21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 19, 2014
Complété 2
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
First of all, I'm currently reading the manga and I'm a big fan of Miike, so I went to watch it with quite high expectations. Aaand it was good, really good.

The bad points:
- The dialogues sometimes were sooo very cheesy
- Sometimes the acting was a much

And now the good:
- the story is totally crazy and over the top, but it never takes itself seriously. Yeah, even all the people in the movie think everything happening on screen is absurd.
- same goes for special effects: you know it's not just badly done CGI, but something that was meant to be so cartoonish.
- there's some gore, but not too much to be unbearable (mind it, the movie is still far from family-friendly, but there's no Koroshiya Ichi-style stuff)
- good looking actors everywhere, everywhere!
- the characters get some backside stories without being overly dramatic
- you can never, never tell what's going to happen next.
- it's fast paced, funny and full of suspense from beginning to end!

All in all, it's a good take on survival games horror, and I am soo much waiting for a follow up! Not for the fainthearted but I would recommend it to everyone else!

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27 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 31, 2015
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
If you are not a fan of Takashi Miike whose reputation is notorious (Crows Zero, Ichii the Killer, Audition and One Missed Call are just one of his most famous films and they are quite mild), then you should stay away from this film because it is simply not for everyone.

Just to make everything clear, I am not a fan of gore but I am also not the sensitive type. This film is a mixture of an over the top comedy and suspense. But there is also a lot of blood spurting from everyone and everything, so keep that in mind before deciding to watch the film.

The story is quite interesting and you will either keep nervously looking away or you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen. Besides the apparent craziness and 'trying to survive' chaos going around, there is actually a tiny amount of romance and friendship included, but don't set your hopes high, because this is a suspense and action film, not the romantic one.

The most prevalent theme is the one of survival, and that is why this film reminds me of Battle Royale. What happens when you know that the end is close, would you sacrifice the others in order to save yourself? Is there a limit to cruelty and fear in humans when faced to death and hopelessness? There are actually some really interesting themes that can be analyzed throughout this film.

When it comes to the cast, I am quite used to the Japanese extraordinary expressions so I did not find their acting cheesy and the actors were great. I would not recommend this for rewatching, simply because you won't feel the same after the first time and that means that you should prepare for some huge plot twists. The music is good too.



Still reading? I warned you. Curiosity killed the cat.

I lied. I won't tell about the end, which I really liked :p But I will share some thoughts.

The survival game is apparently created by Kamisama (God) and his subordinates. And there are five parts:

1) Daruma - a symbol of perseverance and good luck, but now turns into a deadly Darumasan ga Koronda (Red light/Green light game).
2) Maneki Neko - a lucky charm, talisman.
3) Kokeshi - Japanese traditional dolls, tokens of friendship.
4) Shirou Kuma turns into an evil spirit from a Japanese legend.
5) Matryoshka - a Russian doll, the only element that is not part of Japanese tradition.

Each game tests different skills, but I find them fascinating because of their origin.
Anyway, I liked the film and all its craziness, go and watch it!

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 26, 2015
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I watched this movie by chance, and it was gruesomely mind blowing. The gore and the story line felt like I was watching Battle Royal and Kill Bill with bits of alien/game type feature running around the screen.

The first few minutes captured my attention due to so much red beads, blood spatter and corpses... that alone made me curious as to what kind of movie this was going to be because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. After watching up to the end, I realized how much violent and convoluted this film was, but I loved it nonetheless.

There was so many factors in which this movie captured my attention, but most likely it was the story line. A bunch of high school students, running around and trying to survive their circumstances was something that has always been interesting for me. Somehow, the actors and over all story-line made up for slightly lack of polish on the CG effects. Although I would understand that the way they made the CG effects was part of the plan, but I still wished it was more realistic. It would have been more awesome if that was the case.

Over all, the movie was great. Despite the cliff hanger ending and CG; I still would recommend it to watchers who are likely fans of gore and violent movies.

Hope this movie gets a part 2 as well!

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 30, 2015
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
What a brilliant movie. Brilliantly odd, I would argue. Chilling music and blood splashing everywhere? Definitely my kind.
I'm a survival games trash. As a viewer, I want to be challenged and left speechless, itching everywhere after the movie ends. And right now my mind feels really itchy.

Firstly, the plot. I had no idea this is directed by Takashi Miike (and I feel so ashamed for that, his movies are my jam). My pick was a simple — what the hell is this — and, now that I've just watched it, it updated to — what the hell was that. But the feel of the story, definitely quality, so familiar to my taste. At the beginning, I couldn't grasp what was going on. There isn't much explanation about what's really going on, and I think this way, it feels more heavy and challenging. But the plot blooms with the action, since it isn't just a simple survival rush. Wouldn't that be too boring?
I really enjoyed the symbolism, so witty and carefully linked to the plot and the characters. If I were to plunge deeper, I might spoil, so I won't do it. I assume some won't know what every survival game stands for, so if you don't, after (or before) watching the movie, take some time to browse about Daruma, Maneki Neko, Kokeshi, Shirou Kuma and Matryoshka. It will help you understand the movie way better (more like, get you to the intrigued but excited mood). I admit at first I didn't pay much attention to that aspect, because I was too busy grinning through the first game, but when I saw Maneki Neko, it hit me — wait, it's more than this.

The acting was neat, young and talented actors. Usually when I watch a movie (either Japanese or Korean), there are 80% chances a character would make me go — this actor doesn't suit them at all. In this movie, though, the feel of every actor matches the character. Amaya Takeru left me speechless, I mean, Kamiki Ryunosuke was a match made in heaven.
If it's survival, of course there's going to be blood. But oh, the gore displayed in this movie is just so damn hilarious and entertaining. Just like in Lesson of the evil. Unnecessary gore lefts me disappointed. And the music, on point - either thrilling, emotional or simply sassy. Such a classy combination.

Another great thing about this movie is the visuals. I wouldn't call them stunning, but neither poor; simply atmospheric. Japanese movies would either pull your soul into the screen or leave you internally crying, because it's just so hard to watch. Given the plot, this could have been a really, really awkward trip for the eyes, if the visuals were screaming failure. But it was truly fun and colorful. Each level of the game feels different. I can't type enough how good the atmosphere was.

So the blood, the music and the visuals, all knitted together to fit the psychological theme. The usual — who's the strongest? who's the smartest? are the kind ones the weakest? can trust be harmful? what qualities do you need in order to survive? is there a reason to survive? Personally, the relationship between Takahata Shun and Amaya Takeru kept me on my toes the whole time. It felt so interesting, exciting, but a little lacking. Maybe because I was expecting more? I don't know, but I wish it were more. We were given the challenge to choose (or not) between those two strong characters, but with no real closure to their real selves. What do they really believe in? How do they really see each other? Parts of them were displayed mainly through the games, symbolically, with dim peeks into their individual state. There are so many questions left unanswered and I can't help but fry my mind trying to find some hints. If that's what the movie wants, then yes, thank you, it will definitely stain my mind for a long time. Those plot twists and the ending caressed my soul.
There was so much going on, it would have been impossible to fill those holes without killing the fresh pace. And for that, this is what I call a very smart, wonderfully challenging movie. It's meant to leave questions behind, and answer as little as it can. I blame the wonderful Miike for this addictive feel.

The movie can't be rewatched for the thrill, but I would rewatch it more for the fun it manages to give. I recommend this to every thirsty brain out there. The dark humor squad would definitely enjoy this one, I assure you.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 17, 2015
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Whoa. Not for the faint of heart.

I have not read the manga. I have not seen other Miike films. I have a fresh slate going into this movie, with nothing but the summary on this website.

The concept seems simple enough: death games to find the ultimate child of god. Emphasis on "death." This director did not hold back on the death. I got so uncomfortable watching some of those students die, especially the scene in the white cube (after the giant porcelain cat in the gym…). The games are clever, strategy-based games that make you think. You learn how to win the game as the characters (or more like with Takahata Shun as he seems to be the student with the highest IQ in the entirety of Japan's youth…) do, and it's impossible to tell who will survive.

I really enjoyed Fukushi Sota in this role; definitely easy on the eyes. Takahata Shun was intelligent, but also human, and you can see him evolve over the course of these games to be confident and daring enough to do everything it took to make sure as many people as possible survived. But the guy who really hit the nail on the head here was Kamiki Ryonusuke as Amaya Takeru. His character is enigmatic, and Kamiki really gets that… look… in his eyes and that sound in his voice that really sent chills down my spine and I really loved it when he was on screen.

The music is intense, and although I didn't really pay much attention to it, I realize now that I probably felt as nervous as I did because I didn't register the music as music… I'm not explaining myself very well here, but yes, it's very good at heightening emotional and intense scenes.

Overall, an engaging movie that made me want to find and read the manga. Be careful though; blood is not something this director is afraid of. There is gore. There are painful agonizing deaths. But the story is engaging, and not something you want to watch for giggles.

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 23 jours
Complété 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

it must be gambling debts, it's gotta be

You don't drop all the way from Audition to this unless you are about to be found dead because you have lost money in a pachinko machine or whatever.

Audition was trippy. Trippy ain't the problem, but this movie is boring and dull and I feel like yeah, because the manga does this and that, but I ain't reading no mangá, I'm watching a movie and it should be able to convince me on its own.

It's not the outlandish premise, it's not the absurdity, it's how boring it is in all its edgelordism. It reads as another boring death game story, with a boring main character who is smart beyond what is believable from him. Every time he has an solution is a Deus ex machina working (expect for the end solution).

Amaya and Ichika's actors were really compelling, each in their respective alignment. Visual effects were real nice too.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 22, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Kamisama no Iutoori is definitely NOT a movie for everyone!!!

Kamisama no Iutoori is definitely NOT a movie for everyone!!!

The rating in imdb is only 6.4 out 10 but for me, it’s 4 out 5. Yup!!! I rarely have same opinion with people in imdb 😉

When it comes to crazy imagination, beyond the world and unthinkable…I have to hand it to the Japanese, they always come up with out of the box story, one that Hollywood wouldn’t even think of making it.

Kamisama no Iutoori or As God’s Will is based on a Manga under the same title, 神さまの言うとおり written by Kaneshiro Muneyaki and Fujimura Akeji. The live action version is directed by the amazing Miike Takashi (13 Assassins).

The story is centered on Takahata Shun (Fukushi Sota) who thinks that his life is really boring. The movie begins with these quotes:

Takahata: “God, My life is boring”
Amaya: “You (refers to God)…For what purpose do we live?“

DarumaSoon after that, Takahata regrets his words and wishes for his boring life to return. Out of the blue, a talking and moving Daruma Doll shows up and blowing people up with its tiny red balls. One by one, his classmates die in horrible ways.

Takahata learns that Daruma is the first of a series of brutal death game. It kinda reminds me of Battle Royale because of its survival of the fittest theme but instead of students killing each other, Kamisama no Iutoori is more to how to survive in a death again against superios creatures. The only way to beat the creature is by following the rules.

The sudden death game appears around the world, we don’t know what kind of games happen in another country as the movie only reports that the game happens around the world. In Japan, the game is very traditional. Daruma, Maneki Neko, Kokeshi and Shiroi Kuma are all Japanese toys. All the students have to pass each game to survive.

What I like the most about the plot is the unpredictable chain of event…although it’s a benefit that belongs to people who haven’t read the manga yet. It probably has different effect to people who had read the manga as they tend to lost the element of surprise. I know that the plot is something that will never happen and unbelievable, so I highly advice you to watch this with open mind and ready for everything 😉


The movie is quite gory but it still has its level of fun as it keeps us wondering what is the next game and who will join the party. In some way, you can easily guess who will advance to next level but I am glad the ending is NOT how I think it would be. Throughout the movie I keep thinking how it’s going to end BUT I am soooo happy I was wrong!! I just love a good twist 🙂

As for the characters, I am a bit bias here because I don’t know (since I haven’t read the book) whether the characters are being properly acted or not. Takahata as the main character (acted by Fukushi Sota) is not really interesting, I can’t really understand his true-self. He looks like a confused boy who doesn’t know whether to be bored, naughty or nice…he is like a person who lost his identity, then again that’s how teenagers are. The most interesting characters are Amaya Takeru (Kamiki Ryunosuke) and Satake (Sometani Shota). Those two have great confident and being acted by two Japanese best young actors.

Since we are talking about actors, it’s really hard not to point out that Sometani with his short performance and Kamiki as the co-star totally outshine Fukushi as the leading actor. Fukushi isn’t that bad but to act with such talent as Kamiki and Sometani, he really has to improve his acting skill.

I am not the only one thinking that way. Jdorama Confession mentioned:

It’s amazing how Sometani with such short performance really stood out and very memorable. Somehow I wish he has more time. As for Kamiki…wow!! I love him even more now. For someone who is so nice (Satoh Takeru even mentioned that Kamiki has such pure heart and no evil in him) Kamiki is really evil here. He really reminds me of Cillian Murphy, someone who can act out of his real personality and does it perfectly.

Kamiki as Amaya

As for Fukushi…I am sure he can improve more as time goes 🙂

Overall, I really like this movie and recommend it to people who like gore and unusual death game. There are still some flaws but still enjoyable. Not everyone’s cup of tea…that’s for sure, but even in such gore you can still find good morale and value (that’s the best part of Japanese cinema, IMO)…and the ending is open for a sequel. It’s from manga so I am sure the story is still far longer than the live action movie.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 11, 2019
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.5
As the Gods Will is a bloody movie. That said, the blood scenes, at least some of them, weren't that well executed, thus the gore was easier to watch. However, as there are many disturbing daeths, I wouldn't recommend it to someone who can't handle blood.
For the story, the plot was nice and there were some interesting characters, especially the lead and that creepy secons lead. And the riddles were entertaining to watch, and not too difficult to follow. However, the ending was not as good. I guess what bothered me was that the movie never went deeper than the riddle part, like, why didn't they asked why this was happening and for what purpose. Also, the ending felt quite open, but there is no second movie of this, so I do have to cut points for that. So, six and a half out of ten.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 14, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

I want S2 or some movie like this

The writer of this movie seems like a genius. The plot is unpredictable and the story has a steady state, what I mean is that I didn't lose interest in the middle of the movie. I've watched this many times and I still love it, it's fun! maybe for some people this movie is hard to understand but hey come on don't you guys see WHAT GENRE IS THIS?😂😂 if your brain can't get enough to catch it then don't watch it and try to watch another relaxed genre movie. I just suggest you watch movies like this or games or mysteries often because it can train your brain too! actually I think this movie is easy to digest, I like movies that need more brain thinking like this, it's great!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 23, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


If you are reading this review to decide if you should watch it or not then my suggestion is:-

Only watch it if you are okay with some mediocre level death games and doesn’t mind poor VFX complimented with some cheesy acting and dialogues.

May contain minor spoilers....

Things I liked-
1. First three death games were decent and will give some thrilling feeling.
2. VFX was decent in first 3 games.

Things I didn’t like-
1. Fourth and Fifth death games were boring with pathetic VFX.
2. Slow mo for showing main lead’s heroic moments were irritating.

Overall pretty average, nothing special. Death games were mediocre. It could have been better with better acting and VFX.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 16, 2021
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Why is this my first Miike movie?

I have no idea why this is the first Takashi Miike movie I've seen. The prolific filmmaker has made a bunch of movies that should be up my alley but for some reason this movie is the first of his that I've seen.

It's uh...interesting? It's kind of a mess to be totally honest. The characters are a bit of a type, and there aren't a lot of true surprises when instead you consider the gore-heavy shock elements also at play here. I'm not familiar with the manga and reading up synopsis of that work honestly only made this seem less surprising in context.

Ryunosuke Kamiki, who plays Amaya Takeru, is probably my favorite performance. A good psychopath in this style is probably best done with a sense of manic glee that he embodies so well. He just looks like he's having so much fun, it's hard to really hold all the death against him.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 3, 2023
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Welp, its no "Squid Game".

If you're a fan of movies with last-man-standing-survival-game-fight-to-the-death themes then you may be curious about "As the Gods Will". If you have ever seen a Takashi Miike movie before, then you kind of know what to expect already... lots of over-the-top creepiness and blood. I have mixed feelings about most of his movies because they tend to be more concept-driven than plot-driven. I like horror movies with great plots and that's what makes "As the Gods Will" so different from other movies that I like in this genre, This being brought up as the alleged inspiration for "Squid Game" is what made me decide to finally watch this and unfortunately the first scene/game is where the similarities begin and end. Sure, children's games are a big part of this movie but these games are very Japan-centric and are more visually creative than strategy-based.

There is a smart hero and a smart villain, but many of the other characters are just gore fodder, which is disappointing. The CGI is also very cartoony, so It's not as scary as it could be either. It's also school-based so it definitely feels more like "Battle Royale" and "Hunger Games" influenced, with the same teen crush and sociopath classmate tropes. Fukushi Sota is a great hero as Takahata Shun. He plays the emo empath role well and certainly looks the part. Kamiki Ryunosuke is also great as Amaya Takeru, although his character is much more one-dimensional, he was my favorite performance. Yamazaki Hirona is a great co-star as Akimoto Ichika but sadly due to gender stereotypes, she gets reduced to a typical female love interest role instead of coming into her own as a hero herself. That's another disappointing thing about many of Takashi Miike's films. There's also an angsty teen character that I just felt was added for no reason, and with explanation. Clearly, the writer judges apathetic teens but fails to create compelling characters, which gives the story "OK Boomer" energy.

Would I watch this again? No. It's interesting for a first watch but I didn't like it enough to want to watch it again. I did like some of the final twists, and themes about not taking daily life for granted, but in the end, it was more weird than entertaining.

Overall, the characters were too simplistic for me to really care and the concepts seemed to be grander than the story. If you are a bigger fan of Takashi Miike and haven't seen this one yet, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. If accusations that Squid Game plagiarized this story made you want to watch this then you most likely will be disappointed. If you're expecting a deep life changing message at the end just don't even bother to watch at all. This has a Crazy Manga vibe more than a Horror Thriller vibe. The gore is actually lighter than I expected from this director, which I personally appreciated. The Bizarre parts are probably better appreciated if you don't take things too seriously, but I really wished the story was less basic. The games are the best part and the earlier games are the better ones. Luckily this movie begins holding nothing back so you can tell early on whether or not it will be worth your time, or too much for you. I don't regret watching it at all, but I can't say I'm a fan. There are too many versions of this kind of story that do it better in my opinion, even if it's not as shocking to watch, I would rather have a well-crafted plot than a jump scare or a visual cringe.

Confession: I watched this right after watching "Squid Game" for the 5th time, so yes, I am biased.

I also think "Ichi the Killer" and "Audition" are overrated. "One Missed Call" is more my speed.

One thing I do know is that I will never look at a Daruma Head, Maneki Neko, or Nesting Dolls the same way again! lol

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As the Gods Will (2014) poster



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