C'est un mélodrame à propos d'un homme marié, qui reçoit une importante somme d'argent de la part d'une femme, pour pouvoir payer les dettes qu'il doit. Les complications arrivent quand la femme lui demande sa totale soumission, compromettant ainsi la relation qu'il a avec son épouse. Modifier la traduction
- Français
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- Titre original: 유혹
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Yoohok ,
- Scénariste: Han Ji Hoon, Park Jin Woo
- Réalisateur: Park Young Soo
- Genres: Romance, Drame, Mélodrame
Distribution et équipes
- Choi Ji Woo Rôle principal
- Kwon Sang Woo Rôle principal
- Park Ha SunNa Hong JooRôle principal
- Lee Jung JinKang Min WooRôle principal
- Chae So YoungYoo Se JinRôle Secondaire
- Ahn Se HaPark Han SooRôle Secondaire

I have read countless comments of symathy for Na Hong Joo played by Park Ha Sun. I'm probably the only person that finds her character to be at first fake, then bitter and hateful. I don't for a minute buy into the thought that she was ever sweet and innocent. She forgets that she started the chain of events with her desperate action. What did she think her husband would do knowing that he caused her to take that desperate act over money? She made Cha Seok Hoon played by Kwon Sang Woo do something that he would have never thought of doing except that he knew it would save his family monitarily. Then when he tried to make it up to her and prove his love, she turned away from him. To top it off she goes on to blame him for the misery she creates herself and becomes a bitter bitch that I just can't stand. Now, I don't for one minute believe that Yoo Se Young played by Choi Ji Woo is blameless. However, I don't think she is the evil crazy bitch that everyone seems to think that she is. I think she was lonely and bored. She says she was testing them, but I believe she just wanted what they had for even a minute. However, the writer turning her into a victim is stupid and doesn't fit her character as a strong successful woman. Now, for Kang Min Woo played by Lee Jung Jin. I find no redeaming characteristics in this narcissistic jerk who treats women like objects and has no respect for people in general. I can't stand him. The other actors are fine. If you like C.N.Blue, then you will enjoy Lee Jong Shin's part as Hong Joo's brother.
The music is excellent.
I probably won't rewatch this.
I'm not sure if I recommend this drama. Watch it at your own discression.
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Ok, Let’s see, why did I like it :
A – Actors: I DO LIKE how fresh and dare the roles is for both main Leads, sure I am a fan for them together and separately and I do believe they are very good actors, However , to accept a role that you might be judged upon from viewers as unfaithful husband and a cold hearted home wrecker women, this is intimidating ..
B – Storyline : The fact that there is no Black and White zones, it’s not villains and angels show, so if you are looking for a show like this, most properly you wouldn’t like this one , However this show beautifully mirrored how a human can change , grow to love, grow to hate , grow to be insecure even in the strongest relationships..
C – Most viewers who started the show , completed it even though they didn’t like it , sure for different reasons, but I would put this kind of drama on my drama list for sure , it got the factors that builds every good drama , good storyline with slow paced development..
D – The soundtracks , I needn’t say more, it’s purely addictive :) and well played..
Finally , the ending seemed realistic , reflecting hope , although I was quite sure the last 5 episodes could have been more invested and more detailed to enrich the ending more .. it left me feeling that may be 2 more episodes are needed.
Go ahead and watch the drama if you want a mature realistic romance
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