If I watch this somewhere on late 1990s or early 2000s, I might give it a better score.
But no. I watch this on this era and apparently this drama is not really for our era. I watch it for the sake of Kimura Takuya, but his good acting skills is wasted here. First, just skip the opening theme. The music is poor, yes, nothing can conceal that. And there are so many time gaps on this drama. Two weeks later, one year late, one month later. Then at certain points you are just getting tired of that.
The good things about this drama? The actors. A very good acting, in fact, this is the only drama where I like the other lead actor instead of Kimura Takuya. Tamura Masazaku played the role of the husband perfectly, I am touched. The actress however annoyed the best of me. The storyline is kinda slow, but it gets better through time.
Watch it only for Kimura Takuya. Or if you need a drama on the background of your desktop while you are working. It will pass easily.
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