This is an older tawainese drama. The series revolves around a humble girl (young woman) decides to leave home to grow and earn money to help her family and a boy (young man) who’s is devoted to growth and his parents. It’s not overly exciting but it does portray how family plays an important role on an individuals perception in addition to our ability to decide to succumb to hardship or erupt from it.
Along the way, these two individuals who came from very humble backgrounds were able to live a comfortable, loving (though not financially rich) life, giving to those when they were able to.
Series does display conflict between family loyalty and chasing your dreams. It also displays how love, grace and loyalty can make the little you have feel like riches.
I rated it a 6, not because it was bad but because it was very slow and somewhat uneventful.
Along the way, these two individuals who came from very humble backgrounds were able to live a comfortable, loving (though not financially rich) life, giving to those when they were able to.
Series does display conflict between family loyalty and chasing your dreams. It also displays how love, grace and loyalty can make the little you have feel like riches.
I rated it a 6, not because it was bad but because it was very slow and somewhat uneventful.
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