Heartwarming Life Affirming Drama
This show is truly has a comprehensive storyline for all its important casts. Where most shows revolves usually around the OTP, this one able to provide everyone (at least) a little backstory - an explanation as to why a character behaves the way they do. Whether you're someone struggling in life as a single mother, as a kids whose parents went through a divorce, as someone grew up craving for love, as someone who doesn't know how to express themselves and to keep the emotions bottled up, this show is able to show the strength in being honest - with others, with life, but most importantly with yourself. Though initially the leading lady seems to be in need of being saved, it turns out that with the helps of others, we can all be our own hero and have the courage to save ourselves (if only we let ourselves).
The shows manages to make me root for the OTP but also got me choked up in tears every now and then. It is so refreshingly relatable to reality that it makes us reflect on our own lives.
A great storyline, with great delivery from the actors and actresses. Kudos to everyone involved!
The shows manages to make me root for the OTP but also got me choked up in tears every now and then. It is so refreshingly relatable to reality that it makes us reflect on our own lives.
A great storyline, with great delivery from the actors and actresses. Kudos to everyone involved!
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