9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 14, 2021
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Le drama le plus parfait que j'ai pu voir!

Il ne sera pas dit que je ferais l’impasse sur la critique de « Joy of Life ». Malgré un travail qui s’amoncelle un peu partout, des visionnages à la pelle, je me devais d’écrire sur la perfection, n’est-il pas ?

Tout commence par un zapping en bonne et due forme, à 3 heures du matin (le moment idéal pour découvrir une perle parmi les perles, quand le silence s’est déjà doucement installé au coin du feu). Dès le premier épisode, un éclat de rire toutes les 5 minutes et me voilà convaincue (j’ai bien failli courir réveiller hubby pour lui montrer ma trouvaille). Une petite recherche sur la toile et j’apprends avec bonheur que l’auteur n’est autre que Mao Ni, l’écrivain de [b]« Nightfall »[/b]. Que de bonheur passé à regarder [b]« Ever Night »[/b] pendant des jours et des nuits, avec chéri et mes enfants, j’avais peine à croire qu’une autre perle de [b]Mao Ni[/b] venait de me tomber dessus. Après une autre petite recherche (3 heures du matin, si vous m’avez suivi, j’étais donc sur les dents, presque sur le pied de guerre ! en mode zombie tout de même) et voilà que j’apprends que le scénariste est une pointure chez les chinois, [b]Wang Juan[/b], un des rares scénaristes qui écrit ses propres scénarios dans une industrie souvent basée sur des romans, des webtoons ou des manhwas (Il a fait [i]Blood Young[/i], un excellent drama). Allez hop, c’est décidé, je me fais fort à parier de pouvoir convaincre le clan de se lancer dans le visionnage de ce drama (et de laisser tomber [i]« Legend of awakening »[/i] par la même occasion ce qui m’arrangeait).

Si le lecteur me voit écrire avec ferveur "extraordinaire" ou "incroyable" toutes les 2 lignes, qu'il ne m'en tienne pas rigueur. J'ai tenté de laisser couler 3 semaines avant d'accoucher mes émotions mais j'avoue que c'est un échec. Car, cela reste intact. Gravé. Hum, si je dois être franche, la dernière fois que j'ai pu être aussi prolifique sur une œuvre, cela doit remonter à mes années "Maison Ikkoku", "Touch" et "City hunter". Il y a 30 ans de cela...C'est pour dire.

On rit. Dès le premier épisode. Et presque jusqu'à la toute fin. Ce n’est pas un simple rire. Ce sont des éclats de rire spontanés (et qui dure, on en rit encore 3 semaines après). L’humour est omniprésent et se joue sur plusieurs plans :
Les mimiques des personnages qui sont à mourir de rire.
Les situations dans lesquelles se trouve Fan Xian (et son entourage).
Mais aussi et surtout les répliques : des répliques hilarantes et tellement bourrées d’intelligences. Oui, ici l’intelligence des répliques flirte joyeusement avec le drôle. Voire le très drôle. Et nous rions à presque tous les épisodes (c’était entre nous « de qui rirait le plus fort »). Il doit y avoir 2, voire 3 épisodes (soyons fous) où on ne rit pas, sur un total de 46. Le seul défaut (ah il en faut bien un, n’est ce pas ?), il y a beaucoup de référence qui se font sur des jeux de mot et si, on n’a pas une profonde connaissance de la langue chinoise, il y a pas mal de choses qui risquent d’être incomprises. Mais cela n’altère en rien la qualité et la drôlerie des situations ou des dialogues.

On s'émerveille devant tant de suspense, d’ingéniosité et de twist. Je pense que la dernière fois où j’ai pu me dire que c’était grandiose niveau complot, c’était pour [i]« Nirvana in Fire »[/i] et ce drama est du même acabit (voire mieux, car tellement plus drôle).
La bouche grande ouverte, nous voilà à nous exclamer à qui mieux mieux lorsque l'imprévu nous prend à la gorge. Et d'imprévu ce drama en est rempli. Quel plume incroyable a pu nous pondre un scénario aussi abouti ? aussi incroyable ? aussi imprévisible ? aussi drôle ? aussi intelligent ? Aussi tout ? (Je m'emporte? oui et non).
Hé bien, ce fut la raison qui m'a fait courir après les hommes de ma maison afin qu'ils se joignent à moi : Mao Ni.
Nous avions été tellement bouleversés par [i]"Ever Night"[/i] drama et livre, qu'à la seule évocation de ce nom, nous étions presque sûr de ne pas être déçus. Cela a été au-delà. De l'inimaginable. Nous avons adoré de la première seconde à la dernière.

On pleure. Aussi. Hé bien, je l’avoue, pas à grosses larmes comme pour « Lovely Us », mais une gorge nouée par l’émotion sur quelques épisodes et de manière tellement imprévue. Je ne m’attendais pas, vraiment pas à devoir m’attacher à des personnages qu’on ne voit pas beaucoup (voire 2 fois pour un des personnages, et la grand-mère qu’on ne voit que dans les 2 premiers épisodes m’aura beaucoup touché par exemple). Certaines scènes sont tellement fortes et chargées émotionnellement que cela nous a pris de court.

Il y a une romance, mais elle est pour l’instant minime. Le drama étant prévu pour 3 saisons, on peut penser que cela suivra son court dans les 2 autres saisons (vivement la saison 2 !!).
La rencontre entre notre lead masculin et la princesse au pilon de poulet est adorable. Leur alchimie, sans être faite d’éclat et de passion est solide et sincère. On adore le coté petite fille de la princesse, son pilon de poulet, sa loyauté, son amour spontané envers [b]Fan Xian[/b]. Allez j’avoue. J’aime aussi beaucoup [b]la sainteté[/b] et [b]Si Li Li[/b] et si notre princesse au pilon de poulet n’avait pas été si mimi, j’aurais adoré voir [b]Fan Xian[/b] avec [b]la sainteté[/b] ou [b]Si Li Li[/b]. Son amitié avec elles est toutefois bien réelle et vraiment adorable. C’est au final amplement suffisant.

Les liens d’amitiés sont incroyables dans ce drama. Forts. Vrais. (et drôles). Toutes les amitiés. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Chen PingPing[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]l’empereur Qing[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]sa sœur Ruo Ruo[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Wang Qi Nian[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Wu Zhu[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Teng Si Jing[/b] (mon préféré…Hein? quoi? comment cela y'a [b]Fan Xian[/b] partout, mais pas du tout). Il y a aussi [b]la sainteté[/b]. Ou [b]Si Li Li[/b]. Ou [b]Li Cheng Ze[/b] le [b]2ème prince[/b]…Bref, on pourrait presque écrire un dossier rien que sur les personnages, leur importance, leur lien, leur histoire. Il y’en a tellement et c’est ce qui fait aussi sa rareté en tant que drama (ou série ou film ou animé ou manga…je m’emporte encore), où tous les personnages sont importants, où ils sont tous réussis, charismatiques, énigmatiques….Même les vilains. Ils débordent d’ingéniosité, de machiavélisme, de brio. Et ce qui fait la particularité de ce drama, c’est que nous ne pouvons même pas détester les « bad guys ». Car la balance est harmonieuse entre les vilains et les bons (bien qu’il soit dur de savoir qui est bon et qui ne l’est pas…) et il n’y a donc aucune frustration du type « nan !! il va se faire avoir en beauté, il fait quoi ?? ne va pas là !! ne fais pas ça !!!... ». Ici, ça serait plutôt « Bon, comment Fan Xian va se sortir de ce guêpier ? » ou « Hahaha Fan Xian va les humilier en beauté ». Pas de frustration ou de colère refoulée, que du bonheur.

Dois-je parler du jeu des acteurs ?? Des personnages incarnés ? Je vais essayer de résumer cette partie (sinon, j’en ai encore pour 3 pages dédiées). Le jeu des acteurs est incroyable. 100% naturelle (avec leur voix naturelle et non enregistrée au studio), 100% (je dirais même 200%) incarné à la perfection. Chaque acteur s’est imprégné de son personnage à la perfection et on y croit, on est immergé dans le drama et on a du mal à en ressortir. Il serait long de parler de tous, chacun mériterait un petit paragraphe, je me contenterais donc des personnages principaux.

[u]Fan Xian[/u] (AHHHHH) : est le héros par excellence (du moins mon idéal). Il est beau et bourré de talent. Il sait se battre (et avec classe). Il sait rétorquer magistralement, ses joutes oratoires sont un délice à nos oreilles. Son calme et son intelligence sont redoutables (et son insolence est sans pareille !!) et nous ne le verrons que peu de fois perdre son sourire et son calme. Certains l’ont qualifié « d’arrogant ». Je n’ai vu qu’un homme talentueux qui a été jeté dans la fosse aux lions et qui s’en tire comme un champion. Alors oui, il parle souvent avec assurance, parfois avec arrogance, mais toujours avec sincérité. Sa facilité à se faire des amis, à se faire aimer est une de ses plus grandes qualités.

[u]Chen PingPing :[/u] Cet homme est le mystère incarné. Il est incroyable. On ne sait pas comment le prendre. Il est blanc ou noir (pas la couleur de peau, hein)? Tout ce qu’on sait, c’est que son intelligence est incroyable. A-t-il les pions en main ? ou en fait-il partie ? on se meurt d’en savoir plus ! Il est en tout cas un des plus complexes à comprendre et un de ceux dont on en attend le plus.

[u]L’empereur Qing :[/u] L’empereur le plus classe, le plus drôle (dans ses répliques) et le plus intelligent que j’ai pu voir jusqu’à présent. Sa relation avec [b]Fan Xian[/b] est épique ( [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Chen PingPing[/b] aussi). Leur première rencontre va résumer tout le drama entre eux deux. Nous avons ici un empereur qui mène la danse (ce qui est plutôt rare…) et qui aime se jouer des autres à la perfection. Qui est-il vraiment ? Est-il lui aussi du côté obscur ? Attendre la prochaine saison pour avoir la réponse (ou lire le livre pour les plus pressés…suivez mon regard : chéri, le livre est confisqué, hors de question de se faire « spoiler » accidentellement !).

La photographie est très belle. C’est fluide, c’est coloré et les paysages sont naturelles et réelles.
Les scènes de combat sont superbes aussi (bien que peu). Les combats sont dynamiques et très bien orchestrés. Pas encore du niveau « d’Ever Night », mais ce drama ne se focalise pas sur l’action, mais plutôt sur le côté politique. Quoiqu'il en soit, pas de fausse note type " oh cela parait faux" ne vient entacher le drama.
Je parlerais rapidement du scénario qui sort des chemins battus (du moins pour la néophyte en SF et fantasy que je suis). Cela serait stupide que de vous dévoiler les ficelles de ce drama, ce que je peux donc dévoiler sans trop vous gâcher le drama : C’est du time travelling (on l’apprends dès le départ), du moins dans le livre c’est du time travelling. Dans le drama, le scénariste a changé astucieusement ce time travelling (notion censurée en Chine, allez savoir pourquoi). Il faut donc garder à l’esprit que c’est un voyage dans le temps, et que les rebondissements, ingénieux et imprévisibles, tournent autour de cela….

Je vais devoir m’arrêter ici, sinon, je pourrais continuer encore à palabrer pendant longtemps.
Ce drama est ce qui à mon sens se fait de mieux dans le genre complot politique mais avec tellement d’humour et d’intelligence qu’il est difficile, voire impossible de lui trouver un rival (même le génial « Nirvana in fire »).
Le drama est donc prévu pour 3 saisons et c’est une torture que d’avoir à attendre la suite, d’espérer de tout cœur que la suite sera une réussite, qu’il n’y aura ABSOLUMENT pas de changement intempestif d’acteur/actrice (sinon, c’est la déclaration de guerre assurée !).
46 épisodes que nous avons regardés en 1 semaine (heureusement que c’était les vacances, sinon bonjour les nuits blanches). Pas une seconde d’ennui (d’ailleurs, évitez les pauses pipi ou de répondre au téléphone pendant le drama ; le complot, les retournements de situation sont légions). Je regarderais sans hésiter une deuxième fois ce drama (c’est ce qui est prévu avant la saison 2), il se classe sans peine comme notre plus grand coup de cœur des 30 dernières années (du moins pour moi et mon mari, mes fils sont loin d’avoir 30 ans derrière eux…). Et si je devais dire une chose négative…Un drama en 3 saisons ! Pourquoi ???

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Cet avis était-il utile?
203 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 14, 2019
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 16
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Humorous & Witty

OK, I admit, I came to watch this drama because of XiaoZhan. After the drama Chenqing Ling (The Untamed), I started to search for dramas by Xiao Zhan, and this drama is one of them. (By the way, if you haven’t watched The Untamed yet, you might want to check it out.)

Initially, at episode 1, I almost gave it up because it started off as a modern-day drama, so I thought; I had expected a historical wuxia drama. But very quickly within the first episode, it moves into historical settings and I was totally hooked since then.

Accordingly, this drama is adapted from a novel whose popular author has also written many other works including Ever Night. I have not read this particular novel (Joy of Life), but I understand that it is a super long novel, and the drama adaptation is planning for a five-year 3-season run, and we are currently in season 1. Whether the following seasons would run into any unforeseeable issues is anybody’s guess (such as the change of actors etc).

In the actual novel, it is supposedly a time travel story. But because such stories (time travel) are banned in China film production (I don’t understand why China wants to stymie such creativity), the production team has cleverly adapted the story by cutting out the time travel part hence passing censorship.

I must say, unexpectedly, this drama is so good! The story is interesting. The dialogues are funny and unexpected. The play of words and homophones, puns and use of chenyu (idioms) are hilarious, and yet witty, deep, meaningful and cultured. Too bad many of these wonderful characters (Chinese words) are lost in the translation and non-Chinese native speakers may not find the dialogues as wonderful as the native speakers do. Seemingly a light-hearted drama, but when it comes to emotional moments, the director has successfully squeezed out a tear or two from me. The acting is immaculate! I love the relationship Fan Xian has with his siblings and with others whom he considers as friends; it’s deep and genuine. Unlike most actors who act in historical dramas, Zhang Ruoyun has a presence day physique making him a perfect Fan Xian as he is supposed to be a modern man; his etiquettes are simply hilarious and Zhang delivers 100%. The supporting cast is equally good, in particular Guo Qilin who plays Fan Xian’s little brother; he is adorable and amazing. I hope to see more of him. I love the opening and ending OSTs, with the ending song being sung by Xiao Zhan, another talented actor and singer.

33 episodes in, I still haven’t seen a whiff of Xiao Zhan. Nonetheless, this hasn’t reduced the enjoyment I have got out from this delightful drama. Xiao Zhan plays a supporting role and for marketing purposes, his name is being displayed or used prominently to attract attention. I can understand why the team is doing this (Xiao Zhan is currently the hottest Chinese actor in China), but I find it deceiving and I can't say I appreciate it. This drama should receive the attention it duly deserves if being marketed properly, because it is indeed a great drama.


Finally Xiao Zhan appears at the end of episode 38. His screen time is so little that I haven't had enough time to make out of his character, and hence provide a correct assessment of his acting. Nonetheless, at the end of season 1 (episode 46), as expected, there are still tons of unsolved mysteries, new twists, plots within plots -- getting the viewers all hooked up for the next season.

If you are checking this drama out, do watch it. It’s amazingly wonderful. This is truly a wuxia story and the fighting choreography and qing gong are done beautifully. I can’t emphasize enough: it’s a MUST-WATCH!

Two thumbs up!!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
68 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 21, 2019
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Something about this drama felt amazing and fantastic, I couldn't stop watching it.
It had a good amount of martial arts, humor and a great story line. This is only the first season!

Fan Xian is the main male lead of the drama. He is a smart, sarcastic, and cunning man. He knows how to speak his way out of things, he also have great martial arts skills. Did I mention he's quite funny as well? :) I just love his character so much! The actor did a wonderful job in playing this character! His subtle expressions are hilarious. XD
Aside from trying to find the love of his life at first sight, cancelling his engagement or..not cancelling it, Fan Xian has assassins coming after him day after day. The drama focuses on Fan XIan trying to figure out who is behind all these assassins, figuring out where he's from, and staying alive to be with his beloved Wan Er.

Uncle Wu Zhu (or should I say Xiao Zhu Zhu LOL♥) is the handsome protector who helped raised Fan Xian and was also a servant of Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say his martial arts is very monstrous. He is like a ninja, he comes and goes without making a single sound which can annoy Fan Xian - quite funny to watch. XD I really like his character for some reason, aside from the obvious handsomeness haha He is strict and mature albeit there were times when he went loose and either spoke like a teen or a tiny bit like a psycho due to memories that were triggered.

Wan Er is your typical fairy-like female lead. She's very elegant, and cute. She also likes chicken legs, and that is also how she met Fan Xian, unknowingly. She does not have much of a presence in this season, because she barely has any scenes. But she is an important figure in this drama because she's the daughter of a princess. However, this drama focuses majority on Fan Xian and his journey to solve the mysteries behind murders of his friends, the trunk that belonged to his mother, and assassinations. Wan Er is there only when Fan Xian went to visit her and other issues that involved her family.

The main villain is the grand princess and her nephew(s).S She's in charge of something that once belonged to Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say she doesn't want to let go of it.
However, she is not the only villain, there are many people who wants Fan Xian dead, including those who pretended to be his friend.

If you're watching this drama cause of Xiao Zhan prepare to be disappointed because you'll only see his actual face in the last 8 episodes or so. I assume he will be a main in the next season as his character is not what we think he is. Personally, I still enjoyed the drama without seeing much of Xiao Zhan.

Other characters worth mentioning is Wang Qi Nian, he's a chubby middle aged man but is a useful friend of Fan Xian. :) He joins Fan Xian in majority of his journeys. Fan Xian's sister, Fan Ruo Ruo is quite an interesting character, she's very smart and quick witted but can become clueless and slow(?) when it comes to Fan Xian. Its like she idolizes her big bro. But she can be dead serious when it comes to disciplining their little brother. I quite like her personality trait than Wan Er's.

Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. Its funny, and has great martial choreography. I didn't expect to love it so much,. it's one of my top two favorites of 2019!! Definitely recommend if you're looking for something fun to watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
46 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 2, 2021
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 23
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

No time to die.

I have never watched a Chinese drama quite like Joy of Life. It Is pure entertainment, a heady, masculine cocktail of science fiction, political intrigue, espionage, martial arts and laugh out loud comedy. A dying young man laments his life cut short before he experiences the joy of life. He finds himself reborn an infant in another time with intact memories of the 21st century. Raised by his grandmother, this cunning, cynical know-all kid is expertly schooled in martial arts by his uncle Wushu (pun fully intended) and in medicine by a deadly poison master. Summoned to the capital by his distant father, Fan Xian sets off eagerly, anticipating the beginning of his carefree, happy existence. But his glee is short lived as someone wants to kill him dead. He finds himself saddled with a political marriage he is hell bent on squirming out of and his mother's legacy - control over immense wealth and the incredibly powerful Oversight Bureau. This is at odds with his desire to indulge in joyful pursuits and worse, catapults him right in the middle of a power struggle between two princes. Soon it appears as if everyone wants him dead. But Fan Xian literally has no time to die as he is swept away by a whirlwind of timeless secrets, murky political conspiracies, shocking betrayals and sinister encounters with opaque characters that could be friend or foe.

Fan Xian is the central, core character that the plot revolves around;, there isn't really a female lead or a second lead. Fan Xian is a smart, ruthless and cunning rascal with very strong survival instincts who is not about to let anyone short change him of his second chance. His life philosophy and indifference to common inducements stymies family, friend and foe alike, leaving them at a complete loss as to how to motivate or manipulate him. Unlike his mysterious mother, a woman beyond her time, lofty aspirations like changing the world in the pursuit of social justice couldn't be further from Fan Xian's more self oriented goals. Until the world changes him when someone with joy of life shows him that there are things worth giving one's life to protect. This moves Fan Xian unaccountably, makes him do things against his nature and better judgement, it stays with him and forces him into the fray, to risk his life for what he wishes to protect. This pivotal moment and how it sparks a growing flame adds a defining dimension and substance to Fan Xian, one of the best written, most layered and entertaining characters I have come across in a long time.

This serpentine political chronicle satirizes the ruthlessness of man's ambitions and how it coincides with life's cruel and random vagaries. Most of the characters, including Fan Xian are scheming, ruthless, violent, deceitful and utilitarian. Bad things happen to good people, actions have consequences, people die, forgiveness and justice are not always possible. This underlying dark tone with its bitter notes and philosophical questions is so artfully disguised by the wit and humor that drenches this drama that it easily passes off as a comedy. The entire tone of a scene or a conversation can just shift with a bizarre interruption or a non-sequitur mundane question or digression that shouldn't even be funny but somehow is. The wit and comedy from clever word puns to baffling allusions to 21st century concepts are not merely for laughter's sake they are intended to hint at character traits, hidden motives and unspoken truths. The plot is action packed with many twists and is littered with thrilling martial arts encounters where moments of imminent peril can be unexpectedly broken by well timed comic relief.

To put it simply Zhang Ruoyun simply owns the character Fan Xian, it is unimaginable that anyone else can pull off this jaded, irreverent, manipulative and utterly irresistible rogue in such a compelling way. Even though this is not much of a romance, Fan Xian seems to have an affinity for and way with women that recalls Jin Yong's lascivious and vile Wei Xiaobao but in today's day and age, it is only acceptable that he is limited to one true love. From his hilarious sidekick the venal and wily Wang Qinian to his riotous siblings Sizhe and Rou Rou to his numerous antagonists, Fan Xian is surrounded by exceptionally well cast supporting characters that are properly fleshed out and have agency and free will. My personal favorite is of course the emperor, who is the best example how this drama dazzles with the art of the unexpected. I was completely nonplussed to see an emperor slither around in dishabille; with escaped hair tendrils and in oddly sensuous low cut nightgowns that flaunt his tanned bare chest. I was right there with Fan Xian in refusing to kowtow to such a slob and surprised he didn't have to leave a thumb or two behind as a result. Multiple clues to one of the big plot twists hide in plain site, from the oddly misplaced pieces of wardrobe and styling to the borderline goofy, eclectic 1980s subtly Latin background music. The unique and creative combination of casual (much dialed down) violence, cartoonish character traits, strange props, out of genre music, and the odd wit and humor in mundane dialogues reminds me of Tarantino, something I did not at all expect here.

This is of course just the first of three seasons. And I must admit I dropped this after 5 episodes when it was airing. I don't even remember why I didn't like it at all at the time. On my second attempt, I was addicted from the first episode and enjoyed almost every minute of it. I do think that the Bei Qi arc was not at the same level of the first arc, which set a very high bar. I was less invested in the characters in the Bei Qi arc and I found Xiao En's big reveal too long winded and his giant secret overly built up. One of the main roles in this arc is very poorly acted and noticeably several notches below the level of the rest of the veteran cast. The actor tried so obviously to be opaque and inscrutable that I pinned them as a backstabber right away. Their fixed wooden stare failed to connect with Fan Xian at any level and in several scenes I felt like Fan Xian was talking to a mannequin or to himself. This made it look like after being so smart and distrustful for so long, Fan Xian inexplicably let his guard down way too easily. Into the final moments of the last episode Fan Xian continued to be dumbed down and was pretty much thrown under the bus to force that completely unnecessary ending "shocker" that I could see coming a mile away.

The biggest drawback of this drama is of course the long wait for season 2, which still has not even started shooting as of May 2021. However, this shouldn't hold you back from watching this now due to its high rewatch value. I rate this a 9.5 for now but it has a potential to be upgraded to a 10.0 if the next two seasons deliver.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 2, 2022
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Indeed a JOY OF LIFE All the Way Through~

Joy of Life is simply magnificent and truly a masterpiece. The writing is very clever, compelling, unpredictable and the political schemes and mind games are absolutely, absolutely fantastic. I think no one can write complicated and ruthless fight for the throne storylines like the Chinese. Everyone is treated like a piece of chess and being used completely -- like is it possible that you can have a free will when you behave exactly like what your enemies want you to? And I think no one could really understand the brilliance writing of Joy of Life as well if they are not familiar with historical costume dramas. Usually, dramas like these are expected to be cleverly written with compelling plots and brilliant characters but few dramas are like Joy of Life where the character totally behave or do what you as viewers wants them to do -- no stupid decisions, no yielding to the bad guys, no overly righteous person that drive you mad and no compromising to things that are wrong just because you are family or someone important.

Fan Xian is literally one of the most layered, rich and brilliant character I have encounter in dramas. I think I can write thesis on why he is so awesome as a character – he is like an onion, everytime you peel a new layer, you will find the other side of him, just when you think you know him, he will surprise you again and again with his decisions and actions. I like how he always done things the opposite of normal dramas' characters especially when he was caught in difficult situations. He will never yield to the bad guys no matter how pressured he is. You usually will predict what character will do when they are caught in a dead end but Fan Xian retaliate in ways that will surprise you. Just when you thought he made a mistake, there is wisdom in his actions to fool his enemies. And most of all, how reluctant he is in joining this ruthless fight to the throne game when all he wants is living a quiet and happy life with his family. He is extremely brilliant, genuine, unpredictable, playful, loyal, warm-hearted, righteous, full of love but at the same time merciless and crafted -- all of this combine and blends wonderfully that made him such enthralling and captivating as a character. I have seen many dramas but few characters can really stand out like Fan Xian. The depth of his character is almost spellbinding. I'm completely in awe.

The greatest thing about this drama is the storyline. How it started slowly by introducing each character to us so we understand their state of minds and intentions. Then it started getting heavy and this is where the political mind games and schemes comes into the picture. You will have gazillion questions when this drama started since everything is disjointed and didn't really make sense but all your questions will be answered one by one from the biggest to the smallest and everything comes together like a perfect puzzle as the drama progressed. Why Fan Xian was left at Danzhao despite his father is known to be a warm person? Why he is so important and loved by everyone around him? And the reason behind his mother's death lurking with the darkest and most insidious secrets.

Aside from that, what is so magnificent about this drama aside from the intelligent script is the characters. Almost all characters are fleshed out and have their own identities -- whether you love or hate them. The Emperor for an example will make you tremble and uncomfortable with his words but his wisdom are beyond the horizon. He is probably one of the most cunning and cleverest Emperor portray in dramas but you will like him despite of that. Or Chan Ping Ping? How can we not love his character and feel so attached to him? His cunning schemes, brilliant mind while all this being covered with his gentle and loving demeanor? Or Fan Xian's father? How as he might look like he didn't care but he actually the one that love him the most and will do everything to protect him. Or his teacher Fie Jie, this old man, how can't we not love him and the length he will go for Fan Xian? Even the bad guys, instead of hating them, I was fascinated by them instead -- they are such an enigmatic and interesting bunch of people.

Plus, Joy of Life has a nuanced script and acting just like Nirvana in Fire so upon second viewing, the script basically gonna take your breath away even more since a lot of foreshadowing were done subtlety -- probably one of the smartest and detailed storytelling that I have encounter in dramaland. Since lots of foreshadowing were in the drama, you will have fun guessing who is the real mastermind. Focus on the micro expressions, actions and how all characters behaves, its all clues that lead to how they are as individuals and their motives.

I'm actually confuse why this drama is called Joy of Life and I finally understand especially when it reached the end. Turbulence and chaotic life, despite it might come and caught up with you unexpectedly, is still happy and joyful when you live following your heart and never stray from doing what is right and be with the people that you love. And it is no doubt a 'Joy of Life' as well to the viewers while watching this drama lol. This is one of a few dramas where you will love it completely -- no idiotic plots that makes you scratch your head and the plot twists are especially surprising and unexpected. That’s the art of writing great dramas -- your plot twists are unexpected but made complete all sense at the same time and was foreshadowing since the beginning. 10/10 is the only rating worthy of this great drama. One of the very few dramas that deserve this perfect rating from me.

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 8, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

What an interesting drama...

So I kinda noticed this drama on Youtube when it came out in November 2019. I watched the first episode and was like “nah not interested.” And then later in December, everyone was talking about this drama and how it’s so interesting. So I took a dip and dived in. Turns out.. yes this drama is soo bomb!

The storyline is so interesting I don’t even know what’s going on. That’s a good thing cuz it leaves you with wonders. What happened to the male lead’s mother? Why is the leather case filled with those gadgets? Why is Fan Xian being protected? Why does the emperor treat him this way? I started to wonder if he had any relations with the emperor..later on (forgot which episode, I think 35+) it reveals that he’s actually the son of the emperor! Like holy- never expected that.

And at last, his relations with his mates and Yan Bing Yun (Xiao Zhan)... When YBY stabs FX, I was like HOLY MOLY THAT’S THE END???? And then I was like “NO FREAKING WAY THE MALE LEAD CAN’T JUST DIE LIKE THAT!” Lin WanEr (Li Qin) just disappeared after episode 32 or something which left me with confusion.
Sooo then I heard there’s a sequel which is getting me pumped! 😅😅😅

Ok the reason I put the rewatch value so low is that I usually don’t rewatch a drama cuz who would want to when we all know what’s gonna happen? At least I don’t..

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17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 20, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

truly a masterpiece

Hello! This is my first review so bear with me.

Firstly, as someone who's watched quite a few cdramas and especially historical cdramas, I have to say this drama really took the cake as #1 on my list.

The first 1-2 episodes might throw you off, but if you keep watching it'll keep you hooked and is incredibly bingeworthy. The pacing of this drama is the best, not too fast not too slow. As someone who is a chronic fast forwarder, I didn't fast forward one bit. It's got comedy, a compelling storyline, great acting and casting, beautiful cinematography and costumes, martial arts choreographed perfectly, a bit of politics (not too much). *the costumes and fighting scenes were one of the best* There isn't too much romance I have to say, but don't worry, you'll forget about the romance aspect and be engulfed in this drama.

For me what really made this drama stand out were the characters and how they weren't all 1 dimensional. All incredibly well written, each character shined no matter if they only were present for a couple episodes. The main character, Fan Xian, had everything you would want in a character. He was hilarious to the T, intelligent, a kickass fighter, and his wittiness, I felt was super unique and made this show even better. The acting for all the characters were top notch displaying perfect expressions and emotions and made everything feel so alive.
The main character's family scenes were pure gold, it really helped bring a softer tone to the story.

I'll have to admit, i was a bit disappointed with the FL's character (dont get me wrong the actress was A+) but I quickly figured out that the love story was not really part of the big picture. But other than that, all the other female characters were freaking amazing! They were all super badass in their own ways.

Also the ost for me was beautiful with the flute lol its on my playlist.

Anyways, i hoped this review helped a bit, pls go watch it! You really won't regret it! This is my first review because I feel so strong about this drama :) Feel free to message me if you have questions

so it does end on a cliffhanger BUT ITS OKAY its part of a trilogy and there will be a part 2 and 3 so i think we can be assured that most people will survive haha

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16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 18, 2019
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 2
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A great drama!

I am really glad that Mao Ni’s work are being adapted into dramas. Hoping to see more of those in the near future, he has many great novels.

Novel vs Drama: if you plan to read or have already read the novel, then be warned that this is an adaptation. There are a mixture and altercations of events/characters. Sometimes events happens ahead of one another, sometimes the characters are merged into one. Due to this fact, some scene felt a bit forced to me, as there are some minor details missing . An example is when the Emperor calls Fan Xian into the Palace, from their interaction, it gives you the feeling that Fan Xian was comfortable with the Emperor,and in return the Emperor paid no heed to his naughtiness. However that shouldn’t happen casually as there are multiple build up events that should be leading their relationship.

Although the director incorporated different elements into the drama vs the novel, it still does not take away the great story of this drama. If you like political scheming, some elements of Wuxia, witty and humorous MC, great acting, and what I love about this novel/drama is the many twists and turns that will leave you in awed; whether that's due to conspiracy or great scheming, it is all worth it. This drama a must watch! Additionally, I love the opening and ending OST themes with it dramatic effects. They do not show many scenes that would spoil the drama for you.

I could spend all day talking about how great each actors/actresses are, but I will try to keep this short. It honestly brings me great joy when I realized how perfect of a cast these characters are! From the main to the supporting cast, it is amazing talent. Veteran actors/actresses like Chen Ping Ping, Qing's Emperor, Li Yunrui, Fan Jian etc, are all so immersed into their role that it is impossible to see anyone else portraying them.

Chen Ping Ping love for Fan Xian is only second to Fan Jian. If Fan Xian dies, you can be dang sure that Qing as a Kingdom will fall into chaos. CPP love is a bit different. I called it rough love. He wants the best for Fan Xian, and at the same time, nurture and discipline him about the world's evil. Fan Jian only want Fan Xian to stay out of politics and live a normal life, as tragedy befall his mother back then. He did not want to see Fan Xian falling into the same footstep. Qing's Emperor is kind of narcissistic and scheming. He care for Fan Xian, sure, but more in the line of using Fan Xian to sharping his other Princes. Li Yunrui is an evil scheming demoness. She only wants the best for Qing's Kingdom, no matter the costs or the actions. Although Fei Jie does not have that many screen time in novel/drama, I would place him in as slightly below Fan Jian in terms of endearment for Fan Xian.

Zhang Ruo Yun did a fantastic job portraying Fan Xian. His facial expression are quite likable. It's ironic that in the novel, everyone of Fan Xian love interests has got more chemistry with him than Wan'er (IMO). And it seems like even in the drama, you can feel their chemistry: Xin Zhi Lei as Haitang Duo Duo, what a lovable character, what a lovable actress. I really liked her in the novel and was hoping that Fan Xian swoop her up. Hopefully drama might be different? Finger crossed!! Frida Li as Si Lili, what a captivating woman, extremely soft spoken and got no one in her eyes besides Fan Xian. At one point, I was even hoping for Song Yi as Fan Ruo Ruo to be Fan Xian's love interests because they got so much chemistry together, both in drama and novel (don't worry, they're not related at all). If Si Lili told me “I need to kill you for it is my mission”, I’ll happily extends my neck and say “Please strike here”, same goes for Eldest Princess.

Moving on to Wang Qinian, very sly, very comedic like the novel. Gao Da, I thought he would of look more boorish and mature, but he was slim and comical in the drama, caught me by surprise. First and Second price, great casting, their eyes are very scheming and sly. Uncle Wu Zhu: pretty boy. Yan Bingyun is how I imagined he would look and sounds like. Very patriot towards Qing and go by the books.

Since this is a 3 seasons drama, I would love for the actors/actresses to reprise their roles, because they are just perfectly mirroring their counterpart from the novel. And this part is what worries me. Since season 1 is left on a cliff hanger and we have to wait basically another year or two for season 2, I am not sure if the audience can still love this drama as much given the off-time of it. I'd rather they shoot everything and release it all within 2 years instead. But I know it is impossible with all the actors/actresses upcoming projects.

If you have read all of this thus far, thank you!!! It is a lengthy review. I have read the novel so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I'll try to answer!

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Yu di Im3
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 16, 2021
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Top number 1 drama costume

opening OST very good.
Great acting main lead zhang ruo yun
Great story with full of realistic historical time
I'm watching this really fast. really not boring and want to watch on. I really focus on watching this hahaha. When I was in episode 40, I already felt sad because I was going to finish. it's really rare to have a drama like this. I hope lots of entertaining dramas like this. not a grossly exaggerated love drama. I highly recommend it for you
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Aa ri
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 3, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I watched it for ZRY because, from novoland the castle in the sky I am deeply in love with him and went to watch all other dramas of him.I really feel bad that I couldn't get to watch his previous drama "insects awakening"due to there is no sub. So,
I was waiting for zhang ruo Yun's drama and finally It aired,and I am so happy to see his charming face. STORY of this drama felt really refreshing and nice. And the cast too really nice, and I Love it love it love it very very very much. There are lots of characters seems to be interesting and their chemistry too really good. And it is really good to hear that there will be aseason 2.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 27, 2019
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Joy of Life is one of the best dramas I've watched. It has a unique combination of excellent story, characters, casting, acting, production, and writing all mixed together into a delicious drama-slurry.

Regarding the writing/plotting, the show starts out lightheartedly as we are introduced to the characters (there's a child actor in the first episode who's simply delightful). The first half of the season contains most of the more humorous moments but they remain to lighten the mood through the rest of the episodes as well. There is a fun blend of action/fighting scenes (which are generally well done with believable effects) and political maneuvering (which occupies most of the show). The political intrigue is well crafted and most developments are believable and fit together effectively. The dialogue is generally well done and scenes are edited together cleverly to tell the story. There is also an overlaying element of sci fi, which while not crucial to this season would be expected to become more important in future seasons.

Regarding the acting and casting, the performances are overall excellent. The main character is portrayed excellently. Most of the time he presents an intelligent and charming exterior but the viewer really gets a sense of his moral compass. The main character has several emotional and powerful scenes which are all very well done. The supporting cast are also excellent, with standout performances for the Intelligence Director, the Emperor, the MC's sister, and Duo Duo. The remainder of the cast is also high quality--I can't think of any characters that are miscast, and even the only character I disliked (Yan Bing Yun) felt as though he was purposefully portrayed as dislikable.

The only criticism I have is the ending, which is a pretty severe cliffhanger. I will not deduct points for this as there is a planned second (and hopefully third) season; however, if those fall through and the followup seasons never materialize I will be quite despondent indeed. And if there are followup seasons made, I very much hope that the director can reassemble as much of this cast as possible.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 8, 2020
46 épisodes vus sur 46
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

oh man i have no idea what to say here

This drama is amazing.
before i continue just give me a moment to feel superior to all of you because i read the entire book (yes, all 700 ish chapters) so i know what's gonna happen haha
no dont worry i won't spoil it, i'm not a jerk
There are so many clever jokes to balance out the seriousness, there's a good love story, excellent characters that aren't transparent at ALL, and amazing arcs. I enjoyed basically every single moment of character interaction, and the plot moved super fast (which is really my thing).
I'm no expert on acting and honestly I could only point out bad acting if it was on purpose :(
The only thing I have to say about the cast is that every character was super talented (at least as far as I could see), especially Fan Xian, Chen Ping Ping, and the emperor.
this music boosts my vibe but also kind of makes me sad
This has really high rewatch value because every time you watch it you realize something new about the story, and it's quite short honestly

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Joy of Life (2019) poster



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