
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: swimming in uncle duck's money bin
  • Contribution Points: 410 LV4
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: janvier 8, 2016


swimming in uncle duck's money bin


swimming in uncle duck's money bin
Awl korean drama review
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by mrwyoo
janv. 11, 2016
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
This is probably a huge matter in every country. It is even a very big problem in wealthy countries. Still. I don't know if it changed much from 2003 to the present of Korean laws and rules for work and unions, but is sure to give you an idea of how things work in the big world, cuz my mother had a similar thing like this. Unions do differ from each other but eventually help you big time. And I had a little problem too, but this drama lit a small fire in me and I think I'm charged enough to go on just bare a little more, before losing my mind. But let's have a moment for Ji Hyun Woohuhuuuu that damn fine fit full muscle body as always. Oh, how to concentrate at the main stories problem with him in it. And my since 2009 number one husband Yesung. Love to hear his husky voice over and over. He looks still so good even after his discharge from the army. Story 8/10 Because it is a big problem that most of the people struggle with day in out. We are just too clueless about these important matters. These problems will occur and knock on your door sooner or later. We have to deal with them smoothly and also with a great patient. Acting/Cast 8/10 Ahn Nae Sang is one of my fav actors, I have seen so many films/dramas of him. The way he acts, so natural and convincingly and sure is a funny guy. The way he bobs his head and stares at the person in front of him is so unique and funny. :) Ji Hyun Woo he has something special. His way of acting is so different compared to Ahn Nae Sang. The way he is so serious and a smile that pops out makes me, a big rock of ice turn into a flowing river. Really love their funny moments XD Music 7/10 I don't really pay attention to music. Never did. Maybe the main song, that's about it. Rewatch Value 8/10 You can see it as a documentary and in my opinion, it is an instructive topic. It's short, so it won't take up much of your time. Overall 8.5/10 I think that they should make more of this kind of short dramas. They make some dramas so long that it eventually strays away from its topic. Such as unnecessary love scenes and other male-female moments. useless and sudden "comedy" they put in to make if seem funny to the viewers.
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