Meow, le Garçon Secret
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The King : Eternal Monarch
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What an amazing drama. Honestly, what can I say that's bad about it? Nothing. It was completely new and like nothing I've seen before. It was really different and fantastastical. It had romance, humour, fight scenes, and fantasy elements. All in all, it was just a really great drama. I loved it a lot and the ending was perfect and made sure everyone got their happy ending. I would for sure rewatch it and recommend it to anyone. Don't let the bad reviews get to you and stop you from watching because we all have different tastes and to those who are up for trying it out, I would definitely back you up! Good luck and enjoy.Cet avis était-il utile?

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Give it a chance
Born Again was undoubtedly confusing and long and detailed and made me consider turning it off multiple times. However, it was still a very interesting and very good idea for a drama. The two male leads were total smoke-shows and I was throughly impressed with their acting skills. Unfortunately, the female lead didn't really sell it for me. Her emotions didn't seem as real and as candid. They seemed a bit put on and a bit muted. They weren't as raw as the male lead's. I won't say any more bad things about her though, as she still did a very good job and I even felt a bit of chemistry between her and Ji Cheol at the end there. I thought I was gonna have a good cry on at the ending so I was left a bit disappointed there. However, it's a good thing that the ending wasn't sad otherwise that would have been my second one in a row. Blame The Smile Has Left Your Eyes lol.Anyway, in conclusion, it was a good drama with good acting. But, unfortunately, it wasn't a great drama with great acting.
Still, though, you might as well give it a go.
I don't think it will be a disappointment.
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Awesome! But what's with the ending?
Wow the actors are really talented- not to mention the script writers. The whole story played out so naturally, sometimes it seemed like a real high school experience. It's the classic love story, comedy between friends and unrequited love. Luckily, though there was some one sided feelings, a love triangle didnt really happen which i was happy about because damn do they get old. Overall, the drama was perfect though the cringe is definitely there sometimes. I'd definitely recommend it. SPOILER AHEAD I was really hoping for Min Ji and Kyung Woo to get together. Also the ending was really weird- it felt like there was supposed to be another episofe after. I'm really rooting for another season but there's not really been any talk about it so we'll seeCet avis était-il utile?

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This kdrama, can I say, is possibly the most fresh and unique show I've seen in a long time. It took someone so pure and cheerful as Hae Sung and gave him a second chance at fulfilling the love he never got to explore with Jung Won. He is possibly my most favoured character in the dramas I've seen because of his general goodness and kindness. The good thing about Reunited Worlds is that Hae Sung was able to bring happiness to his family and his friends as well as show to the world that he would never kill anyone. It was amazing from start to finish. However, and this is a pretty significant however. I am disappointed that the ending left me so unsatisfied. Kdramas are supposed to be uplifting and in this case, magical. It would be thought that because of this magic and fantasy, Hae Sung would defy the odds and stay on Earth with Jung Won. It would be amazing if he could continue his life as if the past 12 years had never happened- or if he could go back and prevent his death. Even aging the 12 years he lost so he was the same age as Jung Won would be nice... however, this is not the ending we received. Like I said, I am a huge fan of the drama and the characters, but I feel as if the ending didn't have to be the way it was. Of course it can't be changed and I realise it's very aware of how realistic it can be at times. People can never really come back and that is why Hae Sung had to go. I appreciate the thoughts gone in to this and yet I still can't help feeling cheated of a happy ending. All in all though, I am very pleased I watched this drama and I saw it through until the end. I very much recommend this drama but not to those with a weak heart lol. Hope my review was helpful and good luck.
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Well, that was something
This drama was probably made as short as it was for health reasons. I mean, sit anyone who's not used to horror in front of this and they're a goner lmao.For me, it was good. I love horror so I was a fan of how much work they put into trying to be scary.
I liked all episodes except for the last one bc that sh*t was freaky.
My favourite episode was the webcam one which was just super interesting to me. I would have loved to see more of that, actually, maybe even have the whole drama about just that idea.
Also, it was a bit confusing- I wasn't sure if the timelines matched up and if they were supposed to be happening in the same place/universe. It was strange but tried not to get concerned about that and just concentrated on enjoying watching it.
Anyway, it was a pretty good drama and I'd recommend it but only to those who don't mind a bit of gore/horror.
Have fun watching. And don't watch it at night like I did unless you're cool with demons haunting your dreams :P
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100000% recommended.The plot was great but the ending was so bittersweet. However, I'm still very glad I watched the drama because it was so unqiue and interesting.
First of all I'd like to say that at first I didn't appreciate Sung Hoon because of how much I appreciated Sung Joon for being nice and sweet. But as I found out more about Sung Hoon I realised how great he is too. I would have loved more twin/clone time and I think the (spoiler ahead)
death of Sung Hoon was unnecessary....
Well, not entirely. If Sung Hoon was seen to die but then at the end found out to be still alive, it would be such a fucking great ending.
Sung Hoon and Sung Joon never got to spend any time together and when they did it was always in the worst situation. I really loved this drama and I am very glad that Mi Rae, Chief Jang and Soo Yeon are alright. I am very very glad that Sung Joon is alright too.
However....Sung Hoon....I feel as if he could have had a better ending.
Overall, though, I loved the drama and I shall remember Sung Hoon as Sung Joon remembers him. Maybe I wouldn't rewatch the ending...but it would be great to see the twins/clones in action again.
Much love to this drama.
Hope to see similar ones in the future.
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Not only were the characters very likeable, but they were casted perfectly.
The story itself was completely enthralling, intriguing and unexpected. There were so many twists and turns, so many smiles and frowns.
The beginning, I loved it. The middle mark, I loved it. The ending, I loved it.
Bittersweet is not a word I have to use here luckily.
This drama is completely brilliant and in my opinion anyone who watches it should fall in love with it.
To those who want a sensational drama, this is the one for you.
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Extracurricular... what can I say about it? I feel like there should be more. And apparently there will be another season. Maybe after that season has ended I'll finally be able to describe the experience properly.
To put it simply, though, Extracurricular was a very intense very crazy and very very good kdrama. The main lead, Oh Ji Soo, was a bad guy who wasn't actually that bad. Bae Gyu Ri was similar in that sense but offered a completely different character than other dramas have shown before. Both main characters were exceptional, so much so that despite their wrong doings, I was on their side the entire time.
The season finale showed something that can only be resolved with another season. Personally, I think I'll set aside my entire review for that time when we have more answers.
For now, I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that this drama was great. Truly. I await the next season.
Enjoy watching.
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Just what was that?
Well what the hell just happened here? Lmao.Throughout this drama, there have been many twists and turns- and when I say many I mean many. There has been a hell of a lot of confusion and questions and headaches.
However, they were all entirely worth it.
This drama didn't need romance, in the same way it didn't need comedy. But they still managed to make us all laugh each and every episode.
Memorist was just a perfectly criminal crime show. The actors were all amazing and thoroughly convincing, they cried real tears and smiled real smiles and laughed real laughs.
The story itself was so interesting and big, there were several back and forths, and 'is this person the killer or are they not' moments.
It was a lot, I confess, but I don't regret taking it all in and trying to keep up one bit.
Memorist, it's been a great experience watching you. I hope you will return for season 2.
Enjoy watching...and don't get too confused.
Good luck!
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The cast 100/10. Could not have casted the characters better myself. The emotions were extremely well presented. The story itself was carried out perfectly. The suspense as well as the non-cringeworthy humor was portrayed with utter brilliance.
I highly highly recommend this drama to not only avid drama watchers but also those in search of something to tick all their boxes. The ending? Very fitting.
There is not a single thing I could have changed in this drama, from start to finish.
Also, a special thanks to Woosung's OST.
Truly, I appreciated all this drama had to offer and will definitely be rewatching somewhere down the line.
To those considering watching this, I am urging you strongly to go and find the first episode. (Kissasian is your friend as long as you close the pop ups).
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So, that was a cinematic masterpiece.It's got action, mystery, suspense, romance- and feels. All the feels.
Personally, I think the actors were chosen perfectly. The kid is so cute and the ML is really great at getting you to like him and root for him the whole way through. Also, the relationship he has with the FL is the best and the sweetest. She really brings out the best in him.
The whole drama was completely perfect, start to finish. It was enticing and made you crazy waiting for the next episode. To each and every one of you, I recommend this.
It's just pure brillance with the kind of acting that literally blows your socks off (OK fine maybe not literally haha). In the future, I hope there are more dramas like this. I'd definitely be interested in giving them a go. As you should with this one.
Anyway, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience...I'd probably give it 100/10 ;P
Have fun watching.
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Thirty But Seventeen
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100 percent.
I loved everything about it.
It was seriously really great.
Idk what else to put so ignore the rest of of this because it only let's you post it if you have 500 characters so at this point I'm just writing random stuff so I can post it haha yeah it was really good really good really good really good
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Futmalls was an interesting concept that even has a real website to go along with it which makes it even more awesome. I really enjoyed all 3 stories and was quite glad that the same story didn't continue for the whole thing. The way they split the show up into parts but with the same major cast was a great idea. The ending was a bit annoying though but all will be forgiven if there's a season 2 haha. I think if you're considering watching this, you'll like it. It's also quite Black Mirror esque so if you liked that then you'll enjoy this tooCet avis était-il utile?