This movie spreads light on many controversial matters, from obsessive stalking to domestic abuse, the movie follows Mitsui Naoto who’s rather distant towards other people, until a girl named Chihiro is the first person to really pay attention to him, the story progresses after 11 years where they are no longer in contact when he sees her again, this story outlined the loneliness the two felt, from chihiro suffering from abuse from her own husband, and Naoto’s lack of socialisation. The movie is structured through narration that mirrors Naoto’s true feelings, his feelings go against his actions and stalking of Chihiro, the way he expresses himself feels genuine and how he means to do good for her sake but they are morally wrong. Despite this you could not help but feel bad for him, the only reason he went through this was to be remembered by one person..her.
The acting was really phenomenal, the female lead was amazing at portraying the development of her character. The movie was really nicely put together, it was more emotional than I was expecting a unique short movie about loneliness
The acting was really phenomenal, the female lead was amazing at portraying the development of her character. The movie was really nicely put together, it was more emotional than I was expecting a unique short movie about loneliness
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