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I Will Knock You thai drama review
I Will Knock You
45 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by rakhamn
févr. 4, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

It couldn’t of been any better.

I really love this drama from the cast to the plot, the soundtrack, the comedy, the fluffiness, and the leads. I can’t think of anything that I wish they would’ve done different or better. I truly loved it just as it was. I’m so sad it’s over, but pleased that we got this beautiful show.

Well, I liked it from episode one a few people have mentioned that it’s a show that really grows on you as you watch it and as you start to care about the characters and I could see that. Because in the first episode you’re like OK where is this going? But as you sit and watch you like oh I like where this is going this is actually very very cute..

The ending was exactly what I wanted it to be and I’m so happy that they ended it and flushed out all the stories and didn’t leave us hanging with open question marks. Nice job writers!

I have no doubt that more people will watch it and fall in love with it because it is really a hidden gym right now and I can see it being ranked videos of the year definitely and of the last few years likely.

Give it a watch, watch the first two episodes and I’m pretty sure that you will be hooked and wanting to know what happens.
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