
  • Dernière connexion: juil. 15, 2016
  • Lieu: Busan, South Korea
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Anniversaire: April 16
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  • Date d'inscription: mars 1, 2012


Busan, South Korea


Busan, South Korea
Kimi wa Petto japanese drama review
Kimi wa Petto
42 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by omnichelle
juil. 2, 2012
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
There are a lot of aspects of this drama that I respect. For one, I appreciate that this isn’t just one of those dramas jumping on the “older woman dating a younger man” craze of the past few years. Although it might look that way initially, it’s much smarter than that. Without sounding too pretentious, this drama is really about human relationships and how societies expectations make us question our wants and needs in our personal lives. This drama addresses those thoughts that we all have to ourselves: “I like this, but what would my friends think about it? What would my co-workers say if they knew I was doing this? What would my parents say!? Am I wrong for feeling this way?” The lead characters are complex and well acted by Kato and MatsuJun. Particularly with the Momo character, I really liked that there was more to him than meets the eye. He’s not just some shallow, free-loading bum with a pretty face. Just like Sumire, he too has his emotional scars and is being healed by their unconventional relationship. In addition to being smart and well-acted, the drama is downright sexy! Not overtly so, but in very subtle and playful actions between the main characters. It’s funny how some of those moments are intended to be completely “non-sexual,” but still feel as such because of the undeniable chemistry between the two leads. There’s also a lot of sexual tension throughout the series, which is never a bad thing. :) The script is also youthful and wonderfully comedic. Sumire’s best friend in particular is candid and absolutely refreshing in her role. I love characters that unabashedly say what the audience is likely thinking! My only complaint about this drama is the use of the Fukushima character. Why must all melodramas portray their antagonist as a typical b*tchy, jealous and spiteful woman? I get really tired of that character. She’s in, like, EVERY drama. It would be nice if writers could re-think the antagonist role, or at least make it more interesting. The Hasumi character is also a bit too gullible for my taste, but he isn't completely intolerable and serves his purpose well enough. Overall though, Kimi wa Petto is so well-acted, interesting, sexy and funny that the plusses greatly overshadow the small, b*tchy and gullible minuses. :)
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