
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 jours
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
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  • Date d'inscription: août 23, 2020
Youth Periplous Season 4 chinese drama review
En cours 4/12
Youth Periplous Season 4
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by dhyen31
mai 8, 2023
4 épisodes vus sur 12
En cours
Globalement 10
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

Worth to watch!!!

Tbh, i never been a fan of chinese variety show but I love the concept of this Vs that showcase different places and cultures, food and people.
I loved that Shen Yue is a regular member of this Vs as an avid fan of her. Also, his previous ml Chen zheyuan. I love their rapport with other cast member, yueyue,minghao and czy.
Every episode is worth to watch. I finished watching episode 4 and thank you for the english sub. I hope they will have additional episode insteaf of ep 12 only.
Thank you zhejiang tv satellite. Kudos on your team!!!!! Jiayou!!!!
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