
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 5 jours
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 13, 2021
avril 28, 2023

reading the other comments, come to the conclusion…

reading the other comments, come to the conclusion that i'm just a cynic / pessimist at heart (no surprises there ) but as cute n fluffy a this ep was, kept thinking this totally unrealistic / unbelievable. cause like i previously mentioned, if anyone did me like Wan did (not talking about confessing n dashing) but the disappearing act he pulled, is something i could Never really forgive or forget. i for sure wouldn't be able to trust that person again. so seeing Ki Tae's confession in the previous ep, let alone his continual confession - while Wan played dumb was more bitter, then sweet IMHO ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************i get the motivation behind his actions, but for me there r things that r just black n white. but then no BL (if Ki Tae acted same as me). still will be lying if i say am happy, he keeps wooing Wan. when Wan should have at least apologized for ghosting him. made some sort of a overture, other then acting coy or deaf n dumb, avoiding reacting to hearing Ki Tae's non-stop confessions. i didn't think it was cute - so i aint as elated as the rest in the comment section ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but am usually the odd one out so what's new

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avril 28, 2023

maybe the only one, but i love how petty Ki…

maybe the only one, but i love how petty Ki Tae is, being magnanimous/humble/forgiving is overrated in my books. especially when Wan keeps acting like he's the injured party. will keep repeating this - Ki Tae didn't reject him, if anything Wan's the bad-guy, he befriended Ki Tae with ulterior motives, became his bff n then just up n disappeared cause the sec he confessed, Ki Tae didn't give him what he wanted. personally i would be pissed and given my personality, doubt (even if there was a chance of me reciprocating those feelings) his actions would make me reject even wanting to be friends with him, let alone more. ************so Ki Tae a much much better person then me. here he's trying to support him for afar, even helping him gain employment helping further his career, n Wan got his panties in a bunch like plz *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************dude playing Ki Tae is gorgeous - random observation

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avril 28, 2023

this making me laugh, not cause it's funny.…

this making me laugh, not cause it's funny. but cause i keep getting it wrong - or rather my assumption's r wrong regarding Ki Tae. already had a feeling in the previous ep, that even though i initially connected with Wan's character. Ki Tae would be the one i would end loving by the end, this ep has assured that fact. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************what i got wrong, was me thinking Ki Tae isn't angry at Wan for ghosting him (pulling the disappearing act) after the confession. he just much more subtle n suave with his approach - me, am more a bull in a china shop (¬‿¬) **********************************so kinda loving that he cares but that doesn't mean he will come groveling offering his heart. in his own way he is punishing Wan - good on him! **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Wan has no right to act the injured party. i get being so insecure ur running scared. but just cause Ki Tae wasn't ready to be kissed n automatically reciprocated ur feelings, doesn't a bad-guy make him. it's been 7 yrs, am pretty sure Wan had ample time to rethink that instance, rethink his action wondering if he acted/reacted differently what the outcome would be. not once did it cross his mind that he has condemned Ki Tae without really giving him a chance to react?!? ***************************the basis of his animosity r his own assumption's - would think an adult would know better. why Ki Tae the bad-guy?! him recommending u for a job, makes him the bad-guy, why? should he have hugged u after u ghosted him?!? did u acknowledge him? so why he in the wrong, when u didn't act any different then him?

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avril 28, 2023

guess was wrong n Ki Tae isn't a douche,…

guess was wrong n Ki Tae isn't a douche, he also didn't get a chance to reject Wan. what i did appreciate was seeing the whole scene, cause personally i would rather he confessed with words then just surprise kiss someone, to confess his feelings - that's a bit much IMHO. so seeing that Wan first conveyed his feeling via words, his explanation was the action, feel relived. **********also get his freakin out, n just booking it instead of waiting for an answer (which he was sure would be a rejection), otherwise he wouldn't ghost his bff. sad but sometimes u can't rush courage, u need to deal with life n ur feeling on ur own. maybe after 7 yrs he will be stronger to face his wants n needs - let alone be ready to take what the world or the person he loves will dish out. i hope - ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************of course looking at this from Ki Tae POV he was surprised n should've gotten the time to understand n react. but he got none of that, if anything he lost a good friend - so i get his not being able to forget Wan. personally i would be angrier if i was in his shoes, but all in all more promising then the 1st ep

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avril 28, 2023

well unlike everyone else in the comment section,…

well unlike everyone else in the comment section, i aint that moved by what i saw. if anything disliking Ki Tae already, at first i thought he didn't notice or recognize Lee Wan. but that isn't the case - worse he knows who he is n for whatever reason is enjoying his discomfort. maybe this a way to tease - personally not over the moon at this approach. not when u see how vulnerable Lee Wan is... especially after he gathered his courage to confess his feelings to his bff n (m guessing) was rejected. but everyone gaga over this so hope this gets better - **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but will say good looking guys (both of them) n so wasn't expecting that baritone to come out of Lee Wan, what with that baby face.

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avril 27, 2023

Two Stars

have to point this out, Ji Hyun a freakin hypocrite (❁´◡`❁) he kept busting Joon Pyo's balls, about not bringing girls back to their room, but he can bring his bf?!? rude lol ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but fun end ep (it was a bit kitsch, but that's how i feel about the kumbaya vibe in general). get this a wrap-up, so everyone makes peace with everyone, there no hard feelings etc... i guess some will go gaga over it, to me it feels a bit contrived - ************************************************************************************************************************************************i enjoyed more the funny moments - which thankfully there were quite a few of; from Ji Hyun waking up frantically searching for Jae Won, only to find him buddying up n drinking coffee with goofball Joon Pyo. or Ae Ri figuring out that Ji Hyun & Jae Won r finally together. ***************************************************************************************************************darling Yoon Won finding a job let alone turning out to be a cougar, was the hilarious cherry on top of this fluffy ep. but all in all a wholesome BL. wont say it's perfect cause the end is a bit fantastical, considering the toxic, possessed baggage Jae Won carrying around - but in fantasy- land this was a good end to a sweet romance.

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avril 27, 2023

loved this ep for so many reasons. Ji Hyun…

loved this ep for so many reasons. Ji Hyun got great friends in Ae Ri and Joon Pyo not only caring, but give good advise. and speaking of good advise, even Jae Won got his dose from his therapist and then Ji Hyun's boss. about time - was getting freakin heartbreaking watching him give Ji Hyun's back those longing, yearning looks. ****************************************************no matter how much he pushed him away, the sec he turned his back - u saw Jae Won's true feelings written all over his face, so happy how this ep ended - about time ***********************************************************************************************idk what else is instore, as we still got one more ep to go, but fingers crossed there no more surprise's installed for us`(*>﹏<*)′ ****************************************************************************************************************************************btw i still stand by my previous POV, that Jae Won a broken individual, n doesn't have anything to offer, as he needs to invest all of his energy in healing. but this a fantasy, not reality - so stand by what i wrote in the paragraph above - wish them a happily ever after in the next ep with no more hurdle's

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avril 27, 2023

am confused and have to say, am disorientated…

am confused and have to say, am disorientated cause i read the comment before watching the ep, so can't help being influenced by others POV's, right or wrong idk - or rather time will tell. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************but regardless, this whole ep had a surreal feel to it, given how most of the scenes seemed to be filmed by a soft/blurry lens, making it seem like a dream sequence. the dude in the shop just gifting away stuff, added to this weird ambiance. so was this all Jae Won's imagination, escaping reality and an abusive parent?!? or did his cozy getaway turn into a tragedy?!? *********************************************************************************************************************************************************there was so much happening, but everything was so subtle, that will need multiple rewatches to catch what i missed. but was right in that Jae Won was drawn to Ji Hyun cause he reminded him of his younger sibling (how that converts into attraction idk). not that they lacked in chemistry... **********************************************************************************************what did bother/worry me was the fact that other then a dreamscape, this also seemed like an escape from normal life n reality as Jae Won knew it, but that can't last forever. so was worried cause that wasn't the case for Ji Hyun (who has fallen hard n fast) so when they go back, for him they will be going back as a couple, would that be the case with Jae Won?!? have a gut feeling that isn't the case - but like i keep pointing out, this dude really a mess n has so much on his plate, he doesn't really have anything to offer anyone. my warning bells still flashing

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avril 27, 2023

Jae Won getting jealous of Ae Ri at the start…

Jae Won getting jealous of Ae Ri at the start was kinda hilarious, but really love Ae Ri (another wholesome female character), she's pushing Ji Hyun out of his comfort zone. he needs someone to be a friend, help him to just let loose once in a while - act his age. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw reading some of the comments guess am the only one who found this ep hilarious, think until Tae Hyung put his foot in it, mentioning Jae Won younger sibling - or a lack there off... this was really fun n funny - ********************************************but at least now we have a vague picture on Jae Won's background/story. but don't get what the psychiatrist meant, by "not crossing the line" what line? how could he get closer to the friend that comforted him, n which line wasn't to be crossed. feel like something got lost in translation. ************************************************************************************************also get Jae Won getting treatment to stop being a people pleaser (among other things), but as he still the same he hasn't made much progress. Tae Hyung runs off at the mouth cause he knows Jae Won wont just laugh it off, he will keep quite n enable him. anyone else would put him straight when he was sober, make it clear that he needs to mind his words if he still wants them to remain friends. Jae Won just avoiding confrontation - not a great indicator in reality *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: the reason Jae Won feels comfortable around Ji Hyun is cause his naivete, inexperience n innocence reminds him of his brother. thought so from the start, this sad yet very understandable.

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avril 27, 2023

well hell, was wrong we do get a kiss, i.e…

well hell, was wrong we do get a kiss, i.e we continues where the previous ep stops... and yet (maybe just me) but the impact i would've felt - the jolt, would've experienced if it took place while in the scene in ep 2, was lacking in impact seeing them actually kiss here. ********************************************************************************************************************Jae Won wasn't drunk, so Ji Hyun wondering if that's "how he is" doesn't compute, but kid is confused. ironically he's not the only one, just he not running scared. how ironic that one is confronting his fears, hell bent on conquering them, while the older one rather run away from his.... **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw the American running that pub is a moronic plot point. he doesn't speak Korean, like really?!? but he can run a pub in Korea, how? how he get that job/permits to run that place?!? make it make sense  ̄へ ̄ it's just ridiculous. but guess we needed to show the fact Jae Won comes from money n can speak English?!? ok ( ˘︹˘ ) still calling b.s. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************so got Jae Won ghosting Ji Hyun (even if didn't like it) but didn't get Ji Hyun's 180 after asking his bff about kissing, why was he so elated after that convo? nothing Joon Pyo said was that enlightening IMHO. same with not getting why he was acting so skittish with Ae Ri, her trying to be-friend him isn't weird, here he's acting like she's a stalker. what, he rather be alone?!? though he wanted to make friends¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not be a loner, guess he just wants Jae Won as a "friend". but again, that ending idk about anyone else, but someone ghosting me after kissing me and i aint smiling back at him, when he suddenly comes around - very weird IMHO *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************must mentions: love Yoon Won, she an adorable character n i get why anyone would want to be around her. really loving every scene with her. n now get the weird old woman we saw for a sec in the 1st ep, she Jae Won's psychiatrist (as the "drugs" she mentioned, pretty sure were prescriptions she gives him) but why/what is going on with him - more then what we see, too much left open.

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avril 26, 2023

always thought there were only 5 senses (touch,…

always thought there were only 5 senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell & taste) so where did 3 more come from?!? had to check that out, before even starting this; 6 & 7 r vestibular & proprioception, they are connected to the tactile sense (touch). so guess by the end of this we will find out what the 8th sense is?!? curious... ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************back to the BL, interesting, piqued my curiosity... cause yeah here were moments that sparked my interest, but it was basically clam - too clam on a whole IMHO. ***************************************************************************************************have to say seeing the "friends" surrounding both ML's didn't make me elated at watching. have a serious dislike for people that r leaches, that just stick to someone cause they can exploit's them n enjoy even less enablers that know who their "friends" r but still for whatever reason, keep them around. instead of kicking them to the curb. so watching the whole thing unfold, was just annoying to me - but the mains minor interaction's (with each other) gives me hope, that this will be worth the watch **********************************************************************************************************************************************just wish there wasn't an ex in the picture ( ˘︹˘ ) she the bitchy type too boot ugh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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About Youth Episode 8
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mars 14, 2023

the only plus point i see, is that this is…

the only plus point i see, is that this is the end. mentioned this in 1 of my past comments, don't use serious subject just as plot-point to get the mains together, then just make those into non-issues cause that is disrespectful to the intelligence of the viewer, let alone to people who have gone through similar stuff n r living with the scars - but am the odd one out (ノへ ̄、) ********************************************************************************************************************************************can't even say this had potential, just wish they focused on the mains, without adding the abusive uncle (what Qi Zhang couldn't have been crying in the rain cause it was his father death anniversary?!?) same with running for school president, that came to not. won't even mention the rush mess that was Ray & Ah Jian, as Ray needed counselling not a new bf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯same with the Ye Guang parents situation, them finally softening (that was believable to whom( ˘︹˘ )) it just took one vid of his crying - really? when they (even after watching it) Still couldn't understand what they had done wrong? everything suddenly is rainbows n butterflies?!? oh well this was... average (n being generous here) ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************hope the newbie actors get better direction in their future projects. the director has HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (among others) under her belt, so idk what the frack she was thinking by giving us this as an end product. but am the odd one out so never mind

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About Youth Episode 7
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mars 14, 2023

unlike everyone else, don't like Ray n…

unlike everyone else, don't like Ray n correspondingly (cause of him) don't like the relationship between him n Ah Jian. don't buy this flash love they've got n the blink of an eye (just fast-forward anything with them) as get that they only there to add spice. the mains love is an innocent, teen budding romance. while Ray & Ah Jian r an adult romance ( ˘︹˘ ) well to each their own. i think they r filler, nothing more, so not gonna waste my time watching just cause they kiss n get cozy. pity as Andy Huang is pure eye candy (✿◡‿◡) **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Ye Guang's reached a point where he's had enough, maybe being with Qi Zhang is the catalyst - anyway i get his being reckless. what can a child do? he can't hit back or leave the house. not many option for him other then lying or trying to stand-up for himself. both of his parents r ridiculous - they pompous, domineering n narcissistic, if they were as smart as they sure they r, they would know better. Ye Guang doesn't look at them with love in his eye's, he doesn't even look at them with fear - it's hatred. he didn't need to tell Qi Zhang he hated his father, u can see it. logical outcome ¯\_(ツ)_/¯(ノへ ̄、) *************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Ye Guang's mother saying "Qi Zhang from single parent family", makes it seem like his mother is an unmarried female, that had a child out of wedlock (we've seen enough Asian drama's to know how much of a stigma that carries, heck no matter where u live that's the case) if either of those adults had a working brain cell between them, they wouldn't describe Qi Zhang the way they did. but heck they don't know how to treat their own child n what it means to love, so not shocked

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About Youth Episode 6
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mars 14, 2023

knowing Ye Guang's parents r Elite Supplementary…

knowing Ye Guang's parents r Elite Supplementary Teachers on Elite Education, i get why they act crazy with Ye Guang. they can't have an average kid, they must have a genius. someone that is proof of how worthy they r to call themselves elite. if their kid falls short in anyway, how can they continue to act, as if they have the right to be held in such high esteem. ******************ironically i thought they wanted him to excel, cause he was their heir n had to be made worthy of that title, here even if he doesn't want to follow in their footsteps, he has to do as told, cause falling short, will blacken their names - he between a rock n a hard place, n as he a teen he can't do anything by bow to their demands. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note; found it ironic Xu Qi Zhang's mother talking about communication. she n her son might have a great relationship (for sure better then Ye Guang's n his parents) but can u say that Xu Qi Zhang n his mother communicate?!? if that was the case, we wouldn't keep seeing scene of her abusive brother robing n beating her son, whenever she aint around - just saying... ***************************************************************************************************************************************************n maybe am the odd one out, but i don't care for Ray - until now trying to understand him (might even get his "got a chip oh his shoulder" attitude), but doesn't mean i like him any... his hard to get behavior is annoying me, as much as seeing Ah Jian running after him - like why? plz ( ˘︹˘ ) no one worth this much work/headache

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About Youth Episode 5
0 people found this review helpful
mars 14, 2023

Ye Guang's parents r the reason u hear…

Ye Guang's parents r the reason u hear about kids/teens committing suicide if they don't get a high score / achieve high grades, this type of pressure is crazy and the sadder fact is that both his parents r of the same mind. he doesn't have a safe haven, anyone that will make life easier, will advocate for him - that will just let him be a teen for a sec. **********************************anyone will break under this type of oppression sooner or later. that break doesn't have to be 'giving up/in' it can also be in the form of rebellion (this better then, keep going n suffer a mental break). sadly he can't talk sense or stand-up for himself, logic will do no good. cause it's "their way" (considering his age) there no options of "the highway" there no middle ground, as he not independent, he can't put his foot down about anything - this sad. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************n have to say, watching Ray rush at Ah Jian, 1 fact becomes clear. this plot is played out as if there r time jumps, where there is ton happening, we just don't get to see it. so Ray & Ah Jian suddenly so close is explained in that void. doesn't mean i like this fact - as it's still jarring to watch. but as this a done deal, it is what it is. *************************************************************still think Ray is rushing at things blindly n without much thought, there is a part of me that get's the desperation in his actions. but rushing headlong at someone just cause they good to u, isn't always good. like ghosting them, cause they not ready. he good at getting angry n just bailing - he should learn to use his words n communicate, let alone listen. but he an angsty teen n this knowledge comes with time, hope he gets there...

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