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Thumping Spike korean drama review
Thumping Spike
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Audrie
oct. 19, 2016
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
wooooot! Well this is rare- a 20 episode drama usually makes me wary since a seasoned veteran knows that a long drama= a lot of plot dragging; however I was pleasantly surprised to find out that episode episode averages a 15 min which is the reason for a slightly longer drama! I was happy to find that this drama wasn't your typical melodramatic twisted love story with dozens of plott wists thrown in as this drama stays true to its light cheerful genre which made this quite entertaining to watch! The Good It kind of reminded me of the drama Sassy Go Go since it involves students needing to work together as a team. It started off with the usual girl who was forced to do something she doesnt want to do, and tried to be distant- however warms up to everyone. It's not the best drama ever since it does have its flaws- however i enjoyed how the topic of teamwork is addressed as you have to work together in order to accomplish your goals. I loved the relationship between each team players and how they mature and learn to work with one another and improve themselves. I seriously loved all of the actors and actresses as they fit their role perfectly! I especially loved the chemistry between the main leads as they were cute! Soo bin and Representative Kim- oh how much I hate your characters so much in the beginning- but ohh how I love how you two (mostly) redeemed yourselves at the ending. But seriously- props to them for making me hate their characters so much at the beginning since it shows that they did such a good job portraying their characters! The Bad Overall there wasn't much to complain about- I know that some people are disappointed that the female lead didn't even seem like a good volleyball player- but i hope they realize that it's a drama, and that of course it wouldnt be realistic. One thing I noticed that stood out at me was the acting- at times it was over-exaggerated and at times it made me sigh as their facial expression was clearly fake or over-exaggerated. I also was non too pleased at how Soo Bin's character was quite shallow as she was portrayed as a psychotic childhood friend that loves the male lead so much- although I did love her at the end since her personality is quite crazy at times. One other thing that stood out at me was the relationship between Se Ra and Jae Woong. Since this is a sports focused drama- the romance was minimal so don't worry if you think that romance will be the main theme.They're cute together without a doubt- however they're romance had suddenly popped up overnight- and it made me skeptical as their romance seemed a bit too rushed for my liking. Overall? If you're looking for a light hearted drama to pass time- I recommend this drama! Along with Go Ho's Starry Night as I found that they were similar in terms of being a drama that is good if you don't want something too heavy!
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