I might be alone in how much i loved this movie but i just wanted to get my thoughts across.
the ending doesn't have to be satisfying for the movie to be "good". unlike others, i adore this movie for staying true to its realistic roots and portrayal of a first love.
i think from all these light and fluffy dramas these days where the girl always gets her fairy tale ending, many watchers get the misconception that this is how all stories should be. (don't get me wrong, light-hearted dramas are my muse)
"an introduction to architecture" is beautifully (and bitterly) realistic. the younger characters are definitely believable, flawed and confused just as any adolescents would be. and their older selves just as vulnerable internally despite their matured exteriors.
Truthfully, i don't think i would re-watch this again because that would be too cruel to my heart but i would still recommend this to other watchers who don't mind a realistic input and output in a movie.
so don't go into this drama excepting a fairy tale, watch and appreciate its raw vibe and depth, especially in the character's emotions.
Cet avis était-il utile?