127 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 23, 2011
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I had a lot of fun watching this "highly entertaining, very different from the norm" drama. It has a very real human story within a fantastical framework. It was entertaining and thought provoking throughout its run.

The actors had great chemistry, the music was very fitting and the cinematography was wonderful. It is not your typical love story. It is not a rom-com. It isn't really comparable to other dramas that have recently aired. The writer and director of this drama stand out in a spectacular way.

For the writer's part: So Hyun Kyung told a very good story with twists and turns and a movable plot that kept you watching. Just when you think the story is moving in one direction it does a little flip and takes you on another, unexpected path. The themes of 49 Days are love, forgiveness, family, death and learning to truly live. It is a beautiful story.

For the director's part: He kept the plot moving and stayed true to the writer's vision. The camera work was very well done and I love when the lighting and the shots are part of the action and mean everything to how the story is told.

There are plenty of light moments but this show was never meant to be a comedy. I have seen comparisons to other more comedic shows and I feel that is doing this show an injustice. It's been a long time since I've watched a drama where the plot was so evenly paced and well planned out. Even though that plan may have taken me in places I didn't expect and were not the norm for a Kdrama.

It is easy to stick with this show and sometimes you will be on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen to the characters you have grown to love. (Han Kang! I adore you) I was satisfied with the ending. I was impressed and pleased with the story I was told. I recommend 49 Days highly.

If you haven't seen it, try not to read the spoilers!

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63 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 7, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I was on the edge of my seat for each episode.
Sometimes I skip parts in dramas because they predictable, but this drama was the complete opposite. If you skip an episode you will be lost or will greatly regret it.
This is the first drama that has ever made me cry, laugh, and ship 4 couples with four cast mates (think about it hahaha)
I usually don't watch melo dramas because I like happy endings and melo dramas don't really follow that story line, but this drama is different it's not a romance comedy-but is, and not a melo drama- but defiantly is. Some points in the drama you cry or tear up for a very sad reason which in my case seem like a melo drama. other times you laugh with the characters which seem like comic relief.
I started to watch 49 days because I saw Jung Il Woo dressed in all black with black hair- hello one of my top actors of all time looking sexy... of course I will watch it. i can say he is hot the whole way through the drama, but he will make you cry- a lot...
All the cast mates let you connect with their character. Each character has a story to be told watch 49 days and find out their stories. I promise you won't regret watching it. i sure didn't
i true hope you enjoy watch the drama as much as i did!

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21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 4, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
1) The reason I watched this :

At the beginning I never considered watching this drama but later on many friends kept recommending it and asking for my opinion about it thus I decided to give it a go.
Note: I just completed this drama (Three days Dramathon) that’s why I decided to write a review while it’s still fresh.

2) Storyline/Plot:

*The drama script is the reason that made this drama unique and appealing. It had an unusual plot that’s why it seemed very intriguing.

Positive Points:

*The drama’s concept is a huge positive point that counts for this drama, there were too many interesting twists related to the drama’s general aspect.

*Main Genres:

--->Drama: The dramatic side was plainly present which made the storyline full of touchy feelings that can get through too many hearts out there; there were a respectable amount of melodramatic moments that would make you tear. However, the drama didn’t fall into the tragedy level which is a good point.

--->Fantasy: This was the most important element in the drama (I would’ve dropped it if it was absent); supernatural events were this drama’s core and the reason that made too many twists happen. I just can’t imagine this drama without Fantasy or supernatural actions.

Negative Points:

--->Romance: To start with, don’t watch this drama if you’re searching for a fluffy romantic story. Actually, don’t watch this drama if you’re looking for any romantic story.
If you keep waiting for the romantic development then you’d feel very annoyed as you won’t get what you want. Although it doesn’t mean that romantic stories were completely off because they weren’t but you shouldn’t watch this drama basing on the romantic concept.
Note: I didn’t hate romance in this drama but I can’t possibly consider it as a positive point.

*The storyline felt dragging and slow at some points because there weren’t too many plot changes that would make you invested into events.

Story: 8.5/10.

3) Acting/Cast:

*Let me say this, I am barely familiar with this drama’s leading roles but I must say they delivered great feelings.
Lee Yo Won was the actress that touched me deeply in here; she’s really skillful since she was able to successfully portray two characters at the same time, I really liked that.
Gyu Ri was good too but I can’t say she was able to deliver too many touchy feelings the way Yo Won did.
The rest of the cast were genuinely respectable when it comes to their acting skills and the way they portrayed their roles.

*As for characters, Ji Hyun wasn’t very appealing as a character; it makes you think about many annoying innocent lead females in other Korean dramas.

As for Yi Kyung, it was interesting to follow its character development even though she appeared dark in a very bothersome way but her personality was able to repair itself little by little (especially near the ending)

Han Kang wasn’t that great as a lead male, I haven’t sensed those feelings of a strong lead male like it’s supposed to be but I don’t think it’s him to blame because the center of this story was Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung.

*Other cast were good enough, I liked Ji Hyun parents and friends no matter who they are (good or bad) because they added a good taste overall.

*Appreciated character: The scheduler when he’s the reaper! Actually he’s my favorite character in here, the cheerful feelings and appearance he had made the drama very enjoyable. I liked his existence no matter where or when because he added soul to this drama’s general concept.


--->Romance: Although the storyline didn’t have too many romantic developments, the chemistry wasn’t fully absent.

--->Ji Hyun and Yi Kyun: This was the most interesting and captivating relationship in the whole drama, I just love the plot twists related to their relationship. Moreover, I liked the developments and hardships that those two characters had to go through.

--->The triangle: Although this is close to your usual Korean drama triangle, it felt different somehow.

Cast: 8/10
Acting: 8.5/10

4) The ending:

I can understand why everyone is upset about the ending. Honestly speaking, it was a very realistic because if it ended otherwise, it wouldn’t be impressive. Moreover, if it ended the way everyone wants it to be then it would’ve been a very shallow fan-service ending.

The ending: 9/10.

5) My impression (How did affect me):

*This is my subjective space so let me say this: I haven’t enjoyed this drama the way everyone did; it wasn’t boring but it wasn’t that impressive too.
*While watching this I was only interested in the result of the 49 days, the hardships of soul-changing and most of all, Ji Hyun and Yi Kyun relationship. Other than that, it wasn’t that appealing. Oh, and let’s not forget the scheduler he was my favorite character here and the reason that made me go through this drama.

*Is this drama memorable: For the majority, this is an unforgettable drama but for me it isn’t except the details that I mentioned earlier (Ji Hyun, Yi Kyun relationship and the scheduler).

My impression: 7/10.

6) Overall:

*If you like supernatural dramatic stories then watch this.
*If you’re looking for a different drama then you may like this.

*49 Days is a drama that’s full of deep feelings wrapped up with a supernatural concept while containing some fascinating twists.

Overall: 8.5/10.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 23, 2011
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Normally I watch dramas that have finished airing. However, I made an exception with 49 Days since it was so addicting. I absolutely loved most of the series, my only problem would be with how it ended. Other than that though the series was amazing, though it did drag out a little in the middle. I feel like this would have been better at a 16 or 18 episode drama.

The story was absolutely unlike anything I had watched before, and it was executed pretty well. My only problem with the story would be the antagonists' reasons for being evil weren't good enough in my opinion.

The Cast and the acting were absolutely spectacular and had terrific chemistry.

The music was also great and I still listen to the OST after the show has finished.

As for rewatch value, this drama simply has none. Once you take out the element of surprise and suspense, it will become boring.

Overall though, this drama is a great drama to watch and I loved every moment of it, other than how it ended.

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16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 23, 2014
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
i usually not interested in writing reviews but recently i decided to write reviews on my top drama which score 10 (i have only 2 drama in my list with score 10 and this one of them) and score 9 (i have 4 drama with score 9).
My point is this drama even so it rank 51 its still way underrated my drama society; so i feel responsible to encourage people to see it may be one or 2 will watch it after my review.

the 49 days idea is used by several drama before and after however; this one tops them all; its in own league.
1. it shows how life is precious and how when a second chsnce appear u should not miss it.
2. the links between the scheduler and Song Yi Kyung is so good; this side story actually tops the original one in all ways; its make u feel sad, emotional and struck every feeling u have.
3. the idea of discovering the true love which was beside u all years but never been realized is executed almost perfectly MAY BE THIS WILL CURE PPL WITH 2ND LEAD SYNDROME ;)
4. Finally the closure even so it didnt go the way i wanted but it show that destiny and fate in inevitable

usually i dont write about music much; but i decided here to mention it way early due to importance and impact.
do u know the feeling when u download a song and listen to it dozen times for a week or so; yes the ost give u this feeling and combine it with video u will cry each time.
definitely u will re watch video of ost on youtube for couple of times

1.Lee Yo Won(Song Yi Kyung) and Jung Il Woo(Scheduler ) i mention them before the main actors as they represent for me the best side story in any drama (better than any original story) which can hold itself alone actually they could had done the series on both of them only.
Nevertheless; the sorriness of Jung Il Woo(Scheduler)and his loneliness and way he look at Lee Yo Won(Song Yi Kyung) make me shed tears everytime. his watching in shadows wishing a second chance to appologize to his true love. AND the acting in the ending ohh my god was so good.
2.the main actors esp Nam Gyu Ri(Shin Ji Hyun)acted well also. the looks of regret on both of them and love for each other was so good. not to mention Nam Gyu Ri(Shin Ji Hyun) scenes when watching her parents was heart breaking for me
3. all other actors excelled in this drama esp the villains show how they where greedy and jealous and so vicious but at same time had hidden human feeling where they were trying to hang on their last shred of humanity.

Rewatch: i can rewatch it i think 2 more times but nothing more as iam not fan of rewatching so even considering it applicable for being rewatch is big deal to me

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14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 14, 2014
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

A Satisfying Journey

Story: 49 Days is one of those dramas where the story is really interesting even if it was just the first episode. That is what dramas should be. Dramas should pull you in right at the start. The story was unique and very engaging right from the get go. The characters were also written with a lot of interesting shades so that no character looks dull and uninteresting. This isn't a fast moving drama but I thought that the pace was actually really nice. The flow of the story was just enough. I really liked how it gradually showed the story.

Acting/Cast: The acting didn't start out as strong as I would have liked it to be. It did improve a lot as the drama progressed. Some of the acting wasn't as good as the others but overall, everyone did a nice job of portraying their characters. The chemistry between the actors were really good.

Music: It surely doesn't have the best OST or music but there were some nice musical choices that helped the drama especially in some scenes. Some musical choices were a little jarring at first but it gets better as the drama progressed.

Overall: For me, 49 Days is one of the dramas that I will never forget. It is one of the best dramas that I watched because it actually has a really great storyline. It wasn't interesting just because of the actors unlike other dramas. It was interesting because it showed a really unique story.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 24, 2014
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
First off, I can already tell a ton of people hated this drama for the ending. Even with that said, watch it. 49 Days was a drama unlike any other I've seen (but then again, maybe I just haven't seen enough).

It's story was based off of a simple plot that I'm sure has been done tons of times. But the execution was great. The idea of the 49 days was simply great. The entire world just felt so real, and it almost felt believable. This drama has its cliches, but they are not painful to watch, and they're well done. The writing for this drama was wonderful, in my opinion, from start to finish. It left me completely satisfied and happily contented with the writers and storyline.

Perhaps its weakest part /was/ the romance, as others have mentioned, but to be honest, as you're watching the drama, you really can't distinguish any character as a distinct male lead. This drama is not intended to be a complete or even half romance, but it's about one girl and her chance to live again. This drama will most likely be a heavy one to watch, due to its rather unomedical nature and heavy topics, but I found it highly... addictive, in a way. Grab some tissues, around the last few episodes, by the way. ;)

I thought the acting was great, and the characters were even better. I really can't help but love the writers. Really. While Shin Ji Hyun was not the strongest character, she was a good character, and she developed over the course of this drama well. Even all of the side characters' are great.

Honestly, one of my favorite characters ended up being Kang Min Ho. (*gasp*) He was truly well-acted, first of all, and unlike a lot of other antagonists I've seen, this guy was /human/. You could just /feel/ the fact that he was still a person. Shin In Jung was like that as well--she was a person who still had emotion, though hers was less evident at first. I liked these two because they felt real. The reason they were what they were was believable and both of them were driven to do what they did because of their emotion and experiences. Their actors were great during the whole drama, as well.

Regarding music, the songs were nice, but they were not strong. They fit very well with the drama and I liked some of them, but I can't remember them clearly. This is kind of random but I loved that whenever something bad would happen, the music that's playing will kind of halt and echo out with a bang of sorts.

I will not rewatch this. This drama thrives on the suspense, and while certain aspects of it would be okay a second time around, it would be far less intriguing.

Overall, I loved this entire drama. The ending was one of my--no, it probably /is/ my--favorite ending of all of the dramas I've seen. I loved the writers, the actors, everything. Though a lot of people probably did not like the ending, I thought it was perfect.

I definitely would recommend people to watch this at some point. If you can deal with a heavier drama, definitely try this one. :3

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 18, 2014
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
This drama was so much fun to watch. Despite this drama being categorize as a melodrama, it made me laugh so much. It started off slow, not that it was boring, but anyways the slowness didn't last for very long. It quickly picked up from ep 3 and continued all the way to the end. This drama was very addictive and eye catching because it was just very unique with the characters and fantasy included in it. The plot, the little twists, the actors and the music was superb.

Honest truth I didn't think I was going to cry in this drama because even though death is a depressing thing it's a natural thing. I finished this drama with tears rolling down my face and snot hanging off my nose because I thought it was so perfect how every thing connected into one. It is a drama I recommend to everyone. I had this drama on my plan to watch list for 3 years and finished it in only 3 days. It's definitely worth watching it.

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 8, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
The story line for this drama kept me guess on how things would turn out, yet even how the ending turned out it was well thought out. The actors did while in their roles, and could portray the deep emotions that constantly flowed from this story. From beginning to the end every type of emotion can be found in excess: angrier, love, surprise, betrayal, love, remorse, regret, wonder, joy, sorrow, peace, disgust etc) As I watched this show,I realized there is no big action, adventure or drama moments to turn it into the regular plot. Instead, it spoke about how fragile is life that time should not be wasted on petty things, and that death as scary as it could seem is also a process of the journey. I love how the writer envision how death should welcome others to the after life, but without over comical or fanciful antics. Overall it was a sweet and simple drama to watch with lots of odd twists that keep me on my feet. I would recommend this for to watch, and reflect on how precious life is even to the very end.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 4, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
i watched this drama during my super boring time of my life...
i got curious after i read the story line then got really interested after i watched the first episode and the boredom vanished right a way.

and the reason i think is because it has a fantastic cast, humor, romance, mystery, thrill, comedy and a very effective drama that can cried your heart out.

It's a must watched drama cause it has all the flavor of a good story of love, hatred, and sacrifice. enjoy it and spread the good reviews about this incredible Kdrama.. fighting!. :)

p.s it's very addicting after you watched the first episode so prepare to be hungry for more of it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 22, 2012
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Wow, 2011 had some really good dramas. Secret Garden, Dream High, Greatest Love, Scent Of A woman, Lie To Me, Protect The Boss. And now 49 days. I loved it! The two lead characters - Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung - were amazing.Their chemistry was really good. And it was so sweet of Ji Hyun to take care of Yi Kyung (even if as a ghost possessing her body:P) when she felt so alone and unloved. The scheduler was cute and hilarious (note to self: volunteer to become a scheduler after dying and get that cool cellphone he had). Han Kang was sweet, but a little awkward in a high school uniform x). I HATED MIN HO! Ugh, why did they name his character Min Ho? Totally ruining Lee Min Ho's name -.- And I did not feel sorry towards him in the end. No freaking way. In Jung was pretty annoying too. But, yeah, she came around. And Nam Gyu Ri makes a really spooky ghost. ^^

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Contemplative. Bittersweet. Heartbreaking.

These three words describe exactly how I feel about this unique drama which gave me a roller coaster ride from beginning until the end. I watched this two years ago but until now the impact of the story remains fresh. Perhaps because I never got my fairytale ending wish for my OTP? I admit. It hurt a lot to have my hopes and expectations dashed in the final episode since I've grown to love and root for the main characters. However, this doesn't mean that you should avoid this drama like plague if you still haven't seen it. LOL. Quite the contrary actually. Granted, 49 Days was not a perfect drama. The plot had some loopholes and some clues leading to the big revelation at the end were scattered clumsily throughout. But damn, the story was just so moving, deep and emotional. What got me the most was the main guy's unrequited love for one of the main female leads. I know it's not the most memorable love story in the drama. But it got to me because of the way it portrayed romance at a MUCH deeper level. Most love stories always start out as a love-hate thing or contain the usual "you and me against the world" formula. But here, I was moved by how intimately the guy knew the girl, how he knew her so well that it came to a point where his heart could recognize her even if she was physically somebody else. I haven't encountered this type of romantic love before in any drama and I loved it, even if it seemed so bizarre and too impossible to happen in real life. I loved that it didn't need physical intimacy to show just how pure, steadfast and selfless that love was across the screen. It was a quiet type of love, something you wouldn't be able to detect but which surprisingly ran deep that not even time nor a comatose state could shake. This is rare even for an Asian drama and it was unforgettable for me. Then there was the Betrayal between friends and hidden, painful truths involving family members that were hard to accept for our main character. Yet in spite of it all, true love was still able to heal and save the characters literally and figuratively. It gave the main characters strength, helped them move on and gave the villains hope to redeem themselves.

I cannot recommend this drama enough. Yes it's a tragedy. Yes some people die. But it's still worth watching. Why? Because it makes you reflect. It gives you something to ponder on long after you've seen it. This is something that dramas should aim for.

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49 Days (2011) poster



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  • Classé: #1279
  • Popularité: #382
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