both of them dealing with relationship between girls and their different reaction to love I recommend japanese one for more fun moment

In both dramas we have women in their 30s with strong friendship bound. "I need romance 2" is more mature then "The woman who still wants to marry" but they give the same friendship vibe and character are quite similar.

the older woman younger guy relation ship and the older woman worried about the age difference but the younger guy trying his best to show her that age doesn't matter :D

They are both good series that are underrated. They are both about older women dating younger men. While I was watching Dal Ja's Spring, it reminded me so much of The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry because the women are strong. They are both realistic and yet funny and enjoyable. The women are easy to relate to and you are able to laugh along with them and their friends.

it has the same plot kind of, three women wanting to get married. its really a nice drama and a light one

Both are love stories as well as having a wonderful dynamic of close, loving and funny friendships between women.

Both female character are strong-willed and focused on their careers. Both characters are around their thirties and realize the time clock is ticking. As well, both characters are seeing other men other than the one character who is interested and in front of them the entire time.

Younger man fells in love with an older woman. They start on bad terms, but slowly they start sharing their daily burdens and helping each other. The older woman has love issues and doesn't trust love. The younger man can pick any other girl he wants but ends up choosing the older woman. They face struggles but in the end, they manage to settle their love as a couple.