
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 21 heures
  • Lieu: watching BL in the corner of my room
  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: janvier 27, 2021


watching BL in the corner of my room


watching BL in the corner of my room
Hotel Stars thai drama review
Hotel Stars
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Unpopularopinionbydemand
avril 25, 2021
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 3.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


It comes as no surprise that no one has a clue about this series, or maybe they do and they just don’t bother watching. I desperately missed the 2moons cast, so when I had learned that they were back in this series I was stoked. Immediately after finishing 2moons2, I started binging this show, and there are two words that describe this series perfectly: WASTED POTENTIAL.

You would think that they had plenty of stories to tell with the fifteen-million characters on this show, but all plots fall short with slow storylines, boring circumstances, and an overall stale watch. There was so much they could’ve done with this series, but sadly, they let the end loose. The concept was new, but still not very interesting. Having a bunch of people train at a hotel is something I've never heard of before, but it still left such a wide range of chaos to happen. Having a bunch of young people working at a hotel? something is bound to go down right? But NOTHING DOES.

Right off the bat, there were way too many characters. It took me like the first 4 episodes to remember names with faces. They could have easily cut off a good four characters since their stories' were pointless and added nothing to the plot. Most first episodes are slow and uninspiring, as it is just an introduction to the characters and their situations, but man was this first episode BORING AS FUCK. Not only that one but even most of the episodes to follow. What made them so boring was the fact that they had no meaning to the overall objective (but, then again, what WAS the overall objective?) We were left with watching stupid circumstances happen that left aggravation and annoyance.

I am strictly here to watch BL and BL ONLY. If someone were wanting to watch BL only, then this is NOT the show for them! There was one canon gay couple and several underlining romances (one including Kim and Copter which was one of the only reasons I started Hotel Stars in the first place. smh), as the rest were covered up with hetero shit that I didn't sign up for. I do not consider this a BL series what. so. ever. This is a bromance series at best, but there are too many BL shows in this world for this one to be the one people spend their time watching.

Let's talk about the one canon couple though: Nueng and Kay. With the screen time they did get, they were rushed and had no build-up. they were cute, but I didn't feel anything for them because of the little amount of screentime they had, It's sad honestly, cause I enjoyed these actors so much, and would be down to see them as main characters in another drama. They were the only reason people watched this show in the first place. The episode of them kissing was the only one that had surpassed 200k views (at the time of my watch on YT) while the rest of the episodes could barely hit 100k if that.
I was either half asleep or annoyed by the other plots. Kin and Pong could’ve been something but then that went away. Tone and Akk had a thing, but then some chick and Akk started having a thing and Tone was left in the dust. Ying and Nook were such stereotypical female roles that it was so tiresome to watch them. If there was one good thing to take away from this show, it's that the acting was good and some moments were pretty funny. That's it. Thank god they made Gen Y or I would be in some serious shit right now.
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