেই! নায়ক যা-ও একটু দিতে টিতে চায়, নায়িকা 'মানুষজনে দেখতেছে' বলে এড়ায়ে যায়। বলতে পারেন পুরো সামাজিক একটা ড্রামা আরকি!!! 😄😄
এতক্ষণ বলতেছিলাম, চাইনিজ ড্রামা Sm:)e এর কথা। পড়তে কষ্ট হলে বলে দেই, উচ্চারণটা হবে Smile! হাতে সময় থাকলে দেখতে পারেন, খারাপ না। আমার ভালোই লেগেছে... 😇😇
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