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- Titre original: 인랑
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Inlang , Inrang: The Wolf Brigade , Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade , Inrang
- Scénariste et Réalisateur: Kim Ji Woon
- Scénariste: Lee Ji Min, Jeon Cheol Hong
- Genres: Action, Militaire, Thriller, SF
Distribution et équipes
- Kang Dong Won Rôle principal
- Han Hyo Joo Rôle principal
- Jung Woo Sung Rôle principal
- Kim Mu YeolHan Sang WooRôle Secondaire
- Choi Min HoKim Chul JinRôle Secondaire
- Han Ye RiGoo Mi KyungRôle Secondaire

12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Story: What I liked about this story/plot is that you could strip the countries and government names from the story and replace it others and it would still make sense. I think that is what compelling and relatable about this movie. The story could happen in any time period, country or reality but still be found realistic and relatable to the audience in some way. Yes, there were definitely plot holes in the story and the plot can get a little confusing in the middle but it is still an entertaining story, worth watching. One common theme throughout the movie, whether it be within the story or costume choice, is the story of Red Riding Hood...that was pretty interesting to figure out what that story meant to the plot or how it is used as a metaphor throughout the movie. The red riding hood theme helps the plot keep you guessing because you don't really know who the "Wolf" is...
Acting/Cast: The acting was good...not great but not bad either. I found some of the actors to be very emotionless or wooden in some scenes...granted maybe that is what the director wanted for that scene. Other scenes, the actors did a wonderful job...The acting just wasn't consistent throughout the movie but it FOR SURE wasn't bad acting either.
Music: The music was good! It added to the action and suspense and also added emotion to the sad/downtime parts. I think the music supported the story very well...especially when the soldiers were going into a fight. You always need good music with a fight scene.
Rewatch Value: OH I will for sure rewatch this movie. It was very entertaining.
Overall: What I loved the most about this movie was the cinematography. It was just a beautifully shot movie! The fight scenes are some of the best shot scenes and are beautifully choregraphed. If you are looking for an entertaining and action packed movie, you should try this one out. Yes, as I said earlier, it has some faults but overall it is a beautiful movie that will definitely hold you in suspense and actually bring up some powerful questions in the end.
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Watch the movie. Watch the anime.
So many spoilers coming your way, so I will get this off my chest. I enjoyed this movie and I am sure I will the original Japanese anime version too.Cool? Cool.
The opening exposition gave away too much. If you are watching it on Netflix, read the short description and then watch the movie 2-3 minutes (or was it 4-5 minutes). Anyway.... Just skip the intro, it would have been better to figure everything out while watching. I still enjoyed it, though.
During the first half an hour, you do not know what to expect. Once our main characters have it all out in the open, you can (kind of) guess what is coming next. A few surprises are still in store for you (especially those who have already seen the anime movie).
I believe the screenplay, casting, direction and music was brilliant.
Definitely worthwhile.
These were my thoughts throughout the movie (I have to get this out):
• Opening exposition peaked my interest.
• Oh, no. She is a double crosser, but I knew that 'friend' was dogde as hell.
• I did not see that slap coming. I reacted and rubbed my own cheek.
• I have gotten use to sweet, happy ,fluffy dramas and movies .... That all of this action seems so foreign to me. I love it.
• He is part of the wolf brigade..... Why is she surprised? I thought we all knew this going in? That opening exposition gave away the plot twist.
• I swear, if he risks it all to save Yun-hee, I'm gon' be pissed! Stick. To. The. PlaN!
• When I heard his Jeep, I thought he was gonna drive through the walls to get to her...
• Mistake no. 1: They gave him a gun.
• Mistake no. 2: The conversation they're having while he is holding that gun.
• I'm back to him just following orders. Risk NOTHING.
• Wait, wait, wait.... He should risk it all.
• I feel fuzzy inside.
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