Main FL is very young, unique, rookie yet inspiring
Enthusiastic and passionate FLs
Team bonding in both
Enthusiastic and passionate FLs
Team bonding in both

Both center around food, have a close set of individuals united by food industry
delicious recipes and food
delicious recipes and food

Both have the same ML
Both center around family or gathering of close individuals having a common cause, often fun
Both center around family or gathering of close individuals having a common cause, often fun

Both have Ramen as main topic.
It involves teams working in the Ramen / food industry.
You'll get to see lip smacking food in both.
It involves teams working in the Ramen / food industry.
You'll get to see lip smacking food in both.

Both are about FLs having to deal with psychopaths who target the FL with obsession. They have similar vibes.

Both deal with workplace of a typical salary man. Especially episode 1 in this Jdorama serves as a topping to what we went through in Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasu. Coinciding themes are workplace challenges, like power harassment, WLB, work culture.

Both go to rather excruciating extents in ‘executing’ participants for a ‘game’. Though epic concepts it’s guilty to find that we find these kind of violent gore kdramas as attractive.

Fresh teen atmosphere with gore, violence and blood. Strong cast with dark themes shadow both of them and they both have really promising start. Munch on and ride them preparing for the creeps.

Both have two passionate MLs with good bromance. The FLs have good roles to play. First responders deeps dives into the professions lives, while good detective shows ordinary detectives uncovering something bigger than themselves.

Strong girl Namsoon is the spin off of the original. Both FLs are insanely strong. Both mothers are standout characters. Both involve romance. And really cute FLs with exceptional comic and timing sense.

Both the FL in midnight and ML in Witness act their hearts out. Both involve the respective leads faced with an opponent who seems overpowering. But they give it one hell of a fight. We need more Korean thrillers like this. Nowadays Korean thrillers are going in Hollywood way attach a sex scene and go for some formulaic half assed storyline. But these two movies are an exception.
Both involve FLs being chased and them giving one hell of a fight. What happens to the FL? What will happen in the next scene? That runs in your mind throughout the screen time. Both are quality thrillers. Not all Korean thrillers are good quality. These two movies are exception.