
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 5 heures
  • Genre: Homme
  • Lieu: California
  • Contribution Points: 74 LV2
  • Anniversaire: January 01
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: décembre 7, 2018

Terry Tsurugi


Terry Tsurugi

Lost korean drama review
Abandonné 7/16
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Terry Tsurugi
nov. 8, 2021
7 épisodes vus sur 16
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 2.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

I forced myself to watch almost 7 episodes, which greatly tested my will power

I regret to say that I dropped this in the middle of the 7th episode. I just couldn't stand it any more. The only reasons why I made it this far are that I love Jeon Do Yeon, who I consider Korea's greatest actress, I liked Ryu Joon Yeol in the few things I've seen him in, and I greatly admire Hur Jin Ho, who I think is one of Korea's greatest film directors. However, directing movies for an arthouse/festival audience decades ago and directing a TV drama (his first I believe) are two totally different things that require different skills. His early movies were very tasteful and restrained, included very little dialogue and verbiage, very little if any music, and were almost underacted. This drama was almost the opposite, in that it overwhelmed you with unnecessary voiceovers and dialogue, non-stop sappy music (I'm sorry, I'm not a Jeff Buckley fan - I greatly prefer his dad Tim, and the instrumental background music was even worse), and tons of crying and overacting. The only thing that this drama has in common with Hur's early movies that I loved are the very slow pace. So this makes me suspect that Hur either has changed as an artist or has tried to change his style to adapt to the different pressures of a TV drama. Also, I'm probably lacking in compassion and empathy, but I just can't stand being around people who mope all the time and feel sorry for themselves, either in real life or in fiction. Of course, I've been through lots of hardship myself, but I hate wallowing in my misery and crying for sympathy. I just try to fix my problems as quickly as I can move on and not dwell on the past. This is certainly not the first Kdrama I've seen that had too much trauma and characters stuck in depressive, self-destructive ruts for my taste and it won't be the last.
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