
  • Dernière connexion: janv. 11, 2025
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  • Date d'inscription: avril 15, 2016
Temperature of Love korean drama review
Temperature of Love
169 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by kingsqueen
nov. 22, 2017
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 12
Globalement 4.5
Histoire 4.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
I swear I will never watch another drama by this writer again if I can help it. There is no reason this show should have been 20 hours long. At. all.
While it may have started off cute, sweet, and romantic, it quickly devolved into just hours of NOTHING. If you watched Doctors (same writer) and realized NOTHING really happened in that drama....this one was even worse. I love the main actress, but I hated her character in this show. Right now, having just finished it a few hours ago, I am irrationally angry with myself for not allowing myself to drop this drama earlier in the series. I am mad that I sat through 20 hours of meandering and didn't really have any satisfaction at the end.

I hated the way all the main females behaved and how they treated the men in their lives. The only decent female in the show was Soo Jung, the sommelier at Jung Seon's restaurant. Hyun Soo was a terrible character. I thought that Jung Seon had no strength. Hong Ah was a selfish brat. Kyung, while probably one of the cutest to me at first, just became irrationally stubborn in some of the later episodes. Jung Woo was just wronged by almost all of those he was closest to and treated well (save Jung Seon). The parents were not really good people. So, while the acting was decent for most of the cast....I didn't really like most of the characters.

The music was nice, so that is a plus.
I will never ever rewatch this. I could not give it zero stars.

Please do not waste your time on this mess. Not even for Kim Jae Wook's cheekbones which, quite frankly, could have been the sole reason I even finished this stupid show.
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