Seok-Jung, un ouvrier agricole un peu simplet et au naturel doux, brûle d'envie de trouver une femme et de se marier. Lorsqu'il rencontre la charmante Eun-Ha, il est persuadé que c'est la femme qu'il cherchait. Elle est plus sophistiqué que lui et a également plus d'expérience, fait clairement mis en évidence par son travail dans un café miteux du Beast Motel : en plus d'être serveuse, elle vend son corps aux clients du motel. Cependant, personne n'est plus surpris qu'elle quand le dévouement inconditionnel de Seok-Jung finit par la faire craquer et qu'elle en tombe amoureuse. Seok-Jung pense avoir enfin trouvé l'amour parfait mais Eun-Ha est une femme avec un passé lourd de conséquence et elle contracte le virus du SIDA. Sa maladie et sa vie passée viennent assombrir non seulement leur mariage mais aussi la place de Seok-Jung au sein de sa propre famille et de sa communauté. (Source: AsianMediaWiki) Modifier la traduction
- Français
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Titre original: 너는 내 운명
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Neoneun nae unmyeong
- Scénariste et Réalisateur: Park Jin Pyo
- Genres: Romance, Drame, Mélodrame
Où regarder You Are My Sunshine
Distribution et équipes
- Hwang Jung Min Rôle principal
- Jeon Do YeonEun HaRôle principal
- Im Jong Yun[Seok Jung's brother]Rôle Secondaire
- Go Soo HeeHwang Yu SunRôle Secondaire
- Yoon Je MoonJae HoRôle Secondaire
- Na Moon Hee[Seok Jeong's mother]Rôle Secondaire

Magnificent balancing act of intense emotions. Old school production without high-gloss polish.
"You are my Sunshine" is the international title of this KMovie from 2005 - named after the US country song of the same name from the 1930s. However, the original title is "You are my destiny". Regardless, both are working. The Plot is based on a true story that happened in Yeosu around 2001.It's about prejudice. About the socially doubtful binding norm and where it is actually coming from. And it's about a man who, fortunately, cares less about what others say and trusts more in what he feels and believes is right. So this is about a positive role model of a man - a man who noticeably sets himself apart from the crowd who dominate the image of men here: Men who buy women, men who buy women abroad as wives, men who beat women without hesitation, men who infect women with AIDS (and don't tell them), men who won't let go of women, see them as possessions and unrestrainedly abuse them... There are the many completely 'normal', 'socially valued' men , husbands, fathers, whose behavior is simply outrageous. As if it were a matter of course, they set the standard of what is right, they set the tone... and yet deny any responsibility.
It's also about love. The sunny, courageous, positive message is embodied by a man who loves sincerely and unconditionally. However, he is generally considered naive. The cattle farmer is considered a hillbilly and a bit peculiar. Not just because he talks to his cow, but because he keeps the word he gave to the woman he loves and stands by what he feels. He is different. (Although, his attitude towards life, women, animals and nature could be considered quite progressive, too...)
And the woman? The female Protagonist could see herself as a victim. On top of that, she might be ashamed of her life. But despite everything that made her tainted and even 'leper' in her life as a prostitute, she was able to keep her soul pure inside. She is straight and clear, she doesn't deceive herself and above all she doesn't get her hopes up, because she knows life as it is - for women like her.
Life in the country is plain, ordinary, vulgar, simple. Also sensually grounded in the changing seasons. Although the ideal of pure, white skin is held high, the story instead focuses on the stigma of the tainted and tanned skin. The everyday scenario of bruises and violets from beating men as well as the darker Filipino and Vietnamese (versus light, pure South Korean) skin of purchased wives thematically dominate here. Finally, it´s about fear of AIDS (spots). That's the rural reality.
Nevertheless, there is this down-to-earth man who puts love above everything else – in good times and in bad... he´s honest, sincere, reliable, devoted, lovable. And there is this woman who can and wants to get involved... until her past catches up with her...
Two wonderful leading actors. Pure KMovie. Intense. Feels lifelike with a deep impact. A magnificent balancing act of conflicting emotions.
Old school production, though. Without high-gloss polish.

Even though the music wasn't outstanding I didn't mind at all. Because the plot got me entirely. At first you may think it's boring, but as time goes by, the development of the movie will catch you.
This movie, with this surprising development reminds of "3-iron" another Korean movie. It also got no outstanding music, but THAT'S the charm of this movie, it doesn't got too much dialogues between the lead actors but THAT got its reason, and that will be revealed at the end.