Story- An excellent plot which will always keep you on your feet. There's always something happening and it will constantly keep you guessing. I really loved the main characters relation with her children. She went to great lengths to try and protect her family.
Acting- The actors were very well picked! From the main characters to the minor ones, I must say- they really had a BIG impact. The little girl who didn't have the ability to speak, she portrayed her character really well with her little but clever brain and actions.
Music- The music fit every scene and made me feel like I was actually there, lurking around and trying to hide from the psycho! At the very intense moments, the music gradually changed to a very strong track. It suited and flowed with the storyline. AND OF COURSE- the ending credits song! It reflects and goes with the entire movie. I really liked how the film ended with this amazing instrumental. The guitar made me feel this sadness..
Rewatch Value- I think I'd watch this again since it's really amazing. Normally I don't rewatch films but for this one, I'll make an exception. :)
Overall this movie was absolutely breath taking! I just happened to stumble across this one but I'm really glad I did. This is one of the few movies which will stay on my mind long after I've watched it! I really love how it ended, especially the last sentence from the heroine.
I highly recommend this to those who are looking for a movie that will keep your eyes glued to the screen, people who love thriller and suspense. Even if you aren't, I'd say give it a go! I'm sure 8/10 people would DEFINITELY like it.
It made a great impression on me and I give it a.. dak dak dak.. :) 10/10!
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Nakamura Aoi's name isn't mentioned (either I didn't hear it or I forgot) instead he is constantly referred to as "friend" by Goyoune, his little kitten. There was quite a nice relationship that the two shared. Aoi played the role of a lonely guy who had dreams of becoming a famous manga artist however had a few issues with it.
The main actor really suited the role, he had such a sweet smile and character when acting with the cat. The cat's voice actor had a cute voice too which matched the cat. ^^
Songs that played fit with the scene, it was chosen well although I think it could've been improved.
Rewatch Value-
This would be nice to watch with a friend if you're looking for something short and cute to watch. I may rewatch it in the future sometime.
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Acting/Cast- As for the cast, I think that they were picked out very well. The actors played their characters to their full potential. Especially So Ji Sub who was the main character of this drama, you'll have to watch it to find out why :P It's my first time seeing him act and he has left quite a good impression on me. The actors who played in the police force were also amazing! Two characters that you will remember are the Mad Cow and Boiled Potato hehe And the bad guy, he was always a step ahead of the police force and this made the story really exciting. Gang Mi was the female detective who made a very impressive lead female. She wasn't one of those girls in those dramas who just sit there looking pretty- she went out there and did everything she had to do. There are many characters who will definitely be outstanding as you progress the drama series.
Music- Hmm.. the most memorable ones are the piano soundtrack and the phantom of the opera song. I think that they could've used more songs however the ones that they did use were used VERY effectively.
Re-watch Value- I wouldn't really re watch it as I already know what happens in the end. But there is a chance that I could because of how well this drama was put together.
I can't really say much about what I disliked particularly because there was nothing that disappointed me. There isn't much romance but I wasn't really expecting any from the start so I wasn't let down.
This review doesn't do much justice to the drama :P I suggest you go and watch it now! If you don't, you are going to be missing out, what to me is, the best mystery drama of 2012.
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Don't be put off by the historical theme as it is very well incorporated into the story, a majority of the drama is spent in the modern times. You will NOT be disappointed. In fact you'll probably start loving historical dramas after this.
Story- As I said before, the plot of this drama is really unique. Of course there are many time-traveling drama out this year but that doesn't stop this drama from being put into that stereotypical genre. It had a many mind blowing twists which were not disappointing. I really liked the riddle and mystery that we were left wondering about. Of course, the drama does not fail to bring an interesting conclusion which answers all your questions. Also, you will be hooked until the last episode. The magic of the Joseon era combined with the modern era is all bundled up to make this drama; the best drama of the year.
Acting/Cast- The cast were great! Quite a lot of famous people like Yoochun and Han Ji Min, who are well known for their great acting, were present and contributed well. I'm glad they picked Yoochun to be the character he plays because he did an excellent job on his part. I heard that he also received two awards because of his acting in this drama. The villains here were hated intensely by a lot of the viewers and this means that the actors did an absolutely tremendous job.
Everyone who's seen this will agree that the 3 funny side kicks were one of the main reasons why they enjoyed this. They were hilarious at times but also serious when they were required to be. Also I recognized Lee Min Ho/Man Bo. He was also in another historical drama with Yoochun (Sungkyunkwan Scandal) and I watched that one two dramas before this one so I was so glad to see him finally appear more often. His acting was great. :)
Music- The soundtrack selected for this drama was absolutely flawless. The sad scenes were matched with heart-breaking songs which literally made me cry. The funny scenes had a playful tune and made me feel so happy (Yes, I found myself smiling like an idiot at times XD) Also Jay Park's song is in this OST which was really surprising for me at first because once you hear his voice you will fall in love with him.
Rewatch Value- I would NEVER rewatch dramas mainly because of the fact that I already know what happens but I think I'd really like to watch this one again and experience all the fun and sad times that this drama has to offer. I'd watch this with someone special.. like a boyfriend or someone. hehe ^^
To sum this drama up in one word it would be: Indescribable
Tears of both happiness and sadness were shed. ;-;
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Well this was quite an anticipated drama as it had an amazing cast. Many Yoochun fans began watching this because of him but perhaps later found that the storyline was quite interesting. Yoo Seungho was also another new rising actor and I think that he played his role really well. The only character whose tears brought tears to my eyes. The young actors were really great as well, the acting was exceptional and was a great start to the drama. I kinda missed seeing the young actors after the first few episodes but luckily we got to see a few flashbacks.
I really liked this plot as it was quite interesting. The ending had a twist but it wasn’t as satisfying as I had hoped it would be. The one episode extension was nice as I feel the writers changed the ending however I think that if they had not changed it, and stuck to the original, it could have had a longer lasting impression. Not gonna spoil it here for you :D I really liked watching this melodrama, though there were a bit too many crying scenes at times- but hey this is a melodrama right?
Music- The music was nice but it didn’t really stand out to me. The ending song was nice but it did seem quite dramatic XD
Rewatch value-
As much as I liked it, I don’t think I’ll be rewatching this drama. It did have some slow parts but not as much as other dramas.
Overall I recommend it to people who are a fan of the 3 main characters as they act really good in this drama. It’s quite emotional and has lots of tears so be prepared to shed a few tears here and there. I really liked the hair clip thing throughout the drama and the ‘Swaaah’ lol
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Story- There is quite a lot of blowing up buildings and cars, police and motorbike chases and funny scenes. I liked the storyline as they had to follow the man’s orders without even knowing why but of course we find out in the end and it ties in with the story well. There is a bit of romance between the girl and boy, of course which I liked. They had quite a cute relationship. I especially liked the ending, it was not disappointing in the least!
Music- The music went really well with the scenes and gave it overall a great vibe. I loved the ending song the most XD (it played sometimes throughout the movie as well)
Rewatch value- I think I would watch this movie in the future with someone just because it was an amazing film and I had so much fun watching it. The comedy was great in this movie and had me laughing a lot.
Definitely worth watching! 10/10
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Twelve Men in a Year
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Story - This drama focuses on a girl who finds herself in a situation where she has to date 12 guys each with different horoscopes and write about her experiences in XX magazine, using a secret alias. I really liked this unique storyline and how mature it was because honestly I was getting a bit bored with the usual kdramas with sappy love stories and nonstop crying (Yes, I'm talking about Missing You). Good thing I stumbled across this one by accident. It really does deserve more recognition :) I was a bit unsatisfied with the ending though.. I wanted her to end up with someone else.
Cast - The 12 guys (well most) were reallyyyy hot! ;) There are quite a lot of kiss scenes with them too. I liked the actors they picked out because they fit the characters personality very well (like ALEX lol). Most might think that the main girl was annoying and different.. well I thought that at first too. "Why the heck does she have that hairstyle, it's weird.." but it grew on me and now she's a lovable, cute character to me! The best friend, Tanya was perfect- from the first scene I saw her. She was indeed the perfect best friend but of course she has her own problems too. Ji Oh looked really cute and played his role of the jealous ex well. Supernova's Sungje and Kwangsoo were also casted which I found nice since I was a fan of Supernova ^^
Music - The music was great! I loved the opening and ending song, I found myself singing the opening song many times in my head without even realizing lol The songs for the sad scenes were emotional too.
Rewatch Value - I think I'd really like to watch this again some time in the future. It's like a treasure for me now.
If you are thinking about watching this drama, then I assure you- it will not be a waste of time. ^^
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