
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: distracted from schoolwork
  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
  • Anniversaire: July 16
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: août 17, 2016


distracted from schoolwork


distracted from schoolwork
Put Your Head on My Shoulder chinese drama review
Put Your Head on My Shoulder
81 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Lily
mai 18, 2019
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
After a while of not being hooked into any drama, this drama series was a refresher for me. It continuously made me more excited for the upcoming Fridays and Saturdays as these were the days when new episodes premiered. I just finished the series this morning, and here are my thoughts about this drama:

Story/plot: -9- The storyline had many cute moments between the characters, and there was not really any huge climax or conflict that lasted for several episodes. This plot was, more or less, very bubbly and cutesy with many squealing moments; it felt as if the main characters were living in their honeymoon phase the entire time due to the amount of innocence they had. Unlike with other Chinese dramas, I did not feel like the middle was intensely dragged out and was instead filled with more sweet and funny moments. Now, for the ending. Yes, the ending was a good ending, so that was a plus; however, I did not feel like it was a satisfying one. I felt the last few large events, starting with Si Tu Mo visiting Gu Wei Yi in Germany, were too rushed and had holes in between. The last scene with their kid though... glad they had a kid, but the kid seemed like he was 5 years old meaning the viewers just lost 5 years right there! It is understandable why they can't fit everything in 24 episodes, but compared to the rest of the drama, I felt the ending could have used more attention when it was made/directed. The hidden egg scenes at the very end of most of the episodes were cute considering the viewers were able to see some scenes from Gu Wei Yi's point-of-view.

Acting/cast: -9- The height difference between Gu Wei Yi (played by Lin Yi) and Si Tu Mo (played by Fair Xing) is absolutely adorable; it reminds me, and probably many others who watched, so much of A Love So Beautiful with Jiang Chen (Hu Yi Tian) and Xiao Xi (Shen Yue). Gu Wei Yi is a physics genius/nerd who sincerely cares for Si Tu Mo, both before and especially after they started dating. There were many times when he was clueless about how to please her or what to do in a relationship, so he had to search them on the internet which was cute and funny to watch. Lin Yi's acting could use some work, but for being the very first drama he acted in, his acting definitely has potential. He is also very attractive, in my opinion! Throughout the series, I had some frustrations and was annoyed with the character of Si Tu Mo, particularly the beginning and towards the end, because of her unwillingness to understand certain situations from Gu Wei Yi's perspective, but overall, her character was still independent and strong. The side characters were ok; they didn't play too much of a role in the drama except for Fu Pei (Xiao Tian Tang) and Wang Shan (Zheng Ying Chen). I enjoyed the character development of Fu Pei after he met Wang Shan, but their last proposal scene felt out of placed and rushed, as well.

Music: -8.5- The music matched the cuteness and bubbly-ness of the drama, so I had no complaints. Although none of the music stood out to me, they fit the flow of the drama. The dog and cat noises throughout the drama were really cute though.

Rewatch value: -8- Honestly, I don't think I can rewatch the entire series from beginning to end, but I might re-watch some cute scenes (there was a lot of those in this drama).

Overall: -9- This drama was definitely a refresher for me in the abundance of dramas, that I can't seem to find interest so much, premiering nowadays. The series kept me on the edge of my seat as I had to patiently wait for the new episodes every Friday and Saturday. The storyline was not extreme and was one that guided the audience through the life of the main character's love story. I honestly didn't have any problems with the storyline until the end, and even then, I am not mad at it.

I recommend this series to those who are looking for a drama with a cheerful and lovey-dovey storyline to wind down, maybe for those who just finished watching a frustrating drama. Sorry this review was a tad more lengthy than I intended, but I wanted to share my thoughts. Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!

Chào for Now!
Lily L.
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