- Dernière connexion: Il y a 4 jours
- Genre: Femme
- Lieu: USA
- Contribution Points: 0 LV0
- Rôles:
- Date d'inscription: mars 14, 2021
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USAI grew up watching Jet Li, Jacky Chan, Stephen Chow Sing Che, Chou Yun Fat, Liu Teh Hua, Donny Yen with Mom and Dad. Read translated Chinese classic novels in my youth so now I am less persuaded in today's Chinese drama that mostly cosmetic with no substances. So Pretty that Male actors are so much sissies than female ones. Testosterone elements are rare in which wearing thick flawless make-up, glued hairdo, donning beautiful robes (or suits), martial choreography is done using specific tools instead actual set of skill. Likely every Male actors back then were expert in martial arts (not dancing). The beauty of Female actresses were so freshly enchanting without so much caked make up, perfect hairdo with too much hairpieces, flowing gowns, or annoying child-like voice. The face of Lin Ching Shia, Maggie Cheung, Cherry Chung, Michelle Yeoh, Gong Li, Fan Bing Bing. They're older generation of actors/ actresses, totally different set standard of skill and beauty. There're ingenuity, creativity, authentic in cinema-logy we all can appreciate.
Not just the actors but also the screenwriters, directors that keep producing almost identical story lines. I don't understand why Asian drama emphasis in the little-girl persona? It's creepy, access to pedophiles, exasperating and it's freaking annoying! Overly jealous/back stabbing women or mothers who micro-manage her kids, unnatural neatness on make up/Gel-caked hair, over the top accessories and obvious make up in men, obvious fake CGI, forced intimacy (border line sexual harassment), dragging plots for longer episode (sponsor purposes), too much fillers. While C-drama is more quantity (hundred of not-watchable) than quality productions, but few becomes classic. Sure the best do still exist, rarely, of beautiful deep literature, amazing martial art, sincerity, heartbreak love story, artful setting, great background music, little comedy, beautiful dynasties's costumes, life wisdom, cultural presentation, witty dialog.
Paid attention to K-drama, the acting is so standard; dialog deliver loud (on top of their lung), crying loud shrilly wet, breathing loud hissing when they're upset or mad, repeating dialog, too much of 'Mwo? Wae?' Uh? Waeyo? Ah'. Mianhae, no literary value. 'O' mouth expression with blank clueless stare, act stutter/shock, disgrading inferiority, whinny, moving mouth works. FLs are usually dyed hair yellow & act innocent naive (but none young enough), very arrogant CEO MLs that would do dirty tricks to get what he wanted. The costumes drama are generic. Crown prince who's in trouble with his dad the King, corrupt ministers, ambitious queen/dowager/mother, in love with a woman he shouldn't have, plain dance and basic music. Same costumes/ colors/hairdo regardless what dynasty, same face of ministers in every dramas. Same setting and location, no splendor life on palace, very limited actors, their creative dept is in the minus. The good news is usually modern set-up has original story, maturity in actors, realistic, less digital effect.
Many got offended by my review of certain dramas and left snarky remarks. Not going to make my opinion change, public opinion shouldn't be shut just because some has different regard. Definitely each of us has an ideal perfect, sure opinions has its own right whether we agree or disagree. That's the beauty of it, the difference we have make us value diversity of opinions and personalities.
2d 20h 15m
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