
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 20 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: hopeworld
  • Contribution Points: 10 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: octobre 26, 2019
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award7
Castaway Diva korean drama review
Castaway Diva
73 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by SunshineMar Flower Award1
oct. 28, 2023
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Heartwrenching From The Start

I was quite interested in this drama initially because I saw that Park Eun Bin was starring in it and I have absolutely loved her acting in recent shows like Extraordinary Attorney Woo.

From the synopsis and previews, it seems like this drama will lean more on the light-hearted side but from the first episode I was surprised at how much of a more serious and dark tone that the show leaned into.

Will update review accordingly.

Here is my organized yet unorganized overview and first impressions of episode one that I wanted to do because it truly will set the stage for the rest of the series to come and it gives such a well-thought out backstory of the characters we will follow. I thought it was a very strong start to the series. Here we go...

We follow our main character Seo Mok-Ha, who is portrayed on the surface as a "brainless fangirl". She is such a huge fan of Yoon Ran Joo who is a very popular singer and is shown during that time period as having sold the most albums ever as a Korean female singer. Seo Mok-Ha also dreams of becoming a famous singer one day. She wants to enter a fan video contest submission for Yoon Ran Joo and she needs someone with a video camera to help her out, so she enlists the help of Jung Ki-Ho, who is portrayed on the surface as a "money-grubbing lunatic" to help her film and edit it. He is always looking for ways to make money with odd jobs and side hustles at the school. Things like trying to get paid just for letting people borrow his phone or ride his bike. The two students relationship is contentious at the beginning but the filming of the fan video is kind of the starting point that leads to a budding and deeper connection between the two high school students.

As we peel back the layers a little bit though, the audience comes to learn that both Seo Mok-Ha and Jung Ki-Ho are both victims of abuse at the hands of their single fathers. It is very triggering how diabolical the two fathers are and the scenes where abuse takes place are very hard to watch. It honestly makes me think about how many people in this world have to go through the same abuse that these characters have to go through day in and day out. It truly hurts my heart just thinking about it. That's a scarring pain that you carry with you throughout your life.

As we get near the end of the episode, we see that Jung Ki-Ho is trying to make sure that Seo Mok-Ha gets to Seoul to meet up with Yoon Ran Joo and Lee Seo Joon (who I am assuming is Ran Joo's manager and company owner?) since she won first place in the competition. To back track a little, Seo Mok-Ha was discouraged to even submit her video after an incident where she called the police on her father after one of the many incidents where he beat her up so badly. And guess who the police officer ended up being? It was Jung Ki-Ho's father who abuses his son just the same. Jung Ki-Ho picks up on the fact that Seo Mok-Ha is being abused by seeing the bruises on her arm when she's talking to the police (Seo Mok-Ha doesn't realize that Jung Ki-Ho is being abused as well until towards the end of the episode where she sees photos he took of his bruises in his notebook).  Jung Ki-Ho ends up submitting the video without her knowing. After Seo Mok-Ha has a breakdown at school, Jung Ki-Ho lets Seo Mok-Ha know that basically if her father gets violent again that she should come immediately to his house and he will help her and she does just that. 

They end up on the boat waiting for it to set sail to Seoul but Seo Mok-Ha's father ruins the plans by showing up on the dock looking for her and Jung Ki-Ho gets off after letting Seo Mok-Ha know that now it's up to her to brave this journey alone and tries to stop the father as best as he can but he gets beaten up BADLY (WHY WERE PEOPLE JUST STANDING THERE WATCHING THIS KID BASICALLY ALMOST DIE?!?!?!?!?!?) and the father jumps on the boat viciously looking for his daughter and she's running away from him and she ends up jumping off of the boat and the father does too and from there is where the known synopsis of her being a castaway on the island for 15 years starts. I also want to point out that right when she first gets to the island, we see that her father has been washed upon the shore and is dead. The story moves on and we briefly see her life and how she lives on the island in the present day, but quickly a drone spots her and that's basically the point where she's rescued. 

So, now we move into her adjusting to her newfound life 15 years later after being rescued from the island and see all that ensues.

I am genuinely curious about how they will proceed with the characters and their stories as the show moves forward. I want to see who and how Jung Ki-Ho is in the present day. I want to see what this second male lead is all about. I want to see what's the deal between the singer and the manager/company owner. I want to see what happened to Seo Mok-Ha's father after all of these years (I honestly hope he rots). I want to see how they will play out this whole singing aspiration of Seo Mok-Ha as well. I have so many questions!!!--- I hope the show leans more into the human condition and being more on the emotionally gripping side with a dose of comedy but we will see.

Side note: I am already loving the cinematography and editing choices! And the acting is wonderful!

This show has shot up to the top of my list for shows I am most looking forward to watching week by week!
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