
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 jours
  • Lieu: Under your bed
  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: novembre 6, 2022
  • Awards Received: Flower Award4 Coin Gift Award1
Blind korean drama review
28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by TheLast
nov. 6, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Jibin (Yoonjae) and Seungyun (Charles) as personifications of true love

The heartbreaking psychological thriller "Blind" was a noteworthy example of implied romantic chemistry between two men, Jibin (Yoonjae) and Seungyun (Charles), whose feelings came to the surface through a precipitous movement towards tragedy

Even more so than the lingering touches and eye contacts, the bitter ending was marked by a codification that signified the romance identity:

*A pact suicide*

Orphaned and abused, Jibin (Yoonjae) carried the weight of his sister's sexual assault for two decades. He wanted, nay needed, the justice that the law couldn't guarantee and took matters into his own hands; doing unto his tormentors as they did unto him

*A family for a family*

Undertaking a mission for reprisal, Jibin (Yoonjae) found an ally in Seungyun (Charles). "You have me," Seungyun (Charles) told Jibin (Yoonjae), promising to never abandon him or let him "take the fall alone"

The story reached its denouement. Jibin (Yoonjae) made a final attempt to wound Moonkang before taking his leave from the world that showed him little kindness. Seungyun (Charles), devastated by the loss of his beloved, clutched a photograph of Jibin (Yoonjae) and departed from the world that lost its meaning. His suicide was driven by the passion of the exceptionally close and devoted pair of star-crossed lovers. His love for Jibin (Yoonjae) was tender; a love in its truest form

Conclusion: ship Jibin (Yoonjae) with Seungyun (Charles), Seokjin (Sunghoon) and Taecyeon (Sungjoon) for clear skin
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