
  • Dernière connexion: mai 18, 2017
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Anniversaire: November 30
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  • Date d'inscription: novembre 24, 2012
Tiamo Chocolate
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 10, 2013
80 épisodes vus sur 80
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Tiamo Chocolate makes you want to become addicted to chocolate (if you aren't already) and transform into their family.
I must admit that I got into this story because I thought it was a Taiwanese version to Coffee Prince. I am not the biggest Korean drama fan, but I love Coffee Prince. Besides the real Taiwanese version of Coffee Prince is horrible. The story starts off similar to Coffee Prince where Fang Jia Hua leaves the house because he hates his father and tries to buy a chocolate shop. Alas someone else wants it as well (Ge Jia Yi) so they have a contest to see who will get the shop. Jia Hua lose the contest and begins working in the chocolate shop. Hong XI En is a skilled worker who needed another job to help her family and decides to pretend to be a boy and work for the chocolate shop.
Once I started watching the story I felt there is no way the can make 80 episodes off of this alone, but I was proven wrong. Like I explained before this show seems similar to Coffee Prince, but it is not at all. To avoid spoiling the show I will just say things happen at a faster paste for the love interest of Jia Hua and Xi En, there is another romantic story between the Xi En younger sister and Zheng Ting, and the people who are trying to break the happy couple up are more cunning ( and crazy in the head). It is a different story all together and you grow to love the chocolate shop and its characters. The only problem I had with it is the fact that the love story between Xi En younger sister and Zheng Ting is more interesting then the main love story. At least in my opinion.
The characters are amazing! Xi En is very stubborn, headstrong, and independent. She is the ideal lead. Jia Hua is a guy who despite his background is not a spoiled brat and actually has compassion. Zheng Ting is the sexy bad boy and Xi En younger sister is the airhead (there is always an airhead in these shows). The only characters I struggled to like is Jia Rui (younger brother of Jia Hua) that is afraid to do anything to get the love of his life and Zheng Jun( younger sister of Zheng Ting) who would do anything(in a scary way) to get the love of her life.
The acting of course was awesome especially Vaness Wu and Dou Bobby. The music was repititive, but it played at appropriate times. Overall, I loved this show and I would watch it again.

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Kamikaze Girls
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 13, 2013
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Kamikaze Girls is a classic for yankee fans. I first caught a glimpse of it when I was getting into Anna Tsuchiya's music and thought I would try it out. I waited two year and I finally watched it and I must say, best Yankee movie ever.

The story is simple and funny. Two girls with polar opposite personalities meet each other and slowly become friends as they face problems in modern day Japan. Nothing special really, but it leaves you with a smile on your face.

The acting was okay. This is my first time seeing Anna Tsuchiya act and she is a natural, but there was some flaws in her performance. However I loved Ichigo as a character. She acted tough, but you can see the real her. This was also my first time seeing Fukada Kyoko in a role as well and she was okay, but I feel that she probably has more talent. Her character Momoko is the realist even to the point it is cruel. I respected her character even when I didn't see eye to eye.

The music was great and it match the movie vibe. Overall, good movie. I would definitely watch it again. Any fans of Yankee dramas she see this. There is no turf wars, but it is still cool.

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Love is Not Blind
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 4, 2013
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
I watched this movie after I saw Sophie's Revenge and thought that this will also be a good movie. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. I feel bad because the other reviews are higher, but honesty is the best policy.

Story 6/10- The movie starts of okay, remain moderate, but leaves you with a question and feeling unsatisfied.
Character 5/10- The characters are plain which would give them a plus for realism if they had more substance.
Acting 6.5/10- The acting is nothing spectacular. The best character delivery was the female lead and her boss.
Music 5/10- The music actually wasn't bad it just was't memorable either.
Rewatch Value 7/10- Despite what my ratings suggest this wasn't a bad movie it just wasn't that good either. I rewatched movies that make you want to scream from anger. I can see myself watching this again.

This movie is not your Cinderella story, but more like your Cinderella ever after if she lost prince charming to her best friend. One thing I liked about this movie is it focused on the post break up, a period we all experienced whether we were dumped or the dumper. Particularly we got the story in the view of the dumped via cheating which is always cruel. What probably made it worst was how long the two were together. Post break up movies are rare. They force reality down the throats of fairy tales believers(optimistic and proud), but this one lacked delivery. It had great potential in the beginning, but the pace it solves her problems is too fast considering the amount of time and love they shared. Furthermore, it never really explained his side. Sure he is a bastard for cheating, however that is still only one side of the break up. A problem involving two is caused by two. I feel like they never address her shortcomings nor fully address how she overcomes the whole break up. The movie ends at an ending that is bittersweet and a question dangling from your brain.

The characters are equally bland. I liked the female lead. XiaoXian was the type of girl who expressed her anger to close friends and she was very spunky. The only thing I didn't like her about her was how she barely had friends which is explained by her as focusing too much on her ex. We're only human and she is the type of character that perfectly explains that. Meanwhile her sidekick Xiaojian was tolerable. He was actually a decent character and a funny rival, but their relationship is never fully explained. Poor character development. You can't really tell how he cares for her. At the end it is never resolved in my opinion leaving them dangling from friend to lover. Her ex was... I don't know. The ex was introduced as the cheater, but he never seemed like a bad guy and the flashbacks shed a little light on his personality, but it was the pre break up. I wished it was at least explained clearer why he cheated.

This movie didn't capture me as I thought it would. I watched it with high hopes from recommendations and good reviews and ended being disappointed. At the end at least for me this movie is not really memorable. I would recommend this to people who want to see post break up movies. Maybe you will like it. I just don't.

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Ring Ring Bell
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 7, 2013
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Let the bells ring of love. This drama had it all comedy, romance, and amazing acting so I know people are wondering why I give the drama such average scores with the exception of acting. Allow me to explain myself first.

The story actually had a great start. Instead of skipping the two main leads Zheng Xiao Xiang(Chang Janine) and Ren Jia Kai( Ho Peter)the writers allowed us to see their background story and how they met before they are separated due to events. When they meet again the love they had for each other, but never blossom blooms as they face problems to keep the love intact. I loved the story. I thought it was original and fresh.
I had no major problems with the story with the exception of the tug of war girls, but they are not the reason I gave Story a 7, the pace is. The show started with a nice pace, yet towards the end in my opinion the pace slowed as the twist and turns surfaced. The ending was a nice one I just wish the pace didn't slowed down as much as it did. You could tell they were trying to drag the story on around episode 13. Other than that great story.
The music is similar. At first I loved the twinkle little star song and it played at appropriate times, yet towards the end it played seemingly whenever. One of the hardest thing about a show is the music. If there is no variety in the bgm(background music) it becomes repetitive and people start to hate it. I think that if they added a few more songs it wouldn't have been so bad.
My favorite thing about this drama is the acting! All the characters held an important role in the story, well except the tug of war girls. Ho Peter is a great male lead and him and Chang Janine had great chemistry. You would think they were a real couple. The chemistry between Chang Janine and the second guy Wang Ke Jie(Xiu Jie Kai) was also good, however the adorable little girl Duo Duo stole my heart. Deng Tracy is one of the best child actors in the Asian drama world. When she cries you cry with her, she is that believable. Never had I felt so much raw emotion from a child actor her age at the intensity I did in this show. I hope I see more of her.
I hoped I explained well enough about my scores. Overall, I liked this show and I would watch it again. I'd have to skip Duo Duo parts to avoid crying. Its a really nice show and regardless of whether or not you agree with this review I hope you check it out.

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En cours 30/20
Prince Turns to Frog
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 30, 2013
30 épisodes vus sur 20
En cours 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I am a huge fan of screen junkies' honest trailers and cinema sins' everything wrong with... so I decided to write this review in a style similar to their videos. I call it an EVERYTHING HONEST REVIEW.

In a classic drama about how accidents can bring two otherwise incompatiable people togther comes Prince Turns to Frog. A story that became the foundation of some of the biggest cliches in Taiwanese drama such as main male lead getting amensia(Autumn's Concerto) and a pretty second lead that would be better than the first lead if she wasn't a bitch or pyscho(Just You, Why Why Love, When Loved Walked In, Fated To Love You, Drunken to Love get it).

Meet Tain Yu(Chen Joe) the perfect example of how NOT to be a gold digger as she helps birds fly back into their nest, give useful advice to people, help people in need, and actually works. She is a girl looking for her prince charming despite being an adult in the working world. Meet Shan Jun Hao an arrgoant rich guy who has an inner nice side named Dao Ou. More importantly meet his abs which I cannot show you at this moment. These two unlikely characters will have the love life that is way better than twilight only to be ruined by the two most depressing second lead characters ever. EVER. Only to be saved by plot conviences and sweet loving words.

I can't lie. I love this drama. It gets a pass for being cliche considering that it came out in a time where it wouldn't be considered cliche(2005). Also I hope you guys know I am kidding about the whole incompatiable things. Honest trailers are typically saracastic... and I kind of got sidetracked.

So grab a friend or popcorn whichever is more convient and watch this show today!
* main guy is rich and the main girl is poor
*second lead girl has a dark past
*second lead guy has a dark past
*second lead guy doesn't get the girl
*main guys relative dislikes main girl and her family
*main girl can't cook
*second personality of the main lead is more likeable
*main girl cleans up nicely with a pretty dress
*main girl sibling is mentally challenged/health condition
*second lead girl falls for second lead guy
*male leads play basketball to fight over the girl(wait that did not happen in this one)
Counter Total: 10
Did I miss a cliche in this drama? Inbox me at dramafreak0007! Hope you liked this review. Also check out screen junkies and cinema sins they rule!

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Baiser Malicieux : L'Amour à Tokyo
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2013
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
As a big fan of the Taiwanese version and the anime I was a little iffy about watching this considering the 1996 version was so bad I could not finish the first episode. However I am glad I gave this a chance because this is a really good remake. In my heart I will always love the Taiwanese version and in my head these two are tied, however, I will admit that in some ways this version is superior.

I don't think I have to give a run down of the story because most who will read this will in some way(manga, anime, or drama) know this story. If this is your first exposure to this story please read on otherwise do not read until you see this $$$:
Kotoko was a girl with no brains from the infamous class F. She fell in love with Irie the smart, cold, athletic, handsome boy from Class A. She tries to convey her feelings via love letter(old school, but this story came out in the 90's so it gets a pass!), but Irie rejects it. Fate however brings the two together when an earthquake(wait that is in the anime) I mean a star destroys the house Kotoko and her father were going to live in. Homeless, Kotoko father's friend offer them a place to stay. That friend happens to be Irie's dad and the two live together under the same roof. The story is basically how their love blossom from this miracle. It's very cliche especially in terms of shoujo standard, but once again this story was created in a time when this wasn't so cliche so it gets a pass.
I love the story. I fell in love with it when I watched the anime. The main reason I loved it was because the after part of happily ever after. You got to see what happens when the girl gets the prince and their obstacles to come. I felt sad that I couldn't see that in this version, however the before happily ever after was so well acted and so well written that I could looked passed it. The pacing was great in this show until the last few episodes when they try to force the story line some. Many people have been begging for a season 2, but despite the fact I like this version I wouldn't want a second season. I think this show is good enough to stand on it's own and because of one of the actors age there may be issue with some of the events that take place in season 2.
The best part of this version was the acting. When it comes to the cast besides Tanaka Yoji(Kotoko's dad) I did not recognized any of the actors. I must say these guys were the best even better than most of the Taiwanese actors. Furukawa Yuki was the best Irie. He wasn't too cold nor was he too caring. He was just right. The kind of guy you would admire from afar, but wouldn't date unless you were into Unubore(cocky) guys. Miki Honoka was a great Kotoko. First off she is actually around Kotoko's age(16) so maybe it makes her a natural. Either way despite her idiotic ways you can sense her strength until the middle which picks back up to the end. A lot of people say she played Kotoko the best, but I'm still an Ariel Lin maniac. Lastly, Yamada Yuki was the best in terms of acting, but as Kin-chan he was not. As a second lead he knew his bounds unlike the Taiwanese version. He cared for Kotoko, but supported her at the same time. That's sweet and all, but that is not Kin-chan! Kin-chan fought for Kotoko to the point of annoyance and made you like Irie more than a second lead fangirl would.
The music was alright. I liked the opening theme because it cuteness matched the show, but that is about it. Overall, great job Japan. Japan gets a bad rep for their romance drama because people say the actors are stiff. I think that like any other country you just have to search for the right drama. So romance fans that like mild action check this out!

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King Flower
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 8, 2013
21 épisodes vus sur 21
Complété 1
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
The following review is an EVERYTHING Honest Review, sarcasm up ahead!

From the network that brought you Fated to Love You( Trust me they mention Ethan in this drama)comes King Flower.

Meet Jin Da Hua the ugliest girl in Tawain because of a mole(?) and the inability to close her mouth. Meet Terry a rich nice guy with a beautiful fiance named Liang Yan. When Terry wants to go mountain climbing Liang Yan wants to join with this unrealistic expectation that if she stumbles he would be able to catch her purely through their love and not you know physical strength. So when she "unexpectedly" falls and Terry is unable to catch her she is sent to the hospital with injuries that should recover in a year. Terry looks for a subsitute for Liang Yan and somehow stumbles on Jin Da Hua who is able to look like her and be ugly at the same time. Terry offers her 2 million dollars if she gets plastic surgery to look like someone else which she needs for her father's debt who conicidently is 2 million. Wow this show has a lot of plot conviences in the first few episodes. This must be a record. But sadly Liang Lan dies because her siutation was worst than what the Doctor told Terry.

But Terry is not the only hearthrob that falls for Jin Da Hua hehe spoiler alert. Her childhood friend Guan Jun does as well.

A Taiwanese drama with no bitchy drama as the two second female leads do NOTHING to sabotage her relationship with Terry or Guan Jun. One even helps her!Yet despite the lack of second female leads this show still has the annoying subplots. A show that people claim is hard to tell who she'll end up with, but if you pay closely attention to the drama it drops subtle hints who she will chose in the end.

Yes Jin Da Hua must chose between a sweet, charismatic, rich guy who only falls for her because she looks pretty and a sweet, selfless friend who realizes he loves her AFTER she gets plastic surgery. So the concept of the show is that a NICE guy will fall for you if you're PRETTY. Because she had a good heart before the surgery and honestly with a little makeup would have looked decent. This is the message of the show. That is really f#@!%d up.

Starring... Mouth Breather(Jin Da Hua)
Rich Chris(Terry)
Indecisive Bastard (Guan Jun)
Worst Doctor Ever (Qin Mo)
That Girl from Tiamo Chocolate! (A Xi)
That Guy From Tiamo Chocolate (Jin Da Li)
King's good if you have nothing to watch.

Cliche Counter:
*Main Male Lead is nice
*Second male lead tries to give main girl lead to main male lead
*male lead is rich
*male lead is poor
*main girl lead is poor
*main girl lead has a nice heart
*second female lead is rich
*second female lead dresses more girly
*second female lead's daughter is involved with illegal activity
*main girl lead has a horrible father
Total count: 10
Missed a cliche? Inbox me at dramafreak0007! Hoped you like this review.

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Real Clothes
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 25, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Real Clothes, clothing defines the women, but in this case clothing defines the drama.
You are introduced to a lady with zero fashion sense whatsoever named Kinue and a fashion icon named Miki who goes to a department store in Japan to bring it back up. Miki asks for Kinue with no experience in clothing to suddenly work in the Women clothing department forming a story of discovering one's true self.
The story basically is how Kinue becomes a fashionista and discovers passion working in fashion. Work is first priority in this drama and love doesn't even come second as the schedule is hetic for the everyday employee. People interested in fashion or have high strong work ethic will enjoy this story to the fullest and with it's occasionally funny moments laugh their ass off.
The cast is great especially the main actress Karina and Kuroki Hitomi who blend perfectly together. Their acting is fantastic and supports each other full heartily.The supporting cast doesn't falter and give this show it's stronghold.
Background music matches this drama perfectly. It's very up beat and sounds like something you wold hear off a runway. Overall, I enjoyed this drama and I feel most people will too.

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Fabulous Boys
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 11, 2013
13 épisodes vus sur 13
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Ugh. This is Hana Kimi/Itazura Na Kiss/Boys over flowers all over again. Don't get me wrong I don't hate remakes. In fact I like them. I am always curious to see how another country or another production team will produce the same story. The problem I have with them are the fans. It's not all, but some fans are bias about the remake and insist that the original is the superior version without giving the reboot a shot. It reminds me of Sheldon(Big Bang Theory) and how he didn't like the new Spock until he watched the movie. Since then Leonard has used that incident to force Sheldon to try new things. I'm going to be Leonard today(metaphorically since I'm a girl and I am not a scientist).

Story 9/10- It's the same story, but with minor additions and subtractions.
Characters 8/10- Overall good, but I wish the villain was more evil.
Acting 8.5/10- For majority of the main characters to be played bey first timers they did an excellent job.
Music 7/10- The same as the other two versions. Not my favorite type of pop.
Rewatch Value 8/10- I will definitely watch this again when I'm bored.

Like most people I watched this after seeing the original You're Beautiful(Korean) and Ikemen Desu Ne. I loved both versions. For those who are familiar with the story you can skip ahead until you see $$$. If this is the first version you are contemplating on seeing here is the basic story line. Gao Mei Nu(Su Li Wen) was a nun apprentice who dreamed of going to Rome. She bumps into a pervert who is then chased away by Ma Ke(Chen Wei Min). He begs her to pretend to be her twin brother in order to sign a contract for this popular band called A.N.JELL. Confused she at first refuses, but when she realize it has always been her brother's dream to sing she agrees. What was suppose to be a simple once switch becomes more permanent as her brother Gao Mei Nan is getting surgery done. Alas the heroine is thrown in a house with three attractive guys as she tries her best not to get discovered or worse... sparks.
I loved the story since I watched the first version. I thought it was cute and interesting. One thing I like about this version is they keep it short. Without ruining the story they throw out subplots that weren't really necessary and add in a little of their story. This version is told at a pace that for the first few episodes was a little slow(like the original), but then kept a steady pace(like the Japanese). All in all great job Taiwan.

When I saw these actors beside Jiro Wang I was like, "Who the @#%$ are these people?" I never saw the rest of the band members in any drama which delayed me from watching this. However I eventually gave in to temptation and I must say these guys can act. I love Su Li Wen as Gao Mei Nan. She was funny, adorable, and serious when needed. I felt that for her first time this was a nice role, but not the best. It felt fake when she acted cute at times. I feel that a more serious role would have been better because out of the three heroine lead she handle those serious situations exceptionally well considering the other two have way more experience in the acting field. Jiro Wang was of course amazing. He acted very mean in the beginning, but soften up nicely like the other two. The thing I liked most about Jiro Wang was his jealousy. It was so natural. It makes me wonder if he is the jealous type in real life. Jo Evan is also a newbie actor and this his first role. When I first saw him as Jeremy I liked the fact his hair was brown instead of blonde, it made him look more adorable and realistic. I still wasn't convinced that he would be a good Jeremy because Lee Hong Ji(Korean) is my favorite Jeremy until I saw the dude smile. I smiled back. Jo Evan played an outstanding Jeremy. He was a bully in the beginning, but still sweet towards Gao Mei Nan and when he starts his fantasies I burst into laughter. I feel his reactions was more realistic towards the end, but the Korean Jeremy will always be my favorite. Hwang In Deok acted with Jiro before, but I never saw that drama so this is still my first time seeing him act. I loved him as Xin Yu. I felt as the second lead he wasn't a complete push over like the Korean version. He tried his best to win Gao Mei Nu's heart and the advantage of him knowing two languages came in handy when he voiced his feelings for her without her knowledge. This was a great cast for a good set of characters.

The music is more or less the same as the other versions since they use the same songs, but in Taiwanese. Overall a good drama that should not be ignored because it is a remake. If you are a fan of the first two versions watch it! Stop trying to compare before even watching this version. Also please don't nitpick at little things. You are spoiling the story for you. If this is the first version you want to watch, go for it. Defy society's unwritten rule about seeing or reading the original first. Also any fan of music, comedy, and romance should definitely check this out. You will be surprised how much you like this.

If your favorite is the Korean version: Keep an open mind. You will have some problems with how they do the plot and the Taiwanese version of Yoo He Yi. They'll be minor, but it still may affect your whole experience.
If your favorite is the Japanese version: Keep an open mind. You will definitely have issues with the Taiwanese version of Nana.

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Bloody Monday
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 28, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
The following is an Everything HONEST review. Sarcasm up ahead. You have been warned.

From the network which has brought Death Note and Ataru to television sets all over Japan and computer screens all over the world comes Bloody Monday. Not a girl's period day.

Meet Takagi Fujimaru(Miura Haruma), a legendary hacker nicknamed Falcon for hacking into something by chance during junior high which happened to lead the police to prevent a possible terrorist act. And my friends were watching porn on their laptops, the culture difference is appalling. He promises never to hack again because its NOT like he didn't help save a lot of people. But when his friend is sexually harassed by a hentai sensei Takagi hacks into his computer to expose his sadist and masochistic ways to the school. Good thing because things were turning into a cliche, disgusting, hentai scene. Too bad his kind act causes the sensei to seek revenge along with a emerging terrorist group set on becoming kamisamas by destroying Tokyo. Which basically uses him and other people as a pawns to satisfiy their need of destruction. Fathom at how are hero miraculously surivive hostage siutations and deadly showdowns, but how his sister keeps letting strangers in their house. Seriously you almost got killed because of it. A story with so much twists and plots it'll have you guessing who is on the terrorist side, but still have plot conviences for the main characters. Kinda like a book.

The Yellow Falcon(Falcon)
Rookies player(Otoya)
Yankee J(J)
Bloody Monday... I understand why everyone was complaining that the police unit missed ample opportunities to just shoot the terrorists, but is it necessary to post spoilers along with your comment. Really took away some of the mystery.
Cliche Counter:
Annoying sister cliche
Single parent household cliche
Pervy sensei is from the science department
Pervy sensei is into bondage
Pervy sensei is into dressing like a girl
Only one person knew about "the plan"
The boss is the least expected person
Japanese high school uniform...wait they didn't wear uniform! Not a cliche
Good guy with a troubled past
Bad guy with a troubled past

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Deka Wanko
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 13, 2013
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
As a fan of of Gokusen I wanted to watch this show despite the fact that it was a police drama instead of a school one and I do not regret my decision. This show is funny and well paced, but the ending feels like it lacked something.

The story is simple. Rookie detective Wanko has a nose similar to a canine and together with the rest of section 13 solves cases. As an episodic series there is no major plot. Their was one subplot that ran until the last few episodes, but other than that no major plot. It is a charming comedy that will keep you laughing. The only problems I had with it is lack of mystery and the fact that this story is episodic. Don't get me wrong as a crime show it had interesting cases, but many of them were too predictable. As for it's episodic ways it's not that I hate those type of series, for crying out loud I love Spongebob, its just I'm not use to them.

The characters were amazing. Wanko(Tabe Mikako) is a funny heroine who fashion sense is cute. She leads the men case after case with her strange ways. The others characters were interesting as well and had something cool about them. The main thing I loved about the characters was there wasn't a character you hated, there wasn't a boring character, they all captured you with their charm. The actors did a great job on this show.

My favorite part of this show is the music. It is so catchy that I can overlook the same theme being played over and over again. The trumpet is fabulous matching it's detective theme. Overall, a great show that is underrated. I'd recommend any detective fan or comedy fan to watch it.

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The Queen of SOP
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 1, 2013
33 épisodes vus sur 33
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
I got into this show because the cast seemed interesting. They had my attention until the end, but a story that focuses too much on the office drama is hard to like, even if the romance is good. However I have come to like this show.

The story follows typical love triangle protocol where Lin Xiao Jie(Chen Joe) falls in love with her boss Gao Zi Qi( Gao Godfrey a.k.a future Magnus Bane... I can't wait!). Meanwhile, Tom(Zhang Han), a guy she meets in England falls in love with her. Both male leads have great chemistry with the female lead and you struggle to decide which one you want her to end up with which in my opinion sets it apart from other Taiwanese romantic comedies. Furthermore, it manages to make it hard to decipher whom she would end up with until the show starts to make its way towards the end. However like I previously stated this does follow typical love triangle protocol and for those that don't know what I'm talking about it includes exaggerated misunderstandings, second female leads that act like spoiled bitches, rich male leads, poor female lead(this one is more middle class though), funny assistants, sick family member of the male lead, and situations where the male lead look it like a douche. Cliche, but cute it had the makings of a great story. That is until the writers shove the working life of the characters in my throat. I understand that the environment the characters are in is an important asset to the plot and I understand that one of the main subplots emerged from the office, but when the work plot starts to be more stressed then the romance I can't stand it. That is why the story gets a 6(please put the blunt object down).

The acting was good. I love Chen Joe and in my opinion this role suits her image of a hard working female. Her character Xiao Jie is a hilarious drunk, independent women, who makes mistakes in love that people make. This was my first time seeing Zhang Han in a drama and I'm glad it was this one because he stole the show. His acting was so natural I wouldn't be surprised if this is how he acts in real life. Tom is such a down to earth person who loves hard in other words the nice guy every girl claims to want, but only a few would actually date(call me Tom!). This was also my first time seeing Gao Godfrey act and he is good, but I feel this role wasn't the best for him. Sometimes his acting seemed bland(especially dialogue), I understand his character Gao Zi is the Mr. Arrogance, but I felt his deliver with words were weak on some occasions. However what he lacks in words he made up for in body language. The guy is natural in the art of body language. From the passion of kissing to the superior stares, I felt that this was Gao Zi. This was the arrogant bastard who is sweet when he wants to be. The other characters where good as well except for Chu Chu(one of the second female lead). Not only did the actress seem dubbed, but the character lacked substance. Even the other second female lead had character! Character 8.5.
The music was good, matching the fluffiness of this drama. What probably made me like it even more was the fact this drama actually switched up the bgm instead of playing the same main theme OVER AND OVER AGAIN, but in different tones. Overall, I loved this show and I wrote this review while rewatching the show, so yeah the rewatch value is high.I would recommend this to Chen Joe fans or people who want some drama, but not too much.

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Last Cinderella
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 14, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 1
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
The following is an Everything HONEST review(fusion of cinemasins EVERYTHING WRONG WITH and screenjunkies HONEST TRAILERS). Sarcasm up ahead.

From SBS which have produced good j dramas comes Last Cinderella! A story about a 39 year old woman named Sakura who looks 24 that is seduced by a 24 year old man named Hiroto who looks 19. Man Japanese people never look their age. Yet Hiroto carries a secret that can ruin their relationship his step sister Chiyoko's derranged jealousy. Using Hiroto, Chiyoko will pursue Rintaro, a friend of Sakura who clearly likes her more than a friend, but teases her. Kinda like a gradeschool kid. A love story that would be more Cinderella like if Hiroto was rich, Sakura's two friends were evil stepsisters instead of nice people, Rintaro was the fairy godmother instead of a love rival, and Chiyoko was the evil stepmother instead of the evil love rival. Wait a mintue Hiroto is rich even though his father hates him and Rintaro does play the fairy godmother role in the beginning, meh close enough. A j drama that is comedy filled like one would expect and KISSED filled scenes like one would not. Seriously,never have I seen so many love scenes in a j drama and the kiss scenes...oh no I am remembering(nosebleed). Watch a show with the most interesting subplots ever that fit the show so well and are not annoying. Taiwanese dramas should take notes. A drama that manages to be cliche, but not cliche it will have you wondering why is it so obvious who she'll end up with?

Not Ren(Rintaro)
Yamamoto's Mom(Miki)

Last Cinderella! What happened to Masaomi the host? I thought he was going to cause drama between Miki and her husband... and I also though he was running illegal funds. I know he is a minor character, but he vanished with a cliffhanger.

Cliche Counter
Childhood Friends' close relationship
Psycho second lead
Older women going to host clubs
Special hang out for characters

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Proposal Daisakusen
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 30, 2013
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Ken was an attractive, smart, athletic, dense guy who was in love with his childhood friend Rei. A love that spanned for 14 years without a SINGLE confession, nothing at all. When he attends her wedding to their old high school sensei Tada who in a way is a pedophile since he liked her BEFORE she was an adult. Man I got a little sidetracked. *Cough*. Ken will be given not one, not two, but ELEVEN chances to go back to the past and try to convey his feelings to Rei thanks to a fairy who looks like a middle aged man for some reason. Marvel at the irony of two people who have put themselves in the friendzone. A love story that teaches women NOT to be straightforward with a dense and shy guy no matter how much they DON'T get it, but be straightforward with another straighforward person. Honestly if she was just more straightforward with Ken instead of blaming him... the whole show would be different. A show with the MOST disappointing ending... if you have the inability to imagine, but if you are able to connect the dots then this show has a GOOD ending.

Ken doll(Ken)
"Strive" Rei(Rei)
Naughty Sensei(Tada)
Greatest Friend Ever(Mikio)
Comedy Act(Tsuru)
Best Girl Friend(Eri)
Not A Fairy(Fairy)
Proposal Daisakusen... wait why is Mikio the only one able to tell that Ken is from the future? When Ken mentioned future stuff Tsuru was also there... oh wait he is a baka never mind.

Cliche Counter
*culture festival*
*baseball team striving to go to koshien*
*male lead is childhood friends with female lead*
wow this show had so few cliches.

In case you guys are unaware this review have a lot of sarcasm based off the Honest Reviews and Everything Wrong With videos about movies. You should check them out on youtube under the usernames Screenjunkies and Cinemasins. Hope you enjoyed the review this is my first time doing this on a Japanese drama.

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Easy Fortune Happy Life
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 3, 2013
17 épisodes vus sur 17
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
When I was contemplating watching this I only had the knowledge of Chen Joe(The Queen of Sop, Fated to Love You) an actress that I love and two reviews; one with a low ranking and one with straight tens. Both rankings I was skeptical about especially the low one since Chen Joe is in this drama, but people have different opinions, its life.

The story is unique and cute. Huang Chun Xiang(Tan Ai Zhen) has been waiting for the love of her life for 60 years, unaware that he played her from the start. Yet on a turn of events the chairman of Bao Bao Tang(who is strangely not listed on the cast list) becomes sick and Huang Chun Xiang's granddaughter Xie Fu An (Chen Joe) saves his life. Wanting to repent for the wrong he has done to Huang Chun Xiangs he vows to find her, yet in another twist of events she dies in a fire. The only way he could repent is to help the grandchildren of Huang Chun Xiang so he offers 80 million to whomever weds Xie Fu An. A love triangle spews as two guys chase after Xie Fu An one for money and one for love. I loved the story line. It keeps a steady pace throughout and had some surprises here and there.

The characters... were tolerable. The only reason I would not give this story past an 8 is because of this. I loved the grandpa. He was calculating from the start; he tried desperately to fix his broken family any way he could. Xie Fu An did come off as annoying, but she grew on me as the show progress. Han Dong Jie(Chiu Roy) was the sexy, caring second lead. I always hate these characters because in your heart you know they will not end up with this guy, but he is so sexy and sweet. It is a shame. Those are the only characters I really liked. I hated the first lead Ya Da Feng(Lan Cheng Long). He was a completely jerk until the last two episodes and the chemistry between him and Xi Fu An was forced. To me it felt like the main reason they were together was because the writers made it so.

The acting was great except for Lang Cheng Long. I can't blame his ability though because his character wasn't an easy one to work with. He did his best given the character he was given so in my opinion the acting gets a 9, but because I combine characters with acting the score is a 7. Music was okay, nothing special.

Overall, I loved the show and I would watch it again if I was in the mood for some dark romance. I wouldn't recommend it if you love the second lead more than the first lead. As drama lovers we have to face the inevitable, the first lead gets the girl no matter how much of a douche he is.

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