O escritório de engenharia Saman E&C é o local que uma boa parte do elenco principal se encontra. Dong Hoon é um homem de 40 anos, ocupante do cargo de engenheiro chefe, mas está muito insatisfeito pois um colega mais novo da faculdade é o diretor atual dessa mesma empresa. A relação dele com Joon Young nunca foi das mais amigáveis desde que estudaram juntos, e animosidade entre eles persiste atualmente.
E a assistente financeira Lee Ji An, uma jovem de apenas 20 anos, que á olhos nu parece ser uma simples funcionária, porém as experiências muito difíceis na vida a tornaram alguém introspectiva e que não liga para o mundo a sua volta. Ela tem uma avó que é surda e não consegue se locomover sozinha, e está devendo o abrigo onde esta mora e por isso precisa retirá-la para morarem juntas. E como se fosse pouco, ainda está com muitas dívidas e trabalha em vários empregos de meio período.
Com seu jeito quieto e introvertido, Lee Ji An não fala muito mais do que o necessário no trabalho, apenas faz o que precisa fazer; mas é assim que ela acaba vendo uma tramoia entre seus superiores envolvendo Dong Hoon e um outro funcionário, e aparentemente usa isso a seu favor. Descobre que o diretor Joon Young quer demitir um outro diretor por justa causa e isso acaba se voltando contra Dong Hoon.
E isso é basicamente os três primeiros episódios desse drama, que apesar do ritmo lento na forma de contar seu enredo, gradativamente nos ajuda a entender o papel de cada personagem dentro da trama. Sou suspeita, mas quando cheguei no episódio 3 já estava mais do que envolvida, tudo que eu pensava era em como tudo iria se desenrolar: se o Dong Hoon ia acabar levando a culpa de algo que não fez, se a Lee Ji An iria salvar a si mesma das dificuldades da própria vida miserável que estava levando, e o que faria com tanta informação que estava caindo no colo dela.
Não vou dizer que foi fácil aguardar 2 episódios por semana (pois é assim que os dramas asiáticos passam na Coreia) e me comichar para entender por onde o roteiro iria levar aqueles personagens. Mas uma coisa eu tinha certeza, é que eu percebi nesse drama que ás vezes nossa vida não é assim tão importante. Olhar ao redor nos faz perceber que outros estão em condições muito pior que a nossa.
Quando Ji An descobre que Yoon Hee - esposa de Dong Hoon - está o traindo, ela toma a dor tão pra si que eu me questionei porque a personagem estava se metendo em algo que não devia. Porém, a trama é tão bem desenvolvida que aos poucos a dor de cada pessoa também é importante, que estender a mão para alguém não faz minha dor ser menor. Mas Ji An não é santa, e por meios tortos e questionáveis tenta ajudar seu superior sem que ele saiba, pois se importa muito com Dong Hoon e cria um afeto muito forte por ele, mas ao estar envolvida com pessoas que tem dinheiro também consegue fazer com que seus fardos fiquem um pouco mais leves.
E é aqui que preciso comentar sobre a existência do Lee Gwang Il, um agiota que vive no pé da jovem. No começo o confundi muito com um namorado abusador, mas depois de alguns episódios isso não fazia nenhum sentido. E aos poucos o expectador vai descobrindo qual é a relação dele com a Ji An, que não é apenas baseada em dinheiro, e devo dizer que é bem chocante. A atuação do Jang Ki Yong é espetacular, apesar de dar muita raiva em vários momentos, mas toda a nuance do personagem logo dá pra notar como ele é um ator incrível, além de muito lindo.
Mas talvez você me pergunte: Lisse, quem são aqueles dois outros homens no pôster? Aqueles são os irmãos do Dong Hoon. Sang Hoon é o irmão mais velho que já está na meia idade e após ser despedido do emprego acabou se divorciando e voltou a morar com a mãe. Mas isso não impede que sofra por não ter sucesso, ou que ache que a vida é só isso, Sang Hoon é um homem com um bom coração, que se importa muito com a família e que gostaria muito que a vida pudesse ser generoso com ele, mas infelizmente não teve sucesso na vida.
E também tem o irmão mais novo, Ki Hoon, que aos 20 anos de idade conseguiu dirigir um filme independente que foi um grande sucesso. Mais agora, 20 anos depois, não tem nada; nem mesmo uma proposta de emprego. E isso o deixa muito frustrado, mas junto com seu irmão mais velho acabam iniciando uma pequena empresa e assim conseguem uma renda para seguir com a vida.
Ki Hoon foi um dos personagens mais difíceis que já encontrei em dramas. Um tanto rabugento, com um gênio difícil de interagir com outros e que devido as más experiências da vida o deixou frio. Mas esse emprego vai trazer para fazer com que reencontre uma pessoa que magoou no passado, uma atriz que foi maltratada por ele, e essa mesma jovem que também está passando por momentos difíceis o ensinará sobre perseverança e a encontrar os sentimentos que existem em algum lugar dentro de si.
São os momentos trabalhando juntos que Sang Hoon e Ki Hoon proporcionam muitas risadas e momentos emocionantes para o telespectador, pois não é o tipo de trabalho que alguém quem se formou em Cinema ou quem já trabalhou numa grande empresa gostaria de fazer. Trazendo muitas reflexões há a Yo Soon que é mãe desses três marmanjos. Um senhora que quer ver os filhos indo bem. Desejo de toda mãe, não é mesmo? As cenas dela foram umas das que mais me deixava com o coração apertado, mas que em outros momentos me fazia rir com o jeito doidinho e que não dá o braço a torcer, que só as mães tem.
Esses três irmãos, amigos de infância que formam o time de futebol do bairro tem encontros diários no Bar da Jung Hee, uma amiga de infância que também tem sua própria história para contar e foi outra que também rendeu muitas emoções.
Eu considerei My Mister como um drama que fala da vida real e de como lidamos com as emoções que a vida nos dá. Uma história onde pessoas que não são fortes precisam ser e não desistem facilmente. Sobre o encontro de pessoas que não se ajudam porque tem o poder de ajudar, mas porque resolveram deixar suas próprias mazelas de lado e estender a mãos para quem também precisa, e assim encontrar forças onde não sabiam que tinham.
Quero deixar aqui registrado um pedaço da entrevista feita na coletiva de imprensa de My Mister em que o diretor Kim Won Suk, que lindamente deu vida para essa obra e explicou o título do drama. Então o resumi em poucas palavras:
"Embora talvez pensem em "Meu Senhor" para descrever alguém que gostem como "Meu Homem", mas também pode ser usado para descrever alguém que é muito importante para nós como "Minha Mãe", "Meu Amigo", "Minha Família" ou "Meu Vizinho". Foi nisso que pensei enquanto fazia o drama. A história é basicamente sobre alguém que se torna muito importante para nós. Pessoas que não se encaixam, mas que de um modo estranho se dão bem por causa dos bons sentimentos e emoções que sentem um pelo outro."
Depois de ler essa entrevista meus olhos se abriram porque desde o começo foquei muito em como a Ji An e o Dong Hoon criaram uma relação especial, mas que também todos os outros personagens tinham o que para eles era uma relação especial e muito importante.
Amei do começo ao fim. Muitas vezes me vi "engasgada" com sentimentos que eu não sabia definir e com emoções que eram tão ambíguas que me deixavam de mãos atadas. Mas principalmente, me ensinou muito, MUITO MESMO. E nessa final de resenha quero deixar meu muito obrigada ao Park Hae Young por ter criado um roteiro tão lindo, e muito obrigada por tê-lo guardado tão bem por 3 anos, ter esperado e amadurecido para que no tempo certo estivesse pronto para ser lançado. Agora foi o tempo certo!
E já quero ver My Ahjussi de novo e me emocionar novamente com esses personagens tão cheios de significado e chorar compulsivamente como fiz no último episódio. E agora que o drama terminou e muitas experiências foram aprendidas, só consigo pensar em como quero que todos os personagens estejam vivendo muito felizes e com segurança.
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Unique drama. I have never seen anything like this, everyting is so different from what we're accustomed to. The realism makes it so it ensnares the viewers feelings and experiences, like a lot of show you would say, however, it's a natural realism where you can't say "too much". Words weren't needed in lot of scenes, the way it was filmed succeded in making us interpret the acting of each actors. The story revolved around Lee Ji An and Park Dong Hoon, both having pitiful lives, though each in differents spectrums. In addition, a terrific ensemble cast, where individuals stories were not boring at all and were very much welcomed.
Fates intertwined, both of their existances were significants in each other's life. One taught self love, one loved.
When a happy ending doesn't necessary encompass one having their way. The aftermath of the show leaved me full of expectation, I couldn't help but imagine their future further more than what's shown. An open ending with multiple possibilities laid out for us to envision.
I especially loved the message at the end of the final episode: "you are all decent people. May you hang there until you find comfort for yourself." I felt a genuine positive message coming from the cast, producers...etc.
Occasionally, in this drama, we're taught how to relativise problematic times. They used concepts like reincarnation, implicating we'll get other chances at life. Bad things happen in life, that's nothing. If you did something shameful but you deemed it to be a not shameful thing, it's not a big deal. This lifetime, enjoy it the way it is, do your best, be kind to people which, by the way, is also displayed through the male protagonist's unparalleled kindness, he seeks justice and only justice and can't stand Lee Ji An's outstandingly unfair situation.
It is certainly by far a one of a kind drama that I doubt will ever be concurrenced. Acting on point, plot greatly developed, a purposeful cliffhanger, powerful and emotional scenes.
Tragedy is explored, they find confort in the outcome of their tragedy. So, although there isn't a happy ending per se, it is a happy life they're living.
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These are my thoughts and others can interpret the show differently. Main point is give this drama a chance and watch it, it's a beautiful story. It's about humanity and hope.I’m reading reviews and symbolism regarding the drama and I’ve missed a lot when they explained what those symbolism mean and while I agree on some there are parts where I disagree too. But then this drama does leave a lot of the interpretation to the viewers.
First time, I’ve watched this drama and I was bored with the first 3 episodes but after episode 4, the story starts to step up on the pacing and keeps me interested in watching it. First 3 episodes cannot be skipped though, that’s where the plot and stuff are laid out for the use of the whole series. These are important episodes, groundwork so to speak.
The first time I’ve watched the whole series, it’s very difficult for me to see Dong Hoon and Ji An as a romantic couple even at the end, it’s an open ending where viewers may choose to interpret on where they’ll go from there, it’s just not easy for me to think them as such because of how Dong Hoon behaved with Ji An, he drew a line when it comes to what he allows their relationship to become considering as well that he is married and has a kid and she is really young for him, someone who is just starting her life. He got to know her and understands that she already went through a lot and they have things in common. Dong Hoon is very clear on his life though, on the boundaries, that’s why I did not think they’ll become a couple at all.
The second time I’ve watched it though, I’ve noticed more things in their interactions with each other and suddenly the thought before that they cannot become a couple has been diminished with my realization that it can actually happen. It will not be sudden but there's a possibility.
While I think Dong Hoon and Ji An’s love for each other is hard to define because I really think it’s the purest form of love; a love that accepts and just strengthens over time. It does not matter if they become romantically linked, all that matters is that they are with each other. That they are together as friends, companion and just be in that person’s life, that’s enough for them. As long as the person is happy, they are happy.
I may just watch this again to focus on the symbolism mentioned by other people and how they interpret the interactions with Dong Hoon and Ji An is very interesting. To have different POV and interpretation from other people makes me think, have I missed something? The show is brilliantly produced, directed and I’m sure the script will be even better if one understands Korean as the full impact will be more felt. I do think there are cases when translation just does not get the full impact of scripts written in their original language.
In terms of the cast, they are all brilliant; this drama does not make me think of the actors, they were the characters which are amazing. They made root for them even if their characters are not the easiest to digest; they all have flaws after all. The realism of the scenes and interactions is so relatable too which makes this the best drama I’ve ever watched. This drama may not have made me cry but the impact of this drama to me is big, the fact I’m still thinking about it after I’ve watched it twice in a matter of 2 months is an amazing feat. It makes me think and it’s been a while since a movie/drama made me keep on thinking about it after I’ve finished watching.
I’ve watched this drama because of IU and I’m curious what kind of drama it is, I was hesitant because I really do not like melodrama that much and the synopsis seems to be that. It was not actually melodrama, there is drama but it’s a depiction of an everyday life. Slice of life story, while I enjoy them, I do not actively search for it since sometimes it just makes me sad. And I tend to watch films/dramas that will relax me. IU was a revelation on this drama, I mean I’ve watched Hotel Del Luna first and while I think she improved a lot since the last drama I’ve watched of her which is Dream High, she did steal the show as Jang Man Wol which made me interested in trying another drama of hers. I was not expecting much when I started My Ajusshi but she became Lee Ji An and I really think she succeeded in her acting because I really cannot think of any actress that can portray the role of Lee Ji An. She was Lee Ji An. It showed me the potential of her as an actress and I cannot wait for her next movie Dream and how she’ll take on the role, I hope it’s something I’ll love.
Lee Sung Kyun, I’ve first watched him in Coffee Prince and I’ve liked him since then and watched a movie of him. He was really good on this role, the nuances, his voice and his acting is brilliant and like with IU, he is Dong Hoon. I was also curious on how IU and LSK will have chemistry in the drama since he’s older than her by 20 years. It’s an interesting combination and I wanted to try another drama and I’m so happy that I did because this drama is a blessing.
The drama is just beautiful, the acting is amazing, not just from the main leads but all cast have significant contributions in the drama and I enjoyed how everything just meshes so well together. If you look at it and read about the casts’ characters and the story, you’ll think what’s so good about this drama like why do you like it so much.
I agree with a lot of people who watched this that you just need to watch it to understand how good everything was and how everything flows well together. Everyone who contributed to this drama, the director, producer, script writers, everyone behind the scene and the actors, they delivered a masterpiece and I’m so glad I took a chance and watched this drama.
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Emotionally-Charged Masterpiece: My Mister Delivers a Heart-Wrenching Story
My Mister will surely touch the hearts of its viewers. This series is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates well-crafted storytelling, as it offers a compelling and deeply moving narrative that explores the complexities of human relationships.One of the most remarkable aspects of My Mister is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. The series is both melancholic and heartwarming, with its characters struggling to find their place in the world amidst various challenges and obstacles. The storyline is intricately woven, with each episode building upon the previous one to create a captivating and immersive experience.
The characters in My Mister are exceptionally well-crafted, with each one possessing their own unique quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. The series' protagonist, Dong Hoon, is particularly notable, as his stoic demeanor and quiet strength make him a truly compelling character to follow. Watching him navigate through the challenges of his personal and professional life is both inspiring and heart-wrenching.
Overall, My Mister is a fantastic drama series that is not to be missed. Its mix of drama, romance, and melancholy make for a deeply emotional viewing experience that will stay with viewers long after the final episode. The performances of the actors, the direction, and the script are all top-notch, making this a must-watch for fans of Korean dramas or anyone looking for a well-crafted and emotionally rich television experience.
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It follows the hardship of a few characters and how they keep going on and finding comfort and encouragement in each other. It's a beautiful story of an unorthodox friendship that is beautifully told. The actors did a great job and you really get to see a different side of IU.
The music is this drama is also well fitting and contributes to enhancing the experience.
Overall, a series worth the watch if you are looking for this genre of drama. If you prefer cheery uplifting dramas - stay away.
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This show highlights Chief Oh and Geurae's (Misaeng) relationship x10
I didn’t expect this show to be about business politics like Misaeng and a bit like Healer hehe.But at the same time, it’s very meaningful. It also teaches a lot of life lessons.
The main girl is so smart and so strong. She is willing to do anything for her family but at the same time, she’s so street savvy, quick on her feet. I love how she doesn’t let anyone tear her down. She always fights back with the upper hand.
It hurts so much seeing her have to live in poverty and look after her grandma and have a loan shark beating her up. Even with so much hardship, she still has enough strength in her heart to care for a nice stranger.
I finally understand why these 2 characters are the main leads. The guy is nice to everyone even to those that have wronged him and the girl is blunt and says and does things that he is unable to do because he is too nice. He is nice to her and everyone whilst she is willing to stand up for him. They stand up for each other. They are like each others’ secret soul mates.
I’m addicted to their scenes. I’m addicted to how they’re in so much misery but how they are able to care for each other in spite of that.
Far out! I feel like the more you rewatch this show the more you’ll understand how they feel and cry with them. Their relationship is so special that you can’t put into words. The most love a person can give is when they care for you despite what others say about you. When they fight for you. The way they fight for each others’ internal and external battles, I think that is the most pure form of love that anyone would die to have.
One of the best relationships in kdrama history and one I would be willing to rewatch time and time again.
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a great piece of work about love in all its various forms
this is a master piece, a very moving film, the script writer Park Hae Young is a deep thinker about human beings and their social order, especially class and gender in South Korean society. The film plays with love taking the form of romance but shows love to be much more complex and bound up with shared memories and shared forms of pain. I was addicted to the unfolding of the story and I am glad it did not end as a celebration of romantic love but showed the convoluted, self-destructive aspects to love as well as its capacity to make life bearable and enjoyable. A complex film dealing with the permutations in human emotions but never removing these from their embeddedness in workplaces, cafes and restaurants, homes, neighbourhoods and kinship networks. truly superbCet avis était-il utile?
Heartwarming :)
I came to know about this drama after becoming a Uaena. And, I am quite sad that I didn't watch this drama earlier.This is one of the best dramas which I have watched. A heartwarming, beautiful and soothing story.
Sometimes a show comes along that is so insightful, so unexpectedly profound and so transcendently beautiful that you are left without adequate words to describe it. This is that show.
Thankyou for making me smile and cry at the same time. Each episode left me with watery eyes.
Thankyou so much for creating this master piece.
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Nothing to dislike... the drama is on the edge and brilliant
I have watch a lot of kdrama series over the year and this one tops all of them... if you liked iTaewon Class, Shy Boss, The Heirs, Mr Sunshine, Crash landing, The King.....:: the one is right up there!!!
It portrays of struggles during life as a kid, what difference it brings when we are just kind to one another and not necessarily judge because of difficult upbringing...
The music soundtrack fits the pace of the movie.
Movies series like these korean dramas, makes you urge for more...
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Real emotion of human beings...
First I doubt if I will watch it or not because I thought it's a LOVE STORY of a younger woman with the older man but Thanks it's not about romance and I am really satisfied how the story and the characters ended.NO ROMANCE: One of the reason why I give this 10 because if they end up together I am really gonna hate this drama.Honesty until now I don't know what kind of love they have but I am glad there's no romantically involved.
I love this kdrama because it's about the emotion of human beings.. While watching this kdrama I feel strong emptiness in my heart because you realized same with them you're a human too, You also felt emptiness sometimes.Each characters showed the struggle of human emotions. It's not about money or status that will make you excepted in this kind of emotions. The two main characters delivered the two aspect of loneliness.Two different people. Two different lifestyle but both of them were felt empty. I satisfied about the ending of the two main lead.They became more open to their own feelings and more happy to their life. They learned to be more confidence for what they want.
This is the first time I watched IU. I am not familiar to her but now I know her better because I start to like her after watching this drama. I am really amazed how she handle the character of Ji-an a gloomy girl. Lee Sun Gyun is great as Dong hoon, one of the best scene was the confrontation to his wife.. I love Kang Ji Yong. He is the one of the best promising new actor. Hehe..
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It really was a life drama. There wasn't really any romance and that's what I liked about it (unlike Goblin for comparison).The story was really well developed. It had one major plot line but it never felt rushed or too slow.
OST was good. There were definitely standout songs.
I haven't watched other dramas where IU was the lead but she did amazing in this role.
The ending surprised me a bit because it was so positive compared to the rest of the drama. But I guess we needed that.
Lots of relateable quotes in this drama. I thought it was a very realistic drama overall except for the "son". It didn't really make sense to me that the son was studying abroad by himself and both the parents didn't seem that engaged. I know it wasn't the focus, but still.
I don't think I would rewatch this drama just because it's quite heavy up until the very end.
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