
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Citizen of the World🕊️
  • Contribution Points: 71 LV2
  • Anniversaire: May 04
  • Rôles: VIP
  • Date d'inscription: septembre 28, 2018
  • Awards Received: Flower Award2

My Liberation Notes

Citizen of the World🕊️

My Liberation Notes

Citizen of the World🕊️
Cyber Hell: Exposing an Internet Horror korean drama review
Cyber Hell: Exposing an Internet Horror
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by My Liberation Notes
mai 20, 2022
Globalement 10
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0


Cyber Hell is intensely powerful and not in a good way, it's horrifying and mind overwhelmingly maddening. I couldn't stop crying, actually bawling tears of rage. I have never felt the way I did as I watched this, and that says a lot as I am an avid true-crime documentary watcher. The thought that human beings can stoop so low as to terrorize other humans (children not older than eight years old, teenagers, and women), the way the criminals depicted in this documentary did is unimaginable to me -- words fail me.

A true-crime documentary recounting a South Korean case in which chat room operators blackmailed young women (more like teenage girls) into sending explicit videos between 2018 and 2020 is tormenting. The thought that while I watched and filled my eyes with beautiful k-dramas, adolescent girls and women were experiencing the horror of this documentary is unspeakably horrific to me.

The synopsis described this case as a sexual slavery ring, an understatement. That it took place almost exclusively over Telegram, where thousands watched, shared, and reshared images of girls and women forced to send demoralizing pictures of themselves so a bunch of cowards could advertise and sell them for money is hard to accept even as one watches it unfold. To say that a bunch of soulless men and boys, for that matter, thought that it was perfectly okay to humiliate and demean someone's sister, daughter, cousin, and friend is what I struggled to reconcile as I watched the events of what I can only describe as ineffable.

Just thinking of this case fills me with rage—shame on the blackmailer(s) who started such an atrocity. But God heavens, those who participated, enjoyed, and perpetuated the actions are the actual monsters -- the depravity is unimaginable. It leaves me thinking about how, why, and when such young people lost their humanity to the extent that they believed inflicting the type of atrocities as the likes depicted here was fun. It's beyond anything that I have ever heard of or could imagine.

I commend everyone involved in bringing this case to light. Those who produced it to the whistleblower, reporters, tv producers, civilians, well-intended hackers, and the police who worked tirelessly to shut down this demeaning crime. But most importantly, the victims who endured the degradation and humiliation of their souls. If this documentary highlighted anything, it's that women are dramatically less safe and private on the internet than men, the mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and daughters of society. They are the true heroes of this documentary.
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