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Nice Flight! japanese drama review
Nice Flight!
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by blueblue
sept. 22, 2022
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 10.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Unexpectedly educational too

Watched the first episode out of curiosity as the synopsis and rating does not stand out.
Was expecting it to be some short romance Japanese drama but I didn't expect each episode to be almost an hour! Kinda of wish it has more episodes so the character development can be further developed, especially the side characters' romances.

Other than story (was just typical), what I love is how they also educate what happens during a flight. Explaination of what goes behind a scene at the airport, what could go wrong during a flight. Though the probability of bad occurance during a flight may be too exaggerated, but things were still learnt along the way. I have that additional 1% knowledge on planes now thanks to this. I won't be so demanding on flights anymore. :')
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