This drama is definitely overrated. There are many famous actors actresses are involved in the production to promote the series. The series itself also based on a based selling novel, City of Fantasy. For my review, let's divide into pros and cons.
1. Amazing concept
2. Costume and character design is really beautiful and fantastic
3. Amazing special effects and animation
4. The action scenes are pretty cool
5. A lot of famous actors and actresses are involved in it. If you are a fan, you would like to watch it.
1. The plot is complex
2. Ending is weird and unclear
3. Too much annoying character
4. The story can be too cheesy and sappy
In the end, this drama is a failure to me. Despite the great concept and beautiful imagination, it offers me, but the story just fails me hard.
1. Amazing concept
2. Costume and character design is really beautiful and fantastic
3. Amazing special effects and animation
4. The action scenes are pretty cool
5. A lot of famous actors and actresses are involved in it. If you are a fan, you would like to watch it.
1. The plot is complex
2. Ending is weird and unclear
3. Too much annoying character
4. The story can be too cheesy and sappy
In the end, this drama is a failure to me. Despite the great concept and beautiful imagination, it offers me, but the story just fails me hard.
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