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Shanai Marijjihani
91 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
déc. 31, 2020
7 épisodes vus sur 7
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
When I saw that there were only two reviews for this drama, I just had to write one!

Story: The story is quite common and seen a lot but contract marriages have always been my soft spot and this is one done correctly. As said in the synopsis, they met on a dating site. Haruta Ami wanted to get over her ex-boyfriend of five years and Miura Manatsu was looking for a wife. Can love prevail in these circumstances?
The way they met was just plain destiny, let me tell you. It starts off fluffy and cute and it ends fluffy and cute. This whole drama was super, super cute.

Acting/Cast: The chemistry between the MLs were off the charts. Goodness gracious, I almost died from their chemistry. It was absolutely splendid. The acting was amazing too! They each had their own charm. Haruta Ami's smile was so contagious that the whole drama I was smiling like a ninny. Same goes for Miura Manatsu.

I didn't watch episodes 5, 6, 7 with subs because I simply couldn't wait to see more. Even without subs though, I could tell how great and romantic their interactions were with each other.

A short drama that won't take too much of your time and you can watch it in one sitting.

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Run BTS! Season 1
18 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
déc. 6, 2020
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Super, Super Short Review

If you want to laugh your head off, bust a gut, and be in a good mood all day, Run BTS is the variety show for you.

In a nutshell, Run BTS is basically BTS being wackos. They have all sorts of fun with activities, challenges, games, sports, etc. It's highly entertaining to watch them have fun and be crackheads. It's hard not to binge watch this because the episodes are short and it holds your attention.

I gave it a ten not because I'm biased (maybe a little though) but because I genuinely enjoyed it. If you ever want to release all your stress or you're in a bad mood, watch this variety show. You'd feel better in no time.

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Hwayi: A Monster Boy
24 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
févr. 12, 2021
Complété 7
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Hwayi reviewed by Hwayi hehe

My friend suggested that it would be cute to see Hwayi review Hwayi so here I am.

Getting into this review, for this movie, I did not check the ratings (Like Rated 15+, 18+) and jumped straight into it. Let me just say, I was shocked but not pleasantly. I realized from this movie, that I'm not into really dark things. This was simply way too dark for me.

Story: The story actually wasn't the bad. It looked good. And it looked exactly what I like to watch. However, I was totally wrong. There was too much death. Literally every five seconds a "dad" would die, it felt like. There was just so much stuff thrown at me that I couldn't catch up. And there's a brief butt naked scene where it showed after the raping of a young girl, that literally scared/disgusted me. I really should've checked the rating before watching it.

I feel really bad for Hwayi for having to grow up underneath these maniacs. I do remember liking one of the dads a lot but everyone else was just not it for me.

Acting: The acting was amazing! Yeo Jin Goo pulled off a splendid performance at just the young age of 16. And of course, the other actors as well did amazing.

This is not a movie for people who can't deal with blood, gore, extreme profanity.

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Step Dad On Paper
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
oct. 26, 2020
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 2
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 3.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


This small drama is actually weirder than the synopsis made it out to be. It was an interesting story line, which was why I had began watching it but it was just weird. Plain weird. If you like weird things, this is a drama for you. One of the benefits is that it's not that long so you can watch it in one fell swoop.

However, you can be extremely weirded out. What a ridiculous storyline. It's cute sure... but not very attention grabbing. If you want to attempt this, go for it! Just prepare yourself for weird, cringey, cheesy lines.
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Flower of Evil
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
oct. 21, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Okay! This was a GREAT drama! The reason I started watching this was because of Lee Joon Gi, but at the end of this show I fell in love with all the characters.

The reason why I gave this drama an overall of 9.5 rather than 10 is because of the semi-predictable plot. I kind of knew where it was going from the beginning and there was only one plot twist that truly shocked me, though I'm not going to get into detail about that. Other than the predictable plot, the ending. Oh gosh, now that was an ending. Again, I'm not going into detail about it so I don't spoil it for you guys, but all of those people who have already watched this show, are totally aware of my feelings and probably feel the same way as I do.

The acting/cast was amazing! The cast was amazing, all of them were on point and drew emotions from me (which, by the way, is hard to do). They made me feel the anguish, happiness, and darkness. Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won together was honestly the best thing the writers have done and that's not to forget little Jung Seo Yeon who just wowed me away with her acting skills. Although she got little screen time, she still is one of my favorite characters in this show. Kudos to the writers who found this precious little girl!

The music to this kdrama was fantastic! It was played at just the right moment. Whenever there's a suspenseful scene, the music always made things ten times scarier. Whenever there was an emotional scene, the music would make it ten times more emotional, and yeah, you get my drift. The music played a great part in my liking of this show because they managed to find just the right tune that hits the right spot.

This is one of my favorite dramas of all time and actually one of the first dramas that I watched. It was quite an experience waiting every week for two episodes and leaving off on cliffhangers. If you're considering whether or not to watch it, please go ahead and do :)

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Step by Step Love
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Hwayi
mai 4, 2024
28 épisodes vus sur 28
Complété 3
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Why did I actually complete this?

if i could give step by step love a 0/10, i would. that was probably the worst drama i have actually watched, and I'm being serious. i would take a show with horrendous acting over this. idek why i continued watching it but my goodness that was horrendous.

it's like everybody and their mom were out to get the leads and break them apart. even the leads themselves. like oh my gosh. how can someone be so short sighted? the ml was pissing me off half the time, the fl should've stood her ground and called people out earlier but she was the only one i didn't have a ton of problems with

The sml oh gosh oh boooooooy, absolutely not. red flag red flag red flag. BUT THE THING IS... i actually rooted for him at one point. that just goes to show, i hated the ML SO MUCH at some points, that I AGREED with the FETCHING SML
The sfl who is obsessed with HER LITERAL BROTHER, idc if he's adopted and y'all are not biologically related THAT IS DISGUSTING. you guys grew up TOGETHER. +she was so confusing half the time, her character wasn't consistent at all. like girlie you're terrible, please stop.

the fl's family was a riot, like c'mon... there's no way y'all are this obsessed over somebody living their life separately. you have literally disowned her part of the family so why are y'all still coming for her? ridiculous.

the storyline was an utter trainwreck. it was like somebody set bombs on every part of the train tracks. it was extremely messy, did not have a single intelligent thought put into it. literally NOTHING was good about it. they thought they could throw in a few "kissing" scenes that were "steamy" and call it good. and even if you were just there for the "skinship" you literally had to wait 17 or so episodes for it to even happen. it was also disgusting to watch those scenes bc they were just going at it and it didn't even look comfortable. their poor lips were probably swollen after every scene and not bc of "steamy" kisses but bc of chafing. +they were making out in public, in a freaking ELEVATOR like please have some decency and respect for those poor souls who just want to take an elevator and get greeted with their boss's and coworker's lips bright red. NASTY.

this whole show was a mess. the acting wasn't even that good. every character, i hated at one point in time which just goes to show how bad this show was bc I'm pretty forgiving of characters' actions but NAH SON they were B.A.D. Actually ykw, I liked one singular character. The plant man who just watered his plants and gave good advice. He was the only one keeping me sane watching this. Hallelujah to him. Oh and the dad and the mom, they were the real ones in this show.

omg i actually hated this drama so much. maybe it's bc i watched this at 2am or just I'm in one of those moods, but nothing could save this drama. was it a hate watch? definitely. was it an enjoyable hate watch? absolutely not.
it's been more than 3 years since I've written a review, but this drama was so bad, I was forced into writing a review.

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