Both involve a killer who carry some meaning for the main character.
Recommandé par compay
The plot is similar; kid abduction to force the mother (here a famous radio broadcaster) to comply to the kidnaper's demands on air and also with a fast pace. Great movie!
Recommandé par Shaky
Both movies have similar plot, about a criminal terrorizing a broadcasting media.
Recommandé par nyanko_sensei
Both are about single mom and a child. Both movie are about kidnapping. Both were auite intense thriller. Worth watching
Recommandé par Chia6
Both female lead were single mom, working women, that was put in a tough situation. They were brave determine to protect their child
Recommandé par Chia6
Involved young innocent child got kidnapped. Motherly love. Devastating news. Did her best to recover the child back
Recommandé par Chia6
Protecting the young child. Amazing strange to fight for the young child. Smart, perseverance and persistence. Strong lead.
Recommandé par Chia6
Motherly love. Protecting young innocent child. Amazing strange. Strong female lead. Fight for the right action
Recommandé par Chia6
Strong female lead negotiate with the protagonist. Dig into the truth. The ugly truth. Amazing woman power.
Recommandé par Chia6
Mother love. Child got kidnap. Mom tried to rescue the son. Triller, intense, mystery, confusing. Good watch
Recommandé par Chia6
These two Korean movies have a mom that would do anything for her son. Both are thriller, mystery. Great acting. Some intensity. They looks soft outside but tough inside. Quite determination
Recommandé par Chia6
Midnight FM (2010) poster



  • Score: 7.8 (marqué par 2,133 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #3919
  • Popularité: #3703
  • Téléspectateurs: 4,204

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