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  • Date d'inscription: octobre 5, 2013
Brain Man japanese movie review
Brain Man
21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by kei_ryusaki
oct. 13, 2013
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Who is right? Who is wrong? OR RATHER (Should I say) What is right? What is wrong?

Centered on the battle of each of the characters’ “Sense of Justice”, the film created a very disturbing aura from which people without very strong stance on “what is right or wrong?” might be drawn to the one of the characters’ beliefs. That is how this film had been so persuasively good in delivering the intent of the story.

The story has a lot of potential to become a series since there are a lot of rooms to be explored. However, that doesn't mean that the movie was incomplete. The film per se successfully established the roots of each of the characters stance. Why and how they become like that. The storyline had been well sequenced including how each twist had been placed and the timing of unraveling the mysteries.

Superb acting from the cast can be expected. The feeling of anger, hate, disgust and pity can be thrown to the characters due to the actors’ outstanding convincing performance in delivering consistently the roles they are portraying.

In the end, the movie will leave you the questions “Who is right or wrong?” OR “What is right or wrong?” – questions that will only be answered depending on your personal “Sense of Justice”.
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