C'est l'histoire de personnes comme vous et moi...
Quand on y pense, My Mister raconte l’histoire d’un homme banal, gentil envers sa famille et ses collègues. Un homme discret, mais avec du caractère. Et d’une jeune femme froide, transparente aux yeux des autres et traînant la lassitude comme une seconde peau. Qu’est-ce qui pourrait bien rendre ce drama différent ?Au travers de personnages simples, Park Hae Young arrive à transmettre toutes les émotions voulues avec une force démesurée de réalisme. Sans jamais poser l’intégralité des problèmes sur la table, on y découvre tous les aléas d’une vie. La famille, le travail, l’argent, les échecs, la richesse et la pauvreté, la solitude, le bonheur. Toutes ces choses qu’on peut facilement résumer par la vie elle-même.
L’écriture est soignée avec un rythme volontairement lent. Si on trouve quelques longueurs, elles sont excusables. D’un dialogue à un échange de regard, d’un murmure ou, au contraire, un long silence, les émotions tourbillonnent sans cesse. Il en va de même sur différentes scènes. Notamment celle où Park Dong Hoon est agressé et où toute son équipe de football court dans les rues pour faire la peau au "bâtard ayant osé le toucher". De différents évènements découlent des rires et des larmes criant de vérités.
Au-delà de sa voix profonde, Lee Sun Kyun était l'un de mes acteurs préférés. Ici, il a signé l'un de ses meilleurs rôles dans un exceptionnel dquadragénaire stoïque et usé. Tandis que IU excelle dans la peau d’une jeune femme qui survit depuis bien trop longtemps. Le duo formé par Lee Sun Kyun et IU est d'une justesse d’interprétation. Chaque mot, chaque souffle respire l’émotion désirée sans jamais entrer dans le mélodrame pur.
La relation qui se forme est sujette à débat. Amour ou profond respect, chacun ira de son avis. Mais grâce à des personnages principaux solides, My Mister se révèle fascinant et authentique.
Cependant, on pourra sentir un manque de conviction sur certains personnages secondaires, notamment les deux frères de Park Dong Hoon. Si les deux frères sont bien là, ils donnent plus d’une fois l’impression de faire traîner l’intrigue. L’un se lamente sur son sort, tandis que l’autre est bêtement désagréable. Contrairement à Lee Ji Ah qui porte son personnage jusqu’au bout. Quant à Jang Ki Yong, il soulève pas mal de questions. De même pour Kim Young Min qui offre un personnage ambigu et où on hésite, plus d’une fois, sur les sentiments qu’il dégage.
En bref, My Mister dépeint une histoire émouvante et réaliste où solitude et honnêteté se côtoient. Coup de cœur !
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Une très belle histoire qui sonne vraie et des acteurs bien dans leurs rôles respectifs tous importants.une drama très sincère entre amitié et famille .... chaques moments de ce drama est important .les acteurs jouent juste et nous font rentrer dans l'histoire sans forcer a tel point qu'une fois le visionnage terminé les personnages mon manqués.je l'ai déjà vu 3 fois et je le reverrai sûrement encore.Cet avis était-il utile?
La vie quotidienne des gens, leurs peines, leurs joies, leurs regrets, leurs espoirs...
Il faut entrer dans ce drama en immersion. Amateurs de romance, ou d’action, passez votre chemin.Mais si vous voulez avoir une vue plongeante sur la société coréenne, celle gens qui ont du mal à s’en sortir, là vous serez dans votre éléments.
Entendons-nous, ce n’est pas un documentaire, il y a une histoire, des rebondissements et une progression. Certains le trouveront lent, et c’est vrai que le scénario et la réalisation musarde hors de la ligne principale de l’histoire, vers celle des deux autres frères, ou celle de la jeune femme qui tient le bar où tout le monde se retrouve régulièrement.
Mais on revient toujours à l’essentiel : Park Dong Hoon, malheureux dans son travail, malheureux dans son mariage, et Lee Ji An qui se bat comme une lionne pour seulement survivre. Elle est prête à tout, sans le moindre recul devant les moyens, la seule fin étant de trouver de l’argent. C’est le hasard, ou le Destin ? qui va entremêler la vie de Park Dong Hoon et celle de Lee Ji An, obligeant l’un à faire des choix, l’autre à accepter de croire qu’il y a peut-être de l’espoir !
Des éléments sont révélés peu à peu : pourquoi celle qui tient le bar des copains est-elle si malheureuse ? Pourquoi le jeune usurier éprouve-t-il une telle haine envers Ji An ? Et est-ce seulement de la haine ?
J’ai pris conscience plus que jamais dans ce drama du poids de la famille en Corée, et du poids de la hiérarchie en fonction de l’âge ! Incroyable le problème que cela pose, que le CEO soit plus jeune que Park Dong Hoon, dont il est le supérieur ! Mais tout en prenant conscience des profondes différences entre notre univers et celui de Park Dog Hoon, c'est l’universalité de la nature humaine à travers les personnages du drama, à la fois la mesquinerie, la basse ambition, l’égoïsme, mais aussi la vraie générosité, le sens du devoir, l’amitié sincère qui sont dépeints. Les héros ne sont pas parfaits, la vie conjugale avec Park Dong Hoon ne doit pas être très rigolote, entre sa fratrie envahissante et ses amis d’enfance qui ne le sont pas moins, et je peux comprendre les plaintes de sa femme. Mais sa droiture est impressionnante. Le jeune usurier est un vrai salaud, et pourtant, il nous réserve une bien belle surprise !
Le son est très important dans l’histoire qui se passe souvent à travers des voix enregistrées, le bruit d’une respiration, de pas, et la magnifique voix de Lee Sun Kyun y est pour beaucoup.
Ce drama est profond, chaleureux, on prend le temps de voir vivre les personnages, de cheminer avec eux, de les voir découvrir parfois douloureusement leur moi profond, leurs vraies aspirations.
je l’ai tant aimé que j’ai entrepris de traduire les 16 épisodes (l’anglais, hein, malheureusement pas depuis le coréen original ! ) juste pour mon plaisir et je veux bien les donner à qui sera intéressé !
Bon, depuis, il y au Netflix ! ^_^
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Ce qui m'as tout d'abord plus et la raison qui m'a poussé à le regardé c'est ce côté "proche" de la réalité. Même si l'une des grandes caractéristiques des dramas c'est ce côté "parfait" , décors , acteur, etc. Ca fait du bien de changer un peu et de voir une histoire se dérouler dans un environnement proche la vie réel voir comme.
Ensuite il y a les acteurs... Ils sont géniauux ! Le premier drama que j'ai regarder où il y avait l'actrice UI c'est L'o
hotel del Luna. On dirait une tout autre personne, c'est une actrice de dingue ! De même pour plusieurs autres acteurs dans ce drama et ce qui rend les personnages encore plus attachant ! La relation entre Lee Ji An et Park Dong Hun est tellement touchante et super bien mené.
La manière dont le drama a été réalisé est vraiment génial on ressent vraiment ce que les personnages peuvent ressentir mais sans tomber dans ce côté sombre et dépressif car il y a aussi de très bonne dose d'humour. D'ailleurs il fait passer un message super touchant. Franchement après Mr Sunshine je ne pensais pas trouver un drama qui pourrait aussi vite monter dans mon top 1 des meilleurs drama.
Et enfin j'avoue que ce genre de drama ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde c'est sûr. Surtout qu'il y a des scènes assez longues et souvent les conversations sont lentes avec beaucoup de silences . Mais au final c'est ce qui fait le charme du drama x)
Sinon je le recommande vivement !
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I guess if you're the type to prefer fluffy, lovey dovey, Kdrama cliche type of dramas, then this won't be for you. My Mister is completely different in terms of the "Kdrama formula."
After watching each episode, it's fulfilling, yet you are (extremely) hungry for more. This drama gave me the biggest comfort whenever I feel down. Ironically, the drama itself, is depressing, gloomy, and melancholy. You know how whenever you feel sad you want to see things like rainbows, and puppies, or eat good food in order to make you feel happier, yet none of that truly comforts you; or sometimes it might even irritate someone even more. My Mister is that person that would sit by your side, cry with you, hug you, and allow you to release your emotions so you truly feel comfort. It's not a stress reliever, it's something that makes you embrace those emotions and let you move on from them.
I've never seen a drama that portrays depression as realistically as My Mister, heck, I've never seen a drama that actually has depressed leads. Between each and every character, there is a special bond that is strong and meaningful. The relationship between PDH and LJA is not family love, nor romance, nor friendship. It's a different form of love that it's hard to wrap the head around, but the best way to describe it is human love. Human emotions, comfort, and acceptance. Personally, my favorite parts are the interactions between Lee Ji An and her grandmother. I cry in every single scene because it's so beautiful.
Honestly, during the painful scenes, you cry. The touching scenes, you cry. The silent scenes, you cry. And the happy ones, you cry. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive when I'm watching this drama... It's painful but heartwarming.
I think many people who don't like this drama probably thinks: the brothers are annoying or the drama is too slow. You can't really fully immerse into the drama unless you learn to appreciate the brothers, and what they symbolize. Although it feels slow paced in the beginning, trust me, 1 hour 20 minutes feel like 30 minutes.
The cinematography is stunning. Just like how many people said, it's like you are watching a movie within each episode. It's stunning in a way that is effective to convey the story and mood, and the beauty of each character. There is not one character I dislike, not even the bad ones, because they are all so compelling.
For anyone who aren't feeling up to expectations, a little disclaimer. Don't dive into the drama expecting to be blown away or be on the edge of your seats the entire time. I watched it week by week, so the drama itself felt like it was very well paced. If you try to binge watch the beginning episodes, it might feel very very slow, eventually losing interest. But the best way to experience the high expectations, is for sure you really need to immerse yourself in small details, and focus on every single aspect in each scene. Sometimes it might even get a bit mentally intensive. As for me, watching it week by week allowed some breaks in between before fully going into analyzing mode. It's kind of like you have to critically analyze every detail in order for the viewer to meet its expectations. If all else fails, then it might just not be your taste and that's all okay :)
Edit Oct 2021:
I think what kept me coming back to stalking this drama is because somehow they were able to make the most depressing and mundane of things feel exciting and alive again. It's something that not many shows I've seen can do, which is why this show still has a special place in my heart.
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“A story about three brothers in their 40s and a girl in her 20s facing the hardships of life and helping each other through the process.” The initial description of “My Ahjussi” was something along these lines, and as far as the storyline goes, that is enough to tell you the essence of it. A look at the daily lives of three middle aged men and a young girl. How interesting could it be? What could possibly be happening in their lives that makes it engaging enough to have a whole show about them? Is it something extraordinary? Definitely not. Is it something you have never seen before? Not really. But, is it worth watching? Oh god yes.
This show has fascinated me more than any other K-drama so far. If you ask me why, I probably won’t be able to tell you a specific reason. After all, what is so fascinating about going to work, walking your co-worker home, and drinking in a bar with your friends? What is so fascinating about 2 brothers running a cleaning service together? I don’t know. But after you see this show you will see that it most definitely is. “My Ahjussi” got me hooked since the first episode. I found myself waiting for the new episodes each week just to see three brothers suffer at work during the days and drink away their nights. There is no one particular thing that is special in this show, but all the elements of it put together make an extraordinary masterpiece. The actors, the characters, the music, the atmosphere, everything fits so perfectly. The story is not abrupt, it doesn’t have many dramatic moments, yet it can go from heart-breaking to heart-warming in an instant. It is not this fast paced show that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to end, but it is rather this soft field filled with snow that you will find yourself falling in more and more with each episode. And after it ended, of all the things that can be said about “My Ahjussi”, all I could really mumble was….WOW. You know a show has been exceptional when it makes you feel so satisfied that you watched something so beautiful, yet leaves you with a void in your heart, because it is over and you won’t get to see any more of it.
If I would say all the things I have to say for this drama, this review would be really, really long, so I will just try to touch upon everything I didn’t get to mention. First of all, the three brothers. I really can’t tell which one of them did a better job, they were all phenomenal. Each of them with a different, yet still similar path in life, each of them facing their own problems, yet managing to get through them just because they are together. You could see the pain in their eyes through each and every scene, even in the scenes when they were laughing. This is especially true for the oldest brother, it seemed as if he could break down in tears in any moment. Just by looking into their eyes you could almost feel the burdens they are carrying. And Lee Sun-Kyun…well…I really can’t see anybody else portraying the “Ahjussi” role. He was born for this drama. Everything he did was just so perfect. A friend worth keeping, a son that makes you proud, a brother that is always by your side, and a husband….yeah, I’m not quite sure how to put that last one. Nevertheless, all three of them managed to play their parts so well that you just see the characters, you forget about the actors.
From all the K-pop singers that I’ve seen in dramas, only one left a positive impression on me, and that was Lee Junho. And after this role, IU is the second one. Some may say that you don’t need much acting skills to just walk around with a frozen face and your head down, and barely say anything, but I think that that was definitely not the case here. Quite the opposite actually, she gave away so much by saying so little. You could see that she was full of emotions behind that emotionless face, and the way she managed to show us that was really unique. Small, weak, fragile at first glance, but tough, dedicated to her goal, and ultimately warm-hearted as the drama progresses. “The girl that is always underdressed for the weather” as Ahjussi described her, perfectly portrayed what it means to truly care for someone. Every moment of screen time with her was a pleasure to watch. I haven’t seen her in any other dramas, but for this drama, IU, I salute you.
All the other characters did an amazing job as well. Lee Ji-Ah gave us a mixture of emotions going from extreme hatred to even, believe it or not, sympathy at some points. The CEO and his helpers easily made us despise them, while Jung Hee and Yoora (Nara and Nara) were loveable from start to finish. Even the monk, which we didn’t see a lot of, felt like he had a big impact in the drama. That is just a hint of how good everybody was.
When it comes to the atmosphere and the setting, I usually prefer shows that are set in the countryside, or some aesthetically pretty places, rather than the city, but this one was just so well done that I had really no problem with it, it actually made me like the city a lot more. All the typical city places we see in numerous shows, the offices, the bars, the high class hotels, and middle class apartments, all have so much more meaning now. And the soundtrack…oh the soundtrack… all the melancholy songs this show had actually make me happy when I hear them now, simply because they remind me of “My Ahjussi”.
I could go on and on about this for hours, but let’s wrap it up. Time flies by in a second while watching this show. The world around you feels different while watching this show. There were 16 episodes of it, and it feels like I could watch 16000 more and I will still enjoy it as much as I do now. I long to see a drama that will touch my heart as much as “My Ahjussi”. All the other K-dramas feel so distant, as if they were of a different kind. And they probably were. “My Ahjussi”...is truly…one of a kind. And no matter how much more of this I write, the true beauty of this show can’t be put into words. Just go and watch it. Live it. Hats off.
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Lee Sun-kyun plays Park Dong-hoon, a numb middle-aged engineer in a tired marriage who finds himself entangled with Lee Ji-an, a very young, almost unsocialised woman played with an extraordinary subtlety and quiet intensity by IU. Ji-an has been tasked to help get rid of Dong-hoon by the CEO of his company, Do Joon-young (Park Young-min) who is having an affair with Dong-hoon's wife. Ji-an wiretaps Dong-hoon's phone and finds herself identifying with his unhappiness, even as she is drawn to his inherent kindness.
Surrounded by a cast of unhappy and dissatisfied people, this is a show about middle age and about failure but in the end about how our lives are enriched by kindness and community. Ji-an is a damaged young woman who has endured almost unimaginable tragedy but through her relationship with Dong-hoon they are both able to heal and to finally pursue happiness.
The performances of the entire cast are extraordinary but it's the sparse script, off-kilter cinematography and haunting pensive OST that give the show a sensibility that's hypnotic, almost mesmerising. It’s melancholic and a little weird – but in the kind of way that people are a little weird. It’s grim and there’s very little joy in it but the tone and lack of joy is presented in a way that makes it analogous to the disappointments and mindless drudgery of middle-age.
But beyond the themes of failure and the cold darkness of winter as a metaphor for dissatisfaction, this is a show about the triumph of kindness. Portrayed so often as a weakness, it is instead Dong-hoon's kindness that is his greatest strength. It is kindness, community and love that is celebrated and through that celebration this show finds a beauty that transcends mere television.
It is, for now, the best show of 2018.
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A story about life goes a long way
This is clearly not the best drama of 2018. It is the best drama of all time. Before delving any further, if you're wondering if there are spoilers in this review, rest assured there are none (or just a pinch of it at most).Story and General comments:
If you are looking for fantasy, this drama is not for you. If you are looking for a typical romance drama, slowly walk away now. The beauty of My Mister is in its simplicity. What I mean by simplicity is that it's not a typical k-drama involving a rich chaebol falling for a poor normal-life-living girl, or the male lead having super powers or some crazy disorder. It is just a story between one Ahjusshi, one girl and one (hella great) neighbourhood. If there's one spoiler-ish statement in this review, it'll be this one - Though as many of you may have read from comments and reviews, this story is not about romantic love between the two leads. That said, I have never personally felt more love between two characters in any other show (not limited to just k-drama) as I did in My Mister. That's the power of great story telling - the love between two people that transcends the conventional love and romance of what we know and have come to understand. And yet, there is so much more to the story; something you will have to experience for yourself as mere words are just inadequate and will not do the show any justice.
Another concern that many viewers had before the show aired was about IU's acting. Though she has improved along the years, her acting is good at best with some occasional great moments. This has changed with My Mister. IU's acting was simply exceptional and her performance in My Mister is hands down the best out of all her dramas. And as for Lee Sun Kyun, must I say more? His acting is and has been exceptional and it is no different in My Mister. Poured his heart out for the role and the viewers felt every breath of it... literally.
Music / OSTs:
One big factor for me personally is the Music / OSTs of a k-drama. Yes a drama may be well written and well acted, but if the OST is not up-to-par, the drama will just end up being forgettable many years down the road. I kid you not, I was playing the OSTs on repeat the whole day for weeks and even up till today, I am still listening to it on a daily basis. It is just that good. Props to Sondia, Vincent Blue, O.When, Jung Seung Hwan and even IU (she wrote the song for JeHwi) for creating what has to be one of the most memorable OSTs of any k-drama.
What more can we ask for? A story that shatters the proverbial glass ceiling of k-drama standards; acting performances that exceed all expectations; music that will stick with you on repeat for a very long time. My Mister is not just another k-drama but an important precedent for k-dramas as it is not afraid to revitalize the conventional formula and reinvent the storytelling wheel.
I would like to end this review with one word - Masterpiece.
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For those who are wondering and debating whether this show is worth it, it took me months to convince myself to watch this considering it's about middle aged men and i'm in my 20's and had no romance, sci fi, thriller tags. but how glad i am i finally did! So please watch this. This is a must watch. There is NO korean drama like this. It's the first of it's kind and i wish with all my heart this becomes the standard of korean dramas from now onwards. this is a therapeutic show in my eyes.
This show is all sorts of beautiful. This show is not about solutions, not about how life should be, not about closure or happy endings or sad endings or a directed story told in a few episodes. This show is a chunk of life shown of people at different stages of their life. This show is the most realest show i have ever watched. It made me laugh and cry. The storyline, the direction, cinematography, the music, everything was just perfect.
This show not once glorified life. It showed it how it is. That's the beauty of this show.
The emotions in this show are so overwhelming it's crazy. I felt so attached to the characters it's so sad this show ended but what an ending it was. It makes me believe. Makes me hope. It taught me so many life lessons. Seldom is a show this beautiful made that encapsulates life so beautifully by keeping it 100% real.
The love in this show is the most deepest i have ever seen in any. It is a show with the most meaningful love and it didn't even have to be a romantic drama. Everyone can interpret love differently for this show. I choose to interpret it as love between a man and a woman who felt their souls being attracted to each other. Without any skinship, any cheesy romantic words, this show was able to show the love that if one finds it in life, they have it all. The most purest of all loves. The two souls who met each other in their most broken states, healed, filled each other despite. Souls that helped each other grow. The love in this drama is unlike any other. Most deepest, most heartfelt, most relatable.
The cast was beautiful! absolutely perfect. the best acting i've seen. IU's role was so different than her previous ones and she proved how good of an actor she is. she was FANTASTIC. Lee Sun Gyun was a treat to watch. This was the first i saw of him ever since Coffee Prince and i knew instantly why back then i had a second lead syndrome. He was INCREDIBLE. His every nerve expressed emotions. His eyes spoke millions, his walk, his talk. He was a show stealer. Plus, he has the best voice ever. Calms your soul and his character with that voice just melted me. (considering i'm in my early 20's, Ahjussi, saranghae :P ) .
Thankyou screenwriters, producers, directors, the entire cast, the entire team behind this show for making one of the best shows ever and thankyou for giving us this masterpiece that is full of life lessons. I repeat, it was an absolute HONOR to watch this show.
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This had all the recipe that I look for in a drama. it is dark, moody, raw and sad.I got hyped when I found out that it was the same director as MISAENG and SIGNAL and especially when I checked that it beat SIGNAL as the top rated drama here in MDL. But it wasn't depressing enough for me. Yes there were scenes that made me tear up but it was just like a scratch, I want it to be skin deep just like what MISAENG, DEAR MY FRIENDS and LIVE did where scene after scene it kept piercing my heart all the way through. Although that wake scene at the last episode made me cried buckets of tears, that's what I've been missing throughout the drama, give me more of that emotional-punch-to-your-soul scenes.
The major hold back in this drama for me is the love story of his brother and that actress, to me it was lackluster and took too much screen time, it was like my tears are about to fall from the leads'scenes and then it gets cut by their lousy romance story. it was well acted though but TBH it was unnecessary to highlight their story in which I wished that they could've put the spotlight more on Jang Ki Yong's story.
Jang Ki Yong's character's story was the big miss. To me his story is much more interesting than the two brothers honestly. his inner conflicts within himself is so captivating to watch. The way his character developed and gradually finding out why he is living that way was not stretched enough. I wanted more from him.
But man what a departure this is for IU from her previous roles. I think this type of character suits her personality more that's why she was able to pull off a stunning performance. And can we talk about Mr. ahjussi for a moment, why does he always get cheated on by his wives? first on MY WIFE IS HAVING AN AFFAIR THIS WEEK and now this, poor thing.
p.s. that OST is golden! I would recommend y'all to listen to every song, it just breaks my heart.
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