N'aimer que l'escalade peut être très utile parfois !
Encore une fois, c’est la présence de l’acteur Cho Jung Seok qui a déterminé mon choix de ce film, car je l’avais beaucoup aimé dans « jealousy incarnate » en journaliste atrabilaire affligé d’un cancer du sein, ce qui l’oblige à se faire soigner en gynécologie… et je l’avais adoré dans « nokdu flower », en brute sans cervelle évoluant vers un meneur durant la révolte paysanne de 1887.Et je n’ai pas été déçue, il est parfait dans le rôle de ce loser regardé d’un œil condescendant par sa famille, maladroit et introverti, que les évènements métamorphosent en héros ! Mais il reste constamment plus en anti-héros, très loin de l’archétype habituel du genre ! Le binôme formé avec Yoona fonctionne parfaitement : il l’admire mais de loin, elle a réussi tout ce qu’il a manqué et leur relation reste pavée de maladresses de sa part en particulier dans la dernière scène, hilarante ! Parce qu’on rigole tout le temps ! On passe sans arrêt du suspens le plus flippant à un éclat de rire (la salle riait beaucoup, ce qui a fait dire au réalisateur présent à la fin, qu’il était ravi de voir qu’en France on ne riait pas toujours aux mêmes endroits qu’en Corée mais qu’on riait quand même beaucoup ! ) Ce film est un régal par l’équilibre parfait entre le genre « film catastrophe » et la comédie de critique sociale (Ah ! la famille coréenne !!! )humoristique. Le film fait un travail très sérieux sans jamais se prendre au sérieux, on sort de la salle avec un grand sourire, et le public a longuement applaudi la fin de la séance puis le réalisateur !
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Incroyable film
J'ai pas les mots, j'ai passé 1H40 de bonheur devant ce film, foncez le voir vous n'allez pas le regretter. Tout est incroyable dans ce film on ne s'ennuie pas une seule seconde. Les images sont tellement belle, le réalisateur a fait un excellent travail. On s'attache très vite aux 2 personnages, on suit leur histoire le stress à chaque fois qui monte avec la fumée qui arrive. La fin ou tous les drones viennent les aider j'ai trouvé ça tellement magnifique.Je ne comprends pas comment je découvre ce film que maintenant
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This was another great Korean movie. It was packed with action and comedy. This movie really kept you on edge on your seat and glued your eyes to the screen. I love how Jo Jung Suk always keep his quirky side whenever he played a character. He never disappoint me in comedy area. Really love him in dramas and movies. Yoonah was great as well... she was quite comedic here. Overall, I love their chemistry, although there is not much romance in this movie but how the two characters help each other was really great. Wish there is more story of their future together in the movie but well maybe the writers leave it to our own imagination. I like the way the story goes as the poisonous gas did not turn anyone into zombie or dead or any other. It was simply a poisonous gas. Guess the focus of this movie was how the 2 main characters survived.
The rest of the characters had their own unique way to make the whole movie fun to watch.
Oh.. love how they tell us in the end how the 2 main characters were saved from their fall (almost towards the credit scene if you see carefully *spoiler*, after Yoonah's character cut the rope, the both of them fell as the rope slipped away from the pipe but the end up on a blue-like tarp on the building and bounced back into the building being constructed).
Overall.. it was a fun and great movie to watch. I found myself cringe many times when the 2 main characters climb or jump from building to building.
Although I didn't get to watch it in cinema.. it was great to be able to stream it online. If you guys wanna watch.. here's the link :
I hope you'll enjoy the movie as much as I do. Happy watching...^^
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One of the Best well spent Movie I've seen in 2019. I laugh, cried, thrilled and feel for the character. It reach it's full potential in terms of emotional ride, and the most awsome is not forget to insert the little detail into the narrative, make the story become richer. The idea is pretty common, but the execution is mindlowing and full of heart. Imagine if you are in heroes situation when you hardly trying hard in everything you do and you complain every single little thing. But you seems no longer care that much, until you are put in a dangerous situation when your life is on the line Off course, the execution is bit convenient at times. Nevertheless. do Well deserved admission record. Cet avis était-il utile?

the story was slightly more biased on the male lead, it was his story, his family, his survive story, BUT they gave the female lead the screen time and development she deserved.
there were times she'd put his wounds/worries 1st, but then as a realistic person, she'd still feel overwhelmed and slightly selfish. plus Im Yoon Ah's crying face was comedy GOLD! and adorable too! I think I liked her in The King in Love, but this made me love her❤
I didn't like Yong Nam's slight tantrums, but it did add to his character xD
I loved the family in this, the story shows Yong Nam as a jobless "loser", and he felt disconnected from his "perfect" family with their perfect husbands and perfect children but the 1st moment he was in danger the worry and fear from his family was heartwarming..
especially the dad made me tear up ^^ tbh I'm deducting 0.5 from the plot because I wanted more! I wanted them to show an ending scene where Yong Nam and Eui Joo around his family laughing and having fun!
the flow of the story was nice, it had suspense and desperation without losing hope, and tbh there were times I thought they'd die, even though in most movies the heroes don't die..
I also really loved how they used technology in this movie! we are in a digital world, and everyone has a phone, so it was the small touches like the phones ringing in the street as a sign of people looking for their loved ones becasue there are other people effected in this beside the 2 mains. also the drones, the mukbangs, the sns and the whole community behind it was really well represented.
the ost and audio were nice and I never rewatch stuff, but I will recommend this to my friends~
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In the first place, I prefer my movies or dramas or whatever to make sense. Exit makes close to zero sense. So many things that happen in the movie made me lose brain cells. Nothing was properly explained, the characters' actions were questionable most of the time. There are things that are supposed to make no sense and because of that they do make sense. Exit is just ridiculous and there was no reason for it not to make sense. You can make a funny movie without having the characters to act utterly stupid.
And the other thing, mixing thriller with comedy? I'm just not a fan of this idea. It's so hard to make things work with this that it's almost impossible. I saw that some reviewers and people who liked the movie mentioned that it kept them on the edge of their seat. But I just didn't care about anything, the movie isn't thrilling at all. Because 1) the characters weren't introduced well and they weren't likeable at all which led me to not care about them dying and 2) the whole atmosphere is so weird that it can't be taken seriously. You just know that noone will be in danger even though the situation is quite serious. I mean, it is quite serious. And other than that, our MCs are supposed to be rock climbers, but they almost had supernatural powers and quite good jumping skills. The script was very weak in my opinion and they worked hard to cover it up with some good directing skills.
The acting was overall good, Jo Jung Suk is a great actor and he's good at everything he does. But oh god, Yoona... I love her but I don't think she's a good actress at all. Her crying scenes were especially awkward. They had zero chemistry with Jong Suk and their out of nowhere romantic scenes were just another thing I found really bad in this movie.
And yes, I know that this movie is made mainly to entertain people, but I didn't find it entertaining at all. The solo scenes of Jung Suk's character at the beginning were funny and that's all about it. I wouldn't even say that this movie can be watched just to pass time. It's not worth it. Giving it a 3 because of the effort of the director and the effort of the actors.
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It's basically a great thrilling movie, when the movie will end you won't know, I mean it will keep you on the edge of your seat and hyped up every minute. How they saved themselves was really good directed. But I'd like to watch a overall movie you know, I know that this kind of movie need more sequels to reveal the truth, but still tho they should have showed the relationship between Yong Nam and his girlfriend how she died or more between Yong Nam and and Eui Joo their past , more about the scientist who put the gas, his feud with the company and so on.... I know in 2hrs it's not possible to show everything but they should have showed briefly.-- Overall if you want some thriller without any lingering feelings attached and to keep hyped up your weekend then it's perfect to watch and btw the cast only will make you watch it, who need more when you have yoona ! ????
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(First sorry for my bad English) This movie is the best movie I watched in 2019 so far. The acting, the story are great and the role of leads are so funny yet so they are responsible and smart for any problems. This movie shows you that some disaster can be made and can be solved by human being. You can go to watch with your friends, your girlfriend or boyfriend, your families.
After watched it you will feel your money was well spent. I love how the whole cinema was full of laughing and screaming. Sometime, you just laugh but immediately you will be screaming.
The visuals of leads are undeniable so good, and their acting will impress you.
Highly recommend to non fans of both lead, you will feel like you heard 10000 times from others is not equal you see 1 time. If this movie premiers in your countries, don't ignore it. It's deserve 9.5/10 from my rate.
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I think the exciting sequences of movie were very good
I think the exciting sequences of movie were very good and your adrenaline will rise ♀️ 🙆🏻But it also had some weaknesses, such as the story of spreading smoke, which I wish would be better and stronger...
Or, for example, in the last sequence, I wish they would show exactly how to get to that mast
Of course, one of the things that was interesting to me was that, unlike other films of this genre (at least the ones I saw👀), it didn't have the same stereotype that the whole country and then the whole world will face this challenge...😁🙌
But overall, it became lovely with Jung Suk and Yuna's charming acting and watching it can be a good experience for you 🙂♥️
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Don’t Bother
I watched this because I chanced upon a drama list video which introduced this movie as a must watch because it’s cool and interesting.I was filled with anticipation and could not wait to watch the movie! But, this movie isn’t good at all.
Don’t bother with it because:
- there isn’t much plot / storyline
- the action was mundane - just a lot of climbing
- there’s nothing much to this movie
I watched because I liked both the male lead and female lead. They did their job/ roles well but this movie is totally nothing to shout about. It’s kind of boring actually. I fast forwarded it. There’s nothing touching, nothing romantic, nothing really happens.
Don’t bother.
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Best Movie Ever
I loved it from the beginning I was so annoyed with how his sister was treating him and his mom wouldn't give him space, but started liking it at the party when the shit hit the fan. That jerk of a boss run away like a chicken leaving all the people to fend for themselves, such a chicken poo he is,that wall climbing scene was nerve wracking
overall I loved it my heart was pounding till the end
All those stupid people who were flying the drome's just for their own fun was just sicken knowing that people's lives were at stake but they were just having fun I wish they will be arrested. But the guy who was helping them I wish they had shown his face, he deserve an award
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idk but enjoy
See this movie because it's just a whim but the story is really exciting, making you feel nervous and panic at the same time for the end of the movie is quite satisfying.I'm quite entertained with the cast hahaha
For the survival genre, it is quite entertaining, tense and frantic but still enjoyable.
Which is not only focused on survival but also interspersed with humor which I find funny
For im yoona I'm very entertained to see you cry hahaha
But know this is the entertaining part
everyone atleast watching this film
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