I usually find myself having a hard time with pre Power Rangers toku, but this was a very fun and interesting watch. To my knowledge it's one of the only really experimental sentai's and seeing all those little things they were trying out for the first time and figuring out here was lots of fun and gave great perspective to the rest of the franchise. Putting aside the more historical aspects, this was also just a really fun show with a very diverse set of characters, some on the very goofy and fun end of the spectrum and others in the really serious (for the time) and clearly extensively thought out end. And holy crap, this show actually manages to have tones of "Kid of the week" plots without it getting super annoying and repetitive just by having those plots be a kid who is a regular member of the cast half the time! Sure there were some serious low points for quality, but it's normally just two or three episodes followed by another five enjoyable ones. This isn't going at the top of my "Toku's I highly recommend" list any time but it was a damn solid watch.
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