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  • Date d'inscription: août 10, 2021
49 Days with a Merman taiwanese drama review
49 Days with a Merman
21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by madego
mars 16, 2022
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

Is the sea in your eyes?

This series is just magical - from beginning to end. I always enjoy it when you can see the ordinary with fresh eyes - how would an otherworldly creature view us? What would something we deem mundane look like to an alien being? From having to cook our food, to our mating rituals - just watching us being observed by Li Ren Yu (the bossiest merman in history) takes this show somewhere special. I cannot even begin to describe what a fun ride this show is - you'll laugh (a lot), you'll cry (a little) but, all in all, a good time is almost guaranteed. Oh, and just keep watching after the words "The End" pops up on screen - it just next levels the whole shebang! Two very, very enthusiastic thumbs up!

And yeah - "Is the sea in your eyes an actual question" that's asked in the series...and it is a beautiful moment.
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