As a European, single, career woman in my 30's I have come to expect certain things from my life and people around me.
1. Respect from colleagues for all the hard work I put in
2. Understanding that the hard work has left little room for dating
3. Evenings spent watching dramas because of the aforementioned hard work and singlehood
I started watching "The woman who still wants to marry" because I heard it was going to feature single career women in their 30's and noona-love...
Finally!, I thought. Women I can relate to.
And who doesn't like the added bonus of bit of escapism, in the form of gorgeous young men falling for older women? Yum!
Boy, was I in for a rude awakening.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that, in Korea and Japan, unmarried women over the age of 25 are considered "Christmas Cake". Something that goes bad after the 25th. (Horrible expression btw. Just horrible!)
The previous noona-love dramas I've seen have mostly focused on the woman's inner struggle. Angst and denial of her unsuitable feelings, and so on.
She may have gotten sideways glances while flaunting her young lover publically. But that's about it.
Never mind that this would never happen in real life. Drama magic and suspension of disbelief achieved. Squeee!
In "The woman who still wants to marry", however, our two noonas are bombarded by hair-raising amounts of malicious gossip, disapproving parents and disrespectful colleagues.
The amount of shit that these poor women have to put up with is really disheartening.
If this piece of drama fiction is any reflection on how smart and driven women are treated in Korea... then I have found a whole new level of understanding for all those older and successful über-bitches we tend to see as villains in dramas. No wonder they'd eventually become cold as ice - if this is how they've been treated since their 30's.
While the romance is a big part of this drama. (Two lovely noona-love stories, no less.) The adversities these women face, simply because of their age and ambition, leave such a bitter after taste that it many times overshadows the sweetness of the romance.
I would ask someone who is considering watching this these 3 questions:
1. Are you under 30?
2. Is seeing Kim Bum fall in love pretty much your sole motivation for watching?
3. Do you normally not have problems suspending disbelief when it comes to ill treatment of women?
If your answer to the above questions is a resounding "Yes", then you'll probably enjoy this drama.
If your answer is "No", then you may want to look elsewhere for your escapist drama fix... or at least watch with an awareness of these issues.
I don't regret watching this drama. If for nothing else; Kim Bum pulls off one of the best "grand gesture"-scenes in recent memory. I finally get why women swoon over him now. I do.
It does make me sad though - to think that there are places in the world where it doesn't matter how hard you work to prove yourself. If you are a woman and over 30; you are supposed... no, demanded!... to give up your job and become a stay at home mom. Whether that life appeals, fulfills or excites you in the slightest. That's your duty.
Even if you marry Kim Bum - it would be nice to know you have a choice. Right?
Cet avis était-il utile?

Cet avis était-il utile?

Cet avis était-il utile?

This drama seeks to break many stereotypes that many dramas still follow and looks at characters and situations with a fresh light.
Park Jin Hee does a wonderful job playing Lee shin Young.She brings to the screen something fresh and i like her character a lot.She is hard working,talented and doesnt worry about unecessary stuff.She is selfish and ambitious but at the same time she actually loves and cares too.Her relationship with Han Min Jae played by our favourite Kim Bum is very nicely done.Its a younger man-older woman relationship and they play it nicely.Their chemistry is pretty good and the conflicts between them was realistic.He does everything with an enthusiasm of a 24 year old and is a usual charmer with a hint of mischief..;)
Boo Ki is another of my favourite characters from this drama.She is a very capable interior designer and owns a restaurant too.She doest mope about her life and is the most logical out of the three.She is the voice of reasons and believes love will come whenever it has too and goes about her life happily.
Jung da Jung is just a selfish brat who will sell her own soul to the devil if it means she can get a husband that way.She is utterly desperate and selfish to the core and doesnt care about others much.She still manages to grab such an awesome guy as Ban seok just shows she is manipulative and cunning to the core.
I love the friendship that is depicted here.They live close by and discuss everything and drink together and eat together and take care of each other like newly wedded couple when one is going through a breakup..:D
Choi Chul sok's character Ban seok was very funny to watch.He is loyal and sweet to the core.Perfect husband material.
I liked the love story of Yoon Sang Woo and Choi Sang Mi.Their love was something spontaneous and filled with desperation as both try to escape their life.It was sweet and beautiful at the same time.
This drama is the type one marathones through.the conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved quickly and noone mourns over the same thing for more than an episode which is a first for me.It has awesome chemistry between the leads and their respective relationships too.I wouldnt mind being in their shoes because at the end of it all of them have the best that life has to offer
This is highly recomended if you like light,feel good dramas which leave you feeling happy ..:)
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Story: Its realistic and simple. Themes that are discussed: Older woman/younger man romance, friendships and their lovelines, and finding career success. Really these are themes that have been done in other dramas but the writers had good pacing. The ending could have been a little more specific.
Acting/Cast: I enjoyed Park Jin Hee's performance in Kimchi Family, so I knew what to expect from her but I was suprised by how good the chemistry was between her and Kim Bum. I think KB was a bit miscast though, because although he was playing a 24 year old, he looked like he was still in high school so some scenes were a bit awkward with him and the main female character. Some of the supporting characters I could of did without.
Music: Not really memorable but alright for the drama.
Rewatch: It could be watched a gain if you like these type of stories.
Overall, The Woman Who Still Want to Marry is a cleaner version of Sex and the City so if you liked that show you might enjoy this.
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In Short: A comedy with a grown up and modern view on relationships. The leading couple is adorable and the ladies are endearing. Yey for characters with friends!
Pros: Great friendships and a wonderful leading couple.
Cons: No complaints, this drama was everything it should be, fun and breezy.
Cet avis était-il utile?

If every man were like he was in this drama.
The world would have overpopulated with babies a million years ago.
SRSLY the THINGS he does for his WOMAN. Its glorious. Its original. Its heart warming and laughter filling.
You read that right. I said things plural. There are lots of them. Also notice I said ORIGINAL. I have never seen/heard/read ANYTHING like this before. 100% originality, ESPeCIALlY in the romance department.
(I have several listed in my head without even thinking about it [DM me if you wanna know/talk about it], but ever since watching this drama, I have had the most unrealistic expectations when it comes to guys, you have been warned)
Take my advice, and go into this without knowing anything else.
Maybe lower your expectations a bit for the overall plot, but you'll probably get along really well with the hilarious antics of the side characters and their romances and friendships. However, if you're looking for a really cute romance between leads, PICK THIS ONEEEEEEEEEEE PLeSSSSSSSSS
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Cet avis était-il utile?

Но если по порядку, то история о женщинах в поиске. Сначало подумалось, что в поиск мужей, но слава богу, не так все печально Сначало да - зацикленность на этом, но потом отошли от "бульдозера". Тут были и измены и "все мужики - сволочи, все бабы стервы", была чувственность и холодный расчет. Все было.
Ровненько посмотрелось, особых восторгов я не испытала, но и потраченного времени не жалко.
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